
CTVN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #20

>> A major decision expected from the international court of justice this hour. The world court will rule on whether israel must halt its military operation in rafah and withdraw from gaza. The hackers who stole employee information from london drugs have now released it on the dark web after the pharmacy chain refuse to pay millions in grant. A dramatic start for canada's only stanley cup contenders. The edmonton oilers beat the dallas stars in double overtime to take game one of the western conference finals. It's friday may 24. Thanks for joining us here on ctv news channel. I'm renee rodgers. >> Looking live at the hague in this morning where we are awaiting a major ruling this hour from the united nations top court on south africa's request to order israel to stop its rafah offensive. >> And withdraw from gaza lawyers for south africa have asked the international court of justice to impose emergency measures calling for israel to halt its attacks on the southern gaza city. Rulings by the icj are final and binding, but have been ignored in the past. And israeli government spokesperson said yesterday that no power on earth will stop israel from protecting its citizens. And and going after hamas in gaza. And joining me now is retired major-general david fraser, ctv military analyst and former commander of nato forces in southern afghanistan. Good morning, general. Thank you for being here. Rafah is the centre of israel's offensive. What could the ramifications of today's ruling be? >> Well, renee, I think, you you know, like the israeli officials said it's not going to change what actually happens on the ground in rafah, israel and the prime minister of being a resolute about their talk against hamas and going into gaza and to with being of just going to end up with standing with the icc already or this court, the icj says it's not going to change. Is randy called the sea, which is going after a timeout, unfortunately, the league just shows you even more international pressure the israeli prime minister and israeli policy is in is going to be down, but it's not going to change the facts on the ground. >> More international pressure does that do that you know, to to quell this. >> It doesn't do anything that quote is, but it certainly does complicate what happens afterwards in the U.S. has already. What happens after, you know, the word guys just stops what happens with the between the world, the united states and israel. That is going to be the big question and this is going this is going to have ramifications for israel for because of what he's really you shorter, no fortunately, gazans are going to suffer even more. But in the mid to long term, israel is going to suffer awful lot from politically and probably in other areas to cops, even trade. >> Now the israel the israeli military rather says that the rafah offensive is necessary in order to rescue the remaining hostages and root out hamas is there any indication of the hostages safety at this point? >> Renee, there's no indication of of their safety and the and the sad statement names, you know, you were today found 3 more bodies of hostages that 6 in the last, you know, week and a half, you know, so that's not good news in the fact that we keep going into rafah and attacking them or place to at even higher risk. So you're there's about 100 or so hostages left that evil enough, jacked up for those out of florida. But we have no indication that they're safe and that the more that the attack, you know, there's the he's going to be in peril. >> All right, well, we are going to keep monitoring this expected decision and we will bring you the latest out as soon as it in the meantime, ctv military analyst, retired major-general david fraser. We thank you very much as always for being here. Great chatting with you. >> Great, thank you. >> The israeli military says it has recovered the bodies of 3 more hostages taken into gaza after the october 7th massacre. >> It is with a heavy heart. That I sure that last night

israeli special forces in gaza risk you the bodies of all hostages. A sign on your lawn ca. He should be some bone we own and is. >> Military says the bodies were recovered in a joint operation by the israeli army and intelligence services in northern gaza. The bodies were identified by medical officials in israel talks aimed at securing a cease-fire and hostage exchange deal have stalled. University of toronto protesters have until later this afternoon to clear their encampment. The university issued a 24 hour deadline on thursday afternoon, calling for students to recant or to consider rather its offer. The university agreed to a number of terms, including establishing an advisory committee to review the divestment request, allowing students just suggest qualified members for the committee and increasing transparency for investments. The school rejected all calls to cut ties with israeli universities or international partner institutions. The offer is conditional if the encampments are cleared by later this afternoon. Demonstrators have been calling for the university to divest from companies connected with the israeli military campus protests and encampments have been in place for the last 3 weeks. The student protesters are expected to deliver a response to the university around 11:00am. Cp24's melissa dugan is on the scene with more melissa. >> Yeah, pro-palestinian protesters already making it clear that they are frustrated by what the school has had to say. We're going to find out more for about their response to the school's latest offer. Just a matter of hours from now. So I'm sitting right next to the fence beyond this is the pro-palestinian encampment. It's been in place for 3 weeks now more than 100 tents inside. It is very quiet here this morning, except for the construction that's happening on the other side of me right now. But things are going to change at 11:00am that is when representatives from this group are expected to issue their formal response to what the school is saying. The school giving demonstrators 24 hours to reply to their latest offer. If they don't agree to the terms and clear out the school may be issuing a trespassing notice. The school's president says graduation ceremonies are set to happen at the school next month. We'll go ahead as planned. Have a listen. >> Convocation begins june 3rd and we have a announced already that we will proceed with convocation, no matter what. And we will do our best to make sure that those complications proceed without interruption. And you know, we have a of a lot of experience in ensuring that. >> Now some of the offers at the school is making to demonstrators includes forming a working group to consider options on the disclosure of school investments abut the ut say they they will not be ending any partnerships with israeli universities that has been another demand from protesters. Something else we're hearing from protesters in their news release promoting their comments are coming up at 11:00am today. They're accusing the school of being more concerned about mowing the lawn for convocation ceremonies. And then they are concerned about ending the war in gaza. Back. >> Cp24 similar sidhu can the truck driver who caused the tragic humboldt broncos bus crash is facing a deportation hearing in calgary today. Jaskirat singh sidhu was sentenced to 8 years in prison after pleading guilty in 2019 16. People were killed and 13 were injured from the crash in 2018 last year, a judge rejected city's request to remain in canada with his wife sidhu's lawyer michael greene says the deportation order will likely be granted. Reid says his client may asks, remain in canada on compassionate and humanitarian grounds. London drugs says cyber criminals have followed through on their threat to release confidential data after it didn't pay a 25 million dollar ransom. The company says the leaked files total more than 300 gigabytes and contain employee information. Now leaked onto the dark web. >> It could be things like feller information, disciplinary proceedings, protest and in some cases led >> The data was stolen during a cyber attack on april 28. That forced london drugs to close all 79 of its stores. Meantime, it appears information stolen from bc's first nations health authority has also been posted to the dark web. Bc premier david eby has now confirmed it's a ransomware attack. Ctv's penny daflos reports our the first nations health authority, which provides bc wide services and

supports for indigenous people, is being blackmailed by cyber criminals. We have seen high-profile retailers like when a the the victim of ransomware. Now. >> The first nations health authority, the hackers have posted proof of what they've stolen online, including signatures from senior staff on seven-figure contracts with medical providers and agreements with first nations governments. They're also samples of e-mails between providers and patients, including staff from northern health. There's no evidence >> The 30's of that all affected by by the breach of the first nations health or their experts at seeking out the most sensitive information to steal to make their extortion attempts more effective. Ctv news has consulted several cybersecurity experts on this hack. One of them pointed to sloppy coating on fnha is website. >> And another pointed out similarities to the london drugs ransomware breached. Both are different from the state level attack on provincial systems and attacker. That is a nation state is typically a kind of carrying out a spy military mission they will give up no matter how hard you defend yourself, the criminals behind the attack on the health authority and london drugs are really just after money. Government process is for court. Governments have included upgrading our defences. Are you going to be committing to more resources, whether that's people, whether that's money for provincial agencies and related agencies like health authorities to try to combat what seems to be rising threat for a health authorities in those other agencies that are arm's length from government, especially first nations health authority. >> Our commitment is to the support they need to respond to this and also to prevent these types of attacks are having with 3 high-profile cyber incidents in the past month. >> Companies and individual british colombians to take it as a reminder of how vulnerable our information is. Penny daflos ctv news, vancouver. Canada's competition bureau has launched investigations into the parent companies of grocery giants loblaw and sobeys over alleged anti-competitive conduct. >> The commissioner launched the probes in march, saying at the time that there is reason to believe that the firm's the use of so-called property controls limits competition in the retail grocery sector. Sobeys owner empire called the inquiry on lawful. Canada's major grocery chains have come under increasing scrutiny as consumers struggle with rising food prices. G7 finance chiefs are meeting in italy today to discuss alone for ukraine and china's trade advantages the group is aiming to avoid a trade war with china while curbing the country's growing export strength. The U.S. last week increased tariffs on a number of chinese imports and U.S. treasury secretary janet yellen wants america's g7 allies to show they stand with washington. Meanwhile, officials have not yet agreed to the exact alone amount for ukraine. But yellen has suggested the funds could total some 50 billion dollars. A group of 23 U.S. senators has written a rare letter to prime minister justin trudeau urging canada to meet its nato defence spending commitment. The senators are pointing to last year's summit where nato leaders agreed to spend at least 2% of their gdp on defence. They argue canada and other key member nations are still not pulling their weight, which is having an impact on the alliance. And ctv's jeremie charron is standing by in ottawa for us with more nice to see jeremy. So what is prompting a these U.S. senators to urged canada to increase its defence spending. Yeah, I think the timing is due to the fact where the 2 months away from a nato summit in washington, D.C. and so that's why >> The senators are choosing to raise some of their concerns. As you touched on the feel some of the key nato members are not pulling their weight when it comes to defence spending. We know that canada along with other countries, are not meeting that 2% target. There are nato members out of those 30 to 18 are projected by the end of 2024 to meet that that 2% target canada is not one of those countries, but that also means canada is not alone. Now senator say that they chose to write to the prime minister prime mister trudeau, rather than the leaders of some of the other countries due to the fact they feel I'm like some of the other countries, canada doesn't seem to have to have a plan to get to that 2% target. We know that canada has a new defence policy update to spend more money over the next 5 years on defence, but it does not get us to that 2% target. And so that is the criticism from these senators. Now there are also concerns about what it could mean for canada, if we don't need that spending target, if we were to get into a situation in the U.S. again, where donald trump will become president again. And we'll let you listen to a

little bit of what former chief of the defence staff, tom lawson had to say about that potential situation. >> There is a growing a recognition that there's a high risk that the next president will be. President trump. And for any senators who see nato as a very important alliance. These 23 quite they would like to clear away as many excuses as they can. I think for president trump to take some significant actions that they think would be detrimental to nato ally pulling out entirely or more likely declaring kind of a 2 tier nato, where those who don't pay up are really going to be protected if attacked. So we've heard some some interesting in the past from donald trump about countries, nato countries that are not spending to that 2% target. >> And so that is some of the concern if canada doesn't reach that target in if of donald trump will be reelected in the next U.S. election. That is a concern for many >> So a rare letter right to justin has he responded, what's the reaction to all of this? >> Yeah, we've heard from from trudeau's government on this bill blair, defence minister reacting to this yesterday, pointed to this new policy update defence policy update that the government has released that promises to spend 7.9 billion dollars over the next 5 years. He pointed to the fact that year-over-year, they're increasing defence spending. I-27 1%, but all of that in this new policy update plan still only gets canada to 1.7% of gdp on defence spending by 2029. And so that is white. The senators are highlighting that despite the fact that yes, there's been a promise and a plan outlined to spend more and increased defence spending. It still doesn't get to that 2% target in so you know, the minister bill blair yesterday defended the plan in says they're doing everything they can to increase spending. But the continued criticism from the senators and from some other partners is that despite increasing the spending, it's still not getting to that 2% target, which was now set quite some time ago. And his has become more of an expectation rather than a goal to be reached nato, a nato member. So there's this continued criticism there. >> Alright, ctv's jeremie charron reporting for us from ottawa. Thanks for this. Jeremy. A volunteer firefighter from bc has less than a day to remove his rv from his own property. This after his home was destroyed in fire. Ctv's abigail turner explains. >> The house. That's exactly. Right there. >> Remnants of volunteer firefighter and trooper old his home at lake okanagan resort. His house is one of dozens that burned to the ground last summer during the massive, the devastating west kelowna wildfire trying to get on sears and see if we can get rebuilt. And. >> And the amount of red tape and the and the hurdles that we're getting. To jump are too many. >> Still, he continues to pay property tax and strata fees, but without a place to call home. He went to mexico for the winter, returning 2 weeks ago. >> This was the start going up with the house. Right now. We have set up a in r v. On the parking lot. >> A makeshift home while he waits to see if his toronto will allow rebuilding. I told us try to. >> Many months ago that as soon as I was coming into into canada. I needed to leave in the resort because I don't have the funds to be any other. >> Wait, but he received a shocking phone call thursday from his fire chief called me up and he says are, you know, I received this phone call from the rdco. >> And they're telling me that they are going to remove you. From the resort within 24 hours. Ctv news contacted the regional district of central okanagan, which confirmed it did receive a complaint about the unpermitted use of peralta's trailer, but shared a different message. There would be no towing of his rv instead. Education I'm running out of funds for some running out of options. >> So I'm doing something with my property world. A strata will vote thursday night to decide if residents will accept the insurance policies pay out about $350,000 a far cry from the purchase price or choose to rebuild. We have a spill. This. Something he hopes the latter will be chosen. Abigail turner, ctv news, vancouver. >> I just felt that while they tripled so super super disappointing. >> Coming up after the break,

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way that they marketed, it was messi's coming to vancouver. Don't miss out greatest player in the world. If your marketing it that way, you should be 100% certainty is coming a disappointing reality for bc fans as this may have been the last time to watch the player the idolize play here on home turf. >> Isabella zavarise see ctv news. Vancouver. >> All right, we're going to bring you live it to the world court now, where its ruling on israel's offensive in rafah. It is being delivered. Let's listen to that basic services and to make the assistance. And of course. >> Misses his faith that the despondent and then open land crossing points and in. But the difficult. In view of the specific provision in mission. It has decided to indicate. The court considers that is a must submit people. The court adventures to 40 good effect of the sort within one month from the date of this sort of. The tape also provided within view coming to get to south africa. We should be given go push. 80 to submit to the court. It's commence that. The court records that if orders on provisional measures. And there are 34 to one of the statute, have a binding effect. And thus could be in for a national legal obligations for any party to whom the provision measures advice. The court underlined that the president or do is without prejudice. Any findings concerning that spawned this compliance with the orders of generally. 26 2024 and more than 2 2024. And its orders of genuine to 6, 1, to 24 and march. 28 2024. The court express is a good day for sure. Over the fate of the hostages abducted during that. That is a on october 7th. 2020 and pence's then by hamas do and court for the immediate and unconditional days. The court finds is deeply troubling. That many of these hostages remain in captivity and they did it to school for that immediate and unconditional ease. I should know that I would be a productive part of the order. For these reasons. The court. By 15 votes to 2. Funds the provisions and measures indicate that is orders of 26 january. 2024. March, 28 2024, which would be immediately and effectively implement. In favour. There's been some. Judge of a button you so should we. Bund it? It was so was too shorts worth. Gomes over to do. You've done would a school lot. Against vice presidents of within the. Judge. I do, but indicates the following provisional measures. The safe to visit shot. In conformity with his obligation under the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. And in view over the worsening conditions of flight faced by civilian. 5 government. By 15 votes to pull. Immediately hoard its militant offensive. And any other action. For governor, which may inflict on the palestinian group in gaza. Conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in court or in book. In favour. There's been some. Been that it was sort of. Coming from a little would a school lot. Against. But residents of which can be. Judge a book about. By 15 votes to 2. And then open the rafah crossing foot. And in the provision at ski of urgently need the basic services and humanitarian assistance there's been so low. And it it was so north shorts worth. But on going through a little. What a

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