
CPAC - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 03:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #9

One of the best institutions in Quebec and many others. We also with drew from special EI benefits. As a result of that, we were able to create parental leave. We are ahead of the curve. Our system does not exist anywhere else and exception fallly effective and increased parents' participation in the labour market especially mothers. We also withdrew from another federal program which allowed us to have one of the most accessible university and education systems in the world. It's not perfect of course but it's excellent. We can handle our own matters. When we withdrew from federal labour programs we created our own employment policy. Things go very well in Quebec when the Federal Government doesn't interfere. It's as simple as that Mr. Speaker. Some members of parliament seem to be offended by this motion. But we're just trying to defend ourselves. We just want to manage our own business. I hope that the member for Winnipeg north won't, once again, bring up his terrible parallel about an ATM. I'm not embarrassed to withdraw money from Ottawa from the ATM because Quebecers pay into the ATM and we want effective programs and won't be effective if the Federal Government implements a parallel program to programs that Quebec already has. It's not necessary to have program redundancy. Why is this happening, though, Mr. Speaker? Well, it's happening so that the prime minister will be able to go out before the public and make a beautiful big announcement, look great on TV, but we might realize six, seven years down the road or a year or two down the road we might find out that billions of dollars disappeared because of intermediaries and Ottawa wants to meddle with our jurisdiction and they can't even do so properly. They contract out. I would like to correct something. The member earlier said that he wanted to know why we shot down his amendment. Well, his amendment said that the dental care plan is public. While Sun Life, that's not public. It's a very imperfect system the dental care program. Many dentists in Quebec already announced they won't be participating in that plan. We have public dental care in Quebec. Now, of course, our program is a rudimentary one but it exists. Now, the reason that Quebec's dental care program is so far from perfect is we're not receiving enough federal funding. People ask why Quebec wants independence? Well, we want to be good neighbours rather than unhappy members of Canada. So it's very simple. Year after year, the Federal Government has been multiplying its meddling. But it's all sol simple. It's clear cut. Give us the right to opt out with full compensation. I talked about pharmacare. Now last fall, the Liberals proposed a sector round table for the labour force. Well, we already have that. Now, when it comes to funding for infrastructure for Quebec's municipalities, many of my colleagues have spoken about this today. Mr. Speaker, Quebec will manage this. But the Federal Government seems to want to impose all sorts of conditions with regard to housing. Three years ago, we started building social housing but the Federal Government wanted to impose its vision. We're still fighting but we're being told that when we ask questions, we're picking fights. Seriously, Mr. Speaker. We need to look at the matter objectively and be effective. Here is my question for the government: Why can't we give the government of Quebec the money that is owed to Quebec? Quebec already has programs. It was done for daycares, you even brag about that sometimes. Is the daycare program working well? In question, yes. It works very well -- Quebec. And are daycare elsewhere in Canada affected because Quebec manages its own program very well? Not at all. It doesn't impact them at all. Why did Ottawa give us money for daycares? Why?

Because it was just before the federal election and made for a really nice announcement. Announcement in Quebec just before the election. So when it will be profitable for the government, then they do the right thing. So it's very clear that this government is not acting in the best interests of Canadians. They are always taking action based on elections it's electorallism and so low in the polls that they might even be struck from the map. So now they're in panic mode. They're making some announcements. But had they given transfers to provinces, they wouldn't be able to say just before the election we will transfer to provinces. This is often what happens unfortunately. And shamefully. Often the government before going into elections will make some promises. Then years down the line, no action gets taken. The government is announcing its school food program but in Quebec we already have organizations running such a program. A billion over five years was promised in 2015. But now it's 2024. The government is announcing the school food program with such pomp and circumstance and expect us to believe them. No. We are not going to believe that. The Federal Government feels it has too much money. Because it has too much money it doesn't need to spend it wisely and spreads left right and centre and leads to repeated scandals, one after the next after the next. For example, also EI claims cost two and a half times more than they do in Quebec. The Federal Government that can't manage its affairs wants to manage our health care system. We won't allow it. How about the passports? That's under federal jurisdiction. The government should start by doing a good job with its own areas of jurisdiction. In Quebec, we are efficient and effective. We want the Federal Government to do its job. There is a lot of shipping on the St. Lawrence river and there's erosion of shorelines. The Federal Government hasn't done anything about that. But they say they want to manage Quebec's dental care plan. Enough is enough. It's ridiculous. In fact, the parliamentary budget officer himself has called out ridiculous spending and has said that in the short and medium-term provinces are not viable. And when he says provinces, he means Manitoba and Ontario and other provinces. Not Quebec. Quebec is so distinct, that's why often we talk about Quebec and the provinces because Quebec is so distinct. So please manage your own businesses and things will go great. [ End of Interpretation ] >> With issues whether it's disability program or dental program, whether it's the pharmacare program or the housing needs of Canada, I believe that many of the measures that we see before us today are measures because Canadians have an expectation of the government and the government is providing these services. And I like to think that these are services that should be across the country. And I'll use the specific example of diabetes and the medicines required. Many of the members' constituents will benefit by that. As many of the constituents I represent throughout the country is that not a good thing? Does he not support that? [ Speaking French ] >> Voice of Interpreter: The honourable member. >> Voice of Interpreter: We agree that it can apply everywhere. That's not the issue. The issue is that Quebec has its own organizations, it is distinct. We are a distinct unique nation. We just want to handle our own programs and they're not even skilled at handling their own programs. For example, AGRI recovery. 11% of businesses think they have to close in the next year. Over 50% currently cannot pay off their debts or are very afraid for their financial situation. But agri recovery is a program that was supposed to be an emergency program. Quebec asked for it in November. Well, here we are on the 23rd of

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