
CTVN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #29

own shares of one of canada's big banks. 5 of the 6 biggest banks will report financial results for the quarter that ended on the final day of april. Investors are hoping the banks will be able to report profit growth despite a slowing canadian economy. The banks to report results this week are bank of nova scotia tomorrow bank of montreal and national bank of canada on wednesday. And royal bank of canada and canadian imperial bank of commerce on thursday. Toronto dominion bank reported last week. And the canadian dollar was trading at about 73 and a 3rd cents us this morning. Currency markets are watching the bank of canada and its announcement set for june. The 5th. A decision by the bank to reduce its key interest rate could weaken the loonie from the bnn bloomberg newsroom in toronto. I'm paul bagnell. >> All right, thanks very much, paul. In a moment, I deadline has come and gone for pro-palestinian protesters have been camped out at the university of toronto for almost a month. Now they are officially trespassing, but guess what they say we're not going statement. >> Ctv news channel. 24 HOURS(Snickering) Hanging tree (vo) Sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with Viking. Unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life, and cultural treasures. Because when you experience Europe on a Viking Longship, You'll spend less time gettingthere and more time being there. Viking. Exploring the World in Comfort. You do all sorts of thingswhen you're a parent.(Laughter) Wiping up Bomb disposal Taking outLife Insurance Welcome to Cover Direct, you're speaking to Sally, how can I help? Hi, I'd like aquote for your Family LifeInsurance please. Ok. If you'reaged 18-70, you can get coverage for upto $1.5 million dollars, and help give your familysome peace of mind. You won't need a medical or blood testto be approved, there are justa few health and lifestyle questions... ...for $100,000of coverage, prices start from $9.66a month, or just 32 cents a day. That's less thanI thought! And with that money, we could pay the mortgage and a few expenses. I'll go right ahead. We're Canada's MostTrusted Direct Life Insurance Provider. To get a free, no obligation quote, call one ofour trusted insurance advisors today at 1-844-934-3220 or visit [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Clapping] [Silence] This is her why. What's yours? Discover the science behind managing weight at >> Welcome back to ctv news stalemate at canada's biggest university, at least for now. A group of pro-palestinian protesters have been camped out for almost a month at the university of toronto. They are now officially trespass and they were told to leave by 8:00am local time. That didn't happen. Ctv's cristina tenalia joins us now from the national newsroom with more on the action. The school is taking. Christina, good to see you. Bring us up to speed. Yeah. So this is an injunction is something that the university of toronto is moving forward with. So essentially. >> What they says is legally, they are taking the protesters are they're taking this matter to court to an I you know it in very simple terms is is like a seasoned desist. It is a court order. I saying look, we have allowed you to be on our property is protesters to exercise your constitutional right to have your say. But now we're telling you that you're trespassing and that you must go now to bring you up to speed. It was at the beginning a beginning of the month on may. 2nd, this is according to the university of toronto's timeline that. Pro peleton pro. I'm sorry. Palestinian and say it protesters started to at this, you know, main circle here on the property of the university of toronto. They've set up an encampment. You see those images of those tense. Now there have been back and forth discussions between the university of toronto and the organizers of the encampment.

and it was on thursday that the president of the university of toronto said here is what we're willing to the president submitted an offer to the protesters. It was quite detailed in nature in terms of what was being offered. But spokespeople for the protesters said this is not satisfactory and we are not leaving. On the weekend, the group presented a counteroffer now. So where we are today is that as of 8 this morning eastern time, the protesters were essentially and this this was a formal notice. They are trespassing and they have not left. Hence this injunction that the university of toronto is moving forward and seeking from the courts. That's something that moves quickly, but will still take a few days in saying that though, we have spoken to both sides and there are plans for the 2 sides to meet today. But the way we see things at this point, what we're hearing from representatives and spokespeople of for the encampment is that they have no plans to go anywhere. Here's one spokesperson. >> The 3 main demands that remain. Since thursday, when we received the first to operate an offer the ut we sent a counteroffer right kind of the city are demands what our lines are, what we're actually interested in seeing. And so we presented that to them at the meeting. >> And then they spent, you know, what our trying to caucus and figure out, you know, their next steps and you know, we kind of have to see what happens again. Really, the ball's in their court right? Ed students are here. It will continue to be here. They will and that has meant despite the threats of police, despite the threats of academic, the precautions. >> Okay. And then taught, you know, there's been a lot of discussions. And when we've seen protests across the country, you know, especially in the last few years about canadians being able to exercise their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or I should say freedom of expression. For example, here's what the university said recently. I want to share this with you, this statement. And they know that in terms of, of course, your constitutional rights in the position of the university. All members of the university must have is a prerequisite freedom of speech and expression in saying that though, when it comes to this encampment, they say while the the university respects our members rights to assemble and protest within the limits of u of t policies and the law. The university also has a duty of care to its students and the lands and buildings of uft are private property. And while the university, they say allows wide public access to their property for authorized activities. An authorized activities such as encampments or the occupation of university buildings are considered trespassing. And they said this earlier this month. So basically that was one, I guess you can say notice one example of a notice that the university put forward. They put these protesters on notice. And here they're saying, we've, we've essentially given you a formal trespassing notice. Now we're taking you to court. We've also heard one of this post, its people a say this morning. Todd on ctv news channel. She said quite frankly, we don't want this to get ugly and we don't you know, and more like she said, we don't, the police to come in and force us out. So the 2 sides have plans to meet today. But again, there are keeping the conversations for now. Private cristina tenalia. Thanks christina. For this. >> Alright, the moment for us. First round action at the french open underway with a stunning elimination. Tennis out of the competition will have more in a moment. The memorial cup, presented by dow only.on tsn When you back hurts, life hurts. Robax dual action formula relieves pain and relaxes tight muscles. Take back your back with Robax. Leo's having a hard time hitting that bullseye. 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But then there was a stunning elimination of one of the top players in tennis watch >> Signet also visit the ft swing it. >> That's right. Tennis legend rafael nuh doll knocked out of the french open. In fact, this could be his last time playing there. The germany's alexander zverev, it. Nadal has won 14 of his 22 grand slam trophies in paris. And as we head to break, we're tracking an amber alert in the province of quebec for 2 young kids in the town of saint same values east of quebec city police are looking for 3 year-old evelyn walsh. >> And 2 year-old child was shoots believe they've been taken by this man. 40 year-old kevin gore's. Not sure if he is their father. What the relation maybe we'll have an update in just a moment right here on ctv news channel's stay with us. (Dynamic theme music) Tomorrow on Your Morning... A sneak peak into the largest Banksy exhibit in the world that's coming to Canada. Start your morning in the know. Tuesday, only on ctv. 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Subscribe now atCRAVE.CA. . [ ] [ ] >> Todd: you're watching ctv news channel on this monday. It is may the 27th. Israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is now calling a strike on a refugee camp in gaza that killed at least 45 palestinians. Netanyahu saying there will be an investigation and saying it was a tragic mistake. >> May be for -- but youth are the power! [ Cheering ] >> Todd: in toronto a deadline now come and gone for pro-palestinian protestors at canada's biggest university to leave. They were supposed to clear out by 8:00 this morning. Six hours later, they're still there. And so far, there is no sign they plan to leave whatsoever. >>> And from quebec tracking this an amber alert has been issued for two young children from saint vallier. A town near quebec city. We already more on charles and evelyne in just a moment. [ ] all right, good to have you with us from across the country on this monday. I'm todd van der heyden. Start with the breaking news out of quebec. That amber alert that has been issued by police for two young children in the town of saint vallier. Saint vallier is east from quebec city across the river, across the St. Lawrence river. Police are looking for evelyne gourges and charles gourges 3 and 2 years old and good believed taken by a 40-year-old man keven gourgues. And not sure if he is the father. Police haven't confirmed. The urgency is find them. They are reportedly in the 2013 white honda civic with black hood and licence plate 53v ace, anyone who sees them or any information should be calling your local police department immediately as they're trying to find the two kids.

>>> To the city of toronto and 8:00 in the morning deadline eastern come and gone at demonstrators for pro-palestinian encampment at the university of toronto. The protest started a month ago and began with a couple of tents and allowed to grow into the huge encampment. Unlike other universities the u of t took a more conciliatory approach and perhaps regretting it now as the situation escalated and now stalemated. Protest organize say they plan to hold their ground in an effort to force the school to meet their demands. >> We do owe this to community that led a rally with us earlier this morning and had hundreds of workers to come out that represents over a million workers 54 unions, it shows the people are on our side. We have another meeting scheduled with administration at 5 P.M. and we are hoping to continue negotiation with them at that time. >> Todd: bottom line the university saying enough is enough. We heard you and time to end this. In fact they have gone to ontario superior court to request injunction to remove the demonstrators and the university confirmed yes both sides will meet once again later today. And we'll keep you posted in all the developments on that and to ottawa and related story and parliamentary committee to discuss anti-semitism including at university campus. The committee is expected to hear voices from top canadian universities of montréal and toronto and vancouver. And talked about anti-semitism and additional measures taken to protect the jewish community and hearing from police departments as well. >> Unequivocally condemned anti-semitism and all forms of racism. Hate elevator acts have no place on the campuses and communities and must be stopped. Learning on a supportive campus free from harassment, intimidation or fear for one's safety is critical for students and for the integrity of our institutions. >> Todd: we already hear from the presidents of concordia university in montréal and as well as mcgill and u of t and university of british columbia are set to speak as well. Mean time a solidarity rally held outside of a toronto neighbourhood earlier today and gathering comes two days after shots fired at the school. Ctv's rahim ladhani has more. >> Reporter: showing strength in numbers. A large crowd gathered as parents dropped off their children at the elementary school for class on monday. >> Everybody is there for each other. That's how we have to stand together all of unity and one and if you hurt one, you hurt us all. >> Reporter: the show of solidarity show evidence of bullet holes in the windows found over the weekend. No one was inside the school when shots fired just before 5 saturday morning the incident left the jewish community shaken. >> Often times you read stories on the news and it's sad and you try to be empathetic. When it's at home, it's a whole different story. This is not close to home. This is home. >> Reporter: police say it's too early in the investigation to say whether this was a hate crime or act of terrorism. However, politicians have been quick to call the offense anti-sematic. >> Erodes empathy and compassion between people and signals the decay of society into hate and absolutely have no place in toronto. >> Reporter: since the shooting police have increased the presence in certain neighbourhoods including this jewish girl's school. >> None of us want to drop the school off at a heavy police presence and this is unacceptable and hope it changes. >> Reporter: hope the gather is a step towards that. Rahim ladhani ctv news. >> To the middle east itself and israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is now vowing to investigate an air strike by the israeli military on rafah this city in the southern part of gaza that killed dozens of palestinians. Netanyahu calling it a tragic mistake. [ Speaking Alternate language ] >> Todd: speaking in hebrew there saying israel tried to evacuate about a million people from the region. Health officials in gaza say the strike on a refugee camp killed at least 45 people including women and children. Israeli military is saying the strike killed two senior hamas militants. Netanyahu saying the operation went wrong despite israel's efforts to protect civilians. The U.S. is calling on israel to do more to protect civilians and now says it will work with the israeli defence force to figure out what exactly happened here as part of a larger investigation. Take a look. By day we're getting a better look at the after math of that air strike. Charred cars and some tents reduced to ashes. The attack coming just a couple days after the international court of justice also known as the world court did order israel

to end its military offensive in rafah. That order of course not enforceable and israel did not comply. There are still tens of thousands of civilians in that part of the gaza strip. Lauren is my guest. Executive director of oxfam canada. Thank you for taking time for ctv today. Much appreciated. Your thoughts on what we're seeing here and now israel's promise to investigate. Can you give us your sense. >> Main sense is that from the beginning we've been saying there's nowhere safe in gaza. This just proves that point that, you know, despite naming some zones as safe zones as humanitarian zones and humanitarian corridors we know nowhere in gaza is safe today. Anywhere you are can be killed by gun fire or bombing or fire or dying from starvation or lack of access to clean water. So nowhere is safe in gaza today. This just exmy fies this in the most horrific way. >> Todd: how do they cope with this and dealing with limited resources and logistically getting them and this is an active war zone. >> It is. It is virtually not possible to deliver aid in a coordinated way for people living in gaza. Oxfam we have a team and all are safe. It's virtually impossible to operate under these circumstances. I should say you mentioned earlier there was hundreds of thousands -- 800,000 people evacuated from the rafah area. But I think the term is somewhat misleading. Evacuation would imply that people are being supported to move, that there's evacuation route, that there's support to help kids and older people move to safer areas. There is nothing in place at the moment. Everyone is literally just running for their lives trying to get out of harm's way and knowing that where ever they're go, they're probably not going to be safe. And huge sense of insecure and fear and the psychological harm of this war on everyone and kids in particular is just terrible. I've spoken to some of my oxfam colleagues in gaza and of the fear and desperation is really palpable. On top of it, so many of my colleagues have visibly lost weight and severe lack of food in gaza in the northern and famine conditions and people are weakened and beaten down and those still standing are having a hard time just making it to the best day. >> Todd: we're also hearing more and more concerns about famine now. What can you tell us on that front that we are either on the adventure or a famine already begun in gaza. >> That is the case. When you're so mall nourished and don't have access to clean water, things can get bad very, very fast. If you have the slightest infection or injury, if you're malnourished and don't have access to clean water, the health condition can deteriorate very fast leading to death. This is a deliberate situation. There is no need for there to be famine in gaza today. The reports of entry where food could be coming in and organizes like oxfam and united nations and other humanitarian organizations have the means on the ground. This is deliberate blocking of aid to get to the people in gaza by the israeli government and the israeli forces. >> Todd: the executive director of oxfam canada in the city of montréal. Thank you for your time. >> Thank you for having me on. >> Todd: major international story from the south pacific more than 2,000 people are believed to be buried alive after a massive landslide in papa new guinea in the south pacific north of australia and it happened days ago and more and more information coming in. And heavy rain and remoteness of where it happened are making rescue and recovery efforts more challenging. >> They are trying to rescue whatever they can by using digging sticks, spades, agricultural forks, and their hands of course. >> Todd: the papua new guinea government put out a call for international support to help with the searches for people. Some people living in the area have been hesitant to bring in heavy machinery to remove debris. Instead people have been actually looking for those survivors potentially looking for them with their hands. There are also fears that water flowing below the debris could lead to yet another landslide. There's also a major difficulty here in terms of getting an accurate estimate of the local population. That's because the last census done in papa new guinea is in 2000, 24 years ago. A lot of people live in remote mountainous villages and not clear if they are properly

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