
CTVN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #25

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issues. >> Renee: sylvan charlebois, senior director at the agri-food analytics lab at dalhousie university, always good to have you with us. Thank you for this. >> Take care. >> Renee: starting this summer, ontario is expanding the sale of more alcoholic drinks to licenced grocery stores followed by convenience stores after labour day. >> Beginning august the 1st, people will be able to buy ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages like coolers and seltzers and wine coolers and beer. They will sell the 30-pack case of beer that is popular in quebec and I know, peter, you go visit back where he originally came from, and you love those big 30-pack cases of beer. Well, my friend, you don't have to go to quebec to get that anymore. You can get it right here in ontario. >> Renee: as of august 1st, 450 licenced grocery stores will be allowed to sell ready-to-drink beverages such as coolers and large packs. By the end of october, every convenience, grocery and big-box store in ontario will be able to sell beer, cider, wine and ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages if they so choose. >>> Some delays could be coming at the border. Canadian border services agency workers have voted in favour of a strike today. According to their union, more than 9,000 border workers voted in favour of the mandate which could lead to some significant delays to the flow of goods, services and people at various ports of entry. Workers have been without a contract for over two years. >>> Canada's finance minister chrystia freeland is in italy today for a meeting at the g7 finance leaders. Freeland will hold bilateral meetings with g7 partners throughout the day and will attend a central bank governors meeting. U.S. treasury secretary janet yellen is looking to build a united front against chinese subsidies for solar panels and electric cars while generating support for more funding for ukraine. Yellen says the funds could total some $50 billion.

>>> It appears information stolen from bc's first nations health authority has been posted to the dark web. Bc premier david eby has now confirmed it's a ransomware attack. Ctv's penny daflos reports. >> Reporter: the first nations health authority which provides bc-wide services and supports for indigenous people is being blackmailed by cybercriminals. >> We have seen high-profile retailers like london drugs be the victim of ransomware and now the first nations health authority. >> Reporter: the hackers have posted proof of what they've stolen online including signatures from senior staff on seven-figure contracts with medical providers and agreements with first nations government. There are also samples of emails between providers and patients including staff from northern health. >> There's no evidence that the health authorities have been at all affected by the breach of the first nations health authority. >> They're experts at seeking out the most sensitive information to steal to make their extortion attempts more effective. >> Reporter: ctv news has consulted several cybersecurity experts on this hack. One of them pointed to sloppy coding on fnha's website and another pointed out similarities to the london drugs breach. >> An attacker that is a nation state is typically kind of carrying out a spy mission, a military mission. And they won't give up, no matter how hard you defend yourself, the criminals behind the attack on the health authority and london drugs are are really just after money. >> Internal government processes for core government have included upgrading our defences. >> Reporter: are you going to be committing to more resources whether that's people, whether that's money for provincial agencies and related agencies like health authorities to try to combat what seems to be a rising threat? >> For health authorities and those other agencies that are arms length from government, especially first nations health authority, our commitment is to provide the support that they need to respond to this and also to prevent these types of attacks from happening. >> Reporter: with three high-profile cyberincidents in the past month, companies and individual british columbians should take it as a reminder how vulnerable our information is. Penny daflos, ctv news, vancouver. >> Renee: a devastating update to bring you today from barrie, ontario. A toddler has died after being struck by a recycling truck earlier this week. Police say the nearly two-year-old was struck thursday afternoon and suffered life-threatening injuries. The child later died in hospital. Police say it's too early to know the details of the incident and it's unclear whether any charges will be laid.

>>> Toronto city council is trying to find ways to speed up construction on a busy highway in the downtown core. But the extreme gridlock has caused heated debate. Ctv's natalie johnson has the details. >> We know that it is crumbling. We know that it is 60 years old. >> Reporter: the consensus in council thursday night... Was that more needed to be done about the grid lock on the gardiner. >> We are at a particular flash point right now with the gardiner. People are exceptionally hot under the collar. >> Reporter: a three-year timeline for the latest round of road repairs on the stretch between dufferin and strachan having major impacts on toronto traffic. >> You draft your best plans, right, and then your plans suddenly go awry. >> Reporter: councillors have spent the day battling over whose idea it was to speed up the road work and when. Brad bradford putting the plan before council. Mayor insisting staff had been working on it for weeks now at her request. >> It is not fair to our staff to say that nothing has been done. Just because we want to score political points. Let's not do this. We want, yes, a much faster construction. >> Reporter: faster construction that is now one step closer to happening. City council unanimously asking staff for a plan to accelerate the gardiner repairs including the possibility of 24/7 construction while considering the impacts to the local community. >> Home to tens of thousands of residents, residents who live right next to this active construction area. >> Reporter: the city's experts now charged with finding concrete ways to tighten the timeline. >> City staff can start to bring the changes in the work schedule and make that in place. The report back in july will be further confirmation what can be done, also looking if there's more prefab indication that can be done. >> I'm still concerned we might not be aggressive enough to see the type of results people ought to demand from city council but this is a step. >> We need to come together and say, yes, it's a huge project. We can always improve. But let's do it together. >> Reporter: staff will have two months to put together a plan to fast track the construction that has slowed down the city. >> Renee: well, coming up, the calgary stampeders are looking to expand their female fan base. We'll tell you how after the break. (Dramatic music) (Cheering) The all new GoDaddy Airo helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai... with a perfect name, a great logo, and a beautiful website. Just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. Make now the future at The words in your head, you're the only one that can hear them. Say it! Yes I can, Yes I must. Watch me! Start your 30—day home trial at Terms apply. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser powers through tough messes. So it makes it look like I spent hours cleaning. And no, I didn't! It makes my running shoe look like new! It's amazing! It's so good, it makes it look like I have magical powers! Magic Eraser and Sheets make cleaning look easy. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. There's so much pressure these days. Work doesn't seem to stop. And parenting never does. So when my time comes, I want to make things as stress free as possible for my family. Welcome to Seniors Choice. How can I help? I'd like to get a quote please. If you're a Canadian Resident aged 50-80, you can choose the right amount of coverage for you and your family up to $250,000. Okay. You can choose to apply over the phone now in just minutes. With no medicals or blood tests, just a few health and lifestyle questions. It's that easy? Depending on the coverage you choose, it would be as little as $14.88 a month. That's just 49 cents a day. That's cheaper than I thought and this coverage could save my family from having to pay for my funeral when the time comes. There might even be some left over as a gift for them. I'll go ahead. Seniors Choice are the #1 Direct Choice for Canadians Over 50. To get a free, no obligation quote, call one of our trusted insurance advisors today at 1-844-848-8154 or visit >> Renee: a group of women in bc is going offroad to participate in a challenging

mountain bike race this weekend. Ctv's andy garland has more from nanaimo. >> Reporter: it's called further horn maidens, riders are timed on their distance and it's named after a fictional mountain in the fictional town of springfield. >> It's a loosely based simpsons reference. >> Reporter: but the foothills are nanaimo's mount benson is the setting in real life as 170-plus women riders ranging from kids to seniors of all different abilities will be showing their skills this saturday. >> It really pulls a lot of people in who would never really consider racing. >> Just a really great atmosphere of women supporting women. >> Reporter: riders from up and down vancouver island as well as the mainland will be making the trek to get a chance to be involved in a race atmosphere exclusively for women. >> Mountain biking is becoming a big tourist draw for nanaimo so I think we would be bringing a lot of dollars. >> Reporter: put on by the nanaimo mountain bike club, one of only a few all-female races that exist in a mountain biking-crazed region of bc. >> If we want women to participate in sports like this that are largely male-dominated we need to create the space and encourage women to come out and give it a try. >> Reporter: and the word is getting out apparently. Participants in this year's race has increased by 65% over last year. >> I think it's pulling a lot of people out of their shell, getting a lot more women riding this more tricky network. >> I like being in the forest and I don't like running so this was a very good mix between the two. >> Reporter: whether it's your first time or you're an experienced rider, murder horn maiden is geared towards anyone who wants to have fun and hone their skills alongside other women who love the sport and want to see it grow. Andy garland, ctv news, nanaimo. >> Renee: the calgary stampede is just around the corner but organizers are looking to expand the stampeders fan base with more women. Ctv's allisha fieldberg has the details. >> Reporter: with calgary stampeders season set to kick off there's a push to get more fans at the stadium including a campaign targeting women. >> You know, when you look at our nan base, it's largely older white males. We've been working really hard to bring a different demographic, expand the demographic. >> Reporter: the stamps are offering a discount and seating the group altogether. >> My section. >> Reporter: this person doesn't need convincing, a ticket holder since 1992. >> I've been in the same section for over 25 years. It's like a football family. >> Reporter: it's included five generations of her actual family, long-time friends and other season ticket holders. She's looking forward to welcoming 200 more including ellen parker. >> It's such a wonderful way to build camaraderie, to support local athletes, and to come together with family and friends. >> Reporter: along with a discounted rate, the stamps are offering unique benefits including a speaker series, two sidelines experiences and the possibility of flying with the team charter for an away game. Sports marketing experts say it's important to take a wholistic approach when targeting females. >> You want to look at everything kind of from tip to top, who they talk to when they buy tickets, who they see on the sidelines, the sideline entertainment, they want to see a diverse event and they want to see you support women in the organization as well. >> Reporter: just as taylor swift's recent football fixation has been link today a boost in female eyes on the nfl. >> We think our game is better than the game to the south of us. >> Reporter: the stamps are counting on 200 local ladies instead to help champion the cfl and the home team stampeders. >> New football fans, seasoned football fans, bringing people together, supporting our community. [ Cheering ] >> Reporter: alicia fieldberg, ctv news, calgary. >> Renee: just ahead, disappointment and frustration for soccer fans hoping to get to see one of the beautiful game's best players in canada. Reports suggest lionel messi will miss inter miami's game with the vancouver whitecaps on saturday. More on this in just a MOMENT.(Snickering) Hanging tree Sally's having a hard time focusing on her yoga routine. She's thinking about her family, and how to protect them should anything happen to her. With North Cover Life Insurance, she'll be so well covered that it would be like she's wearing a parka! And like a parka, North Cover keeps you well protected. Sally, why don't you try that stretch again? With North Cover Life Insurance, take comfort in affordable coverage that doesn't stretch your wallet. And if you're not sure where to start, don't worry, applying is easy. Expert insurance advisors are a phone call away. You're covered for death by any cause once coverage commences. With a cash payout of up to one point five million dollars.

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my married name. >> Reporter: the couple say at the time of the booking the agent used the name on francesca's credit card. They say they were told their passports were not needed at that time. >> When we asked the agent at the time of booking if we required our passports, we were told "no." and that we would add that information at the airport. >> Reporter: but when the family arrived at pearson airport, francesca's name on the ticket did not match her passport. At first, they were told it would be an easy fix, but it wasn't, and she was not allowed on the plane. >> It was a little bit devastating to be kind of ripped apart at that point where they had to leave and I couldn't join them. >> Reporter: she had to buy a new ticket the next day at her own expense for $2,800. The family feels expedia should cover that cost. >> The fact that I couldn't get on the plane was their fault for not making sure my ticket was booked appropriately and properly. >> Reporter: ctv news reached out to expedia and a spokesperson said the name included in the reservation was one that was provided by the traveller over the phone. We had every intention of providing assistance, however we could not make changes as the flight had already been marked as a no show by the airline partner. In the past, we've done stories on families that had to pay almost a thousand dollars to change the name on a ticket. And on a man who was denied boarding a flight because an "s" was missing from his name. The family still feel they deserve a refund. >> We volunteered to use our passports and were outright told we weren't needed which is what led to this probable. Problem. >> Renee: pat foran reporting. >>> Documentary filmmaker morgan spur lock who rose to fame with his documentaries about the fast food industry has died. He is best known for his film "super size me," where he ate nothing but McDONALD'S for a month to highlight the dangers of a fast food diet. Spurlock's family says he died thursday in new york from complications of cancer. He was 53.

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