
CTVN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #24

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U.S. president donald trump will return to a courtroom tomorrow for the final stretch of closing arguments and jury deliberation. >> In his hush money trial, closing arguments by both sides are expected to last most of the day. The prosecution will likely remind jurors of the financial paper trail they've seen and of the witness testimony they've heard, including from trump's former fixer michael cohen. After closing arguments, the jury will see instructions from the judge and then begin deliberating next week on wednesday. >> Coming up with village and papa new guinea continues to mourn following a massive landslide. Some 2000 people have been very that's next. (Snickering) Hanging tree If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) So I didn't think I needed Swiffer, until, I saw how easily it picked up my hair every time I dried it! Only takes a minute. Look at that! The Heavy Duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. Even for his hair. Wow! And for dust, I love my Heavy Duty Duster. The fluffy fibers trap dust on contact, up high and all around without having to lift a thing. I'm so hooked. You'll love Swifferor your money back. Made for finding a way to do it on your own. ( ) Made for three generations under one roof. ( ) Made for big leaps... and family growth spurts. From your first... to your forever... to your anywhere in between. Homes... made for the real you. Mattamy Homes a world your own. ( ) You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes Off of you ( ) Michelob Ultra. It's Chicken and Ribfest at Swiss Chalet. Our marinated bbq Back Ribs are cooked low and slow to fall off the bone perfection. And basted in your choice of sauce. Starting from only $17.99. Hurry into Swiss Chalet. ( ) >> Now to a big international story that we're tracking this morning. More than 2000 people are feared buried alive after a massive landslide and papa new guinea. >> They are trying to rescue whatever they can >> By using the taking 6. Speights. At the cultural forks. And their hands. Of course. >> The country's government has now put out the call for international support. People have been hesitant to bring in heavy machinery to remove the debris because there is hope of still finding survivors. So they have begun the heart-wrenching task of looking for those buried by shand. There's also fears water flowing below the debris could lead to another landslide. At least 16 people are dead after a powerful cyclone lashed the coastlines of india and bangladesh. The destructive storm flooded villages and forced more than 800,000 people to evacuate their homes. The storm swept through the region sunday before weakening this morning. Heavy rain and powerful winds toppled trees and power lines, cutting electricity to millions. At least 20 people are dead after severe storms and tornadoes tore across parts of the south and central U.S. on the weekend. You know, he's so fast. It's >> You know, the only thing I can say is just it seems to weather alerts really. >> The worst of the damage being reported in texas, oklahoma and arkansas. The weather is expected to continue today, shifting east severe storms are expected from alabama north to new york city. The same systems have been causing thunderstorms in ontario and quebec. Former general hospital actor johnny. Well, actor has died after being shot in los angeles saturday. The 37 year-old were

SHOT AFTER HE INTERRUPTED 3 MALE SUSPECTS WHO WERE ALLEGEDLY ATTEMPTING TO STEAL PARTS FROM HIS CAR. HE WAS TAKEN TO HOSPITAL WHERE HE WAS PRONOUNCED DEAD. THE SUSPECTS FLED THE SCENE. THE ACTOR WAS BEST KNOWN FOR PLAYING BRANDON CORBEN ON THE SOAP OPERA GENERAL HOSPITAL. >> STILL AHEAD, WELCOME NEWS FOR THE THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE FORCED FROM THEIR HOMES BY WILDFIRES IN BC. THEY'VE BEEN GIVEN THE GREEN LIGHT TO GO HOME. STILL, THEY MAY NOT BE OUT OF THE WOODS JUST YET. WE'LL HAVE THE LATEST. >> CTV NEWS CHANNEL. 24 HOURS Oh, it's about to bea party in here!BetMGM's got all the sportsbetting in o And it's live, baby! We're placing moneylinesin real time. We got second half spreadsand third set winners, as...they...happen! Overs hittin'in extra innings, live is wherethe action is at! And with BetMGM - Woo! I got the best seat in thehouse! [roar] That grimey film on your teeth... Dr. G? That's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria, which can cause cavities. Unlike other toothpastes, Crest Pro-Health's Antibacterial Fluoride fights bacteria for 12 hours. It stops cavities before they start. Crest. Salonpas, makers of effective pain relief patches for 89 years believes in continuous improvement, like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients and sizes to relieve your pain. Salonpas. It's Good Medicine. Hisamitsu Kevin and Sarah have one of the world's largest collections of souvenir plates. [crash] They also have a teenager, so they got their plates insured. But they don't have life insurance. Kevin's worried his diabetes will make it hard to qualify, and Sarah does not like medical exams. So we got them some new plates to tell them about Canada Protection Plan. Canada Protection Plan hassolutions for both the healthy and hard to insure. With no needles or medicalexams required on most plans. You'll get great coverageat a price you'll love and there are no paymentsin your first month. Anybody between18 and 80 can apply and there are greatmember benefits including rewards for activeliving and giving back. As part of the Foresters family,your coverage is backed by our excellentfinancial strength. Contact your advisor or call now to get a no-obligation quote in minutes. Canada Protection Plan. Protecting what matters most... you. [crash] Oh Canada!! their time has come Argentina have done it! One more Messi moment! Beyond glorious! Messi magic once again This is it...the stage is set That's what they came for!! And it is spectacular!! May I perform for you? Absolutely. We're live! Like a puzzle piece stops now. I quite like danger. (Screaming) Take over the whole nation. What are the Hunger Games for? Woman: Does anything frighten you? Losing. Is this truly necessary? Have you seen your back? Woman: It has been a hellof a journey. But everything ends some day. The last dance. I shall follow your lead. (Driving dynamic music) We're on a search for one of thegreatest powers ever known. Man: It can be very dangerousin the wrong hands. Let's fly. Male Narrator: Star TrekDiscovery. Thursdays on CTV Sci-Fi. Stream now and the CTV app. Male Announcer: Everyone's talking about Mary. Who, me? Announcer: She's brightening up CTV daytime... Welcome to the Good Stuff! Announcer: her own Mary way... It's a little thick and gloopy. Gloopy? That's a technical term that I've made up. Announcer: ...with good friends... It's so fun to be in Canada, it's like my second home. Announcer: ...good moments... (Gasping) ...and good times. Give me a high five! Do you love it? Oh my gosh, I love this. Announcer: The Good Stuff with Mary Berg. Join the fun. Announcer: Weekdays at 10:00, 9:00 Mountain on CTV.

>> Pro-palestinian protesters camped out at the university of toronto for weeks or defying a trespass order right now. They were order to clear up by 8:00am this morning. The u of t is now taking legal action to get the students to leave, saying that lawyers representing the university served documents seeking an injunction from the ontario superior court of justice. >> We are only here right now because you have taken this going to heart. And because you know, better then many who claimed to have more don't you o what integrity is? >> Protest organizers say they plan to hold their ground in hopes of forcing the school to meet their demands. The 2 sides met yesterday and protesters presented what they described as a counter offer. They're calling on the university to disclose public investments in companies profiting from israel's military offensive in gaza. More than 2 weeks after they were forced out by wildfires. People from fort nelson bc are finally allowed to return home today. >> I'm relieved because it's. It's looking like the initial stages of of this fire. The safety concerns that we have have been mitigated. >> This welcome news for residents means about 4700 people will be able to head home. People heading back are being told to gas up first and bring along a few days worth of food and supplies the parker lake wildfire is still burning out of control and people in fort nelson are being warned that they may have to leave again at a moment's notice. Joining me now is rob fraser, the mayor of the municipality, mister mayor. So glad that we're able to talk says when people can go back home, what do you want folks to know? >> I wanted to know that the community, it is safe for them to be hacked. I was still under evacuation alert. B, isis along some of that coming up. >> Along summer. Okay. What's the situation right now with the fire in fort nelson? So the fire is it's, it's stated that the mop up stage. So essentially it's the edges of the fire contained its don't burning are still fires out on the land state. >> Operating in the black racism, nothing on the internet caused the fire to towards the community. If we get a long dry spell >> I got has a lot of wind that's certainly can change and that's why we're still on evacuation alert. >> So residents can go back home. What are they returning to mister man? >> So the town proper is good. The power number one out last number without >> The community, the community safe. >> For folks further out along the alaska highway where this fire started and where it reached along the highway. We'll be seeing, you know, blackened landscape will be seeing more. The firefighters were we're trying to calm fire breaks and not sort of thing. You know, it seems it's not so nice to be west of the community. That's unity itself. The town proper. Is it to get you? >> Have you had a chance to connect with any of those people who lost their homes. >> I wasn't able to connect with with all of the that had that damage to their those who have lost homes. Very sad situation. >> Us, the exact opposite as a man's is to sit and talk to those folks in serve, be beneficial. The person who's given the now that was emotional. >> With these folks are strong in our cillian and we're going >> You're going to help them out. Yeah, that's when it you know, I I think we'll do whatever we to the community to get together and and and help them out with every whatever resources we think that's, that's >> So in terms of other mister mayor, are they still burning around the area? And we talked about the big one, but what more can you tell us just about the the region as a whole right now. What you see. >> So far all over the landscape, there is a big one to the north of us. That's the party could fire that was talking about first parker lake fires right on our doorstep out to the east of us. There to holdover fires that are going there. They're considerably from the community more than 60 kilometres and the wind tends to blow from here to there. So they're not as big a concern. However, there are a lot of doubt resource caps and out of that region. And they'll be, they'll be concerned about those fires out there. Mayor fraser were happy, so happy that people are able to go back home will stay in close touch. And we appreciate. But you have

been so open to. Being with us and communicating what's been going on. So all the best everyone that can't go back home today, that's certainly a big step. Rob prayers from fraser rather, is the mayor of the municipality take care. Thank you very much. Returning now to toronto and to the university of toronto encampment legal action. The school is taking to get the students to leave ctv's christine it to elliott. Joins us now with the latest christine, what action is the school saying that they will take to break down this encampment. So marcia, they're doing this, they're moving forward legally, they're seeking an injunction with which essentially what that will do is. >> Is force the protesters to go with its a kind of season desist saying, you know, you've had your say you've had the opportunity to have your say on our property. But now it's time to go I want to clarify a few things. So first of all, I just in the last hour, you spoke to one of the for for the pro-palestinian encampment at the university of toronto who noted that the injunction hearing is scheduled for tomorrow we have seen this this take place with other universities across north america, particularly in this country. This process takes a few days, although it moves quite quickly the university this morning could not confirm exactly when that hearing would take place, but they anticipate as is quite common over the next few days in saying that though, the 2 sides are I was a planning, perhaps is it's a for cause. Things are subject to change, but the plans to meet later today, it was on thursday that the president of the university of toronto put out a very detailed note essentially and offer to the protesters at the encampment. And then since then over the weekend as well, the protesters came back with a counter offer, not satisfied with what the university was offering them net. And of course, there are a lot of questions around, you know, the protesters and their right to speak out on this property. I want to share with you something that the university of toronto said about a in the last month the school says the university respects our members rights to assemble and protest within the limits. A view of team policies and the law. But the university also has a duty of care to our students. And they note that u of t's lands and buildings are private property. The u the university allows wide public access to them for authorize activities, unauthorized activity such as encampments or the occupation of university buildings are considered trespassing and a violation of of the school's code of conduct. So what the school was saying in the statement recently is, of course, as a university, they have a commitment to freedom of speech and all the members of the university of recognize as your constitutional attempt, freedom of speech at end freedom of expression in saying that though, they're saying this is private property we presented to you an offer you as a group have refused. Now that group is presenting a counter-offer, but the university is essentially saying time's up this encampment officially according to the university, the date that they consider got underway was may the second. So where are we today at the end of the month, so the injunction, if it's successful, it will essentially legally of force the protesters to go. What that exactly means is still unclear. I mean, forcing people to go as a one of the spokes these people with the encampment said to raise concerns about the police coming in and forcing everyone to leave in those concerns. Of course, surrounded physically forcing people to leave. But the spokesperson had said to this morning, marcia, she was adamant that that the group will stand their ground are not satisfied with with with what the university is operating. And at this point, the university is saying we're trying here, but we're seeking legal action that will force you are to one other thing I wish to quickly add that I feel to note off the top us. This is a very the stories of balding this morning. 8:00am was the deadline. These protesters received a notice of trespass and they're still there. They're defying the trespass notice and other quite clear there. They're satisfied, defy any any kind of and kind of notices like this that come their way. So marcia, this is an evolving story as it has been over the last few weeks. And next will be a scheduled meeting were planned, I should say, between the 2 sides at some point later today. Okay, as you say, it's and what I can safely think I can say everybody is hoping to avoid a situation that gets it. >> So please keep us posted, christine at really appreciate that update and clarification after your reporting on a few a standing committee on justice and human rights is meeting this hour to discuss group discuss growing concern over anti-semitism in canada. The committee is expected to hear from a number of voices, including the presidents of several canadian universities. The committee will discuss antisemitism, including on university campuses and additional measures that can be taken to protect the jewish

community. There. Doctors concerned over the potential spread of avian flu in canada are urging the federal government to expand surveillance. The virus has circulated among cattle in the U.S. and as ctv's kathy le explains, testing has started and staying ahead of the spread is crucial. >> The cdc confirms a michigan farm worker is the second person to get infected with h5n1 virus tied to dairy cows. That person has recovered from mild symptoms and had pink eye similar to the dairy farmer from texas who contracted the virus in april. That current working hypothesis. >> That people in dairy farms may be exposed directly to milk, rather than expose to aerosols in the air. Currently, there are no cases of the virus in humans and cattle in canada for monitoring situation very not in the human population, but obviously the media, the bovine and broader. >> Million population, the canadian food inspection agency has confirmed that milk and milk products sold on store shelves are safe. >> Because they've been pasteurized. But the supply is being tested as part of the country's effort to expand surveillance of the avian flu. Lactating dairy cows imported from the U.S. are also being tested and there is voluntary testing of asymptomatic house. We need to expand in my opinion, to conducting cierra logical surveillance, which means looking for antibodies. >> That might suggest the past exposure. >> Either in a dairy workers or and cattle infectious disease. Experts say the government should also test wastewater for h 5, 1, >> Some canadian researchers are conducting those tests themselves. We would not be able to say. >> They came from humans are cattle or any other source when it does tell us that the sydney is in the environment and so that can then allow us to begin to take precautions to stop its spread. >> While the risk of avian influenza infection to people in canada remains low. The concern, of course, is that if this virus has some additional mutations that make it more readily transmissible between mammals, it would be problematic. The world health organization says bird flu has killed about half the nearly 900 people. It has infected worldwide. >> Over the past 2 decades, kathy le ctv news, calgary. >> Still ahead, cracking down on cell phone use in vancouver schools with the board is now >> Ctv news channel. 24 hours the memorial cup, presented by dow only.on tsn Canada has one of the best backyards in the world. Don't let allergies prevent you from breathing it all in. (Sneeze, birds squawking) Get relief fast. Reactine acts fast to relieve allergy symptoms and lasts 24 hours. What keeps baby's skin healthy? A diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. That's why Pampers Swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100%leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. Pampers. For healthy baby skin. We know you care. But if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. Make the call. Because we care too. Home Instead. To us, it's personal. Cleaning with a mop and Bucket is such a Hassle. Ugh. Switch to Swiffer Wet Jet. It's Hassle Free. Wet Jet is one simple tool. That absorbs dirt and grime deep inside. And it helps prevent streaks and haze. Wet Jet with a money back guarantee. Oh, hi. How can I help you? He needs a phone so I can have mine back. Merr! Well, we have a lot of great options. What do you use your phone for? Merrrr... Merrrr... Gaming? (Laughs) Streaming! Whoosh! Sharing! Yeah, pretty much all that. Sounds like you need a phone on Canada's fastest 5g+ network. Let's get you set up ( ) With Cascade Platinum Plus, I have upped my dish game. Auntie, in that dishwasher? Watch me. Platinum Plus gives you our highest standard of clean, even in your machine. —Clean enough for you? —Yeah. Scrape. Load. Done. No prewash, no rewash,or your money back. Ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower. Customize the cut with three interchangeable blades. It cuts for over an hour on a single charge. Find an ego retailer near you. >> It's just an shareholders of indigo books and music have

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