
CPAC - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 10:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

all of us and all canadians are really glad to see the positives with the inflation numbers that came in yesterday. Thank you. >> Current to the reports for you. >> Andrew thomson back with you live here on cpac, we have been watching the finance minister and health minister in toronto. We will endeavour to get you the rest of the new conference happening. Question-and-answer period, we will take you back to toronto right now. >> Recognizes the absolute importance of housing and the housing crisis. And our budget was about fairness for every generation. With three critical areas of investment. With the ambitious housing plan of any government nearly 4 million additional homes to be built on our plan up to 2031. This is a lot of homes and it's a great thing that we know it's what canadians need. The number 2 piece in the plan is making life more affordable including great things like dental care! That's what we are highlighting here today. And the third thing is investing in canada and canadians with investments like our massive $5 billion investments in research in our universities and students and postgraduates. And doing all this in a fiscally responsible way. Housing, it's absolutely central with the supplying getting more homes built faster. It includes investments in more affordable housing which we are absolutely focused on. I absolutely agree we need to continue to do more. And we are going to. >> Reporter: today we hear norway palace -- and spain are reckonings and palestinian states, do the same? >> Canada's long-standing position has been to support and call for a two state solution. That's the out -- peace in the middle east. >> That concludes today's press conference. >> Thank you so much. We appreciate you letting us be here today and say hi. >> Chrystia freeland I mark holland arop -- wrapping up there meeting about dental care. Also getting questions with the middle east and with pharmacare and the status of this legislation in the house of commons. We will turn to parliament hill now where it is caucus day and we will show you some scrums from outside the liberal caucus meeting. Starting with the government house leader stephen mackinnon. Who is saying he is expecting the government's pharmacare bill to pass before the summer break and pass the house of commons. They show you stephen mackinnon facing questions. >> What are your priority needs for the next five weeks? >> Obviously we had to be a budget legislation with all the forms in the fall economic statement with several other bills, obviously we hope to make progress on with the government I've always said this was an very ambitious legislative agenda. We have gotten things done and we are going to continue to push to make sure we pass a legislative agenda. >> Is a true we might be sitting after the 24th of june? [ Speaking French ] >> Voice of Interpreter: we'll be a sitting as long as necessary to complete our legislative program and ambitions. >> Lissinna pierre poilievre every day. >> No. [ Speaking French ] >> Voice of Interpreter: you have a cabinet meeting this morning we did hold a cabinet meeting yesterday. Salomaki told you about that yesterday. >> Of what stage are you with

the recruitment of this stuff? >> I want to congratulate as the local media which announced that there will be an implosion of the audible region health system with the people who will die because 15% of cases of people with cancer are dell with and québec is now the capacity to look after everybody in a region of québec and this is an exclusive jurisdiction of the québec government to be recognize no government should be accepting such a dire situation in québec. >> The federal is offering the wages that are too high which redirects people to the federal. >> This is a pretext people are horrified and terrified and doctors are telling people please avoid being sick. This summer. And they will be closing down healthy institutions through the ottawa area so I believe the highest level of the québec government people should be looking at the situation and reacting. And addressing it. This situation, people are not going to die, certainly they will continue to suffer and doctors are saying and professionals are doing their utmost in order to keep this system working. But they are desperate in the situation is a nationwide situation. What can you do? >> We have looked after the economic growth since the moment we took power. And we are funding this and it is very sad, people are terrified in my own riding and throughout the rural regions of ottawa and people are terrified when the doctors tell them please try not to be sick. [ End of Interpretation ] >> Reporter: what do you think about what they are doing, releasing this in english saying we want an independent québec, what do you say to this? >> You see what they are doing in healthcare's maybe they should concentrate on that. [ Speaking French ] >> Voice of Interpreter: [ Inaudible ] brought to you by the amazing spring deals from what is happening with loblaws grocery store rogers and bell they are blocking them from selling products saying the mobiles. >> The news report on this. >> A thing this is a question for the competition bureau. I think they should address the competition bureau and tar for them as we get those powers to be able to conduct the ministry investigations. I would refer this. It's a competition. -- bureau which has the power on that. When it comes to issues with the respect to looking or starting an investigation that's for the competition bureau to do. >> Yesterday the ndp said since I promised to stabilize the prices its been nothing but promises and latitudes and. >> I would just say look at the data. You have seen this inflation is going down. Recently we had good news with loblaws signing onto the code of conduct and it's a step in the right direction. We have been in touch with walmart and costco and if you talk to the independent groceries in canada, it's on the key steps to stabilize the prices so we will keep on working with that. But in the major sign on for this. >> Reporter: [ Speaking French ] >> Voice of Interpreter: how you have people come in investing canada? >> People came back to the canadian market and we have adjusted the laws enforced in

this area. Because you want to have more competition in the market. And also the food market. >> It sound like you weren't in the room when I spoke because the canadian market is a very attractive market, what people who want to investing canada have to take the time to look at the details of the market. This is to be found in the budget implementation act and the provisions will have to be looked at. >> This is the provincial jurisdiction. >> Well this is based on the competition and that's where the obstacle was for the people coming in. And investing in the canadian market. [ Speaking French ] >> Alas, I agree we need to do more and I'm fighting everything's day for canadians every single day. You see that the food price inflation is going down this is what we want to maintain is the pressure in the competition making sure we get that. >> Reporter: [ Speaking French ] >> Voice of Interpreter: there is a québec court judge who wanted to remove part of bill 96 regarding the criminal trials. Folding of the criminal proceedings in québec. So what is your viewpoint? >> Well this is a question to be put in has to do with access. >> I am looking at this together with our justice -- and/or colonel justice minister. This is for the québec courts to solve. >> Hubba proceedings in both languages? >> Again, it's for the québec province to manage. We know french is the main language in québec and regarding the access for the english-speaking anglophones in québec this is very important, a know my involvement in this. [ End of Interpretation ] promoting sovereignty and trying to stir up support for this sort of movement. Are you concerned about a revival of the independence movement in québec and these ads what they are running? >> This is a matter that quebecers will have to deal with in the next election. And these are the kind of tactics used by parties and their parts of the country to get attention before each election so I don't have any comments on this because a particular vote is like that. >> Are you worried about this? It seems that they are doing quite built -- well the province are you worried about this? >> Not all. I'm minister of official languages and we do this in every part of the country and as minister of jobs we want to make sure we have good paying jobs in every part of the country and we are doing this in québec and the rest of the country. [ Speaking French ] >> Voice of Interpreter: how about the francophone situation? >> We'll look at what's going on. >> I already was a member myself and we had people who spoke spanish. This is legitimate as members of the francophone parliamentary association. Having french pizza speaking people in the riding. It's acceptable and legitimate so they are open to all mps and we will see what happens for the association. >> To launch as an english saying that they want independence. >> Correct. >> Do you have a response to this? >> They want to bring back that old peace once again, that inviting quebecers and I think as a society we at the work on other priorities including

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