
CTVN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #35

>>> Heather. >> Heather: ctv's paul hollingsworth, thank you. >>> The truck driver who caused the deadly humboldt broncos bus crash 6 years ago is set to be deported. The decision came at an immigration and refugee board hearing in calgary. >>> Ctv's annie bergeron oliver joins us with the details. >> Sidhu is a canadian permanent resident but the indian citizen does not have a canadian passport. For that reason his lawyer has said the decision was essentially a foregone conclusion. Sidhu is currently out on parole after being sentenced to 8 years for dangerous driving in the 2018 humboldt broncos bus crash that killed 16 people and injured 13 others. Two years ago the canada border services agency recommended his deportation. His lawyer has been fighting it ever since. Today the father of logan boulet who died in the crash told ctv news bernadine and I are thankful for the decision today as we continue to believe that Mr. Sid shoe should be deport from canada. We're prepared to remain diligent in this belief even as Mr. Sidhu may launch further appeals but while several families members of those killed agree, one of those injured doesn't appear to feel the same way. >> Obviously, you want the best for someone and best for human and best for a human and you know, there's no -- there's no negative emotions towards him and his family. >> Reporter: sidhu's lawyer said the deportation process could take months or even years. >> Heather: thank you. >>> Crown prosecutors say a deadly shooting at a mississauga ontario restaurant has the result of a plot from a group who had pledged allegiance to the terrorist group islamic state. Five people were shot at chickenland in may of 2021 and a 25-year-old was killed in the opening address in brampton this week, the crown attorney said the man was planning to turn others in in the group in, that is. So they decided to kill him and his family. Three people are charged with one count of murder and five counts of attempted murder.

>>> A major ruling today from the international court of justice. The united nations top court has ordered israel to halt its military operation in rafah. Although israel is unlikely to comply, it will rachet up the pressure on the increasingly isolated country. Ctv's jeremie charron is following the story. >> Reporter: inside this courtroom in the netherlands today, a landmark emergency ruling in a case brought forward by south africa, accusing israel of genocide. >> Israel has not sufficiently addressed and dispelled the concern raised. >> In a strict order from the world court. >> Israel must halt its military offence and any other action in the rafah [Unclear] which may inflict on the palestinian group in gaza, conditions apply that could bring about its physical destruction. >> Reporter: the president of the court also ordered israel to open the rafah border crossing to allow humanitarian aid in, calling the situation in gaza catastrophic. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: canada's position has been leer for many weeks now. We need an immediate ceasefire. Hamas needs to lay down its arms, release all hostages buff there also must be no more military operations in rafah. >> Reporter: the court also called for the researching of all remaining hostages. While its order is legally binding, the icj lacks the power to enforce it. >> The international court of justice doesn't have its own army or police. It depends upon the security council to implement its orders. >> Reporter: this is the third time the court has issued orders for israel to pull back and address the humanitarian suffering in gaza. But israel has been accused of ignoring their orders in the past. >> Israeli spokesmen have already announced that essentially israel will not comply with the order, that they will continue their operation. >> Reporter: israel has repeatedly dismissed accusations of genocide insisting it has the right to defend itself from hamas.

>>> South africa's wider case here accuses israel of state-led general site against palestinians. A decision on that could take years but the icj has rejected israel's request to throw the case out. >> Heather: ceasefire negotiations for the war in ukraine may be back on the table but one that recognizes the current battlefield line. [Speaking Alternate Language] russian president vladimir putin told reporters peace talks must resume but based on common sense. In ukraine president volodymyr zelenskyy visited a printing house that was destroyed by russian missile attack that killed at least 7 people. >>> In france, beaumont hamel was the site of a devastating battle during the first world war. The newfoundland regiment suffered catastrophic losses, within minutes of launching a major offensive. More than 100 years later, officials are preparing to return the remains of an unknown soldier home to canada. Ctv's garrett barry did in beaumont hamel and you've connected with a very special group. >> It was another emotional day for canadian officials and veterans here in beaumont hamel, anticipation is building for tomorrow's big event, especially among a small group who have been given the honour of walking closely with that unknown soldier as he makes his final trip home. >>> They've been practicing all week, the pressure is on. Tomorrow's event, it's once in a lifetime. >> Big honour, lots of weight on your shoulders to perform to your highest standards, really. It's to go out there, make sure you look the part, act the part. You're bringing home one of your own. >> Reporter: for the newfoundlanders in this group it's a very special job. Bringing a countryman home for the first time in a hundred years. >> Something hard to bullet into words, to be a newfoundlander and as far as I can think back, everybody's a newfoundlander from burin is where my family's from. >> Reporter: many put their hands up to walk alongside the casket so to be picked is a real honour. >> Being in the military, I have family also in the military, I want to take it personal and great honour to be on something like this. >> Reporter: pallbearers from france will hand the unknown soldier back to this canadian group at a ceremony at bow-- beaumont hamel, as he's laid to rest july 1 in saint john, newfoundland and labrador memorial day. >> We saw people in your story wearing a special lapel. That you also have on.

>>> Tell us more about that. >> Reporter: these small blue flowers are forget-me-nots, similar to the poppies that you will see on remembrance day. It was actually a hundred years ago that the veterans association of newfoundland adopted these as their official symbol. They sold them as part of the project to open that national war memorial in downtown st. John's and to this day, people in newfoundland and labrador will wear these blue flowers as remembrance for their soldiers who fought in world war I and ii. >> A beautiful tribute. >>> Thank you. >>> Coming up, celebrating morgan spurlock's cinematic legacy. >> You caused major harm to your heart, liver, blood. >> You're going to die. >> Remembering the filmmaker who sparked a conversation over america's relationship with fast food. >>> Plus, millions of cicadas on the move. ( ) The fact that this Reese's ad showed up at this exact moment proves that your devices are listening... to your stomach. ( ) Our Enercare technicians are experts at heating and cooling. Water heating and water purification. We can help you with a range of affordable solutions to help your home run smoothly. Enercare Experts at home Looking for the fastestpersonal loan in Canada?Well, look no further. Spring Financial offers fullyonline personal loans with zero stress and no need for branch visits. But don't take our word for it. Apply today Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) (Music Begins) Summer breeze makes me feel fine Blowing through the jasmine in my mind ( ) Summer breeze makes me feel fine (Silence) Blowing through the jasmine in my mind Summer starts here. Get your pc® Summer Insiders Report today. >> Heather: a devastating story to tell you about from barrie, ontario. A toddler died after being struck by a recycling truck earlier this week. Police say the child who was nearly two years ago old was struck thursday afternoon and suffered life-threatening injuries. The child later died in hospital. Police say it's too early to know the details of the incident and it's unclear whether any charges will be laid.

>>> The filmmaker who rose to fame with documentaries about the fast food industry has died. Morgan spurlock's super size me was nominated for an academy award. His family said he died of cancer complications. Ctv's camille carmelo has more. >> Reporter: double quarter pounder with cheese meal. >> Reporter: putting his body and health online, became a part of morgan spurlock's legacy. >>> Known for his mega hit super size me, the documentary filmmaker ate nothing but McDONALD'S for an entire month. >> You're going to die, you will die. >> I want more, more, more. >> Reporter: despite his deteriorating condition. >> I think that people don't realize that just these types of diets can be very dangerous. >> Reporter: the movie took a bite out of the fast food industry raising awareness of america's obesity crisis. McDONALD'S discontinued their super size menu and included healthier options. >> Because of him it changed from super size to a bargain to an epidemic in the pop cultural imagination. >> Reporter: spurlock used the film's success as a springboard... >> Hoo, osama. >> Reporter: releasing where in the world is osama bin laden. >> Do I want to try to make films that don't really polarize people, I want to try to make things for everybody. >> Reporter: directing a film for one of the most famous boy bands in the world one direction and hosting his own show on cnn. Spurlock stepped down from his production company in 2017, after admitting to sexual misconduct. The west virginia native died from complications due to cancer at the end of 53. His brother saying morgan gave so much through his art, ideas and generosity, today the world has lost a true creative genius and special man. I'm so froude have worked together with him. >> Became an actor in his own documentary. >>> He did further pave the way for reality television. Even the way he changed entertainment and how we consume it was a huge impact. >> Reporter: most will remember him for a film that showed his hunger to the world, what followed was continuing to make films that everyone had an appetite for.

>>> Kamil karamali, ctv news, toronto. >> Heather: still ahead, one-on-one with a five time olympic medallist, reflecting on the pwhl's historic first season. [ ] [ ] [ ] Sally's having a hard time focusing on her yoga routine. She's thinking about her family, and how to protect them should anything happen to her. With North Cover Life Insurance, she'll be so well covered that it would be like she's wearing a parka! And like a parka, North Cover keeps you well protected. Sally, why don't you try that stretch again? With North Cover Life Insurance, take comfort in affordable coverage that doesn't stretch your wallet. And if you're not sure where to start, don't worry, applying is easy. Expert insurance advisors are a phone call away. You're covered for death by any cause once coverage commences. With a cash payout of up to one point five million dollars. Plus, if diagnosed with a terminal illness, you'll receive your benefit upfront. Looking good, Sally. Being well protected sure feels great. North Cover - Comfort in being protected. Get a quote today. Call 1-844-466-1010 now or visit ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower. Customize the cut with three interchangeable blades. It cuts for over an hour on a single charge. Find an ego retailer near you. ( ) (Clattering) ( ) I sit back And let a Bud light the way Still keeping tabs on your petthe old fashioned way?There's a better option. Tractive gps pet trackersgive you live gps tracking. So you'll know whereyour pet is at all times. Tractive gps Trackerequals 24-7 peace of mind. ( ) Our family's growing. We're looking for a little bigger place for us... ( ) and this is our third Mattamy property. Homes... made for the real you. ( ) . It's spring time in paris and the kings and queens of clay have come out to play Tennis played on another planet That is a piece of art right there Ooo lala! Roland garros on tsn and tsn+ (Dramatic music) (Cheering) losed captioning is brought to you in part by HydraSense Eye Drops. Fast acting relief for dry eyes. Made with a naturally sourced lubricant. HydraSense eye drops. >> Heather: this is a busy time of year for the hockey fans. The edmonton oilers are the last canadian team left in the rice for the stanley cup. The memorial cup tournament kicks off on tsn and tsn is also where you will find game 3 of the pwhl finals with the series tied between boston and minnesota. To talk more about the very successful first season of the wphl, we're joined by jayna hefford, the league's senior vice-president of hockey operations and five time canadian olympic meld list.

>>> How would you describe the first season of the pwhl? Has it exceeded expectations? >> This first season has been incredible. It's remarkable the amount of work put in to get to where we are today and it's exceeded all expectations from attendance, merchandise sales, sponsorship sales, viewership, the support of so many people and the demand has proven to be real for women's hockey and we couldn't be more excited for this season and the launch and now currently in our first playoffs and getting prepared to hand out a championship is really exciting. >> Heather: and is a little different for those viewers, the pwhl also introduced interesting rule changes including the jail break, where a shorthanded goal gets a player out of the penalty box. So, what was the idea behind some of these unique rules? >> Well, we're a single entity league which means we can make decisions really easily and the mind-set and I think the core part of our culture is not to be afraid to make mistakes. And so we wanted to think outside of the box, we wanted to be creative and innovative in how we present the game to our fans and our players and wanted to really try something a little bit different. It's been an overwhelming success I think in terms of response from the fans, from the media, from the players and the jail break is one that's been really popular. We had the pick your own opponent in the playoffs, we had the gold plan which means teams had to earn the first overall pick. So all of these things will just different elements we thought we could provide to the game to offer more to the game. >> As a form player yourself do you wish it could have been around earlier so you could have perhaps played in the league? >> I would have loved something like this, and dreamt for many years to be professional hockey player and be able to do that full time and but at the same time, I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to play the role that I have in terms of the senior vice-president of hockey operations and really have a hand in working with the players and making key decisions to bring this league to life. So, I'm just really excited for the current players that get to be a part of this and for all the young girls who now have something to dream of. >> So, okay, we've had a great first season. We've seen the excitement, we've seen the sold out arenas. What plans are underway for next season? Will it be longer, can we expect a change in arenas and of course team names perhaps for next year? >> We have lots on the go right now. Season 2 has already started planning within our group and yes, team names and logos are well underway. We're working on that. There will be more regular season games. Each team will play 30. 24 year we only played 24 and we'll continue to look at ways to be innovative and creative around the game. The demand has been great. Fans have shown an interest and want to be part of the league so in many markets we're looking at bigger venues potentially but at the same time we want to be strategic about how we grow and it's really exciting what's ahead. >> Heather: jayna hefford with the pwhl, thank you for joining us.

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>>> One way plates range from 6 to $8,000 for one dog and one human companion. >>> And you may have heard about the historic invasion of two broods of can I canadian dollaring emerging in the midwest and southern states. The natural wonder has already begun mp as ctv's joy malbon reports, the si indicated although sa is getting loud oops. >> Reporter: hear that that's the sound of millions, no trillions of squiggly red-eyed bugs buzzing all over the southern U.S. they have taken over sarah's backyard in georgia. >> I weil really wasn't prepared, I haven't seen this before, this is my first invasion. >> Emerging, two broods hatching at the same time, in states like illinois, missouri and iowa, some are calling it a cicadapalooza. >> I'm not going outside. >> Reporter: last time this happened thomas jefferson was president and in the swarm of red eyes they've even spotted a rare blue-eyed cicada, one in a million. >> Your new neighbours and you can't pound on their wall and tell them to shut up, it's okay. >> Reporter: in the carolinas, they're calling 911 to complain. >> We had a leap year, we had eclipse, you know, had all these different moon phases now we've got cicadaing everywhere. >> Reporter: scientists will tell you that high pitched sound... Like the roar of a jack hammer are the males just looking for love. So, yeah, it gets loud. >> Males sing to attract the females, they mate, the males pretty much then die, the females find a tree limb they can lay their eggs in. >> Reporter: while the chao zoo animals find them tasty, even humans like to fry up a little crunchy cicada cuisine. >> I like to tell people if it's oming from new orleans kitchen even if it's bizarre it's going to be tasty. >> Enjoy the spectacle, the bug's life isn't long and the two broods won't reemerge until 2027. >> Quite the sound and the event.

>>> That is our newscast for this friday. Thank you for joining us. I'll be back later tonight with ctv national news at 11. For ongoing coverage tune to "ctv news channel"." >>> I'm heather butts. Your local [ ] [ ] [ ] >> Hi there and welcome to power-play friday, I'm todd van der heyden. Tonight, the U.N.s top court orders a halt to israel's offensive at rafah. >> Israel must immediately halt its military offence and any other action in the rafah

government. >> The international court of justice demanding an immediate halt to israel's military operations in rafah, but the ruling is not enforceable, arguably symbolic. We're going to get canada's response with U.N. ambassador bob rae coming up in moments. >> Then no deal and bad blood. >> They don't mind losing because they have a point to make. I'm about winning. >> Negotiations between bc's two xii right parties breaking down with bc united announcing there will not be a deal between the two parties, and the bc conservatives with a scorched earth response. The leader of bc united, kevin falcon will join us live. On our friday front bench gets into the politics between the prime minister's pharmacare push and his political attacks on pierre poilievre. First, though, this. >> Under the convention, israel must immediately halt its military offence and any other action in the rafah government which may inflict on the palestinian group in gaza, conditions apply that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: we need to be helping on the ground. We need to get more aid in. The icj's latest proposed measures go exactly in that -- in that direction. And icj's proposals are binding and we expect everyone to follow them, as a matter of international law. >> Prime minister trudeau reacting to that major ruling from the international court of justice on the israel-hamas war. It's known as the world court, and it ordered israel to immediately halt military operations in rafah and southern gaza. Also ordering urgent humanitarian access in and to allow the united nations to send in observers, but here's the thing. The court's ruling is not enforcen in any way. Israel is not going to comply, certainly not with that order to stop its military campaign. It does put more pressure on israel, and for more on canada alleges position in all of this, we are joined by the country's ambassador to the united nations bob rae. >> Ambassador ray, thanks for joining us. So the world court today ordering israel to immediately halt its military offensive in rafah and to clarify, the prime minister's comments, I'm curious, is canada fully supportive much the ruling? >> Well, first of all, it's important to understand we have two courts at work in the hague. One is the international court of justice which has made this -- this decision, and the other one is the icc which is a completely separate organization. We strongly believe there should be a cease-fire and we believe there should be a full release of the hostages. And I think it's important to recognize that the court in -- in urging that israel not go ahead with its attack on rafah has also made it clear that it wants to see the hostages released. I mean, I think it's days graceful that hamas is now releasing the bodies of hostages. Hostages that were killed on october 7th and then were then pirated back to gaza and basically held as if they were alive, which is just disgraceful. And it shows the way in which the hamas has treated the hostages is in fact an ongoing crime against humanity. >> We know there's no enforcement mechanism for this ruling. I'm curious whether there are tools that canada might be looking at, Mr. Rae, to sort of push this ruling to actually be respected, because as you know very well, in all likelihood, israel will not respect the ruling. >> Well, I think there's -- I mean, there's sign of a discussion underway, bill burns has been designated by the united states as their main negotiator, is now back in contact with them and others and the israeli is have said they will participate again in the potential cease-fire and release of hostages. So I have thought given up hope at all for that. I think it's important to stress that a cease-fire is in everyone's interest, including israel's. And the level of civilian destruction and the loss of life of children and of completely innocent people in the way in which israel's conducting this war has to be something that is -- is understood by everyone as simply not acceptable. It's not -- it's not allowed under the rules of war to cause this much civilian havoc when you are dealing with an enemy like hamas. And I know it's -- it's difficult, it's -- no one's pretending that this kind of a conflict is easy, but we do have to understand that there are rules of war and rules of engagement. And putting as many civilian lives at risk as are being put

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