
CTVN - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #7

>>> Police in kentucky released a new video of the arrest of scottie scheffler. And officer can be seen running alongside his suv. He appears to hit the windshield and the car comes to a stop. A couple of minutes later, he was in handcuffs, police have alleged he dragged to the officer before the arrest. There is no sign of that in the new video nor is there body cam footage. >> Detective gillis should have turned on his body worn cameras but did not. 's failure to do so is a violation of the policy on uniforms and equipment... >> Akshay: he faces charges of assaulting the police officer and reckless driving. >>> Time for a break but coming up, I dream from a job in the canadian rockies drawing sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv -Ahh... this thing isn't getting any better... -And it won't get better on its own. -On top of that, it looks gross! -It's a nail fungus infection. -Really gross! -and it can spread to other people. It's contagious. -i think I need to see a doctor. -It's a good thing you came to see me. -It's an infection; you need a prescription. Ok. Nail fungus should be taken seriously. At the first signs, show it to your doctor or foot care practitioner and ask about prescription treatments that can be applied to the nail. [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Silence] This is his why. What's yours? Discover the science behind managing weight at When arthritis pain makes the stairs feel like a summit... There's Tylenol Arthritis. With 2 layers of pain relief, one acts fast, one lasts for up to 8hrs and it's gentle on your stomach. Tylenol Arthritis: made for everyday moments. Woman: Timmy, I love you! Thank you. This is late show or, like, a late-late show? ( ) (Indistinct shout) (Applause) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Timothée:Blue de Chanel. Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. >> Akshay: for those of you who love the outdoors, nature, trail hikes and lakes, this would be the dream summer job. Conjures of people from around the world have applied for a new adventure job at alberta's stunning great lakes. Here to explain is the owner of the mooring lake bus company. Thank you for your time. >> Absolutely, thank very much. >> Why wouldn't we have thousands of applicants and it's supposed to be so gorgeous. I haven't been there but the pictures always invite me. So tell us more about this role. >> First of all you have to come and be our guest to hear. My name is jesse, we run the mooring lake shuttle company and we are looking forward to adventurers this summer. What that means is we are looking for people to hike every single trail at moraine lake. Looking for them to hike every trail at lake louise. Looking for them to experience absolutely everything that you can do. That includes canoeing on both legs, that includes watching the sunrise at both legs. High tee at the château, spending the day up at the teahouses above lake louise. The winners are going to get a summer gondola pass for the lake louise some gondola so they can take it up and do all the hikes that you can do from the top of the gondola. They can take it at breakfast, lunch and they will also be able to spend the night at the hot. If the alpine climbing hot. The highest building anywhere in canada and we will have a mountain guide to take you up there, spend the night and all we ask in return is you take pictures and we are going to use those pictures to populate our website and to share with

canadians all this information about mooring lake and like they can do their. >> It all sounds absolutely amazing. All the hikes and the canoeing and the places to stay you are talking about. Tell me more, to somebody need to have a background in a hiking or boating or canoeing or would you be taking anybody who's just an adventure or are you looking at somebody who's well-trained to deal with the area over there >> No training required. What we would like is someone who has at least at a minimum can hike 10 miles in a day. Beyond that no skills required. We are -- any time that you get any sort of technical terrain we are hiring a mountain guide to take you out. The flat water is super easy. Thousands of people rent canoes. I spend the summers up there, lots of people you can tell have never done it before and that's no problem. We are really accepting, canadians or anyone around the world. We've received just south of a thousand applications so far. About 500 have been from canada, the other 500 have been from every corner of the world. >> Akshay: you said there were two positions and they will be very lucky when they get this job. Money ask you something, will you mention about this day and the high tea which all sounds extremely exciting, is this all part of the job or does one have to pay with it? >> In addition to the salary, we pad $10,000 salary and then for the two-month term, we provide free accommodation in banff for two months and then we pay for any excursions, guides, lunches, that kind of thing is on the house. There really is the dream summer job. It is something that I would've loved to have when I was 19, 20, 21. I never had that job but at least I can pass that on and give it to someone else. >> Akshay: we hope that the best person for the job is right there for you. Thank you for speaking with us and good luck with finding the right candidate. >> If anyone wants to apply, they can do so on our website. >> Akshay: have a good night. >> You to. >> Akshay: dream job it is. A new look at the upcoming documentary of a canadian legend, celine dion. [ Singing ] >> Akshay: look at that powerhouse, she is sharing her challenges stiff person syndrome, the disorder keeping her from performing. The film streams on amazon prime next month. Thank you for watching ctv news channel. >> Here we go. [ Singing ] >> When you record ( ) You're just too good to be true Can't take my eyes Off of you ( ) Michelob Ultra. [ ]"Ready?" Change is inevitable. It can send you offin new directions... show you the unexpected. Like how your favouritespot isn't yours anymore... it's theirs. Introducing thecompletely reborn three rowHyundai santa fe. Wah changes everything. [Hyundai sting] It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! Ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower. Built to exceed the power of gas. Customize the cut with ego's revolutionary dual-blade cutting system, with three interchangeable blades. Featuring ego's patented lithium battery technology, it cuts for over an hour on a single charge. And touch drive self-propelled technology makes it effortless. The ego power+ select cut mower. Find an ego retailer near you. Hey! Wake-up. The words in your head, you're the only one that can hear them. Say it! Yes. I. Can. Move! Feel it. Hold onto this feeling. Yes I can, Yes I must.

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And it is spectacular!! [ ] [ ] [ ] >> Vassy: hi there and welcome to power-play, I'm vassy kapelos. Tonight, capitol hill pressure on canada's prime minister. >> I'm sure I would be able to ensure those concerned senators that canada will be r eady and capable ally. >> Vassy: a bipartisan group of senators write to prime minister justin trudeau pushing for canada to meet its nato spending commitments. We're going to bring in retired military commanders in moments for their reaction. Then one ceo's prescription to cut airfare costs. >> The number one thing that we do from our guests and from the communities we seven is that they are too expensive. >> Westjet wants the feds to slash airline operating costs in a bid to lower your ticket prices. Are they, though, willing to lower their own bas fares? We're going to ask the company ceo coming up. Plus the liberals mount a campaign to characterize pierre poilievre as someone who's going to cut a lot of programs canadians like. Is the strategy punching through? Our front bench will dig into that a bit later on in the program. First, though. >> We've recently come up with a fence policy update that I think applies a very about the nearly $40 billion investment that we are making in norad modernization. We know we've got work to do, we've acknowledged that from day one that there's more we need to do. We havary clearly indicated in our budget the path to getting that done and I would be able to -- I'm sure I would be able to assure those concerned senators that canada will be ready and capable ally. >> Defence minister bill blair responding not too long ago to a bipartisan letter from 23 U.S. senators urging canada to meet its 2% nato spending commitments. The senators writing in part, we are concerned and profoundly disappointed that canada's most recent projection indicated that it will not reach its 2% commitment this decade. The letter goes on to say when the united states hosts the 2024 nato summit, we will expect your government in every nato member that has not met the 2% defence spending threshold to have a plan to reach this benchmark as soon as possible. The letter is signed by republicans, including mitt romney and ted cruz and democrats including chris coons and joe mansion. It comes just two months before nato member countries, as the letter references, are set to meet in washington. With us now to unpack the potential impact of that letter, former chief of defence staff retired general tom lawson is here, alongside former navy commander, retired vice admiral mark norman. Hello to both of you, thank you very much for making the time, I appreciate itt. This isn't a strange conversation, the three of us were last together I think talking about calls from nato itself for us to spend more. But this is interesting. Some of the names on this letter are pretty high profile senators and I think the first question that jumped out to me, general lawson, was why now? >> Well, I think just a couple of reasons for that. One is quite simply that the next nato summit is going to be in washington. These senators, these lawmakers want to make sure it's going to be successful and if they can bring pressure to bear on some of the laggards, including canada, and find that there is a successful response, that will be good for the outcome of this summit. But I think more to the point, there is a growing recognition that there's a high risk the next president will be president trump, and for any senators who see nato as a very important alliance, these 23, quite clearly, they would like to clear away as many excuses as they can, I think, for president trump to take some significant actions that they think would be detrimental to nato, like pulling out entirely or more likely declaring kind of a two-tier nato for those who don't pay up aren't really going to be protected if attacked. >> Do you think, vice admiral normal man the prospect of trump is certainly weighing on the senators who signed this letter and what do you think of the list of them? >> Well, I have no doubt as general lawson said that they're -- they are hedging their beds. And I don't think there's politics in that. I think it's just a -- a concern that the -- some of the polite patience that we've discussed, the three of us before, especially in washington, is likely to wear thin. The washington summit, as general lawson indicated, is significants for another reason as well. It's the 75th anniversary of

creatation of the washington treaty which is the charter document for the creationful nato in the first place. So there is some significance there. And as it relates to the bipartisan nature of the signatories, I think that's significant in and of itself because it does transcend the political traps, if you will, of candidate a versus candidate b which is a bit of a distraction in these conversations. >> And I would even add to that, general lawson, there are few names on this letter that right away jumped out to me because of the frequency with which they have had by lateral meetings with canadian leverage slaters or been on side with canada on a number of issues, senator consumers, for example, jumps out as a huge ally on canada for a number of issues, particularly michael spavor and michael kovrig, he spoke out forcefully on that. Senator manson, joe manson also huge in promoting the energy in this country. So like vice admiral norman points out, this isn't just a list of people who would be the usual suspects in some ways, this is a lyft people whor -- a listful people who are closely allied with our country. >> Right, and now what we have to do is we have to speculate how the prime minister and the government will respond to this. And, you know, in other years and other times, I think a government that's looking towards an election within the next couple of years might favour a fight with the united states. It plays well sometimes in canada. But I don't think that's what we're talking about now. I think what we're talking about now is a time in which canadians recognize that there are great threats around the world and they see america as a friend in that, and if the government determines that significant part of the population is very prodefence, they are going to see this, this letter coming from the senators as something that should be responded to positively by the government, and then what we're into is how does the government respond in a way that satisfies these senators and yet matches the monies that canada will have in coming years. >> Yeah, just jumping off that, vice admiral norman, I think what also is interesting about the time something that it comes after the release of the defence policy review. That conversation we had the last time the three of us was prior to the release of that. It was in ahead of the anticipated release of it, and this is I feel a bit different and you can almost hear it with +minister plane. He says we are spending more, we do have this plan that we put out, island show them this plan but they know that plan. They've actually even encapsulated encapsulated it in their letter point together fact that by the end of the decade we'll get to 1.7%. Essentially what they are saying is that's not enough. >> Right, and that shouldn't surprise us, that their -- their narrative, they being not just washington, but other key allies and nato as an organization have been telling us that, you know, look, we warrant to see a concrete plan of 20%, and notwithstanding the merits of the defence policy updates, with respect to all of the different things that are going to be explored and the increased spending that the minister legitimately is referring to, the bottom line is they are not answering the mail. And this is a significant gap in the expectations of the leadership in washington and more broadly the leadership in nato. And, you know, to some degree, the government got a bit of an easy ride, if you will, when they rolled out the defence policy update because there was enough ambiguous language that they could put a reasonably positive spin on it. The funding, if we take it at face value, most telephone is in the out years well beyond the mandate of this government, and arguably into the mandate of the next or subsequent government. And as you alluded in your question, one of the big concerns I have, notwithstanding the political pressure associated with this is the fiscal framework and the fact that, you know, the debt payments here nationally are going up significantly and that's putting enormous pressure on spending, and as minister blair has indicated publicly, he had a tough time convincing his cabinet colleagues that even 1.7% was a reasonable target, and now we're seeing that that's not enough. So this story isn't over and I'm not sure there's an easy way out for this government. >> Vassy: general lawson, it is fascinating that the minister was kind of speculating about that or speaking about it, I should say, publicly at all, that isn't normally the case. Is there a way to address, I guess, the elephant in the room appears to me to be that we are the only ally without a plan. That's the part that kind of confuses me. Would it be so difficult for the government to articulate a plan

while also recognizing the fiscal pressures they face, which are very real, I don't want to deny that in any way? And maybe it's not for next year or the three years but you articulate a plan to get to 2% at some plan. I am a little perplexed like I feel like they can't do that. >> Right, I think that the defence policy that was just published was quite honest. I think it's put out there by a for the that's going to try and find the money to do the things that are in the policy. What you are getting to is they are not some sort of language that can be added that indicates, you know, response to the issue of getting to 2% as quickly as possible. But it's tough. If you want to be clear and honest about, it I mean, one way to do it in the admiral could give a lot more details in this than me is, you know, outline a plan to buy 12 convention disally powered stubs, you know, accelerate the program and put several billion down on that right now and I think quite quickly, we would be showing how we would be at full 2% before the end of this decade. The problem with that, for the current government, is they haven't prepared the nation, although the admiral norman and I would be delighted to hear about such a plan, there's been no preparation. So you are kind of left with trying to find something that answers not only these 23 senators, but the nato secretary general who was here just a while back asking for the same thing, and to balance off how canadians would feel about. I think there's a way. I think that if canada seeks to refurbish their bases, wings and ports acknowledge the results right now, that really have fallen into deep and chronic disrepair, fill the parts bins for all of the fleet army, navy and air force, and then become the employer of choice by upping pay and benefits, and I think pay and benefits are fairly fair right now, but if you want to compete against other employers and fill up those 10 or 20,000 position that is are empty, if you do all of these things, almost all of that money stays in canada, and make it clear right now that these senators nor the nato secretary general has said where that spending should take place. Make it happen right here in canada. >> Vice admiral norman, I have 0 seconds left, last word to you. >> Well, look, there are lots of ways to achieve the target that the challenge for the government is articulating a plan to do so, and there is apparent reluctance within caucus and cabinet. And that's understandable. But the reality is that we have an obligation to this. We are a g7 country. We are one of the founding members of nato. We depend on multilateral security. We depend on our relationship with the united states, not just for our security, but for our economic well-being. We need to think strategically and we need to think belonging here. And this may require some risk to be taken, political risk on the part of the government. Otherwise, we're going to continue to be slapped around, to put it bluntly. >> I'm going to leave it on that note. Thank you very much both of you for making the time for your analysis, appreciate it. >> Cheers. >> Thank you, general tom lawson and vice admiral mark norman. The letter that we're referring to comes on the heels of prime minister justin trudeau's trade mission to philadelphia, just a little bit later on in the show, our front bench will be here to break down the challenge the prime minister now faces with our largest trading partner, up this evening, christy clark, john tory and tom mulcair, first, though, our government fees inflating canadian airfare? That's westjet's argument, we're going to speak to that company's ceo about that issue in just moments. Stay right here, more power-play They say, "post it or it didn't happen." But out here, in the places we were made for, you'll have to take our word for it. Find somewhere the internet's never been... with a family of Broncos designed to get you there. ( ) ( ) It's odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. I'm glad I found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. Summer starts... now! The new dq Summer Blizzard Menu. New Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Party, New Picnic Peach Cobbler. And more delicious flavors. Start summer now! Only at dq. Happy tastes good. ( )

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