
CTVN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #28

columbia, again about 4700 people forced out the law be allowed to go back home. They are being told to gas up first and it is always advisable to bring a few days worth of food and supplies as well. >> All right, in a moment for us, it is memorial day in the united states. But tomorrow donald trump's criminal trial is back in session in new york city. Closing arguments will get underway. We'll have the latest in a moment. The memorial cup, presented by dow only.on tsn If you don't have group health benefits at work, are self-employed, freelancing or retiring soon how can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. Working freelance, I love knowing that my SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, being self-employed, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. All SureHealth plans also include online digital mental health services from Inkblot. Plus, with SureHealth, you can submit your claims online, and have the payments deposited directly to your bank account. And I really appreciate that my SureHealth plan is affordable. Host: While some plans require answering a few health questions, for most, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. Health care costs are rising. Why not protect yourself and your family from many routine and unexpected health care costs not covered by your government health plan? Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, physiotherapists, chiropractors, emergency medical travel expenses and more. And remember, this is lifetime protection that won't be cancelled, regardless of your age or health, as long as payments are made. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Don't delay. Visit now or call the numberon your screen for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. >> Bad to worse for israel. The country facing new condemnation after admitting it mistakenly launched airstrikes on a refugee camp in southern gaza. The country's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu saying quote, something unfortunately went tragically wrong. He's promising an investigation. Health officials in gaza say at least 45 people killed, including women and children. Ctv's colton praill is in ottawa tracking the latest bring us up to speak oldman. What we know. >> Todd really, we're talking about an incident where israel is facing almost unprecedented international pressure and that is perhaps what's leading to this announcement from prime minister benjamin netanyahu in the israeli parliament today. Well, you're right, he talked about this being a tragic mistake. The question is what the mistake was. New speech was interrupted by opposition members of parliament. There was yelling and shouting. But what we do know is that israel did not expect or at least the idf says they did not expect there to be civilian harms in this strike and that they were trying to have a precise target of 2 hamas commanders. The question then becomes, how did we go from to hamas commanders being targeted to the strike that we saw were cast in health ministry is saying 45 dead almost 250 injured. It's important to note those numbers are from the hamas-run health authority and that those numbers o don't separate civilians from fighters they have in the past been inflated. But regardless, you can see the footage and the video on your screen that fire from the strike is why it's being investigated by the idf. This is what they're looking into when it comes as israel is facing incredible international pressure. All of this comes on the heels of a decision friday, where the international court of justice ordered the country to stop its assault in rafah. Specifically because of fears that there would. There was no to adequately protect the civilian population. And of course, that part of the challenge in conflict with a group like hamas who is known and well known for using suicide speaks to those concerns that were brought up friday by the icj. For example, the un high commissioner volker turk called this horrific, but he also said that it was entirely predictable outcome. We've seen french president a mackay will

remain on that call, saying that he is outraged that this attack took place in urging israel to follow those icj orders into hope. Their attack. And there's been mounting pressure, even the americans coming out against the number of casualties involved in this attack. It speaks to the the tumultuous situation politically in israel, where they are facing, at least benjamin netanyahu is facing mounting pressure domestically. He's facing increasing pressure internationally as well when it comes to this offensive. But through it all his work at it has been clear that they think they still need to continue these types of offensive. These types of assault, they point to the rockets that were launched from rafah to tel aviv on sunday as a reason for why they need to do that, showing that there is still quite capable military powers within the hamas battalions that are left in but it speaks to a really uncertain international situation. And it certainly makes things tricky as we head towards possible negotiations on tuesday. >> Colton praill in ottawa with the latest. Thanks, colton. We'll talk again later today. Any time. All right, colton prail following it all for us. It is a holiday in the united states today known as memorial day. But tomorrow donald trump back in court in new york city for the final stretch of his ongoing criminal trial. Closing arguments are expected to last most of the day tomorrow. Tuesday, the prosecution will do its best to remind those 12 jurors of the financial paper trail they have seen in all that witness testimony heard during the trial, including from donald trump's former personal fixer, michael cohen. After closing arguments from the prosecution and the defence. The jury will then get their instructions from the judge and begin deciding whether or not donald trump is guilty, at least 16 people have been killed after a powerful cyclone launched an lashed the different coastlines not only of india bell. So bangladesh, the destructive storm flooding villages and in fact, it forced more than 800,000 people to evacuate their homes. The storm swept through the region on sunday before weakening earlier today. Heavy rains, powerful winds also toppling trees and power lines. And that meant that electricity was cut to millions of people. Officials are now saying that upwards of 20 people have been killed in the united states after severe storms and tornadoes tore across parts of both the south and central U.S. over this past weekend. >> You know, he's so fast. It's you know, the only thing I can say is just it seems to weather alerts really. >> The worst of the damage being reported in places like arkansas, oklahoma and texas. This weather is likely to continue today. Shifting eastward. We are expecting severe storms in alabama all the way up to new york city. The same systems have recently been causing thunderstorms here in canada in both ontario and quebec. >> All right, in a moment, it is a huge problem in ontario and quebec auto thefts. Now police in ontario's peel region just outside toronto are sharing the results of a major investigation. It's resulted in hundreds of charges and hundreds of stolen vehicles being recovered worth 10's of Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way. [ ] By reliably delivering more the Hyundai kona suv has earned, “Best Residual Value,” from jd Power four years in a row. [ ] From its advanced technology to its durability we took the best-selling subcompact suv in Canada and made it more wah. [Hyundai sting] Dude, did you know BetMGM has responsible gambling tools, so you don't get carried away? I never get carried away. Well there were the bobbleheads. And the playoff beard. Chili's ready.

Those tools could really help. Don't forget about the backyard rink. Yeah these tools are pretty great. BetMGM is committed to making gambling safe and fun with responsible gambling tools. So you don't get carried away. >> We're going the results today of a major auto theft investigation actually began back in october in ontario. We know ontario ground 0 for huge car theft in canada. Take a look. Peel police, which is a region just outside of toronto. 16 arrests, 322 charges were laid and 369 stolen vehicles have now been recovered, which is great news course for those owners, the total value, by the way of those cars. 33.2 million dollars into this. >> We hear our community. And we're going to as a mention continue doing that until the people that are involved in it. And responsible for it. Understand it's a very simple message. Peel is not the place to come and steal cars and it's not the place to benefit from stolen cars. I want that message loud and clear. >> Yeah, in ontario car right now is still every 10 15 minutes or so. The problem is particularly bad in places like brampton and mississauga, both west of toronto. According to police. Take a listen to this last year in those areas, more than 8,300 cars were stolen. That's an increase of more than 2000 cars from the previous year, when there were about 6,000 cars stolen. Ontario also looking to introduce measures to strengthen consumer protection for both homeowners and buyers. The legislation includes implementing a mandatory 10 day cooling off period for the purchases of new homes. The province's says that will give buyers time too fully understand the commitments they're signing onto and back out if they choose the legislation also includes plans to hold consultations on how to fight illegal building and selling in the province. Alright. And as we head to break, a reminder we're tracking an amber alert in the province of quebec for 2 young children, town of saint that's east of quebec city looking for 3 year-old evelyn gore shun 2 year-old child who was relieved they've been taken by it. >> Kevin warsh, 40 years old, were not sure if he's their father. What the relation is will have the latest on the search for the 2 kids in a ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower. Customize the cut with three interchangeable blades. It cuts for over an hour on a single charge. Find an ego retailer near you. Rosa's a new mom and wants to feel confident knowing her new family is well protected, should anything happen to her. With North Cover Life Insurance, she'll be so well covered that it'd be like she's wearing a parka! And like a parka, North Cover keeps you well protected. Speaking of which, ready to change that diaper, Rosa? With North Cover Life Insurance, applying is easy. It only takes one phone call, with no medical, blood tests or forms. You're covered for death by any cause once coverage commences. It's okay, Rosa, it's supposed to look like that. Family members will receive a cash payout up to one point five million dollars. And if diagnosed with a terminal illness, one-hundred percent of the benefit can be received upfront. Well, being protected sure has its benefits. North Cover - Insurance the right way. Get a quote today. Call 1-844-825-1010 now or visit We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. It's Chicken and Ribfest at Swiss Chalet. Our marinated bbq Back Ribs are cooked low and slow to fall off the bone perfection. And basted in your choice of sauce. Starting from only $17.99. Hurry into Swiss Chalet. ( ) [Baby crying] [Gentle music] Seeing clearly matters. Being seen matters more. Nobody Cares for EyesMore Than Pearle. This bellmedia station believes in being accountable to you, the viewer. Which is why we participate in the canadian broadcast standards council we are committed to upholding the highest standards of broadcast excellence and adhering to the codes of conduct administered by the cbsc if you have a concern about something you saw on our station contact us or the cbsc at p. O. Box thirty-two sixty-five station d, ottawa, ontario, k one p six h eight or visit the scsc's website at: cbsc dot ca

welcome back, we're following breaking news out of quebec in an amber alert that has now been issued for 2 young children in the town of saint valley a's in vote. Yea is east of quebec city. >> Police are looking for these people, including 3 year-old evelyn dorsch, 2 year-old child doors. >> Believed to have been taken by the man you see on your screen. Kevin gorge, who is 40 years old. Police have not confirmed exactly what his relation is to the 2 children, whether he is their father or not. They're reportedly though, take a look at the vehicle in a 2013 white honda civic with a black hood. The license plate is 5, 3, v a c e again, a white honda civic 2013 5, 3 v a c e. Anyone who has seen them or has any information should be calling police immediately. Your local police. It is, of course, possible as that they are still in quebec and they could be elsewhere, including new brunswick, possibly ontario as well to a major international story that we're tracking more than 2000 people are feared buried alive after a massive landslide that happened on friday. And papa new guinea. The new guinea is a remote part of the world and the south pacific north of australia and the remoteness is one of the major challenges now facing search and rescue teams. Ctv's tony grace is standing by our national newsroom with more tony on devastating pictures out of the region. What's the latest year? Well talk. That landslide hitting friday. While many people were sleeping, the devastation and the scope of it becoming a lot more clear today. The. >> Government in papa new guinea now estimating more than 2000 people were buried alive underneath the debris of that landslide. Here's a little map showing you where it happened. This is a very mountainous region, as you mentioned, not a lot of reliable census data to to indicate how many people may be missing or to to check that against figures provided by the local communities. So right now I'm a sense of desperation setting. And here's a look at the aftermath. By the way, this is 6 to 8 metres of earth. And debris. That's, that's covering up dozens of homes in the area and part of the problem is that this is such a remote area in the mountains, that it's been difficult to get heavy machinery up there. The first excavator, for example, just arrived yesterday. Act of desperation. In the meantime, people have been digging with their hands with sticks with with garden shovels, anything that they can gather together in order to try to access the area beneath the rubble to try to see if they can get anyone out alive. At this point, we understand that only about 8 people, 8 bodies rather, have been removed from the debris of that landslide, which happened after weeks and weeks of heavy rain. So then there's the question of getting aid in as well. And that's a whole complicated thing itself, todd, because there is a tribal warfare in the area and that means aid workers and experts who are trying to assess the stability of the land. We have to be shuttled in often with military escorts. So that slows the process down. Papa new guinea's nearest neighbour australia has been among the first to pledge support to offer aircraft, which are expected to be mobilized today and more equipment into the area. But you can just see by these images, todd. But it's just an absolutely the devastating and and absolutely unthinkable task and its magnitude to try and help the communities that have been devastated by this landslide. That happened friday. Ctv's tony grace in our national newsroom. Thank you, tony. For that. Pro-palestinian protesters camped out of the university of toronto for almost a month now are officially defying a trespass order. >> That order had them supposed to clear out by about 8 o'clock this morning, local time. Unlike other universities, such as in alberta, which moved quickly to end these kind of protests. University of toronto tried a more conciliatory approach. But in recent weeks, the protest has only grown larger and larger. The u of t taken legal action now to get the students sullivan, here's part of the statement this morning. Lawyers representing u of t served documents seeking an injunction order from the ontario superior court for an expedited case here. But protesters saying this. >> We are only here right now because you have taken this going to heart. And because you know, better that many who claimed to have more don't you o what integrity is? >> Of course, that's one opinion. Protesters say they plan to hold their ground in the hopes of forcing the school to meet their demands. The u of t is saying they will meet with protesters again later today. The 2 sides met on sunday. They are calling on the u of t to disclose public investments in any companies that profit from israel's military offensive in gaza. They want u of t to cut ties. U of t says it's not going to do that. Some faculty are actually supporting these protesters. Here's what one of them is saying today. >> They're demanding divestment companies that profit from the violations of human rights and

international law that are committed by the state of israel. >> Well, e administrators take a look at the camp on how big it is now. Remember, it started out with about 10 tents and now there are looks like there are well into the dozens and dozens, if not more than 100 school administrators have said no, the u of t is not going to cut partnerships with israeli universities and reminding these protesters, they are in fact, students there, not administrators, they don't run the university. Meantime, a parliamentary committee beating today in ottawa to discuss growing concerns about anti-semitism at committee hearing from a number of voices, including yes, the presidents of several major canadian universities like u of t the committee is looking at anti-semitism on campuses and additional measures that might be taken to better protect the jewish community. >> We know that in speaking with community and our officers, that there is a sense of frustration around the lack of clarity as to what constitutes a hate incident as opposed to a hate. Crime or any propaganda. The commitment to education and training for officers will assist the public and the police in this regard, where all disgusted by the rise of anti-semitism, the spread of islamophobia and the proliferation of identity based hatred and violence. >> Canadian universities embody academic freedom, freedom of expression and freedom of they should be places of civil evidence, informed reflection and debate. They also need to be places for people. Above all our students feel safe. >> I know one of the top officials at concordia there, we saw toronto police as well. We're going to be hearing from the presence of mcgill university in montreal, the university of toronto. I mentioned and ubc as well, all of them are on the list of speakers today at this committee. Israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu is now saying that something tragic went wrong after an israeli air strike on a refugee camp in rafah, in southern gaza. And netanyahu is vowing to investigate. Dozens of displaced palestinians were killed. He's calling it a tragic mistake. >> But a few bump into. Comey loving that netanyahu speaking in hebrew. They're saying that they have moved about a million people out of harm's way. Gaza health officials saying the israeli strike. >> Killed 45 people, including women and children. That number may go up. Israel is saying that the strike killed 2 senior hamas militants. Netanyahu saying the operation went wrong despite israel's efforts to try and protect and evacuate civilians. The U.S. is calling on israel to do more to protect civilians. And now it is working with the israeli defence force idf trying to assess what exactly happened to does come though, after a tough week last week in which there was a lot of international condemnation for israel request for arrest warrants to be issued as well as for the operation in rafah to be stopped. Jack cunningham is my guest. He is with the university of toronto international relations professor jack, good to see you. Appreciate your time today. My pleasure touch could be with you. Netanyahu calling this a tragic mistake. An investigation is going to happen. What is the reaction going to be here to this story? Jack. >> Well, I think it will break down along fairly predictable lines are those who are understanding of the realities of war. The difficulties of fighting and adversary, but embeds itself among the civilian population and the civilian infrastructure will realize that these so these tragedies are unavoidable in those who don't will mount their high horses and and criticize israel for not doing enough to protect civilian life. As I understand it, there was aerial surveillance of the target area before the strike went to. And that surveillance indicated that there were civilians in the area where mahsa hamas leaders were going to be. We're going to be and we're going to be struck, obviously, circumstances change between the time of the aerial surveillance and the time of the strike, that sort of thing is unavoidable in in war. >> The icj international court of justice jack, as you know, known as the world court ruled just couple of days ago for israel to stop its rafah operation, which of course, we knew it was not going to do. But now your thoughts on whether it might change the calculus for israel. >> Or not, I don't think that. Well, I don't think it will. I think the israeli government, including those who are very critical of prime minister netanyahu like defence minister gallant. And then you've got the other member of the three-member workout that they are pretty much united on the need to continue operations in rafah until hamas of definitively defeated. There's a broad consensus in favour of rooted in the perception that as long as hamas remains a military threat, israel is on safe. And that that that has to be dealt with. And I doubt that any amount of international

program will change that calculation. >> Tell me as well about the, you know, the U.S. response here because jack, as you know, the U.S. is getting the ever more frustrated with what's going on on the ground. There are no doubt some pretty tough conversations happening behind the scenes behind closed doors between washington and jerusalem as well. The U.S. now saying that this is deplorable, the images we're seeing and that it's going to be part of the investigation into what how's that going to play out? >> Well, a lot depends on exactly what the investigation disclosed as the israeli government has indicated since the beginning of the current conflict. It's conducted some 70 investigations into cases where a civilian casualties were and this was seen as perhaps avoidable if the if the investigation is a thorough and and on this one, I think the U.S. will allow will accept that as one of the tragic reality. So of war under a under the circumstances. Everybody knows that there is a lot of civilian life being lost in in gaza. The the recent study by the urban war institute at west point found in terms of raw numbers, there have been fewer casualties said in a pretty much any previous attempt at at conducting war in a built-up urban environment. But you're not going to get to 0, no matter how hard you try. Jack cunningham joining us for his take. Thank you, jack. For this. >> My pleasure, todd. Good to be with you. Back in our country, the sole survivor of a mass killing that happened in barrhaven, ontario at south of ottawa's, now thanking the city for its support. >> 2 months after he lost his wife, 4 children and a family friend. >> I'm really, really good with that. And >> I'm not. That is a bank. You thank you in my memory. India. >> From my heart, I really thank you. Well, not and what everyone in the order was needed. So they may be. >> And to me out. Thank you, thank you very much. >> That news co a crime-scene and the mayor of ottawa, mark sutcliffe embracing at the finish line of this ottawa international marathon on sunday. And he's got presented sutcliffe with his medal after finishing the race, which is more than 40 kilometres back on march to 6 inches. Wife children, a family friend were killed inside of their two-storey townhouse. The family recent arrivals to canada from sri lanka, the motives for the murders are still unclear. Police said ontario and halton hills, which is west of toronto, have released to public safety warning now about a string of recent opioid poisonings. Officers have responded to 2 separate suspected opioid poisoning incidents since friday. 3 people have died as a result of the suspected issues going on here, including the inhalation or of an unidentified substance. The deaths are now being investigated by the local coroner's office and police are reminding people to know the signs of drug poisoning. Ontario's privacy commissioner says she will publish a special report about the use of non-governmental emails and deleted messages. All related 2. That's controversial story involving ontario's greenbelt back in 2022. The provincial government of doug ford removed land from that greenbelt in order to build 50,000 homes before then abruptly reversing the decisions. Reports from ontario's auditor general and integrity commissioner found the process. Favoured certain developers. Now the privacy commissioners says her office is working on 19 active access to information appeals that are similar to concerns that were raised by the leader of the opposition in ontario, that as the new democrats, their leader, marit stiles, shareholders of indigo books and music have voted to take the bookstore chain private. The offer comes from 2 holding companies owned by gerry schwartz. He is the spouse of indigo's founder and ceo heather reisman. Schwartz is the controlling shareholder of indigo owning 56% of the company shares the other 4.6% belong to recent through a different holding company. Ali was a good day for mining stocks today. Bnn bloomberg's paul bagnell has more on that and the day's other business headlines from downtown toronto. Paul. Shares of mining companies moved higher in early trading on the toronto stock exchange this morning. >> The prices of copper, gold and silver have gain significantly since late february. And investors have bid up shares of companies that mine and produce those metals. This morning, shares of hudbay minerals pan american silver ivanhoe mines and endeavour mining were among the top gainers in early trading on the toronto stock exchange. This will be a busy week for the many canadian investors who

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