
CTVN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #28

resolution on the humanitarian front. We're hoping that there is some sense of global accountability holding where our global leaders can come together to really try to connect with the israeli government to try to ensure that, you know, this this invasion stops that there is a permanent ceasefire and that, you know, human humanitarian services can be provided to people. You're looking at a place like rafah where, you know, medicines and food aid are on the other side of that crossing there and it's been closed now. And you can to people that need it. You know, there are millions of people there that are in need of support to 800,000 of them are now being displaced and being told to move. So I'm hoping that from humanitarian lands from a global humanity perspective that there is some accountability holding hear and the israeli government is going to comply and allow for there to be a ceasefire and ensure that, you know, it can be brought through. >> Your read on, you know, the fact that the united states in the past has vetoed certain the security council, things that are seen perhaps being against israel's policies, whether it's on the ground or foreign policy as well. The and the americans will do that again. >> Well, I think the americans have a lot to think about right now. And I think when when you were in the spaces as a global society country, like the U.S. has to ensure that they uphold humanitarian principles, that all of us must be governed by re. When the icj ruling comes out. It's important that this is a global court in which accountability holding needs to be preserved and there needs to be some respect in terms of what some of those resolutions are, especially given the fact that the u.s., of course, it supported the, the, the adoption of the resolution at the security council this afternoon as it pertains to protecting humanitarian aid workers. You know, that the U.S. is going to be able to push the israeli government. In addition any of the other counterparts, it could be able to push the israeli government to you know, conversations and discussions around what a permanent ceasefire could look like to ensure there are more humanitarian aid that's brought in and that, you know, civilian lives of innocent civilians can be protected over over over the long term. Because if you look at the statistics right now, it's extremely concerning to see the situation is novel. Thanks for taking the time for ctv on this ruling by the icj, much appreciated. >> Now, thanks for that. I appreciate it. >> Now ali is with the international development and relief foundation will have ongoing coverage of that story. But here's a related one back in our country. A deadline is fast approaching at the university of toronto about 3 hours from now is a deadline school officials have given pro-palestinian protesters until then to end in the cap and that was set up on campus more than 3 weeks ago. The u of t has been very patient has had many discussions and negotiations. Other university, such as university of calgary moved in very quickly to and similar protests u of t trying a different approach. But the protests only got bigger and bigger. Ctv's mike walker is standing by on campus with more for U.S. mike encampment here, king's college circle remains are more than 170 tense. Few moments ago, we heard from >> Students and demonstrators and they're not exactly saying that they reject this offer or proving this offer. They say they are still reviewing it and haven't decided whether they'll pack up and leave just yet. But they did say, however, that the offer from the university is not meeting their demands and said it's not good enough. Yesterday, the university gave demonstrators 24 hours to respond to its offer to end this encampment, which has been set up since may. Second, that includes forming a working group to consider options for the disclosure of the school's investments. The university said it won't and any partnerships with israeli schools, which is one of the demands of this offer is conditional on the encampment being cleared and not set up elsewhere on campus at the university warning it's prepared to start issuing trespass notices. Students say they are still reviewing this offer. Here is more. >> This document. Is a farce. This document is nothing but a summary of their already existing procedure on divestment disclosure with a few minor tweaks to bait us into thinking that we're getting a good deal out of this. They're really in this current moment. It is up to the administration, whether they are willing to be serious to engage in a genuine conversation about commitments towards divestment or if they're going to continue to give you know, big committees that ultimately lead us nowhere. >> Our offer is fair and reasonable. Our approach is in keeping with the university's fundamental commitments to free expression. Peaceful protests and the diversity of opinions that exist in our community. Now both sides say this offer has been on the table since we started meeting. But demonstrators say this is the first time. >> They have it in writing again. They say they are continuing to review this office from the university. However, the university says it's prepared to start issuing those trespass notices after 4:00pm this afternoon. We also asked toronto police have they been notified about clearing this encampment face tell us they've been in contact with the university, but their assistance hasn't been requested by mike walker.

>> That was mike walker there at the university of toronto and will follow that deadline again. Coming up in less than 3 hours. We'll see if the police finally move in or not a live look from halifax, though, for you right now. Justin trudeau is there. He's going to make an announcement on health care. And we do believe he'll take questions from some media as well. We'll dip into that once it gets underway. We've got an update on a story from earlier this week from barrie, ontario, north of toronto. A toddler has died after being struck by recycling truck earlier this week. It police say the nearly 2 year-old was struck thursday afternoon and suffered life-threatening injuries. The child later died in hospital. Police at this point say it is too early to know all of the details about the incident and it's also unclear whether or not any charges might be laid. Could be a huge strike coming by 9,000 canadian customs and border agents who work at border crossings and airports nationwide. So get ready. The union voting overwhelmingly in favour 96% this morning, just as the busy summer season is coming. That of course, would lead to huge delays when it comes to people trying to get in and out of canada, but also delays on the flow of goods and services. Workers have been without a contract for more than 2 years. And this votchets up the pressure. Terms of negotiations. London drugs has about 80 stores in western canada out now the company's saying cyber criminals have followed through on a threat to release confidential data after london drugs refused to pay a 25 million dollar ransom. The company saying the leaked files totals more than 300 gigabytes. It does contain employee information and was leaked onto what's known as the dark web. It could be things like feller information. >> Disciplinary proceedings, drug testing in some cases led up to the current U.S. the data was stolen during a cyber attack that happened on april the 28th. In fact, it forced london drugs to close all of its stores for. >> About 10 days, david shipley is with both sir on security cyber security company. He says recovering from this kind of identity theft can be exceedingly difficult. >> The thing about a disclosure, this kind of information is you can never make it right. Credit monitoring, doesn't 6 it, it's an awful feeling for the individual victims, employees and the organization. And it's happening far too often in this country. >> He also says since the hacker group behind this locked, it is a criminal entity. London drugs might have actually put itself into legal peril if it had decided to pay the ransom, which of course, it didn't do. Alberta wildfires have already forced thousands of people out of their homes to find shelter. More homeowners are now raising questions about home insurance and the implications there. >> Ctv's miriam valdez-carletti has more. >> People are back in their homes in fort mcmurray after being forced to evacuate 2 weeks ago. As a wildfire threat in their homes. While many were prepared by packing their bags and important documents, there's more to consider, especially about insurance standard home and tenant insurance policies cover damage caused by wildfire and >> Really any type of fire, including smoke damage, robbed a pretty with the insurance bureau of canada says coverage often goes beyond what's inside your home, including coverage for accommodations during a mass evacuation. So this standard coverage remains readily available throughout canada. Even if you live in some of the high-risk wildfire zones. He says insurance prices are based on risk, meaning people who live in fire zones such as fort mcmurray could pay higher premiums, doesn't really matter how much it is. For me anyway, is it could go up 10 20 $50. I would still pay it because I want to make sure that my stuff is protected. >> Dupree says policies are locked in and shouldn't change of a wildfire. It to happen close to your home. Insurance companies are highly competitive offering different products to stand out intact. Insurance has launched a pilot project in alberta in bc to add physical protection to homes. Drum wildfire season at no additional cost crews come to your home and protect it from the inside out from cleaning gutters to installing sprinklers. So we really work to keep the embers from getting inside the structure's. A modern solution for danger that's becoming more common. Climate change causes challenges and a lot of different ways and spaces. And this is one place where you can do something about it. >> Miriam valdes-carletti. >> Ctv news, edmonton. >> And this represents without a shadow of a doubt. Largest transformation of ontario's alcohol marketplace since the end. The prohibition nearly 100 years ago. >> All right, in a moment, move over quebec. Here comes ontario expanding alcohol sales into stores, convenience stores.

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we do believe that trudeau will be taking questions from the media. When that happens, we'll go back to and get some of his answers. >> Here's an interesting one. Canada's competition bureau has launched investigations down to the parent companies of grocery giants loblaws and sobeys over alleged anti-competitive conduct. We know the grocery chains under a lot of fire these days over high prices in their stores. The competition bureau saying it's looking into alleged anti-competitive conduct. The bureau is looking into whether the country's large grocers used what are known as property control limits in communities large and small. Specifically, that's investigating whether grocery chains have lease agreements on their stores that are designed to restrict other potential tenants from coming in the U.S. hurting competition. Sobeys owner empire is calling the whole thing on lawful. We know the grocery chains under increasing scrutiny as people are struggling to pay for food. Earlier this year, the trudeau government also said it's considering allowing foreign grocery store chains into the canadian market. I would certainly help to bring a lot more competition, which is, of course, always good news. Here is more from one food analyst. Not surprise of the accusation that I think the. >> For people who have been following the industry and I've been following issued for 25 years. This is something that has been going on for far, very long time. And of course, even that's been happening for a long time. It doesn't mean that it's right. It doesn't mean that the cain get gains are willing to accept it, at least not anymore. Given what's been happening with with food prices and food security, this country. >> The commissioner says grocery giants putin specific controls into lease agreements, restricting other potential tenants. And of course, that hurts competition. A commissioner's probe is focused on operations in halifax right now, but will also apply more broadly across the country as well. All right, we'll keep our eye on that. Calls are growing for canada post to take new measures to try and help the embattled mail carrier return to profitability. Canada post is bleeding money right now and there are not a lot of great solutions. Higher stamp prices is one possibility, a more efficient delivery network, even expanding into new areas, all being pitched as ways to help canada post revamp the crown corporation lost almost 750 million dollars last year, making 2023 the second worst on record canada post saying homes received an average of just 2 letters a week despite having a charter that does require daily delivery to each and every address. Now some big news, some ontario when it comes to they're expanding the sale of alcoholic beverages, a convenience stores, grocery stores and big box stores starting in august. No longer will people in ontario have to cross the border to get back. Ctv's siobhan morris has more on the changes that were announced by premier doug ford earlier today. And that was all smiles all around >> All of this is happening about a year earlier than was originally planned. The deal that governs how alcohol is sold in ontario is scheduled to expire at the end of next year. But the government is using taxpayer dollars to accelerate it all as they face questions about whether they're trying to knock off election promises before calling for an early vote. Now starting august 1st, you'll start to see stores that are already licensed big box stores and grocery stores licensed to sell, be able to sell more kinds. Premade drinks like seltzers and coolers. They'll also be able to add a here's your cases up to 30. Then the bigger change the are really notice comes just after labour day september 5th, that's when convenience stores like the one we're at today will be able to sell wine, beer coolers as well. Then on halloween, more grocery stores, more big box retailers will be able to get in on this. They'll be able to sell all of those different kinds of alcohol. Again, none of this was supposed to happen until 2026, the accelerated timeline comes with a payment. >> 225 million dollars of taxpayer dollars going to the beer store to help them through the transition. It's a payment that the premier is defending today. >> The promise that we made 2018 and we're moving forward with it, but it's not going directly to the beer store's where it's going is to make sure that we protect the beer store employees to make sure they know they're going to be taken care of. We're going to audit every single penny to make sure it's going in the right place. So it's not going into the breweries pockets or anything like that is going to the front line people and who we support the centre for addiction and mental health says they're disappointed in this announcement today. They say what what the government is doing is choosing convenience over the well-being of ontarians. The government for its part has pledged 10 million dollars over 5 years to help with things like public health concerns related to expand access to alcohol. Been siobhan morris. >> All right, thanks very much. A van. Minnesota boston deadlocked a game apiece in the professional women's hockey

league final. Minnesota defeated boston 3, nothing in game 2 on tuesday night, giving boston their first postseason loss. Minnesota now returns home for tonight's game. Boston's head coach saying she hopes this game takes your team to the championship plate. >> I really think this league has exceeded anyone's expectations and it's just been incredible journey since september. But to be here in the championship amongst, you know, 6 incredible teams this year. It's it's, it's an honour and something where we're super excited and you know, we're, we're far from from raising that walter cup, but really excited where we are, where we've come from this year. >> Well, the puck drop for game is tonight at 7 o'clock. Speaking of hockey. Oh boy, how about those edmonton oilers drawing first blood in their western conference semifinal. Check this out. >> Air >> Blowing, isn't it? Connor mcdavid's scoring just 32 seconds into the second period for overtime in overtime to give the oilers that 3, 2, win over the dallas stars. Thank you very much. Game 2 goes tomorrow night in dallas. It edmonton is now off to a one. Nothing lead in the best of 7 series. All right, let's go back to halifax said their justin trudeau is he's making a healthcare announcement is expected to take questions. We're going to take that to you. >> As soon as it gets underway. But coming up in a moment, the international court of justice. >> Ordering israel to immediately halt its military operation in rafah. The court has no way to enforce that ruling. Israel will not comply. So this is largely symbolic. But that does increase pressure on israel will be right back. It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. Our Enercare technicians are experts at heating and cooling. Water heating and water purification. We can help you with a range of affordable solutions to help your home run smoothly. Enercare Experts at home When it comes to your lawn.It's time to call the experts. With ecology-friendly lawncare from Nutri-lawn. We nourish your lawn,get rid of your weeds and stop insects such ascinch bugs and grubs from tearing up your yard. You'll enjoy a lush, weedand pest-free lawn all summer long,with Nutri-lawn. Nutri-lawn has been nourishingthe lawns and lives of Canadians for over 35 years. Call the experts today.Call 1-888-688-7452 or visit >> All right, we're back from commercial. Let's go live to halifax. The prime minister is taking questions from the media. Let's listen in real. We need to be helping on the ground. We need to get more aid in the I c j's latest proposed measures go exactly n in that direction. And the icy jace >> Proposals finding. >> And we expect everyone to follow them. As a matter of international law. Stephanie smith, could a canada I mean, is that wants to see process that young on his 4 seasons. I know the best way to stop he's is why want have asked lay down their arms and free. The >> And then to military operations in rafah that that not another military we need to send more aid on the ground. In gaza for the people of gas and we see that. Humanitarian challenges. I mean. And what the wall and we need to send more aid for palestinians in gaza. Of course, the company in a live come on, that's showing the cost quietly. The recommendation a call that uses the icj. So tiny exactly aligned with canada and other countries have been ways from we are saying as always that everyone must follow. And the international the atv, a den on the dirt and the measures and demands for international justice. Michelle did what they are not now a matter of international law, also in english and french police for my colleagues, israel says there's no other way of getting rid of hamas. >> Other than this incursion. What is your response to that? Canada's position has always been.

>> That the solution to extraordinarily difficult challenges in the middle east. Our 2 state solution, a peaceful secure democratic israel. Alongside a peaceful secure democratic palestinian state. That is what canada has been working on for decades. That continues to be our path forward along with many other countries. Unfortunately, the the netanyahu government creating barriers and blockages to ever being able to create or even imagine that two-state solution. That is where we fundamentally disagree with the netanyahu government, even as we continue to support the rights of the of the state of israel. And also the aspirations of the palestinian people. We need an end to the violence. We need humanitarian aid for those impacted in the we need a path forward towards the true two-state solution. The canada to has always been very, very special. Young, the only solutions for areas. >> It's a chance to one rainy night sky and a state of israel that safe, said and that's safe, secure. It's the only so much I couldn't work israeli government >> Has not only going to see a to stay the solution, but is actively trying to do it. >> That's not what that is when these support that israelis, people of the region to use and that's why we will continue to support. Sees her life for more humanitarian aid and work with a doozy to put forth a two-state solution sky and to create a to sit here as her mistake and secure question. How canada, that's a thing some. And if you see it for this was a difficult as we get for the fish. So knowing that that tax on the fish, they would like an explanation from the fisheries ministry of foreign intervention to probation because farming or fishing and they continue to that. I have to say that my misinformation is out of state because that's the problem has settled by the administrative centre that fisheries ministry will settle directly with the fishers and everyone understands just how important it is. One that found shot to protect nature. But we have to do with it in such a way not to penalize to punish service out of a couple does wind up to the and fulfil the needs of their community. And this is why they were conversations and right up to the last minute. And we were able to settle these problems were always be there to defend all of science and conservation, but also the fishers were doing an extremely important okay, cause actual 50's coming back from the U.S. trapped you track to make some alliances with american. But I was like people that will significantly cut a group of senators, mainly democratic, demanding that canada meet the 2 per cent military spending. How do you accept this news? That's first. We have to remember that the that the concern of different ways. But the steven harper and put em was minister has cut military spending to less than one percent of our a compulsive army officer when we were like to see 50's, you in 2015, the doobie. We've got a whole slew of fully defence investments and easy that we are now targeting the 1.7, 6% of gdp and will continue to grow our investments and defence. And I don't want to work with many and americans are happy of the investments we've made to us by that young chess to a new f 30 fives. Where investing massively to protect the arctic. I want to modernize. Norad locals. Yes, will continue look. And we have put canada back on the on the responsible for probably 2 defending our country that year and also protecting alright last allies around the world and this time of uncertainty with little national. I'm actually I'm believing asking the same

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