
CTVN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #23

>> This is ctv news channel. Thank you for being we have some breaking news to share with you now documentary filmmaker morgan spurlock, who rose to fame with his documentaries about the fast food industry has died. He is best known for his film super size. Me where he ate nothing but mcdonald's for a month to highlight the dangers of a fast food diet. Spurlock's family says he died thursday in new york from complications from cancer he was 53 years old. Breaking news now from the head where the international court of justice has issued a landmark emergency ruling on south africa's case, accusing israel of genocide in gaza. >> Is that must immediately halt its money through a fence. And any other action. And governor. Which may conflict on the bus in a group in gaza. Conditions will fly. That could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. >> The president of the un's top court saying the humanitarian situation in gaza has deteriorated since the court last ordered israel to take steps to improve conditions. The court also ordered israel to open the rafah border crossing to allow humanitarian aid into the territory. John allen is a former canadian ambassador to israel. And he says israel is unlikely to comply with today's ruling. >> Israeli spokesman have announced. And essentially israel will not comply with the order that they will continue their operation in their efforts to try we doubt. The military and political leaders and to try and have get their hostages back. >> Meantime, the palestinian authority is welcoming the decision, saying it represents and international consensus to end the war in gaza. The order is the 3rd time that the world corks as it's also known as issued order seeking to rein in the death toll and alleviate humanitarian suffering in gaza. It appears information stolen from bc's first nations health authority has been posted to the dark web. Bc premier david eby has now confirmed it's a ransomware attack. Ctv's penny daflos reports. Our the first nations health authority, which provides bc wide services and supports for indigenous people, is being blackmailed by cyber criminals. We have seen high-profile retailers like when a the the victim of ransomware. Now. >> The first nations health authority, the hackers have posted proof of what they've stolen online, including signatures from senior staff on seven-figure contracts with medical providers and agreements with first nations governments. They're also samples of e-mails between providers and patients, including staff from northern health. There's no evidence >> The health reserve that all affected by by the breach of the first nations health or their experts at seeking out the most sensitive information to steal to make their extortion attempts more effective. Ctv news has consulted several cybersecurity experts on this hack. One of them pointed to sloppy coating on fnha is website. >> And another pointed out similarities to the london drugs ransomware breached. Both are different from the state level attack on provincial systems and attacker. That is a nation state is typically a kind of carrying out a spy military mission in. They will give up no matter how hard you defend yourself, the criminals behind the attack on the health authority and london drugs are really just after money. Government process is for court. Governments have included upgrading our defences. Are you going to be committing to more resources, whether that's people, whether that's money for provincial agencies and related agencies like health authorities to try to combat what seems to be rising threat for a health authorities in those other agencies that are arm's length from government, especially first nations health authority. >> Our commitment is to the support they need to respond to this and also to prevent these types of attacks are having with 3 high-profile cyber incidents in the past months. >> Companies and individual british colombians to take it as a reminder of how vulnerable our information is. Penny daflos ctv news, vancouver. Canada's competition bureau has launched investigations into the parent companies of grocery giants loblaw and sobeys. >> Over alleged anti-competitive conduct. The commissioner launched the probes in march, saying at the time there is reason to believe that the firms to use of so-called property controls limits competition in the retail grocery sector. Sobeys owner empire called the inquiry unlawful. Canada's major grocery chains have come under increasing scrutiny as consumers struggle with rising food canada's finance minister,

chrystia freeland is in italy today for a meeting of the g7 finance leaders. Freeland will hold bilateral meetings with g7 partners throughout the day today and will attend a central bank. Governors meeting. Us treasury secretary janet yellen is looking to build a united front against chinese subsidies for solar panels and electric cars will generating support for more funding for ukraine. Yellen says the funds could total some 50 billion dollars. The truck driver who caused the tragic humboldt broncos bus crash is facing a deportation hearing in calgary today. Jaskirat singh sidhu was sentenced to 8 years in prison after pleading guilty in 2019 16. People were killed and 13 were injured from the crash in 2018. Last year, a judge rejected city's request to remain in canada with his wife. City was lawyer michael greene says the deportation order will likely be granted. Green says his client may asks to remain in canada on compassionate and humanitarian grounds. A devastating update to bring you from barrie, ontario. A toddler has died after being struck by a recycling truck earlier this week. Police say the nearly 2 year-old was struck thursday afternoon and suffered lifethreatening injuries. The child later died in hospital. Police say it's too early to know the details of the incident and it's unclear whether any charges will be laid. Toronto city council is trying to find ways of speeding up construction on a busy highway in the downtown core. But the extreme gridlock has caused heated debate. Ctv's natalie johnson has the details. >> You know that it is crumbling. We know that it is 60 years old. The consensus in council thursday night. Was that more needed to be done about the gridlock on the gardiner? We are at a particular flashpoint right now with the gardener. People are exceptionally hot under the collar a three-year timeline for the latest round of road repairs on the stretch between dufferin and strachan. >> Having major impacts on toronto traffic. You draft your. >> Your best plans right? >> And then >> Your plan suddenly go right? Councillors has spent the day battling over whose idea it was to speed up the road work. And when rob bradford putting the plan before council. The mayor insisting seth had already been working on it for weeks now at her request. It is not fair to all staff. >> To say that nothing has been done, it just because we want to score political points, that's not to this. We want. Much pasta construction. >> Foster construction that is now one step closer to happening. City council unanimously asking staffer plan to accelerate the gardiner repairs, including the possibility of 24/7 construction. Well, considering the impacts to the local community own. >> To tens of thousands of residents, residents who live right next to this active construction area. >> The city's experts now charged with finding concrete ways to tighten the timeline. City staff can start to bring the changes in work schedule and make that in place. The report back in july will just be for the confirmation of what can be done. Also looking at if there is more precipitation that we don't. I'm still concerned that we might not be aggressive to really see that type of results. And people ought to demand from city council. But this is a step we need to. >> Ahh, come together. >> And say it's a huge project. We can always improve, but let's do it together. >> Staff will have 2 months to put together a plan to fast track the construction that is slow down the city. >> All right, let's go live to toronto now, ontario premier doug ford is making an announcement about alcohol sales in the province. Let's take a listen. That is safe, a stable and predictable. >> And which allows individual retailers and businesses to make their own decisions about how they participate and win all while giving ontarians the benefit of a competitive retail price in across all new points of sale. Now over time, this new and expanded marketplace will intiatives thousands of new stores where ontarians can buy their drinks of choice. And this represents without a shadow of a doubt. The largest transformation of ontario's alcohol marketplace since the end of prohibition, nearly 100 years ago. And important moment in our province's history. This change won't happen overnight. In the months ahead, we will continue to work with partners, producers and other stakeholders on their role in this new marketplace. Folks, this is an exciting new step and one that I'm very proud to

be part of. And when that that we all look forward to delivering as we continue to be a government. The treats ontarians like adults and gives them choice and convenience. They deserve. And now it is my distinct honour and privilege. As I will turn things over to the on a roll. Doug ford, premier of ontario for today's big announcement. Thank you. Everyone. Well, good morning, everyone. And I'm just so excited to be here today. And peter, thank you for that introduction. >> And I'm thrilled to be here in the great state of etobicoke alongside minister bethlenfalvy and a great attorney general minister doug downey. Before we get started, I want to acknowledge and welcome car mine. My girl. The chair of lcbo ian white president and ceo of park lane canada and the entire team. Parkland on the run. For operating a great story here in etobicoke. And I'm, I'm here quite frequently, almost every single day actually as well as and from the convenience industry council of canada. And and thank you for her, your words earlier on scott from the ontario craft brewers. Richard from ontario craft wineries, debbie. And not this from grape growers of ontario, not from ontario craft cider association m a and c j from beer. Canada. In all our association partners here today. It was just a few months ago. That we were together talking about our plan to give people more choice and more comedians when it comes to buying beer cider wine and other alcoholic beverages in ontario. The response from the public from stakeholders from small businesses has been absolutely overwhelmingly positive people are excited, they're going to enjoy the same choice and convenience as other canadians and other people right across the world to buy a case of beer or a bottle wine on the way up to the cottage or maybe you're going to start up the grill in the backyard or a summer barbecue. They're excited to hear that they're finally being treated as adults. And today, I'm thrilled to announce that we're not only keeping our promise and delivering on our plan. We're getting it done faster in fact, we're getting it done starting this summer, beginning august, the first people will be able to buy ready to drink alcohol and beverage us like coolers and seltzers grocery stores that currently so wine or beer. The stores will also be able to sell larger pot size beers like the 30 packing severe that is popular in quebec. And I know peter, you go back backward. You're originally came from and you love those big 30 cases of beer. Well, my friend, you don't have to go to get back to get that. The more you can, he got it right here in ontario and on september, the 5th convenience stores like this one will be able to sell beer cider wine and ready to drink alcohol and beverages and finally, as of october 31st, every convenience, grocery and big box store in ontario will be able to sell beer cider wine and ready to drink alcoholic beverages as we enter this new marketplace, the beer store and the lcbo. We'll continue to play a big role spirits like vodka, gin and whisky will continue to be sold at the lcbo. The beer store will remain active in distribution recycling and as a valid retailer. And I have to pause to think the lcbo and the beer store for being amazing partners throughout this entire process. And in particular, I want to think their workers and give them every assurance we're going to have your box. I also want to recognize the province's retailers industry associations, the alcohol and gaming commission of ontario and brewers and wine producers as well as the many members of our public service led easing secretary. A comment michelle de emmanuel and she's an absolute champion, by the way. And finally, I want to give special. Thanks to the thousands of convenience store operators across ontario who run their store safely and responsibly. Each and every day. And who will continue to do so in this new marketplace. This is being a true team on terror war effort. We expect that this new marketplace will introduce up to 8,500 new stores where consumers can purchase all products. I want to be clear. The government is creating the conditions for more open to media marketplace.

it will be up to the individual retailers and businesses to make their own decisions about how they participate in one. But this is a really exciting time for consumers and businesses. That's because our plan will create new growth opportunities for local brewers wineries, retailers and small businesses. It's going to support local jobs and most importantly, is going to give people more choice and convenience. A change of the size and scope won't be without bumps in the road. After 97 years making a change always of the few bumps, but I'm confident we'll get through those bumps. But I remember being more confident in team onto to quickly address any challenges we might face friends since we were first elected office in 2018, our government has been working hard to make life easier and more convenient and affordable for ontario families. All across government, we're putting customers first. We're modernizing outdated regulations and cutting the unnecessary red t the cost people and business time and money. We're working for you and we're getting it done. Thank you to everyone for joining us today. And may god bless the people of ontario. Thank you. >> Well now go to reporters questions, please identify yourselves by name and outlet. It will be one question and one follow-up first question. >> The premier richard 7 with 6.80 news radio. How you I'm doing good richard. I'm sure there are ontarians wondering why they are on the hook for urgency here. My question is, why is 225 million taxpayer dollars going to the beer store simply to speed this up the year and a half. What is the rush premier? Let's be very clear, is a promise that we made 2018. We're moving forward with it. >> But it's not going directly to the beer store's where it's going is to make sure that we protect the beer store employees to make sure they know they're going to be taken care of. We're going to audit every single penny to make sure it's going in the right place. So it's not going into the breweries pockets or anything like that is going to the front line people and who we support to make sure the transition as we go through over the next few years. The beer store plays a critical role in recycling and distribution. And we're going make sure we protect employees. It was my understanding, this is money that would have had to have been paid if the started in 2026. But my follow-up, the lcbo is going to offer rebates for a certain amount of time. A discount on the wholesale. >> Price of of alcohol. Can you tell ontarians exactly how much money this is going to cost the lcbo. And why does any of this, a good use of taxpayer dollars? Well, richard, you may not think it's good news after having a monopoly in 97 9 years, almost 100 years, only jurisdiction in the entire world. >> You can't walk the grocery store or retail, a convenience store and pick up the case of beer or wine. We were bringing it will moving, afford the monopoly with that, the 3 big breweries they're done, they're gone. We're going make sure it's convenient for people and be treated like everyone else in the country be treated like everyone else down and down in the U.S. north america everywhere you can walk into a store and pick up a can of beer. A case of beer. Bottom line. Ready to drink and that's why we're doing it. We're keeping our promise and we're going to move forward on this in and it's overwhelmingly popular. Overwhelmingly have never seen numbers aside. The fork. >> Morning premier, I do. We do with the rest. A lot of your former staffers lobby on behalf of brewers can be a source. Of source did not play any role in it's been a time when of all we poses back in 2018 we're just going to move forward for the people of ontario. >> They want, we're going to do it. >> All right, so this has been ontario premier doug ford announcing the province is speeding up its expansion of alcohol sales in ontario. The phased expansion will now start on august, first with licensed grocery stores that currently sell beer, cider and wine able to sell ready to drink cocktails and sell large pack sizes. And after september 5th eligible convenience stores will be able to sell beer cider wine and ready-to-drink cocktails. And after october 31st, all grocery stores and big box stores can sell those products as part of this earlier rollout, the province has signed a 225 million dollar early implementation agreement with the beer store to support the transition. It is a pivotal game in the pwhl tonight, boston is taking on minnesota

in game 3 of the walter cup final. The series is the culmination of what has been a truly historic season for the women's hockey league. For more, we're joined by courtney kessel, head coach of p w h o boston coach. Thanks for being here with us. How important is tonight's game? >> I mean, I think they're all big games, but definitely would love to to take the first game here in help us go up in the in the series and to order or championship. >> What does getting to this point in the finals mean to you and the team in this historic season. >> Yeah, I I really think this league has exceeded anyone's expectations and it's just been incredible journey since september. But to be here in the championship amongst, you know, 6 incredible teams this year. It's it's, it's an honour and something where we're super excited and you know, we're, we're far from from raising that walter cup, but really excited where we are, where we've come from this year. >> What do you think it will take to beat minnesota tonight? >> I think we've got to slow their speed down, but just player game play a physical game, have a lot of heart. >> Have any expectations of the standout players tonight. Saturday, have your eye on. >> I liam miller's been heating up all year, just a young tremendous athlete coming out of northeastern, just seen her for growth over this year's incredible. And then I really think she's she's one to watch for. >> Alright courtney kessel pwhl, boston head coach. Thank you very much for this and good luck tonight. And you can watch game 3 tonight, starting at 7:00pm eastern on tsn. Well, to the nhl where the edmonton oilers have drawn first blood in their western conference semifinal. >> A couple more bouchard. >> Connor mcdavid scored just 2 seconds into the second period of overtime to give the oilers at 3, 2, win over the dallas stars. Game 2 goes tomorrow night in dallas with edmonton off to a one, nothing lead in the best of 7 series. The calgary stampede is just around the corner. But organizers are looking to expand the stampeders fan base with more women. Ctv's alicia fieldberg has the details with calgary stampeders season set to kickoff, there's a push to get more fans at the stadium, including a campaign targeting women. You know, when you look at our, our fan base, it's largely older, white males, we've been working really hard to bring a different demographic, expand the demographic. Your man stadium among our fan base. The stamps are offering a discount unseating the group altogether. My section. >> 6 and t the sunnyside tony, I in brown doesn't need convincing. She's been a ticket holder since 1992. I've been in the same section for over 25 years or so. It's like a football family. It's included 5 generations of her actual family. Longtime friends and other season ticket holders. >> She's looking forward to welcoming 200 more, including ellen parker. Such a wonderful way to build camaraderie to support local athletes and to come together with family and friends along with a discounted rate. The stamps are offering unique benefits, including a speaker series to sidelines experiences and the possibility of flying with the team charter for an away game. Sports marketing experts say it's important to take a holistic approach when targeting females. You want to look at everything kind of from tip to talk with a talk to when they buy tickets, who they see on the sidelines decide light entertainment. They want to see a diverse sport experience and they want to see that you actually support women in the organization as well. Just as taylor swift's recent football fixation has been linked to a boost in female eyes on the nfl. We think our game is better than that. The game to the south of us. The stamps are counting on 200 local ladies instead to help champion the cfl and the home team stampeders new football fans season football fans bringing people together, supporting our community. Alesia fieldberg, ctv news, calgary. All right, let's take you back to toronto now ontario premier doug ford is speaking to reporters after an announcement about the expansion of alcohol sales and the passions. You know, we have the. >> A long agenda that we're fulfilling the promises. Promises made, promises kept. We're getting it done for the people of ontario, no matter of reducing the cost of gas by 10.7 cents. Her leader, that's going back into the people's pockets. I think it's probably over 2.2 billion dollars and maybe even higher grows every single day. Peter, every single day is putting money in the not people's pockets is like getting rid of that. The sticker on the back of the vehicles are getting rid of the registration are cutting the polls on the for 12 for 18.

we're having people that write transit one-fare seems up to $1600 every every single year. And that's, I think that's a low figure they can hop the go train up. And doug downey's area in barrie on one fair go to union station hop off union station, go out to the mississauga all on one fairer. So we're putting money back into people's pockets and that's, that's not a bad thing. It's actually a great thing that reduce the burden on a box for the people. So are you committing them to sticking with the june? >> 2026 election schedule, you're going to stick to that date. >> We're going make sure that we fulfil our agenda and our promises that we made, making sure we save taxpayers money, reducing the cost of doing business for 8 billion dollars each and every year. That's where we're or just a tremendous response when it comes to the 43 billion dollars of the v that's been invested or 20 billion in the tech sector or in the life sciences, another 3 billion dollars right now. We're, we're blessed where we're going on all cylinders. For the people of ontario. When I talk the consul journals and ambassadors and leaders of countries and and governors from the U.S. they're in awe, they're in shock. When bloomberg news comes out and says canada, which would say ontario is now locked off china's number one location for ev assembly ev battery manufacturing right here in ontario. We're the only jurisdiction in the world think of the only jurisdiction in the world that have 6 largest auto manufacturers coming here and apart. Manufacturers and my good friend, our colleague vic fedeli, he's travelling the world once again. He's a over in japan and korea, attracting more businesses coming here to ontario. We're so blessed to in reason being were the smartest, brightest people anywhere in the world and the talents here. And that's why people opening up shop. I'm fascinated. Speed and the dollar figures too. Good morning. Premier colin d'mello with global music hall. You know, your brother. Then rusher. >> A good that some of the gun call at 5.30 in the morning. Now i-5 and I was up and I thought I'm not going to answer the buddy. You're getting a call at 3 o'clock in the sorry. I just had to let him know that means we're going in canada tonight, on the premier. You just a moment ago said that you have 0 tolerance when it comes to drinking and driving during the pandemic. Your government introduced a policy that gave impaired drivers the option to downgrade their charges to careless driving in non serious cases. And we've been told that this was applied thousands of times since 2021, that policy remains in effect. So crown prosecutors can still offer these downgraded charges to careless to drivers. Why are they still being offered if impaired cases, if you have a 0 tolerance policy and you agree with it, a good point and hand over the attorney general. >> Thanks, todd. And that was a policy in and it's not for the drivers to to downgrade. As you say. >> It was for the prosecutors to have the option to make sure that the most important cases are being backlog in the courts. And so we have a put that mandate in place in cooperation with our partners being matt canada, police services around ontario. Worry engaging that discussion because we're still dealing with the after effects of covid as it relates to the courts and I'll be talking to the police association of ontario as early as next week. So it's a live discussion and we'll keep you up to date. Thank you on and on another topic premier out last year, ontario's auditor general identified issues with staff and your government using private email addresses for government business. >> What is your view of government employees using private email addresses to conduct government business motion, plain and simple as they should be using government-issued emails. This simple as I and we'll make sure we I premier siobhan morris from such alliance. >> You talked about the campaign promises you made in 2018 around alcohol sales. One of the promises you made then was also to end hallway health care at this moment, we know that hospitals are overloaded, some are closing because they don't have enough staffer finances to keep going. Millions of ontarians don't have a family doctor. Cities like toronto are dealing with crumbling infrastructure, saying you don't have enough funds. I'm wondering as premier looking at those list of priorities, how is paying 225 million dollars to accelerate alcohol sales.

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