
CTVN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #32

>> And the ones who can make it stop is not israel because they have very clear and very precise cool. The moving hamas is in military and governing authority and getting the hostages back. But as long as it suits the interest of of the iranians who are behind us ultimately and the leadership in political leadership sitting securely in there, five-star hotels inside qatar as long as they feel a little pressure and the hamas key leadership is underground in those. 500 miles of tunnels. I'm afraid that turn. They see anything like this as a victory. And as long as they're gaining victories at the terrible cost for the people of gaza. They're not likely to change. >> From a global standpoint, how do you think the western bloc will react? >> Israel will come under increasing isolation, which is one reason this is going to continue because it suited to prove the people can make it stop like this isolation. And unfortunately, the people gaza pay that cost. I europe has already split on this issue. Families are split on this issue. It's, it's a terrible situation. And we should remind ourselves that has the law. And even clear up on of iran to bring this a bar on lebanon, unless something is done to change that situation. >> Elliot tepper, professor of international relations at carleton university. We thank you very much for your time today. >> O, you're very welcome. An age just such an awful situation to be discussing. >> Certainly s. >> Meanwhile, a deadline is fast approaching and the university of toronto school officials have given pro-palestinian protesters until 4:00pm eastern time to accept their latest offer aimed at ending the demonstration, which started more than 3 weeks ago. And has only gotten bigger and bigger students responding saying this. >> President gertler has not met with us once, although we've asked for his presence multiple times throughout this encampment. By addressing the press in the middle of our meeting. And by giving a live radio interview this morning. It is clear that the administration has no intention to negotiate or engage in dialogue with us in good faith. They have already made up their minds and they're ready to tell the world. This is not an offer. This is an ultimatum >> Demonstrators have been calling for the university to divest from companies connected with the israeli military campus protests and encampments have been in place for the last weeks. The university issued a 24 hour deadline on thursday afternoon, calling for students to consider its offer. The truck driver who caused the tragic humboldt broncos bus crash has been ordered to be deported. The decision coming this afternoon at an immigration and refugee board hearing. The lawyer for jaskirat singh sidhu said the decision was a foregone conclusion as all that was required to deport. Sidhu was proof that he's not a canadian citizen and that he committed a serious crime. 16 people were killed and 13 were injured in the 2018 crash in 2019 sidhu, who is from india, was sentenced to 8 years in prison after pleading guilty. Last year. A judge rejected sidhu's request to remain in canada with his wife ryan straschnitzki, one of the humboldt broncos players who survived the crash says he holds no negative emotions towards to do or his family. >> You know what, it did come out of my hands, not really my responsibility and you know, obviously, you know, you want the best for someone invest for human and that's for a few minutes. You know, there's no there's that members, no negative emotions towards and the you know, I can speak on behalf of anyone else, but I'm hoping not, you know, from human to you know, everything works out they could find happiness. >> Saskatchewan is government house leader jeremy harrison has resigned from his position after admitting he took a gun into the legislative building. 10 years ago. Harrison says he brought the gun, which he claims was in a secure case into the building. Before going on a weekend hunting trip to make sure it wasn't stolen from his vehicle. The opposition ndp has been calling for harrison to explain himself for days. He has since apologized in a statement for a lack of judgment regarding the incident. Harrison will remain in the saskatchewan party government cabinet as the minister of trade and integration issues. The bc united party leader, kevin falcon announced today that the bc conservatives and leader john rest ad have rejected a non competition deal proposed

by his party. Fortunately. >> I have to stand and tell you today that john rust add ultimately made that decision, that that's not something that he wants to proceed with. And he is going to put his personal ambitions as he views them above the best interests of the province. While it may disagree with his decision. I respect the fact of the decision's been made and we're going to go forward and I want you to know, go forward with real confidence. >> The deal would not have included a merger of the parties, but could have led to a coalition government. It also called for the parties to agree to not attack one another during the campaign and not run candidates against those running for re-election. The body of an unnamed soldier who died in france in the first world. War is finally coming home. The soldiers remains will arrive in st. John's, newfoundland and labrador. His home province, hundreds of young men from the newfoundland regiment died in 1916 during a disastrous battle at beaumont hamel this year marks the one 100th anniversary of the newfoundland national war memorial in downtown st. John's, where the unknown soldier's remains will be placed in a black granite too. A solemn re burial ceremony is set to take july first documentary filmmaker morgan spurlock who rose to fame with his documentaries about the fast food industry has died. He is best known for his film super size me where he ate nothing but mcdonald's for a month to highlight the dangers of a fast food diet. Spurlock's family says he died thursday in new york from complications of cancer. He was 53. For more on this, let's bring in ctv's kamil karamali kamil. Good afternoon. And tell us more about morgan spurlock's career and the documentary films will be remembered for. Yes. So that film super size me released to 20 years in 2004 still having a big as you can imagine, seeing that it was groundbreaking. >> In so many and it really was a big part of morgan spurlock's legacy that launched him in 2 career as a documentary filmmaker and allowed him to really pursue more ambitious projects moving forward. So as we very well know that film super size me when spurlock lived on a diet of macdonald's for an entire month and checked in with doctors on the impact it was having on his body and mental health. It was nominated for an oscar for best documentary, making 22 million dollars off a $65,000 budget. It really did things renee to change with documentaries we're told him. And michael moore really had a big impact at that time in putting themselves in the documentary, becoming a character in your own film and and started doing experiments on yourself in some capacity. It also in a lot of changed the fast food industry as you know, it really put a spotlight on the obesity epidemic that was taking place in america. And as a result of mcdonald's franchise to its that it decided to include more healthier options as well as as scaled back or completely eliminate their super size menu option. To have a listen to what one, a pop culture analysts had to say about the impact of spurlock. >> The documentary as a form, people always take it to be truth but there's always sort of a certain construction when it comes to going to the documentary filmmaking. There's always a certain level of fiction. Well, in the footsteps of michael moore, morgan spurlock is someone who kind he created a sort of self mythologizing in it. You know, he became an actor in his own documentary and where wait, wait, you know, like a documentary become sort of folksy adventure with a touch of fiction. >> Seeing here, a statement from greg spurlock, morgan's brother morgan gave so much to his heart ideas and generosity. Today, the world has lost a true creative genius and a special man. I am so proud to have worked together with him. Renee. >> Kyle is for lack took aim at the eating habits of americans. Did the documentaries have any lasting effect? Yeah, because it was a 20 year anniversary of this mega hit documentary. Actually new york times released a study and article really delving into what did have. Unfortunately over time, foot fortunate for spurlock, that is over time. It's a it's sort kind of swayed in the other direction with mcdonald's really gaining momentum again, the years after it came out. As I mentioned, it initially had an impact you that was a lot of backlash towards macdonald's. But said the study are quoted in the article said now kids are ordering from the adult menu at a younger age and the top selling items at mcdonald's are actually highest calorie items, with experts

saying the healthy items and now on the board seemed to be just a public relations effort. But let's not forget. Spurlock also made more than 20 films and documentaries in total. It also had major impacts and sparked conversations, including where in the world is osama bin laden in 2008. And he came up with a super size me too, that looked at the chicken and fast food industry related to chickens. Chicken specifically in 2019. Not that long ago. So still having an impact many, many years after that film once again passing away at the age of 53 from complications from cancer in it. >> All right, steve is kamil karamali reporting. Thanks for this condo welcome. >> And this represents without a shadow of a doubt. The largest transformational of tears out all marketplace city and the pro 100 years ago. >> Coming up after the break, we'll have the details on a major expansion of alcohol (Dramatic music) (Cheering) It's the betmgm must-see matchup. Toronto takes on Detroit. Leading off this weekend. Have your picks, parlays and popcorn ready. It's time to up the action. Download the BetMGM App and enjoy the game from the edge of your seat. It's on. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. When it comes to your lawn.It's time to call the experts. With ecology-friendly lawncare from Nutri-lawn. We nourish your lawn,get rid of your weeds and stop insects such ascinch bugs and grubs from tearing up your yard. You'll enjoy a lush, weedand pest-free lawn all summer long,with Nutri-lawn. Nutri-lawn has been nourishingthe lawns and lives of Canadians for over 35 years. Call the experts today.Call 1-888-688-7452 or visit Still keeping tabs on your petthe old fashioned way?There's a better option. Tractive gps pet trackersgive you live gps tracking. So you'll know whereyour pet is at all times. Tractive gps Trackerequals 24-7 peace of mind. What keeps baby's skin healthy? A diaper that doesn't leave skin wet. That's why Pampers Swaddlers absorbs wetness better for up to 100%leakproof protection and 0% skin irritation. Pampers. For healthy baby skin. (Horn honking) Hi, Dad! (Vehicle departing) How's your visit with Noah going? He took out my Jag! (Chuckle) But he doesn't know how to drive stick. He doesn't? (Tires screeching, thud) Ah, f... Fix Auto! The first words that should come to mind after an accident. >> This weekend, an unknown newfoundland soldier killed in the first world war is finally heading home after 100 years, a so-called ramp ceremony will take place in france tomorrow and the remains of the unknown soldier will arrive back in newfoundland tomorrow night. Joining us with more on this is frank sullivan, the former president of the legion and newfoundland command. He's behind this effort. First, thank you for joining us. It was your idea to organize this repatriation mission. Tell me about how that came to be. >> O and 2019 comic book, a was president of the men never come. And with 100 anniversary of the opening of our national war memorial and planning at rededication strong woman. They wanted to check to see. It does do renovations make shorter memorial. Because it had been touched in that a lot of years was done. And so when the when it decided to do that and I had I was in the military when the sold them all. And no firm has national war memorial that predates the canadian on it. But 15 years I said, why don't why have we got an unknown soldier, a new flat. So there's work started. >> What does this repatriation ceremony mean to you? What are the emotions that you are experiencing? >> Indescribable. The on believable to be quite honest. I'm here now at beaumont hamel. We've been here today and walk you through there and saying the names I have a plus name

on them on a memorial at beaumont-hamel. >> And seeing these brings, cherish your eyes and gives your feelings like you didn't know existed in your body. It's, it's. It's, I don't know how life might change the it. No feelings. >> What about others there with you, how are they reacting and what's the mood been like this week? What have you seen from the veterans there? >> The it's that there are always some are all the same. We're we've all had our share of tears. A. >> Everything. So everybody is basically feeling the sandwich. Some have never been here before. And some have and it's the same, they tell us the same thing every time they come here to get the same. Ron motions shed a few tears. On the scene about sites and where are our voice fof back in. In 1916. >> What why is this mission is so important. >> Back and 1991, the national war started but had an angle. The he said that 95% of newfoundland this would never get an opportunity to see the battlefields of france. And he had the request of the unknown soldier back then, but it never went any workers knowles records of any replies or anything like that. And then I like I said it was in the military can ride home. There's and I was in the foyer our feelings and I mean, I had feelings, I didn't know it just in my body at that time. So and I was in france and bowman, how want and 2011 with former premier kathy dunderdale. We were both in tears and she said to me as we were playing out, should frank every newfoundland or should have an opportunity to see this. So with the restoration of project starting. Warming might also want an opportune time. To check out this. So I did some history back on. And that's where it started. >> All right, that is our time will have to leave it there. Frank sullivan, former president of the newfoundland and labrador legion. We thank you very, very much for sharing some of your time with us today. >> Thank you very much. Starting this summer, ontario is expanding the sale of alcoholic drinks to licensed grocery stores, followed by convenience stores after labour day. >> Beginning august, the first people will be able to buy ready to drink alcoholic beverages like coolers and seltzers grocery stores that currently so wine or beer. The stores will also be able to sell larger pot size beers like the 30 packing severe that is popular in quebec. And I know peter, you go back backward. He originally came from and you love those big 30 cases of beer. Well, my friend, you don't have to go to get back to you that the more you can, he got it right here in ontario. >> As of august, first 450 licensed grocery stores will be allowed to sell, ready to drink beverages, including coolers and large pack sizes by the end of october. Every convenience or grocery and big box store in ontario will be able to sell beer cider wine and ready to drink alcoholic beverages if they choose. >> Minnesota and boston are deadlocked at a game apiece in the inaugural. Pwhl walter cup final, who will gain an engine game 3 in the best of 5 series. We'll discuss after the BREAK.(Snickering) Hanging tree -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better. It's a nail fungus infection. -On top of that, it looks gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. You need a prescription. Ask your doctor or foot care practitioner about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too!

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this is ctv news channel. Thanks for joining us. I'm renee rodgers. >> The international court of justice is ordering israel to stop its military operation in rafah. >> A key city in southern gaza. Its more pressure on israel, even though the court itself has no means to actually enforce the order. >> Is that must immediately halt its money through a fence. And any other action. And that often government. Which may conflict on the palestinian group in gaza. Conditions will fly. That could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. >> The president of the court said the humanitarian situation in gaza is catastrophic. It also ordered israel to reopen a key border crossing in rafah to allow more aid and medical supplies into gaza. In all likelihood, israel will not comply. Prime minister justin trudeau was asked about the ruling today. >> Its position has always been that the solution to extraordinarily difficult challenges in the middle east. Our a two-state solution, a peaceful and secure democratic israel. Alongside a peaceful secure democratic palestinian state. >> Joining me now is michael lynk, former un special rapporteur for the situation of human rights in the palestinian territory from 2016 to 2022. Michael, thank you for being here. Your reaction to this ruling is the decision. A surprise. >> The decision isn't a surprise in the sense that the court has now ordered a it, it probably is a little more distressing. The fact that the ceasefire is the order only goes to the rafah area, which is the area only for south of the gaza strip. Where we've seen roughly 8 to 900,000 palestinians leaving that area over the last couple weeks, trying to find shelter or someplace else in the south or the middle of gaza. As your report indicated, the bull arm world court also ordered israel to maintain the opening of the rafah crossing is that's where the vast majority the either has entered or can't enter into the gaza strip. And we know over the last few weeks since israel initiated its rafah offence of that virtually no eat. It all has been getting into a into gaza through the rafah crossing so that these these are good measures. But I they're not, they're not going to be implemented by israel. We already know that there's been an overwhelming vote for a ceasefire in the entire part of gaza since december voted on by the general assembly, the united nations. We know that the security council vote a much more cease fire for 3 months for days of ramadan in early april. 2024 and israel is not heated. Either call by the international community. And that case. I don't see anything with respect to this order coming today. >> Right, it is this ruling in forcible how enforceable is it? >> Well, being enforced would come from the security council. The international court of justice doesn't have its own army. It doesn't have its own police. It depends the security council to implement its its orders. If there is a recalls and a state that's refusing to put these orders and the place. Well, remember, the last time or orders were asked for by by south africa against israel and issued by the court, both after a late january. And then at and late march, their efforts at the security council to put into place resolution that would what the court had ordered. And the aftermath of the march resolution of the merch order. The united states vetoed a resolution coming that wasn't a introduced by a I wouldn't be surprised. The village area and other elected members to the security council again trying to introduce a resolution calling for an immediate and full in the days a united states would have to decide whether it's going to be that are not that doesn't it, it may be that israel continues to defy world opinion. >> When coming to the actual ruling itself, what kind of proof would the court? >> Have had to see it. >> Sure, it's documentary evidence that was put into the court and that done through arguments several weeks ago by both south africa and israel. There's been extensive documentation presented to the court and certainly is as you listen closely to court's order today, the court takes very seriously that reports and the statements made by the united

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