
CTVN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #34

have everyone if you want to take a picture of it. I'm sure. But as of right that's where we're at. >> You hope to accomplish and sunday, what are you? >> So we're looking for the university of toronto make commitments towards a last minute. And we're talking lots about committee slots about processes and procedures that the this institution has in place that ultimately are not good enough. Right? Ed, there's lots of, you know, obstacles in our path. One of them being the committee you know, the administration has not agreed to allow us to appoint people this committee. We can make recommendations under the current proposal, but those recommendations need to be approved by the president. So he has final say. And then ultimately, even if the committee did agree to disclosure and to divestment president gertler could come down and say no, as he did also feels in 2016. So that's where yeah, we will be having this notice shortly. I think that's where it's at. >> Okay, we have been listening to an update on the pro-palestinian encampment set up on the grounds of the university of toronto. Protesters were given a deadline of 4:00pm eastern today to leave. It is now 6 minutes past 4:00pm eastern the institutions that plan to issue a trespass notice notice say students were not gone. By that time. Now that has not happened yet. You heard that spokesperson saying they are expecting that will happen any minute. They will be meeting with the administration on sunday. They also say police have told them they will only come if the university calls them. Now the students have been calling for a commitment from the university to divest from institutions connected with israel. And joining me now is sarah rest and a graduate student at the university of toronto and official spokesperson for the encampment on campus. And sarah, thank you for being here at the deadline has now what are your sentiment surrounding the snow to us? So let me make it very clear that the university delivered to us was not an offer to disclose her to die israeli academic. >> Institutions from israel as a whole. Instead, it was an offer for them to think about the possibility of doing best at some point in the future. This is not what we had asked for, but they gave us is an ultimatum is not an offer. Uft knows how negotiating works. The bargain with unions on campus. All of the time they are putting forth this first written offer and they're framing it as the final this is that is not a bargaining burton's with this is the beginning of the negotiations. You have to has put forward the first offer. And we are now preparing our counter. >> Will the protesters be packing up the encampment? >> We do not intend to leave until our demands are that some people continue to stay steadfast in pushing for these demands. Again, demands that are basically gordon university of toronto to national and international ball to its own principles of divestment to precedent. >> Is there any way you can fight this or appeal this notice? >> I'm not sure about be have as the university earlier today, we send them an email. We told him that he would like to meet with him at 5:00pm on sunday, to which they have responded and agreed to me. It's about time. We did ask them to not issue a trespass notice. And it seems like they are going ahead. But the and so I mean, it's obvious that all they care about is getting us off of their lawn. I really don't care about is the genocide and pasta. I just want to point out we are looking at images on our just a moment ago. There looks like >> That trespass notice is going up that right there appears to be that notice now this administration has sarah, it's given time, you know, unlike other it's been patient with this. Why do you think, though, that their spring, this on the protesters right now? >> As competition come south graduations coming is obvious that they want their cross, that being said last year on vacation was held at 100 titian hall. The fencing around king's college circle. Other people circle for posting now. And so they how, you know, hosted an held convocation that fencing around the circle. The only difference now is that we have palestinian flags on dispensing, but it does seem like graduation coming up is the reason that they want to >> And so you know, the protesters, what's the response is like, you know, on the ground there to this. >> Its frustration that they're not taking this seriously again, they know how gardening works to bargain. But unions on campus, all of the time they are presenting their first offer and framing it as the final offer. They want us to go through the quote, unquote, appropriate burkhart procedures. We know that this is historically not worked in 2016 students did go through

the process and procedures and the end of the but they were proposing that students proposed fossil fuel divestment. It did everything that the university wanted them to do procedurally and that the university ended up seeing no veto. That recommendation. And so you have acknowledges that their procedures, you know, have not worked to bring the student voice centre in the past there still proposing the same procedures for us to call it now, it makes no sense to me are frustrated and the hope that they do engage in conversation, the cost to actually meet our 2 cats. >> If not on campus grounds, is there another way that students can continue to create awareness? >> To continue talking about palestine to continue pushing back against the anti palestinian racism that they face in the classrooms to continue century. The there is no right or wrong and and of course, not everybody is able to protest us. We have to be fully acknowledge and recognize and understand that and so as long as palestine is centered and as long students continue to push back against against the anti palestinian racism, that is taking place all over our campuses. We're hopeful that we will be able meet and preach successfully. Our 2 outs. >> All right, we will have to leave it there. Sarah russet graduate student at the university of toronto and official spokesperson for the u of keefe high for palestine encampment. Thank you very much for being here with us today. We appreciate your time. Thanks for having me. A brampton murder trial has heard a gunman who was accused of killing an ontario man in shooting 4 of his family members was allegedly part of a trio who had pledged allegiance to isis. It the man who died in 25 year old cole and his family were shot at their mississauga restaurant in 2021. The crown attorneys said in an opening statement that awful found out about their loyalty to isis and planned to go to authorities. And that's when he became a target. The 3 suspects are charged with one count of first degree murder and 5 counts of attempted murder. The truck driver who caused the tragic humboldt broncos bus crash has been ordered to be deported. The decision coming this afternoon that an immigration and refugee board hearing the lawyer for jaskirat singh sidhu said the decision was a foregone conclusion as all that was required to deport. Sidhu was proof that he's not a canadian citizen and that he committed a serious crime. 16 people were killed and 13 were injured in the 2018 crash in 2019 sidhu, who is from india, was sentenced to 8 years in prison after pleading guilty last year. A judge rejected sidhu's request to remain in canada with his wife. Ryan straschnitzki, one of the humboldt broncos players who survived the crash says he holds no negative emotions towards to do or his family. >> You know what, it could come out of my hands. Not really my responsibility and you know, obviously, you know, you want the best for someone, invest for human and that's for a few minutes. You know, there's no there's that members, no negative emotions towards and the you know, I can speak on behalf of anyone else, but I'm hoping not, you know, from human, the human you know, everything works out they could find happiness. >> Very powerful words there. The bc united party leader, kevin falcon announced today that the bc conservatives and leader john rest at have rejected a non competition deal proposed by his party. Fortunately. >> I have to stand and tell you today that john rust add ultimately made that decision, that that's not something that he wants to proceed with. And he is going to put his personal ambitions as he views them above the best interests of the province. While it may disagree with his decision. I respect the fact of the decision's been made and we're going to go forward and I want you to know, go forward with real confidence. >> The deal could have led to a coalition government. It also called for the parties to agree to not attack one another during the campaign and not run candidates against those running for re-election. Bc conservative leader john rest at claims. His party offered to merged back in december, but that was rejected by fall can whom he accuses of not being serious or honest during discussions. In a statement, in part rest and says time and time again. And in this offer, kevin falcon has demonstrated that he will always put himself first and will do absolutely anything for power before the bc united party before his own candidates. And ultimately be for the province. Calls are growing for canada post to take measures that could help the embattled mail carrier return

to profitability. Higher stamp prices a more efficient delivery network and even expanding into new areas are pitched as ways to help canada post revamp its operations. The crown corporation lost 748 million dollars last year, making 2023 at second worst year on record. Canada post says homes received an average of just 2 letters a week during that period, despite its charter requiring daily deliveries to every address. And joining me now to talk more about this is even lee associate professor at carleton university's sprott school of business and professor, it's been a tough go for canada post for the last 10 years. How did it get to this point? >> All you young are gone in my students, your generation of my generation are the most digital generation ever. And means the dna of young people are millennials and gen x, gen z and it was my point mail volumes are collapsing, but a number of letters are written are collapsing. They've gone from about just under 6 billion to 2 billion. That's a 60% decline and their customer usage of canada post. And this is going on to canadian society. We saw happen with blockbuster video. People don't go to video stars anymore. You know, they stream online. We don't write letters to our mothers and fathers or grandparents, we tax them. Use social media, you know, I'm talking to you on you know, and that's the that's the new world we're in the new digital economy. And so that's their core business. The old analogue letter economy is declining and collapse saying and they have to reorient themselves to the new digital economy, which of course, includes e-commerce and parcels >> Parcels you we are ordering a lot more parcels than ever before. A camps in canada post sustain itself on this. >> Well, that's they should be able they're going to have to adopt some some reforms within the corporation. During the e-commerce elf took off. Says canada data shows that just skyrocketed and yet at that very period when they should have seen their their parcels business explode. They lost half of their market share in the perth to us because the private companies and the gig delivers are under cutting a cannabis very, very dramatically. They're much less expensive on a per unit basis are per truck per hour basis. And so that's going to require that canada post reorganize, restructure and start delivering 7 days a week. The private companies or going on the weekends. Cannabis doesn't even know, deliver a parcels on the weekend. So that's going to be part of the restructuring solution for canada good point. >> What do you think the best for canada post to restructure is to help turn around. >> Well, in your opening comments to touch on time. You highlighted something I think is absolutely crucial. The so-called universal service obligation uso mandates the post office must go to every last address in this country, 5 days a week. 52 weeks here, even if they have nothing to deliver an increasingly, they have very little to deliver. We've got to reform that there's no need for the post office to go to 16 17 million addresses 5 days a week when they have nothing to deliver. That's what I call temp can post office of fake post office. And so they have to restructure its. So they're going to only take the male out when they have mail to deliver its called. You want the jargon. It's called dynamic routing because right now you send the person down that street, even when they have nothing to deliver, which is when you think about it kind of ridiculous. >> Yeah, I can see your point that is our time. Ian lee, associate professor at the sprott school of business at carleton university. Thanks a lot for this. So we appreciate your insights. >> My pleasure and I thank you >> Well, a major strike could be coming by nine-thousand canadian customs and border agents who work at border crossings and airports nationwide. >> The union voting overwhelmingly in favour 96%. Just ahead of busy summer season. It would lead to some significant delays to the flow of goods services and people on a whole host of levels. Workers have been without a contract for over 2 years. The ontario government is expanding the sale of alcoholic beverages at convenience, grocery and big box stores starting in august. Ctv's siobhan morris takes us through the changes announced by premier doug ford earlier today. >> All this is happening about a year earlier than was originally planned. The deal that governs how alcohol is

sold in ontario is scheduled to expire at the end of next year. But the government is using taxpayer dollars to accelerate it all as they face questions about whether they're trying to knock off election promises before calling for an early vote. Now starting august first, you'll start to see stores that are already licensed big box stores and grocery stores licensed to sell, be able to sell more kinds. Premade drinks like seltzers and coolers. They'll also be able to add a here's your cases up to 30. Then the bigger change the are really notice comes just after labour day september 5th, that's when convenience stores like the one we're at today will be able to sell wine beer coolers as well. Then on halloween, more grocery stores, more big box retailers will be able to get in on this. They'll be able to sell all of those different kinds of alcohol. Again, none of this was supposed to happen until 2026, the accelerated timeline comes with a payment. >> 225 million dollars of taxpayer dollars going to the beer store to help them through the transition. It's a payment that the premier is defending today. >> The promise that we made 2018 and we're moving forward with it, but it's not going directly to the beer store's where it's going is to make sure that we protect the beer store employees to make sure they know they're going to be taken care of. We're going to audit every single penny to make sure it's going in the right place. So it's not going into the breweries pockets or anything like that is going to the front line people and who we support the centre for addiction and mental health says they're disappointed in this announcement today. They say what what the government is doing is choosing convenience over the well-being of ontarians. The government for its part has pledged 10 million dollars over 5 years to help with things like public health concerns related to expand access to alcohol. Been siobhan morris. >> Canada's competition bureau has launched investigations into the parent companies of grocery giants loblaw and sobeys over alleged anti-competitive conduct. >> The commissioner launched the probes in march, saying at that time that there was reason to believe that the firm's the use of so-called property controls and limits competition in the retail grocery sector. Sobeys owner empire called the inquiry unlawful. Canada's major grocery chains of come under increasing scrutiny as consumers struggle with rising food crisis. And ctv's paul hollingsworth has been following this story from halifax. So paul, what does all of this mean? >> Well, I want it in if you pull back the lens, a 2003 to look at it, it means that we can expect people, consumers in our country who are already quite upset about the price of groceries to probably become more upset because and adds that level of the negativity to this story. Look, if you look at the competition bureau and the work that they are mandated to do, they're here to protect consumers in canada and be like a watchdog agency, if you will, to help lower prices. More prices leads to competition. Competition leads to more healthy marketplace when it comes to people being able to for these groceries. So if you are reporting today as we cover this during the day, of course, we will dig into the issue and find out exactly what is entailed when it comes to any alleged manipulation of those property at the same time, try to find those connective strands, how this is actually limit competition and what are the outcomes. And it comes to impacting consumers in our country. It is on the one hand, a complicated story, but it's also a very simple story. People understand competition in this country and they understand affordability. And this so what most of in details causing a lot of reaction because it is linked to a very sensitive topic, as you know. And as we have reported in our country. And that is the price of groceries and retail stores. >> Alright ctv's paul hollingsworth reporting there. >> Still ahead, disappointment and frustration for fans hoping to see soccer superstar lionel messi live in action. More ON(Snickering) Hanging tree This is our future, ma. GoDaddy airo. Creates a logo, website, even social posts in minutes! -How? -a.i. Ay I like it! Who wants to come see the future?! Get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo. What would you like to payfor your hotel room tonight?$249, $225, or $199? Same room, same service.Just different prices. It's really up to you. Well, nobody asksyou this at reception, but that's exactlywhat trivago does. trivago compares hotel pricesfrom hundreds of booking sites. So, save yourselfvaluable time and money. Use trivago,compare hotel prices and save up to $50 a night Hotel? trivago. Nutri-Lawn has been nourishingthe lawns and livesof Canadians for over 35 y With our ecology-friendly lawncare, we eliminate weeds

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[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] >> Hello, everyone. Welcome. Here are some of the stories we have for you right now. >>> Grocery giants under investigation. >> Something curious is happening because they don't get involved all that often. >> Canada's competition bureau probing allegations of anticompetitive conduct. >> It's hard to keep canadians save, it's disconcerting to see some of what is being planned. >> Bracing for border disruptions as workers give the go-ahead for strike action. >> The double quarter pounder with cheese meal. >> Super size? >> I think I'm going to have to go super size. >> Marking morgan spurlock's legacy, the filmmaker dead at 53. >>> Checking in on the pwhl finals after a successful first season. [ ] [ ] [ ] >> Announcer: national news with sandie rinaldo. >> Good evening, I'm heather butts in for sandie. >>> A summer of disruption at airports and lands crossings could be on the horizon. Workers with border services have a handed their union a strike mandate. Those representing roughly 9,000 members say they could be on the picket line next month. >>> Québec's bureau chief genevieve beauchemin has more. >> The union says a strike could throw the travel plans of many into disarray this summer. It could also slow the flow of goods across these borders and spend any time here at the le col border crossing for instance examine you can see just how many trucks are flowing back and forth here. >>> The cbsa has flows at land crossing, marine ports and there's intelligence officers. What the union says it wants is among other things better wages, they say they want wages more in line with other law enforcement agencies like the rcmp. >> We're looking for greater parity regarding salary, protections around excessive discipline and contracting out and of course equitable retirement benefits. >> Reporter: what the federal government is saying, the employer is that this is still in negotiations that this potential strike is unnecessary. The prime minister justine trudeau said toot the expertise are hammered out at the negotiation table and that's still an option here.

>>> They're also saying they want to remind canadians 90% of the workers who have just handled their union a strike mandate are actually designated as essential, so they have to provide services in the event of a strike. But the union is saying that may be so but as of 2021 when there was work-to-rule action, it slowed down traffic, there were motorists and truckers idling at the border for 9 to 10 hours at the time. So they say this could happen again. They're saying the window is closing to hammer out a deal here before a june strike. >>> Heather? >> Heather: that seems very close. >>> Thank you. >>> Facing discontent from shoppers over soaring grocery prices, the parent companies of loblaws and sobeys are under investigation by canada's competition bureau for alleged allege anticompetitive conduct. >>> Ctv's paul hollingsworth joins us. What type of impact could this probe have? >> Reporter: no shortage of reaction to this case already and it touches on a very sensitive issue, the price of food in our country. >>> Canada's grocery giants sobeys and loblaws already facing scrutiny over rising food prices are now on the receiving ends of an investigation launched by the competition bureau of canada. >> Any time you're being investigated by the competition bureau something serious is happening because they don't get involved all that often. I think this is fairly novel case. >> Reporter: both chains are accused of using property controls to limit competition in the retail grocery sector. A lack of competition is directly linked to the high price of food. >> When you try to control geography, as a retailer, well, and you're suppressing competition access, access to food, affordable food becomes an issue for a lot of people. >> Reporter: sobeys owner empire called the investigation unlawful. >>> This law no 0-professor says this case will resonate with millions of canadians who are struggling with the high coast of groceries. >> That's one of the things the competition bureau has to look a the. They have to come to it independently. They're not the overly influenced by political or public opinion did you at the end of the day they can decide is this or is this not proper competitive activity. >> Reporter: wayne McKAY thinks the competition bureau has enough of a case to pursue this in the short term and the long-term. He says it's possible this could go down a path that results in increased competition and more affordable food prices.

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