
CTVN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #22

roland garros on tsn and tsn+ >> Is that must immediately halt. It's believed 2 of us. And any other action and that a foreign government. >> The un's top court increases pressure on israel as it orders israel to halt its military operation in the southern gaza city of rafah. Hackers who stole employee information from london drugs have now released it on the dark web. The pharmacy chain refused to pay millions in ransom. And canadian border workers have voted in favour of a strike mandate that could start as early as 2. It's friday, may 24. Thanks for joining us here on ctv news channel. I'm renee rodgers. We'll begin with breaking news from the hague, where the international court of justice has issued a landmark emergency ruling on south africa's case, accusing israel of genocide in gaza. >> Is that must immediately halt its money through a fence. And any other action and that a foreign government. Which may conflict on the palestinian group in gaza. Conditions will fly. That could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. >> The president of the un's top court saying the humanitarian situation in gaza has deteriorated since the court last ordered israel to take steps to improve conditions. The court also ordered israel to open the rafah border crossing to allow humanitarian aid into the territory. The order is the 3rd time that the world court, as it's also known, has issued orders seeking to rein in the death toll and alleviate humanitarian suffering in gaza. Israel has repeatedly insisted that it has the right to defend itself from hamas and is unlikely to comply with today's ruling. All right, let's bring in jon allen, former canadian ambassador to israel and mister allen, thank you for being here. What do you make of the I c j's decision? This is binding in practice, but is it's enforceable by the courts. >> It's not enforceable in the sense that there is no for the court in years, not going to be any action by the court it's possible countries might decide to impose that would take time. Of course, but this is symbolically quite significant has was mention. He says the 3rd ruling of the the world court, the international court of justice. It does not require israel to cease all operations, but it does require israel to cease operations in rafah, there is great concern about both the humanitarian assistance be halted there now and with the possibility of more civilian guests. >> And the issue and we know that in the past, israel has not recognize the court's jurisdiction in this matter, saying that it's a political and not a legal matter is that completely true, especially when considering violations of international law and the right to self-governance. >> Both saint africa and israel have signed on to the genocide convention. So the issue jurisdiction more or less been though, that that finally has to be decided along with the substance of the case. >> And >> It seems quite clear. Israeli spokesmen have announced and essentially israel will not comply with the order to continue their operations and their efforts to try we doubt. >> The military and political leaders and to try and have get their hostages back. >> So you know, if israel ignores this ruling, what could the diplomatic fallout p? >> Well, they've already had a rather bad as you know, I'm the prosecutor of the international criminal court, which deals with individuals

not states has sought arrest for a bibi netanyahu. The prime minister and the minister defence as well as 3 hamas leaders. We now have a number of european nations have deciding to recognize the state of palestine. So overall, it's not been a great week for israel. Pressure is mounting. Panned out and hopefully they move as quickly as possible to complete the operation in rafah if they are not going to comply with the court and open avenues of humanitarian assistance, which are dyer. We need throughout the gaza strip. >> All right, we will have to leave it there. That's our time. John allen, former canadian ambassador to israel and spain, thank you very much for your time today. We appreciate it. The israeli military says it has recovered the bodies of 3 more hostages taken into gaza after the october 7th massacre. >> It is with a heavy heart. That I sure that last night israeli special forces in gaza risk you the bodies of all hostages. A sign on your lawn ca. You should. Nissan bone, we own and is. >> The military says the bodies were recovered in a joint operation by the israeli army and intelligence services in northern gaza. The bodies are identified by medical officials in israel talks aimed at securing a cease-fire and hostage exchange deal have stopped. University of toronto protesters have until later this afternoon to clear their encampment. The university issued a 24 hour deadline on thursday afternoon, calling for students to consider its offer. The university agreed to a number of terms, including establishing an advisory committee to review the divestment request, allowing students to suggest qualified members for the committee and increasing transparency on investments. The school rejected all calls to cut ties with israeli universities or international partner institutions. The offer is conditional on the encampments being cleared by later this afternoon. Demonstrators have been calling for the university to divest from companies connected with the israeli military campus protests and encampments have been in place for the last 3 weeks. The student protesters are expected to deliver response to the university around 11:00am. Cp24's melissa dugan is on the scene with more for us. Melissa. >> Yeah, pro-palestinian protesters already making it clear that they are frustrated by what the school has had to say. We're going to more for about their response to the school's latest offer. Just a matter of hours from now. So I'm sitting right next to the fence beyond this is the pro-palestinian encampment. It's been in place for 3 weeks now more than 100 tents inside. It is very quiet here this morning except for the construction that's happening on the other side of me right now. But things are going to change at 11:00am. I? That is when representatives from this group are expected to issue their formal response to what the school is saying. The school giving demonstrators 24 hours to reply to their latest offer. If they don't agree to the terms and clear out the school may be issuing a trespassing notice. The school's president says graduation ceremonies are set to happen at the school next month. We'll go ahead as planned. Have a listen. >> Convocation begins june 3rd and we have a announced already that we will proceed with convocation, no matter what. And we will do our best to make sure that those complications proceed without interruption. And you know, we have a of a lot of experience in ensuring that. >> Now some of the offers at the school is making to demonstrators includes forming a working group to consider options on the disclosure of school investments. But the ut say they they will not be ending any partnerships with israeli universities that has been another demand from protesters. Something else we're hearing from protesters in their news release promoting their comments are coming up at 11:00am today. They're accusing the school of being more concerned about mowing the lawn for convocation ceremonies. And then they are concerned about ending the war in gaza. Back to you. >> All right, looking live at the canadian side of the peace bridge border crossing in fort erie, ontario. We are just learning canada's border workers have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a strike. The union representing workers says it could lead to significant disruptions to the flow of goods services and people

through canada's ports of entry. If they opt to go ahead with a strike, it could happen as early as this summer. London drugs says cyber criminals have followed through on their threat to release confidential data after it didn't pay a 25 million dollar ransom. The company says the leaked files total more than 00 gigabytes and contain employee information. Now leaks onto the dark web. >> It could be things like feller information, disciplinary proceedings, protest in some cases led up to the current U.S. >> The data was stolen during a cyber attack on april 28. That forced london drugs to close all 79 of its stores. We'll talk more about this. Let's bring in david shipley, ceo and co-founder of boost or on security. Mister shipley, thank you for being here. It confidential information that was obtained by ransomware hackers has been released on the dark web. Is it known what was released at and what this means for london drugs. >> What we're hearing so far is corporate information and potentially highly sensitive information involving employees, including potentially some medically sensitive information. So an awful moment for the organization and for its employees. And you know, the thing about the disclosure, this kind of information is you can never make it right. Credit monitoring, doesn't 6 it, it's an awful feeling for the individual victims, employees and the organization. And it's happening far too often in this country. >> Looking at, you know, at what's happened. Should london drugs have just paid the ransom. >> Well, one, it's 25 million dollars, which is absolutely absurd. Number 2 lockbit is now a sanctioned entity through the coordinated law enforcement efforts to disrupt this gang, which is made over 100 million dollars from people paying and has only gotten worse. It is now likely highly legally problematic to pay given those U.S. sanctions. So I think the wording that the company's use worries those unwilling and unable ne alluding to the fact that only is the price. Absolutely astronomical. The legal implications for london drugs to do so may be untenable. >> So now that it hasn't paid the information has been leaked to the dark web. It what are the options for london drugs doesn't have any. >> Not likely in terms relationship rebuilding. And you know, we've seen other corporate tax involving a highly sensitive materials like the sony hacks with the north koreans attacked him near this caused a lot of strained relationship between actors and management. So there's going to be some of those issues, their employees are likely going to face potentially years worth of risks identity theft. So so there's not a whole lot they can do to help. >> David shipley, ceo and co-founder of voser on security. We really appreciate you being here today. Thank you for these insights. Thank you for the time. A group of 23 U.S. senators has written a rare letter to prime minister justin trudeau urging canada to meet its nato defence spending commitment. The senators are pointed to last year summit where nato leaders agreed to spend at least 2% of its gdp on defence. Argue canada and other key member nations are still not pulling their weight, which is having an impact on the alliance. Ctv's jeremie charron standing by in ottawa with more for us. Jeremy, a good morning. What is prompting these U.S. senators urge canada to increase its defence spending. >> O well, rain is a few things. I think this, this letter is coming now because we're about 2 months away from a nato summit in washington, D.C. and so that's why I think that there shouldn't highlight this right now, but we're, we've also seen canada recently update its defence policy with that kind of more spending, but still with a plan that doesn't get them to 2% spending, especially not. And in this decade. And so that is the criticism that we're hearing from these U.S. senators that say they feel some key nato members are not pulling their weight when it comes to spending. Of course, the target 2% was set not long ago or a few years ago, at least. And and canada is just not meeting that target. They're not the only ones. There are 32 nato members by the end of 2024 18 of those nato countries are expected to hit that target. So canada is not the only country that is not going to hit that target by the end of of this year. But senators say unlike canada doesn't seem to have a plan to

meet that target. That is the criticism from the senators there's also concern within canada of what it would if canada doesn't meet those targets. If donald trump will be reelected in the U.S. we've heard donald trump talk about possible 2 nato system where you know, nato members that don't meet that target wouldn't get the same kind of support. We heard from former chief of the defence staff general tom lawson on those concerns. Will you listen to what he had to say? >> There is a growing a recognition that there's a high risk that the next president will be. President trump. And for any senators who see nato as a very important alliance. These 23 quite they would like to clear away as many excuses as they can. I think for president trump to take some significant actions that they think would be detrimental to nato ally pulling out entirely or more likely declaring kind of a 2 tier nato, where those who don't pay up are really going to be protected if attacked. The centres are clear in this letter, they say if canada fall short, they feel as though it will hurt nato running. >> Alright, ctv's jeremie charron reporting from ottawa. Thanks for this. Jeremy. >> Ahead for us, disappointment and frustration for soccer fans hoping to get to see one of the beautiful game's best players in canada. Reports suggest lionel messi will miss inter miami's game with the van white (Dramatic music) (Cheering) If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) - [Announcer] Most men willdevelop symptoms of BPH.To reduce these symptoms Finally, less urges to urinate. Super Beta Prostate. Find it at thesefine retailers. Let's go for a skate, and a little chat. Because retirement today is not what it used to be. The good news is we're living longer and more active lives, but planning for that longevitycan come with some challenges. Thankfully as a Canadian homeowner aged 55 and better, you have options. The chip Program allows you to access the value of your home without selling it. So you can live retirement on your terms. If you're 55 or older call now for your free no obligation chip Reverse Mortgage Guide. With chip you get up to 55% of your home's value in tax free cash take only what you need in a lump sum or over time with no monthly mortgage payments required. Call (number on screen) Maybe it's time for you to consider chip too! Call now for your free no obligation guide. Call (number on screen) or visit chip dot ca. Call chip today and live retirement your way. ( ) You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes Off of you ( ) Michelob Ultra. >> Looking live at vancouver this morning, where today there are a lot of disappointed soccer fans. They were gearing up for a big match. This weekend featuring the biggest soccer star in the world. But now we're learning lionel messi will not be making the trip. >> Ctv's mike trout is standing by outside of bc place this morning. Craig, good to see you. A lot of devastated soccer fans, this morning. The so tell us more about what happened >> Well, good morning, renee. So it's hard to put into words right now, how local soccer fans are feeling absolutely gutted from this news that was broken late last night here on the west coast, said leo messi, one of the world's greatest soccer players, would not be making the trip here. 2 vancouver this weekend to take on the whitecaps, but it's also has to start. He made so also will not be be on that flight with teammates as well, so that sergio bruce katz and luis suarez, all 3 of them are

staying in miami this weekend and not making this trip and many fans are arriving here to vancouver spending hundreds of dollars on a single ticket and spin travelling long distances just to see messi, his teammates to take the pitch at bc place. But that will not be happening now. And this comes after about 50,000 tickets were sold the leading up to this event over the last several months in the excitement is growing for this game is being advertised as one of the greatest soccer players arriving here in vancouver. Taking on the whitecaps is going to set attendance records for this team here in vancouver and their street parties plan exactly where I'm standing right now. This is going to be a big street party in still will be us, but just it won't be the same thing without messiness. Teammates arriving here in vancouver and we were speaking to some fans last night and throughout the morning. Here's a clip from one of them. Now, take a listen. >> They tripled them in price and that he doesn't even show up. So. >> Super super disappointing. They're not even making the trip and it wasn't just messy. It was suarez and boost gets I also want to see that just felt disrespectful and really just really upsetting as is just as a sports fan in in bc. >> Yeah, I question being asked right now is why why is messiness teammates? Now playing? Sorry. Sorry. >> Oh, no. You go ahead, craig. >> Yeah, just the one question many people are asking right now is why missing his team to not playing and that still is unclear at this point. Renee. The whitecaps came up with a statement saying that they can't control who their opponents play an individual games. But that's one question many people are wondering why they didn't make this trip. Obviously, it's a long flights and they have other responsibilities when it comes to their national teams as well. It's still unclear as to why didn't make this trip. We'll send it back to you. >> Craig, I can kind of get their point. I can see why that would be so people and cannot expect for messi to be there, but what can they expect? >> So one thing that bc place is offering for this game because of the disappointment that has come from this decision is at the concession stands will be selling their items at 50% off along with anyone under the age of 18 years old will be able to get a free meal combo. So that's one way we're trying to ease the for these. Thousands of fans are expected to arrive in phil. >> Bc place over the weekend. But again, this is all about messiness teammates arriving here in vancouver and watching one of the greatest soccer players, if not arguably the greatest soccer player of all time. >> Playing a match, you make it for now. >> O j r. >> Alright ctv's kraig krause reporting for us. Okay, thanks for that. Cracked. >> Well, coming up, a volunteer firefighter who lost his home to fire and now has less than a day to renew an rv from HIS(Snickering) Hanging tree (Music Begins) Summer breeze makes me feel fine Blowing through the jasmine in my mind ( ) Summer breeze makes me feel fine (Silence) Blowing through the jasmine in my mind Summer starts here. Get your pc® Summer Insiders Report today. ( ) Interrupted by dry eyes? Get fast-acting relief with hydraSense eye drops. ( ) Made with a naturallysourced lubricant. hydraSense eye drops. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. Do you need financingfor your business?Get up to $800,000 in less than24 hou Apply online today and getyour no-obligation quote! Trusted by over 10,000businesses, Merchant Growth is Canada's leader forconvenient business financing. Apply now at I'm lost in love... (Electronic chime) So lost in love with you Get started for free on eharmony. (Giggling) Must be 18 or older to join. Get who gets you. eharmony. With fastsigns, signage that gets you noticed

turns hot lots into homes. FastSigns. Make Your Statement. >> A volunteer firefighter from bc has less than a day to remove his rv from his own property. This after his home was destroyed in a fire. Ctv's abigail turner explains. >> The house. That's exactly. Right there. >> Remnants of volunteer firefighter and trooper old his home at lake okanagan resort. His house is one of dozens that burned to the ground last summer during the massive, the devastating west kelowna wildfire trying to get on sears and see if we can get rebuilt. And. >> And the amount of red tape and the and the hurdles that we're getting. To john are too many. >> Still, he continues to pay property tax and strata fees, but without a place to call home. He went to mexico for the winter, returning 2 weeks ago. >> This was the start going up to the house. Right now. We have set up a and r b. On the parking lot. >> A makeshift home while he waits to see if his toronto will allow rebuilding. I told us try to. >> Many months ago that as soon as I was coming into into canada. I needed to leave in the resort because I don't have the funds to be any other. >> Wait, but he received a shocking phone call thursday from his fire chief called me up and he says are, you know, I received this phone call from the rdco. >> And they're telling me that they are going to remove you. From the resort within 24 hours. Ctv news contacted the regional district of central okanagan, which confirmed it did receive a complaint about the unpermitted use of peralta's trailer, but shared a different message. There would be no towing of his rv instead. Education I'm running out of 5 years on running out of options. >> So I'm doing something with my property world. A strata will vote thursday night to decide if residents will accept the insurance policies pay out about $350,000 a far cry from the purchase price or choose to rebuild. We have a steal this. Something he hopes the latter will be chosen. Abigail turner, ctv news, vancouver. >> Coming up, the international court of justice orders israel to immediately call it operation in rafah. We'll have those details after the break. Stay with it. Find a great deal foryour ideal hotel.Open trivago, type inwhere you want t select your check-in andcheck-out dates and search. Compare prices forthe same hotel and save up to $50 a night. Hotel? trivago. You shall live with mosquitoesand ticks no more...Contact and of your summer outisde. will spray all theareas where mosquitoes and ticks live, rest and hide. Trees, shrubs, under the deck,behind the shed. Anywhere you need protectionfrom harmful mosquitoes and ticks. We come back on arepeated schedule so you're bug freeall season long. Safe, effective,incredible results. Contact us today Want a smarter way to mop? Introducing the new Swiffer PowerMop, an all-in-one cleaning tool with a 360° swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. Mop Smarter with the new Swiffer PowerMop. We're traveling all acrossCanada to talk to peopleabout their hearts. Who wants to talkabout their heart? Let me ask you a question.Do you have AFib? Aaah, I don't know. You kind of hesitated like... How do you know? I don't know. You don't know?! Let me show you something.- Ok. This is called KardiaMobile.- Ok. Do you know what this is?- No. That right there is apersonal ekg device. Would you like to take30 seconds and do an ekg? Absolutely. With KardiaMobile, youcan take an ekg in just 30 secondsfrom anywhere. KardiaMobile is proven todetect atrial fibrillation, one of the leadingcauses of stroke. KardiaMobile can also detectNormal Sinus Rhythm. How much doyou think this costs? Probably in the hundreds. 99 dollars. Oh wow! That could be cheaperthan a tank of gas. Taking an ekg anytime, anywherehas never been easier. Don't wait! Get KardiaMobilefor you or a loved one today for just $99 or Amazon.

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