
CTVN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #29

question on on today, about the letter from U.S. I mean, we're talking that 2%. >> And the to get there. I mean, most of the un members are expected to meet that target this year. Canada was sorry. I think you mean nato member nato. Sorry. Yes, thank so how can your government say that not meeting? >> The target isn't affecting our relationship with the U.S. well, first of it's important to remember where canada was in 2015 under the harper conservatives in which pierre poilievre was a minister in that government defence spending dropped for the first time to below one percent of our spending. Well, we got elected in 2015. Not only did we reopen the veterans affairs offices that harper had shuttered not only did we start investing in our military, we actually doubled. Military investments over the past years. We're now on track to reaching over 1.7, 6% of gdp, which is a record high for canada and we're not done yet. There is more to do. I will say in the conversations I had with my american colleagues and counterparts. The massive investments we're making in upgrading our fighter jet fleet with 88 new fighter jets. Our close to 40 billion dollars in norad modernization. Our recent budgets, massive investments in arctic safety and security recognizing nato's western and northern flank is canada's arctic are all extremely well received by the americans. And by alleys around allies around the world who want to see us continue to step up. We recognize there's more to do and we will be there to do it because we are the ones who are taking seriously canada's defence needs and making sure the women and men of armed forces have the right equipment, not just to fullfill what their fellow canadians expect of them. But what our allies around the world are counting on us to do. And cbsa is now potentially striking over psac threatened a summer of discontent over your government, sending public servants back to the office for an additional day a week. So is your government willing to have public servants only come in 2 days to avoid labour we know when it comes cbsa, the work they do is extremely important and extremely difficult. And we recognize the hard work that they do every way every day. Keeping canada safe at our borders. But we also know that the best labour agreements happened at the bargaining table. And that's exactly where the ministers are focused and we will continue to do that. Thank you. Last question. Prime minister mike mcdonald from the canadian >> Your government and the ndp passed a motion to support the icj. What does that look like in terms of the latest ruling from the international court of justice? I believe I already answer that question to a 2 minutes ago. You have another question for me. Okay. It's the lobster fishing areas off new brunswick that are close to may have answered this french already, as you know, fishermen refused to move their traps and the questions are being raised. Maybe the protections for these whales have gone too far. How do you respond to that? >> Actually, I think your information might be a little bit about of out of date. Fisheries minister work directly concerned fissures in the industry and is actually found a solution. Everyone wants to see dangerous species protected. Everyone needs to fissures continuing to earn a living and support their communities. And that's exactly what we're able to do right now through conversations among people who all want the same things we've been able to come to an agreement on moving the traps closer to shore for the 15 day concern period. And this is a great example of people working together in a thoughtful way aims that we can all agree to. Thank you packets today, any any questions on on pharmacare or the announcement we're making today. >> That matters deeply to canadians. >> It just it just yet because of all. All right. So listen to the prime minister there he was being asked a number of questions about big international stories, including the international are court of justice as well questions about canada's commitment to nato. We're going to move on now if we can, let's go to the very latest on that icj ruling. Bad to worse for israel with another high-profile rulings by the world's top court. The international court of justice ordering israel to stop its military operation in rafah. That's a key city in southern gaza. There's more pressure on israel as a result. But the court itself actually has no means to enforce the order in israel is not going to comply

either. >> Is that must immediately halt its money through a fence. And any other action. And that often government. Which may conflict on the palestinian group in gaza. Conditions are flying. That could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. >> The president of the court saying the humanitarian situation in gaza catastrophic. It also ordered israel to reopened a key border crossing in rafah to let in more aid and medical supplies. Meantime, back in our country, a deadline is fast approaching at the university of toronto. School officials have given pro-palestinian protesters until 4 o'clock today. Eastern, which is in just over 2 hours from now to end their demonstration, which started more than 3 weeks ago and has only gotten bigger and bigger. And bigger, unlike at other university, such as university of calgary, where they moved in quite quickly to and demonstrations u of t tried a different approach, tried to be more conciliatory. Now they're saying enough is enough. We are hearing from some of those student protesters. Listen to us. >> President gertler has not met with us once a though, we've asked for his presence multiple times throughout this encampment. By addressing the press in the middle of our meeting. And by giving a live radio interview this morning. It is clear that the administration has no intention to negotiate or engage in dialogue with us in good faith. They have already made up their minds and they're ready to tell the world. This is not an offer. This is an ultimatum. >> That's one perspective. Demonstrators have been calling on the university to cut its ties with any companies connected to the israeli military. These protests and cap and started in early may. The university issued a 24 hour deadline on thursday afternoon, saying students should consider its offer, which includes allowing them to nominate qualified members for a joint committee. Looking at some of these issues. But the university is refusing to divest, saying these are students, they are not running. The university. That's what the university administration is for. The students are there to learn. All right, meantime, the israeli military saying it has recovered the bodies of 3 more hostages taken into gaza after the october 7th massacre by hamas. It is with a heavy heart. >> That I sure that last night israeli special forces in gaza risk you the bodies of all hostages, an army of long ca. You should be some bone we own >> The military says the bodies were recovered. A joint operation by the israeli army and intelligence services. The bodies identified by medical officials in israel talks aimed at securing a ceasefire and a hostage exchange deal for the remaining hostages have stalled. Canada being called out in a very public way for not doing our fair share when it comes to defence spending. A group of 23 high-profile american senators writing a rare letter to prime minister justin trudeau urging canada to meet its nato defence spending commitments. The senators who represent about a quarter of the entire U.S. senate are both democrat and republican. They say they are profoundly disappointed in care and that canada's current spending levels when it comes to the military. We know canada was a founding member of the nato military alliance back in 1949 and has made a commitment to spend at least 2% of gdp on defence. But the fact is, we have never, ever, ever hit that level. And in fact, we're a l'egard. It would require tens of billions of dollars in additional spending. Some of the trudeau government is unwilling to do at this point. Anyway. Worst canada's action near the bottom of those 32 nato countries. In terms of our spending, the senators are saying in light of russia's war in ukraine, growing instability around the world. Canada does have an obligation to step up and our country's finance minister, chrystia freeland, is in italy today for a meeting of the g7 finance leaders. Freeland will hold bilateral meetings with different g7 partners throughout the day and also attend a central bank governors meeting the U.S. treasury secretary janet yellen is looking to build a united front against massive chinese subsidies for solar panels and electric vehicles built by china and worries that those vehicles and panels are now going to flood the world. And also on the table is trying to figure out how to get more funding for ukraine. One idea is to go after russian assets have been frozen for years since its illegal invasion of ukraine. The idea would be to see some of those assets or perhaps just the interest on those assets and give the money to ukraine. More signs of china's increasingly aggressive behaviour against taiwan. This could be the world's next flashpoint is if we don't have enough to deal with china conducting military drills around taiwan in a show of strength. Dakota wood is back with us. Retired U.S. marine corps lieutenant general dakota. Good to see you as always. This is day 2 of these large-scale exercises trying

to scare taiwan. What do you think? >> Well, I think you had all the points right there, you know, increasing instability in many regions of the world trying out once again, demonstrating well toward taiwan. Judges are on demonstrates against israel in russia against ukraine. A nato member countries. So these are examples where those that live in relative peace and prosperity, far from danger, just don't give credibility the on state take these threats seriously. But I'm trying to do is you know what 20 ships to so something like 60 aircraft and circling some people view this as maybe a court on a rehearsal. Auditors. Ewing as practice for actual invasion. But regardless, it's the exercise of heart military power that some countries really push forward countries like U.S. and canada and germany and others just haven't taken this seriously. >> China has called taiwan's new leader a dangerous you know it at someone who is a pushing for taiwanese sovereignty. We know dakota that a lot of people in taiwan, a majority see themselves as taiwanese not chinese, this kind of belligerent action by the chinese men. Is that going to convince anyone that they should actually rejoin china e? >> No, I mean, this has been going on since 1950. I mean, you know, the chinese civil war ended in 1949 to come in time went to a buy at that time for and a trumped-up governing authorities in taiwan. And they've been each other are was 75 years. So this isn't anything new. It's not a break in the taiwanese 7 very little connection to the mainland of china that grown up in a different world. Enjoy freedom and democracy and you know, for market free market capitalism, all those sorts of things in china, really dissent in the offer that to expectations. I don't think we're going to change a change in behaviour, although china has made this an absolute priority to reunify taiwan with the mainland and the z demonstrations of military power now say that are readying for to practising at trying to intimidate people to change behaviour. But I think absolute war, not taiwan is going to continue on its path. Yeah, let me ask it bluntly. Is this just another example of china being a bully? >> They're serious about it takes a lot of people, it takes a lot of money and attention to conduct these sorts of exercises. There's a lot to be learned on both sides, you know, from the west and taiwan. How does china operate from trying to decide how does taiwan respond, what are its command and control. And that's not every time taiwan was never pointed to intercept. It's ours that is consumed on the lifespan, but that that aircraft. So there are some seriousness here. >> Just as hamas is applied, she destruction of israel and russia. His pledge to reunify ukraine into a mother, russia and all the leadership in beijing as pledge to bring taiwan back into other china. And I don't think we should take quietly those sorts of statements. Just quickly before we go, how far do you think china is willing to go here to go to? >> They see a window of opportunity and there's been a lot of dates put out their 2025. 27 2030, who really knows. But I do think that as japan wakes up the philippines becomes closer with the united states as a korea south korea deals were seriously with its neighbour that I don't think there are too many years left meeting between now and 2030 that china is really going to have an opportunity. So I think the danger grows as we get closer to those in days. >> Always good to see you, dakota. Thanks for your read on this one. All right, we're following some breaking news as well involving that tragic humboldt broncos bus crash that happened 6 years ago, killing more than 12 people. The truck driver responsible has now been ordered to be deported back to his native india. The decision coming today at the immigration and refugee board hearing that was looking into this, his lawyers saying that it was probably a foregone conclusion and all that was required was to prove that jaskirat singh sidhu was not a canadian citizen and he isn't and that he committed a serious crime. And he did. Sidhu, originally from india was sentenced to 8 years in prison after he pleaded guilty back in i-20. 1916 people in all were killed 13 others injured in that crash. The hockey team was on its way to a game last year. A judge rejected sidhu's request to remain in canada with his right wife ryan straznynski was one of the humboldt broncos players who survived the crash says he has no negative emotion. Stuart

sidhu or his family. All right, coming up for us in a moment, some of the top movies hitting theatres were going to the very latest. >> Plus, the latest from the mad max film franchise furiosa. There's chris helms worth. >> He's in the film to WE(Snickering) Hanging tree Salonpas, makers of effective pain relief patches for 89 years believes in continuous improvement, like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients and sizes to relieve your pain. Salonpas. It's Good Medicine. Hisamitsu Still keeping tabs on your petthe old fashioned way?There's a better option. Tractive gps pet trackersgive you live gps tracking. So you'll know whereyour pet is at all times. Tractive gps Trackerequals 24-7 peace of mind. I love walking, but it can be frustrating if my legs and feet are slowing me down. My pharmacy recommended revitive Medic Circulation Booster and I haven't looked back. Drug-free Revitiveis clinically proven to actively improveleg circulation, relieve achesand pains and help youwalk further. Revitive Medicis also suitable for peoplediagnosed with Osteoarthritisor Diabetes. I believe using Revitive has really helped me. Give it a go today! For latest offers on the Revitive pain range see instore or The elements of a completeoutdoor kitchen system. Grills, cabinetry,countertops, appliances. Individually exceptional. Extraordinary when combined. Design your completeoutdoor kitchen with NewAge Products. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. Canada has one of the best backyards in the world. Don't let allergies prevent you from breathing it all in. (Sneeze, birds squawking) Get relief fast. Reactine acts fast to relieve allergy symptoms and lasts 24 hours. >> Alright movie time here on the show. Let's have a bit of fun on this friday. We're going to start with for mad max equals. This is a prequel to mad max fury road. If you're keeping track, let's bring in ayer's film critic from ottawa, who has following the latest and has seen the movie. Let's start with this one. Furiosa. What do you think a? >> Todd, you better get your motor revving and get ready for a post apocalyptic action and excitement like only george miller can do. I'll tell you what to rio to another big win for the mad max franchise. I really, really enjoyed it. And here's the thing. Fury road, the movie that came out prior to this in 2015 easily one my favourite movies of all this one, you know, it comes close, not not going to top it on my list, but what I love here and you're seeing some of the visuals, it's all very eye-popping. The sound design you know, it's really wonderful stuff, but they've added todd, a lot of narrative deaths. So because it would actually get a lot of action, not so much a story. You know, there's a lot of holes to be filled and that's kind of what this movie does. He mention it's a prequel. So you get a lot of story elements and you see anya taylor joy, she's taking over the role from shirley's there. But chris handsworth area adds he's maybe my new favourite villain. He plays demented us and he knocks it out of the park. I really love we're going to go for it. And a half stars out of 5. >> I'm a purist. So I remember the original mad max 1979 road warrior, 1981. And even that the 3rd one ruby on thunder which was, you know, with tina turner, that wasn't all that great was okay. But this kind of a reboot when they go back to that world as well. You really like this stuff, don't you? >> That's right. Yeah. And so I was actually trying to put the timeline together because going back to all those and get a little murky. But but you're right, this is kind of that cause. I reboot a sequal prequels that they're getting into, but I really like the world that we've got that like the visual splendour find taught find the biggest stream you can find and watch it. >> Yeah, standing ovation at the cannes film festival as well, which gives you a sense of how about the garfield movie perhaps not a standing ovation, although you actually like this one to wasn't bad. Chris pratt voicing garfield. >> Okay, here's the thing. It's a movie about a cat that lazy and hate mondays. I mean, I don't think anyone expecting,

you know, the citizen kane of animated so, you know what I think it does its job. I listen is a cute look at that. Tell me that's not cute right there. And then is it is a knee and matt cap and and funny for the kids. Absolutely. And I think that's what this movie is it strictly for kids will adults get a lot out of it? No, you know, it's all kind of juvenile stuff, but that was to be expected for these type of movies. By the way, I wish my theatres served lasagna. I 100 for that during the screening. So yeah, if you have kids the like it. 3 stars out of 5, 3, out of 5 for the garfield movie. I like your lasagna reference. Okay. Finally, you've got hit what's the premise? What did you think? >> Yeah, I really want your viewers to kind of put this on their radar because this might take them by surprise. It starts glen powell is going the new it guy in hollywood, you see him pop up and a lot of stuff. So he's a teacher moonlighting for police department and city and he's playing the role of a hit man. So people are putting a hit out on somebody, he's playing that role in them when they, you know, pony up the cash. The police swoop in and they make the arrest will tot he falls in love with one of the people that put it at the see kind of where the premise goes from there. So dark humour here. Very funny stuff, but also riveting and thrilling. And I don't want to give anything away, but there's some really a great twist of this 2 hours went by in a breeze holy entertaining right up until the very, very and I really did like this as well. For starters at a far-right 4 out of 5 stars for hitman on netflix. A good to see you, matt. Thanks for this. Have a great weekend. Ahead. >> Thanks are due to meta mayor is in ottawa. And documentary filmmaker morgan spurlock rose to fame with some great documentaries, including super size me, which was all about the fast food industry has died at the age of just 53 super size me is the one where he ate nothing but mcdonald's for a month. >> To highlight the huge dangers of a fast food diet. And he really, really paid the price over that month. Spurlock's family saying he died on thursday in new york from complications of cancer. Again, just 53 years old. >> All right, coming up for us here on ctv news channel. The truck driver responsible for a deadly bus crash that killed many members of the humble rock or his broncos junior hockey team. He has now been ordered deported back to his native india from canada. We're go Monday on Your Morning, Crazy Rich Asians author Kevin Kwan is here with his new novel, Lies and Weddings. Start your morning with us, Monday, only on ctv. I've got good news. There is a murderer - Oh! - walking among us. [gasps] Fantastic! I'm sorry, what? She watches a lot of true crime. Welcome to the family. There's so much new stuff happening out there. I just can't keep up. Well it's too far to swim back now. This is amazing! I promise you I'll not let you down. Stream the best of British tv only on Britbox. Watch with a free trial at (Sniffling) Feeling Claritin Clear is like... ( ) Is she...? Claritin Clear? Yeah. Get fast, non-drowsy allergy symptom relief. Live Claritin Clear. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. - [Announcer] As they age,most men will developsymptoms of bph, and half will have morefrequent urges to urinate. To reduce the symptoms of bph, get Super Beta Prostate. It's proven to help reducefrequent urges to urinate. Finally, less bathroomvisits day and night. Don't wait, reducethe symptoms of bph with Super BetaProstate. Find it at thesefine retailers. (upbeat music) Inside every Splenda product is a mission. To make it easier for people to cut sugar from their diet. From our factory to our stevia farm, Splenda's team of over two-thousand individuals are dedicated to helping people live their best lives, taking pride that every day millions say I Use Splenda. With a delicious, sweet taste, and quality you can trust, Splenda is the easiest way to cut sugar. (Dramatic music)

I am Paul Atreides! Duke of Arrakis! Let me fight beside you. I'll show you the way. >> Icy jays latest post go exactly in not in that direction. >> Prime minister justin trudeau comments on the world court ruling that ordered israel to halt its military offensive in the southern gaza city of rafah. >> It is up to the administration, whether they are willing to be serious to engage in a genuine conversation about commitments towards divestment. Protesters at the university of toronto are debating the schools offer as they face the university's 4:00pm deadline to owns the encampment. >> And a truck driver who caused the deadly humboldt broncos bus crash is ordered to be deported. It is friday, may 24. Thanks for joining us here on ctv news channel. I'm renee rodgers. >> We are following a major ruling from the united nations top court. The international court of justice has ordered israel to stop its military operation in rafah. A key city in southern gaza. It adds to the international pressure on israel, even though the court itself has no means to enforce the order. >> Is that must immediately halt its money through a fence. And any other action. And governor. Which may conflict on the bus in a group in gaza. Conditions will fly. That could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in >> The president of the court saying the humanitarian situation in gaza is catastrophic. The court also ordered israel to open the rafah border crossing to allow humanitarian aid into the territory. The order marks the 3rd time that the world core, as it's also known as issued orders seeking to rein in the death toll and alleviate humanitarian suffering in gaza. Israel has repeatedly insisted that it has the right to defend itself from hamas and is unlikely to comply with today's ruling. Prime minister justin trudeau commented on the ruling earlier. >> We need to be helping on the ground. We need to get more aid in the I c j's latest proposed measures gold exactly in in that direction. And the icy jace >> Proposals are. Finding and we expect everyone to follow them. As a matter of international law. >> Aig's middle east geopolitical risk consultant robert, thank you for being here. What do you make of this decision from the the ruling is legally binding in practice, but it's not enforceable by the courts. >> Right and the you know, the icj is one of the 6th originating bodies of the united nations. And it you know, the way that it works is that if they issue a ruling. And then it's referred back to end its not complied with. It's a way to dispute between nations. So in south africa brought this case against israel. And now they're winning this ruling. You know, they could refer this back to the security council, which in theory could vote in favour of enforcing it, you know, which which could include triggering peacekeeping troops and other things. But it's unlikely that it will get to that point because the united nate, a united states strongly supports israel and defends it at the security council level. And so you know, while it is wrigley binding in the in the sense of being part of the body of international law. Let's build up over the last 17 more than 70 years since you and you know, it's like sistance, it isn't really actionable. But unless a members of the united nation, especially the security council and you know, triggered some kind of military action to enforce it on on a specific >> In the past, israel is not recognize the court's jurisdiction in this matter saying it's a political and not a legal matter is that especially when you think about violations of international law and the right to

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