
CTVN - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #19

it's called lies and weddings. Coming up after the break, the one and only marilyn denis is here in the "your morning" studio. We will catch up with her and her BetterHelp provides various options to connect with your therapist. We can do this via video. We can do this as a chat. We can do this over the phone. Whatever is most convenient for the client is really what is going to help them open up more at the end of the day. Chuck's getting a checkup thanks to a recent health scare. He's also thinking about his family, and how to protect them should anything happen to him. With North Cover Life Insurance, he'll be so well covered that it'd be like he's wearing a parka! And like a parka, North Cover keeps you well protected. Looking good, Chuck. With North Cover Life Insurance, Applying is easy. It only takes one phone call, with no medical, blood tests or forms. [Music] Chuck, there's a step stool behind you. Your family may get an advance payout to cover funeral costs. And they will be looked after with a cash payout up to one point five million dollars. Plus, if diagnosed with a terminal illness, one-hundred percent of the benefit can be received upfront. Being well protected does feel good. North Cover - Insurance the right way. Get a quote today. Call 1-844-657-1010 now or visit ( ) This is not just another E-Class. Because it evolves with you. It adapts to you, the generic It is the first E-Class made just for you. For you, for you ( ) This is not just design. Because your E-Class: it adapts to you, recognizes you, understands you, empowers you, energizes you, feels you. It evolves with you. The new E-Class. ( ) Made for finding a way to do it on your own. ( ) Made for three generations under one roof. ( ) Made for big leaps... and family growth spurts. From your first... to your forever... to your anywhere in between. Homes... made for the real you. Mattamy Homes a world your own. It's Chicken and Ribfest at Swiss Chalet. Our marinated bbq Back Ribs are cooked low and slow to fall off the bone perfection. And basted in your choice of sauce. Starting from only $17.99. Hurry into Swiss Chalet. ( ) >> Lindsey: marilyn denis has inspired so many of us. This week, she will n be honoured by the canadian screen awards. It honours a canadian individual for an exceptional lifetime of work that has had a profound impact on the media industries. Welcome marilyn to our studio this morning. >> This is my first experience on "your morning" because I'm usually doing the chum morning show. >> Lindsey: this is exciting. >> I'm very excited about this. The family is coming in. We are going to celebrate. >> Lindsey: and there's so much to celebrate. When we look back on your screen. You have always had this ability to connect with people. Was that a learned thing? >> I just got a comment from your producer carolyn about that. My mother was saying, I am just going in for milk after church. She would talk to everybody in the store. I thought, why is she talking to so many people. I think I picked that up. I talk to people. >> Lindsey: I said this on television many times, too. You will stop in the hallway and you will talk to everybody. When you ask, how are you? You want to hear what people have to say. You want to connect with people. This is hallway talk. >> And that's something we missed during the pandemic. And I even said on the radio, if you can go back to work, I know you are comfortable in your sweats and everything. Come back and connect with people because that gives awh different layer of feeling better. It makes you feel better. >> Lindsey: I still wear the sweats, too. I just come to work with the sweats on. You have interviewed so many people in your career. Is there anyone that made you nervous? That you couldn't sleep the night before.

>> Elton john. I had met him before, and he was going to be on this new show called "the marilyn dennis show". I woke up at 2 o'clock and I had elton john blasting through my house. I was not married at the time. He was very reaccepttive. David furnish was waving in the back. We had such a great conversation. And he just had their first son. He was the one who told me to go and get my eyes done with the lenses because he had it done. I said, you still wear glasses. He said it was a life changer. That's the kind of conversation we had during the commercial breaks. I love elton john. That was a big deal. Lindsey when you look at that footage, you can remember it. You can remember how you were feeling. >> I got brand-new shoes and a brand-new suit. I wanted him to think I was really there. >> Lindsey: we have to talk about radio. You are doing the radio show here. You have been doing that for how long? >> This is my 38th year. >> Lindsey: what do you love about radio? >> You are having a conversation with people at home or in the car. I like that. That was a companion for me when I was a kid. My parents gave me a transistor radio and I had that one piece in my ear. The guys because it was mostly guys in the '70s, they were having such a great time. The other thing I loved about it is I love the fact that radio, I would see how far the station would go when you are traveling. I couldn't believe it went from pittsburgh all the way through aberfoyle. I loved it that it was so immediate. It is your friend. It is one-on-one. >> Lindsey: lifetime achievement award. What does this mean to you? >> I'm grateful for this. I got a lot of people that got me to this point. I had so much fun. I can't believe how quickly it has gone by. I'm so grateful for all of the people that got me to where I am. The radio people and the television people who were so great. Whether they were criticizing for supporting or, you know, curating. All of the things. You need that. You don't do it alone. I wish my parents were here. My sister is coming. >> Lindsey: that is lovely. >> Sisters are the best. >> Lindsey: you are the best. From all of us here at "your morning," congratulations. >> Thank you, lindsey. I appreciate it. Thank you, friends. >> Lindsey: you can tune into the 2024 canadian screen awards this friday at 8 p.m. On cbc and cbc gem. We will be right back. (Sniffling) Feeling Claritin Clear is like... ( ) Is she...? Claritin Clear? Yeah. Get fast, non-drowsy allergy symptom relief. Live Claritin Clear. Woman: My grandson can choose to be anything he wants to be. Which reminds me: I've got a few choices to make of my own. Welcome to Seniors Choice. How can I help? Hi, I'd like a quick quote, please. If you're a Canadian Resident aged 50-80, you can choose the right amount of coverage for you and your family up to $250,000. That kind of money would help a lot. You can choose to apply over the phone now in just minutes, with no medicals or blood tests, just a few health and lifestyle questions. Wow. That easy? Depending on the coverage you choose, it would be as little as $14.88 a month. That's just 49 cents a day. That's less than I thought. And that money could help my family cover my funeral costs, support my husband's retirement planning or even pay off the loans. I'll do it. Seniors Choice are the #1 Direct Choice for Canadians over 50. To get a free, no-obligation quote, call one of our trusted insurance advisors today at 1-844-834-2722. Or visit We all need fibre for our digestive health, but most Canadians only get about 50% of the fibre they need. Good thing Metamucil Gummies are an easy way to get plantbased fibre. Three gummies have the same amount of fibre as 2 cups of broccoli. Metamucil Gummies. The easy way to get your daily fibre. (cheerful piano music) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Male Announcer: Everyone's talking about Mary. Who, me? Announcer: She's brightening up CTV daytime... Welcome to the Good Stuff! Announcer: her own Mary way... It's a little thick and gloopy. Gloopy? That's a technical term that I've made up. Announcer: ...with good friends... It's so fun to be in Canada, it's like my second home. Announcer: ...good moments... (Gasping) ...and good times. Give me a high five! Do you love it? Oh my gosh, I love this. Announcer: The Good Stuff with Mary Berg. Join the fun. Announcer: Weekdays at 10:00, 9:00 Mountain on CTV. (Dramatic music) I am Paul Atreides! Duke of Arrakis! Let me fight beside you. I'll show you the way. >> Lindsey: TOMORROW ON "YOUR MORNING"... A SNEAK PEEK INTO THE LARGEST BANKSY EXHIBIT IN THE WORLD THAT'S COMING TO CANADA. START "YOUR MORNING" IN THE KNOW, TUESDAY ONLY ON CTV. >> Lindsey: HOW GREAT IT WAS TO TALK TO MARILYN. >> Kelsey: SHE STOPPED YOU IN THE HALL. SHE COMES BACK STAGE AND GIVES ME A BIG HUG AND IMMEDIATELY SAID SOMETHING TO ME ABOUT THINGS SHE KNOWS THAT ARE GOING ON IN MY LIFE. SO INTENTIONAL AND THOUGHTFUL. MARILYN, WE LOVE YOU. WE NEED MORE MARILYNS. >> Lindsey: YEAH. >> Anne-Marie: SHE IS INCREDIBLY INSPIRING. SHE IS ICONIC TO WATCH ON AIR. THE CONVERSATION SHE SHARED ABOUT ELTON JOHN WAS AMAZING. ENJOY THE REST OF "YOUR MORNING." That's me beforeDawn Powerwash.Soaking, scrubbing...that's life. Was life. Now, Powerwashgives me the power of an overnight soak in minutes. I'm sorry, minutes? With 3 cleaning boosters... Not found in traditional dishsoaps that help break down, loosen and lift awayfood and grease... So much faster! Just spray suds on... No water needed ‘til rinsing. Tougher mess? Let the suds sit a few minutes before wiping. Even cleans... (Both) The grill! Thank you! It's more than soap.It's Powerwash. If you don't have group health benefits at work, are self-employed, freelancing or retiring soon how can you protect yourself from continually rising health care costs not covered by your government health insurance? With SureHealth from Green Shield Canada. Working freelance, I love knowing that my SureHealth plan helps to protect me and my family from a lot of routine medical expenses. Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care and vision care. And many unexpected expenses I could face, being self-employed, if I have an accident or get a serious illness. Like physiotherapists, chiropractors, home care, emergency medical travel expenses, and more. All SureHealth plans also include online digital mental health services from Inkblot. Plus, with SureHealth, you can submit your claims online, and have the payments deposited directly to your bank account. And I really appreciate that my SureHealth plan is affordable. Host: While some plans require answering a few health questions, for most, your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health exam and no medical questions when you apply. Health care costs are rising. Why not protect yourself and your family from many routine and unexpected health care costs not covered by your government health plan? Host: Like prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, physiotherapists, chiropractors, emergency medical travel expenses and more. And remember, this is lifetime protection that won't be cancelled, regardless of your age or health, as long as payments are made. If you're self-employed, don't have health coverage at work, are recently retired or retiring soon, get SureHealth now and protect yourself and your family from rising health care costs not covered by your government health plan. Don't delay. Visit now or call the numberon your screen for your free, personalized SureHealth info package. (School bell rings) ( ) ( ) (Crowd cheering on TV) ( ) No amount of studying can guarantee a gambling win. Find tips for safer playat

( ) >> Is nothing short students and young people standing up for a better world. >> Pro-palestinian protesters rally outside the university of toronto in defiance of a trespass order. The school now says it's seeking an injunction in court. >> We will be putting on an evacuation alert because there are still some fires out there. The conditions around the region are still extremely dry. >> Heading home an evacuation order for fort nelson bc is being lifted today, but the danger from a raging wildfire is not over. And boston hangs on to extend the pwhl final to a 5th and deciding game after a dramatic double overtime win. Thanks for joining us this morning. We begin this hour with a live look at toronto where pro-palestinian protestors camped out. >> At the university of toronto for weeks are now holding a rally. They're defying a trespass order issued by the school. The university has said that protesters must clear the site by 8:00am. And that was an hour ago. Now the u of t is taking legal action to try to get the students to leave, saying lawyers representing the university of toronto served documents seeking an injunction order from the ontario superior court of justice and asked the court for an expedited case conference for scheduling. >> Protest organizers say they plan to hold their ground in an effort to force the school to meet their demands. The 2 sides met yesterday and protesters presented what they describe as a counter offer, calling on the university to disclose public investments in companies profiting from israel's military offensive in gaza. With me now 100th has associate professor of anthropology and member of the steering committee for the jewish faculty network at the u of t good morning. Thank you so much for being with you're in support of this student protest, where do you see this heading now that an injunction has been filed? >> Yes, I am in in that respect. The supports very strongly. The democratic right of the students to have this protest and we worry that the university is trying to strong arm them into an agreement it doesn't make sense when the university only presented its proposal on thursday to issue a notice of trespass. And today to go to the court to bother to ask for an injunction. By the those interactions have been rejected or only qualified. It in quebec. In the montreal cases, and where wesley this going? Well, I think it's time for the university to see that student leaders are very serious about their demands. Their demands are just, they're demanding divestment companies that profit from the violations of human rights and international law that are committed by the state of negotiations went into the evening last evening. Do you feel that the university is taking the concerns of the student seriously? >> I think now they are what we, what I don't understand, it's why they are threatening students who are, I'm using their freedom of expression. The charter freedom who are believe in the democratic values of the university of toronto. And we're trying to strong arm them into agreeing by threatening them with disciplinary action and which police action and frankly, we've seen the images of lease clearing out encampments, both in the U.S. and in alberta. And those clearing is that creed to great violence against students students who are not bothering anyone. Students who are legitimately expressing themselves and that is of great concern to many faculty who

were right now rallying next to their students and even across the campus. I know that there are hundreds of faculty, we support the students right to protest even if they don't completely agree with all of the analysis of the students. >> There is, though, the threat the faculty members could face termination. How do you feel about that? >> I don't understand why the university would have been out. Bring that to the table is the university of toronto saying to us we cannot use our academic freedom. If the university of toronto saying that we can't use our charter protected freedom of expression it let's remember why we're here. This is a time where immediate action is required. That's hundreds of experts from around the world, including un experts. Have found reason qualify what this state of israel is doing in gaza as genocide. And the icg icj excuse me found plausible reason for that. And now the icc is seeking arrest warrants for the prime minister of the state of israel and its defence minister there is terrible things going on. Canadians woke up this morning to news of bombing refugees who were finding shelter in rafah and let's remember also that the plurality of canadians agree in february in the industry pull, but this is a genocide. So this is something that concerns all canadians. >> I want to ask you lastly and and I'm going to have to get a short answer. Professor you. Do you fear that things are going to get ugly at the u of t campus at the encampment? >> I fear that great thing. I know the students are serious and where serious as faculty to support them. And we're going to remain with them and not allow them to be brutalized by the police and by the university of toronto administration. >> Alejandra pause, he's an associate professor at the u of t. Thank you so much will stay in contact with you. Appreciate your time with us. Now, a solidarity rally is being held this morning at a jewish girls school in toronto after the school was shot at over the weekend. >> Here to provide comfort and then sure the shouldn't the families that to the city and the police would do everything they can to keep them safe as it happened to a base sky elementary in north york, early saturday. >> Police found evidence of gunfire, including a bullet hole in the building. No injuries were reported. Toronto police have now increased their presence in certain neighbourhoods. Now to a major international story that we're tracking this morning. More than 2000 people are feared buried alive after a massive landslide and papa new guinea. >> It trying to rescue whatever they can >> By using the taking 6 speights. At the cultural forks. And their hands. Of course. >> The country's government has now put out the call for international support. They need help in their search efforts. People in the region have been hesitant to bring in heavy machinery to remove debris because they're still hoping to find survivors instead, they have been taking on the heart-wrenching task of looking for those buried by hand. Ctv's tony grace is joining us now with more so tony, what happened here to cause such a catastrophe, a landslide of this magnitude, just a tragedy. Marcia, that's becoming more clear by the day. So this happened friday while people were sleeping. >> And now the job is not only figuring out exactly how it happened, but how unstable the earth still is. One, a rescue official noting a little while ago that there is alot of water moving beneath this debris. And that makes them uncertain as to how carefully they can actually move the debris and the land and the rocks and the earth around to get to the as you said, up to 2000 people. Now estimated buried alive. That's a new figure today from the government of papua new guinea. And that's more than triple the previous estimate from the united nations, which just came out on friday. You know, they've requested a special team from new zealand to assess the stability of the land for moving heavy earth. Part of the problem in in getting to the root of this problem, marcia, as well as that there's tribal warfare happening in the area. And that means that the aid workers who are able to get to that remote location arriving in military escorted convoys, then they're being shuttled. 60 kilometres back to the country's capital. >> Each night, so limited windows here to actually focus on the the rescue, the recovery and the investigation into

exactly how this could have happened. Happened in an area where about 4,000 people live in 6 remote mountainous villages in an area called and the province and a stark sort of assessment from that from the un this morning. Marcia. And I would the international organization for migration, who you heard from in our clip off the top and that is that there's a very slim chance that anyone is going to be found alive. We heard from one woman this morning who was standing on top of the debris saying, quote, I have 18 of my family members buried under the debris that I'm standing on. So you can just imagine. Not only the emotional toll this is taking on people, but the logistical toll that it's involving 2 just to try to make some headway here in what has become a major international disaster. Marcia tony grace force tony, thank you for that. Secure. All right, more than 2 weeks after they were forced out by wildfires, people from fort nelson bc are finally allowed to return home today. >> I'm relieved because it's. It's looking like the initial stages of of this fire. The safety concerns that we have have been mitigated. >> The evacuation order will be lifted next hour. 8:00am local time allowing about 4700 people to head home people heading back are being told to gas up first am to bring a few days worth of food and supplies with them. The parker lake wildfire is still burning out of control and people in fort nelson are being warned to be ready to leave again at a moment's notice. >> O coming up, dozens reportedly killed by israeli airstrikes that hit a refugee camp in rafah. We'll have more on the other side of THIS(Snickering) Hanging tree Good Morning with Dulcolax. For a gentle and fast relief, Dulcolax Soft Chews works with the water in your body... as little as 30 minutes. Making your good morning... even better with Dulcolax. Try the New Dulcolax Liquid for a Gentle and Fast Relief. New Herbal Essences is packedwith naturally derivedplant based ingredientsyo and none of the stuffit won't. Our sulfate free collections,smell incredible and leave your hairtouchably soft and smooth. New Herbal Essences. With Cascade Platinum Plus, I have upped my dish game. Auntie, in that dishwasher? Watch me. Platinum Plus gives you our highest standard of clean, even in your machine. —Clean enough for you? —Yeah. Scrape. Load. Done. No prewash, no rewash,or your money back. ( ) This is not just another E-Class. Because it evolves with you. It adapts to you, the generic It is the first E-Class made just for you. For you, for you ( ) This is not just design. Because your E-Class: it adapts to you, recognizes you, understands you, empowers you, energizes you, feels you. It evolves with you. The new E-Class. ( ) What keeps baby's skin healthy? A diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. That's why Pampers Swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100%leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. Pampers. For healthy baby skin. ( ) (Wincing) Get started for free on eharmony. Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. Our Enercare technicians are experts at heating and cooling. Water heating and water purification. We can help you with a range of affordable solutions to help your home run smoothly. Enercare Experts at home >> Search and rescue efforts are underway in rafah after israeli airstrikes on a refugee camp. Officials in gaza say 45 people have been killed, many of them women and children, israeli defence forces say they targeted and killed 2 senior hamas figures. And what they're calling a precise airstrike. The idf says it will review the killings of civilians. The strike comes amid increased international pressure on israel to halt its offensive in the region. Ctv's colton praill is tracking this from ottawa. He joins me now with more so colton, where r today after a weekend that saw strikes on both sides with hamas sending rockets into tel aviv and then israel responding by those that assaults on the the camp. >> Marcia, really it's been it's been a day of international outcry over this attack in rafah, which did come as you mention after that after that incident where we saw missiles fired into tel aviv

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