
CTVN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #18

>>> London drugs says hackers have started releasing some stolen data after the company refused to pay a $25 million ransom. A cyber security expert says the data could contain sensitive information. >> It could be things like salary information. Disciplinary proceedings. And drug testing >> A hacking group called lock fit claimed responsibility for the april 28th cyberattack. London drugs says 300 gigabytes of data was stole. Calling the data leak deeply distressing. London drugs says it does not believe any customer information was stolen >> Doctors at the children's hospital of eastern ontario are using ai to help flag patients with potential rare diseases. >> It's kind of a nudge. We are not replacing the doctors. We are kind of helping them with some of these. >> Think rare took researchers years to develop. It's a world's first algorithm that helps with earlier diagnosis so that families can help faster. Anthony is one of those children. He is the first person diagnosed with it in north america and had made hundreds of hospital visits offer the years before being properly diagnosed. Chi no plans to share the ai algorithm were other children's hospitals free of charge. >> There is falling off your chair laughing and there's falling off your chair because your bank account looks like an international phone number. >> This is a moment of truth. You are about to log into your bank account and it is going to look like an international phone number. >> Teddy: that's amazing on many levels. Greg now has an extra $70 million in his pocket. The big lotto max draw happened last month. He is a single dad and he told olg he purchased a winning ticket while buying groceries in north york. This pocket chain comes at the perfect time. Congrats to him. I love that. >> Kelsey: that is best. >> Lindsey: I love that. >> Kelsey: it never occurred to me that that would be a bank transfer. >> Lindsey: how do you get the money. >> Kelsey: you have a ridiculous cheque. I had to do this yesterday. I had to do the void cheque. That is the most stressful experience of my life. >> Lindsey: a void cheque? >> Kelsey: what if I enter the numbers incorrectly. Can you imagine the stress he must have felt. Make sure it goes to me ask not the dude with one number off. >> Teddy: I'm sure there's a lot of legality around that. >> Lindsey: I don't know if I have enough digit space. I just did it on my calculator. Gic at 5% is $3.5 million a year. >> Teddy: compound interest, too. >> Lindsey: that is one of the best videos. >> Teddy: and he fell off his chair. >> Kelsey: we are going to take you to steinbach. There is a rainfall warning in effect. 50 to 60 millimeters of rain. We talked about this over the last couple of weeks. How the water levels are fairly high in manitoba. And that comes in comparison to the rest of the prairies where we have been talking so much about drought. Southern manitoba, the red river valley in particular, the water levels are high. There have been two big rain events this week. One of them is happening right now. The ground is saturated. Getting another 50 to 60 millimeters of rain on top of that is not ideal. It's cold enough. Did you know, I don't know if you did, but did you know that you could have air temperatures as high as 6° at the surface and still get snow. It all has to do with that layer of air from the cloud down to the ground. Cloud itself below freezing. That snow starts to fall and the layer of warmer air at the surface is quite narrow. That snow flake won't melt before it hits the ground. It can be up to 6°. It's 5 right now in winnipeg. Any rain falling in the area as that cold miserable rain.

4 in regina. Not raining there. 5 in edmonton. 11 for vancouver. Much warmer and milder start to the day from toronto to ottawa. Montréal, fredericton, halifax and charlottetown this morning all in the teens. Later on today... Toronto, one of the warmer spots in ontario. 26°. 26 as well for halifax and 27 in fredericton. But look at regina. Only getting down to 15 today. 9 for winnipeg with that rain falling quite steadily through the afternoon. Brand-new today... We have winter storm warnings in northern yukon and parts of northwest territories where rain is going to flip over to first freezing rain and eventually snow. For some, it stays straight up as rainfall. That has prompted these warnings to continue into the weekend. South of that, we are going to see showers continuing for parts of the B.C. interior. Down through alberta. Showers west of saskatoon and moose jaw. Regina is kind of in the clearing. There's cloud building to the eps of that as the heavy rain takes over in southern manitoba where we find our rainfall warnings. Now it will be windy today with the development of this system. Winds coming down from the north hence that flipover to snow. West of that, possible thunderstorms today. But along the TransCanada as well, you will see through assiniboine area. That rainfall intensifies in the interior through tomorrow morning. Again, the higher terrain flips over to snow. What you can take away from the map is while the heavier rain shall ease off to showers, it's unsettled. We have scattered showers and enough instability and lift that small little thunderstorms keep firing up through the afternoon and rain showers take over for the morning. Cooler conditions will persist. Early next week, like tuesday, wednesday, saskatchewan and manitoba, you got a bump up in temperatures. If you are waiting for that warmth. It is on the way. Now here is a look at the local forecast. >> Lindsey: negotiators are racing against the clock to droft -- to bring -- this pact would create guidelines for collaboration between world health organization member states in terms of how they respond to future pandemics. But countries are divided on key aspects of the agreement. Dr. Margaret bourdeaux is an assistant professor from harvard medical school. She joins you now from boston. >> Good morning how are you. >> Lindsey: I am good. Why is a treaty needed? >> The aftermath of covid, governments around the world, including the w.h.o., sponsored an assessment of the pandemic response. And the assessment detailed many of the glaring problems that many of us witnessed first hand. Delays in warning. Lack of a coherent strategy for working together to stop covid. Mad scramble for medicines and vaccines. Red tape that prevented countrys from manufacturing and producing counter measures themselves. The pandemic agreement presents a strategic framework for how countries are going to work together in the future to fight and prevent pandemic. >> Lindsey: W.H.O. wants to see vaccine equity. A 2022 analysis says 1.3 million deaths from covid worldwide could have prevented if vaccines were distributed evenly. What could technology sharing have on future pandemics? >> I think quite a bit. I think there is a core issue here that is being negotiated. I want to pin in what you said around this issue of equity. A lot of the agreement is being framed around, you know, promoting equity. I think sometimes when people hear equity, they think that is an appeal to their, you know, moral or applicable appeal to charity. But really, that's not true. Really, effective pandemic response, equity is essential to that. It is in everyone's best

interest to have equity so that outbreaks can be contained at their source. It is family cut playoff season. I would like to put this in terms of hockey analogy if you humour me. >> If you have two teams that are going up against each other at the playoffs and you have to decide which one is most likely to win. >> Lindsey: the canadian. >> Really? They have trained together and practiced together. They have equipment they need to play as a team. If you hear from team b. Let's say, you know, you can name your team. And you learn that their strategy is to take their best player and give him 50 hockey sticks and 500 pairs of ice skates and have him practice alone on the ice. You might think that is a strange strategy. What are the other team members going to do? They are going to bat at the puck with their gloves and slide on the ice with their socks, you might think, yes, equity is a problem there. It's not fair to the other team members. You would be correct in saying that team is just not going to win. What we have to do here is think about the fact that we are team human. And we need to play as a team for team human. That means everybody has to have the equipment and the training and the resources they need. >> Lindsey: how this could be enforced, I think the U.K. and the U.S. are raising concerns about that. How would this be enforced? >> Right, the w.h.o., there's a lot of discussion around what authorities the W.H.O. would have, how binding a commitment it would be and when it would go into effect. There has been a done of misinformation about what this agreement would do in terms of what authorities it would give to the W.H.O. that is just not true. And it's not true to the extent that negotiators have felt the need to put into the actual document. What the W.H.O. can't do. So, you know, that in some ways is a little bit of a red herring. Although there are countries -- I think countries are wanting to make sure they live up to the commitments that they make in this agreement. >> Lindsey: Dr. Margaret bourdeaux, appreciate your thoughts this morning. Thank you. >> Thank you. >> Lindsey: now here is teddy with "in case you missed it." >> Teddy: here are some stories you might have missed. The federal liberals have tabled a bill to restore citizenship rights to a group known as lost canadians. >> There's no doubt that canadian citizenship is highly valueed and recognized around the world. We want a citizenship to be fair. >> Teddy: in 2009, the former conservative government took away the ability of canadians to pass their citizenship to their children born abroad. This new bill would restore that right to children affected by that change. Parents must show that they spent at least three years in canada to qualify. >> Some bizarre scenes in northern japan as a large number of sardines drifting in the port. There were 13 tonnes of sardine sardines. It's believed a number of them swam into this area and they became oxygen deprived. Your sidebar stories are coming up after the break. We are back in 2 minutes. Sally's having a hard time focusing on her yoga routine. She's thinking about her family, and how to protect them should anything happen to her. With North Cover Life Insurance, she'll be so well covered that it would be like she's wearing a parka! And like a parka, North Cover keeps you well protected. Sally, why don't you try that stretch again? With North Cover Life Insurance, take comfort in affordable coverage that doesn't stretch your wallet. And if you're not sure where to start, don't worry, applying is easy. Expert insurance advisors are a phone call away. You're covered for death by any cause once coverage commences. With a cash payout of up to one point five million dollars. Plus, if diagnosed with a terminal illness, you'll receive your benefit upfront. Looking good, Sally. Being well protected sure feels great. North Cover - Comfort in being protected. Get a quote today. Call 1-844-466-1010 now or visit

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shake you to the core. For them, it's a regular thursday. I had multiple of students tell me I look like shrek. The worse part is I don't think they are wrong. >> Lindsey: this is so good. Then there was the guy with the infectious laughter. >> Lindsey: also, when you bring your boyfriend home to meet the family for the first time, here is an idea. >> Teddy: I would want to instantly marry into that family. They look like a lot of fun. >> Lindsey: then they did this. Fantastic. There were so many good videos this week. >> Kelsey: to that point, there were so many good videos this week. [Trumpet Interlude] >> Kelsey: of all of the videos, lindsey. >> Teddy: I think this should be sidebar ever the year. >> Lindsey: why do you hate this? >> Kelsey: I feel uncomfortable. >> Teddy: I just love this dancing on his own volition. >> Lindsey: if we put other music to this, it would be an entirely different video. >> Lindsey: do the trick again. ( ) You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes Off of you ( ) Michelob Ultra. Salonpas, makers of effective pain relief patches for 89 years believes in continuous improvement, like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients and sizes to relieve your pain. Salonpas. It's Good Medicine. Hisamitsu ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower. Customize the cut with three interchangeable blades. It cuts for over an hour on a single charge. Find an ego retailer near you. How white do you think your teeth really are? Let's try the tissue test. Oof, still yellow! There's toothpaste white and there's Crest 3d Whitestrips white. They whiten like a $300 professional treatment. And to maintain your brightest smile, try Crest 3d White toothpaste. Living with the parents in the past has definitely helped me in saving. Home ownership means a piece of success in life. I feel at home. Homes... made for the real you. ( ) With fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. Fastsigns. Make Your Statement™. Hey! Wake-up. The words in your head, you're the only one that can hear them. Say it! Yes. I. Can. Move! Feel it. Hold onto this feeling. Yes I can, Yes I must. Watch me! Start your 30—day home trial at Terms apply. If you think EVs have about as much personality

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