
CPAC - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 02:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

much to the delight of the young ones. Also very involved with young entrepreneurs welcoming them during the summer to give first sales experience. Having achieved her objectives, she decided to devote herself to new projects. Wish her every success and thank her on behalf of all Sherbrooke residents for her involvement in our community. [End of Interpretation] >> The Speaker: Honourable member. >> This past week three more countries announced recognizing Palestine as a state. The overwhelming reaction has been it's about time. Means 143 countries will recognize Palestine as a state. Recognize Palestinian statehood something that's granted. It's an inherent right. Also seeing how empty words are of those that support a two-state solution but argue should not be unless it is negotiated. Liberal government, stand for everything and nothing. Where do it they stand on Palestinian statehood. One lesson from history didn't just happen. The conflict in Palestine didn't just happen. Two-state solution is needed to build peace. Requires two states and the political will to make this happen. Our message in this parliament should be clear. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Recognizing Palestine as a state is being part of the solution. The Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Must Take a Stand for Peace, security, justice. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The honourable member. >> (Voice of Interpreter): When it comes to solidarity and mutual aid we know what we are talking about. Over five years ago the municipality in my riding became a food desert when the only store in the area closed. Almost impossible be for many elderly people to get to larger municipalities. The community rolled up its sleeves in search of a solution. How it came into being. Open year-round seven hours a day four days a week. It is supported entirely by the work of volunteers. These same volunteers who designed it and in charge of all operations. No surprise source of pride for the municipality and abovele all model that proves in Lac saint-jean have heart and soul and never hesitate when it is time to pull together. Makes a real difference in our community from the very bottom of our hearts, thank you. [End of Interpretation] >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Carlton. >> Today I rise in equal parts, sadness and gratitude, to honour the incredible life of a great Canadian rex Murphy. Rex was born a proud Newfoundlander. Became known as a pugnacious critic of those in power. Wasn't easy those days. Became assistant for both parties in that province. And then a national voice. Give fantastic spectacular rants on the CBC. Yes, even I watched CBC to listen to Rex. And then we would host cross-country check up, listen with compassion and respect to the voices of the common people. He would write many, many pieces of good works in poetry, in story-telling. And that voice will now be missed by all. I join with all Canadians in saying thank you, Rex, for all you have done. May you rest in the peace of God. [Applause] >> The Speaker: Honourable member from Cambridge. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Like to recognize the work of the military veterans wellness program championed by Toronto police constable Aaron Dale, provides awareness for law enforcement assisting veterans in crisis. In my riding constables David Cassidy and Brian have been instrumental in bringing the program to Waterloo region. Thanks to their initiative can provide first responders with a better understanding of military culture and deescalation training and rapidly refer veterans to national support services. This partnership with veterans affairs Canada has expanded to 80 police forces helping over 200 veterans to date. I encourage my colleagues, all of you in this house, here to reach out to your local law enforcement to ensure they have access to this incredible free program. Together, Mr. Speaker, we all can equip Canadian law enforcement with the tools they need to support veterans across

Canada. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Oral questions. The honourable Leader of the Opposition. >> (Voice of Interpreter): After nine years, this Prime Minister is not worth the cost, with 38% increase in homelessness, and one-quarter of Canadians skipping meals because of a lack of money. The bloc voted for 500 billion in centralizing and inflationary spending to add to the 100,000 public servants and doubling consulting spending. They said they had no choice because the government was going to shut down otherwise. Can the government inform the Bloc that this spending would have been adopted with the NDP regardless of how the Bloc voted voted? >> (Voice of Interpreter): The honourable minister. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, I find this question somewhat incompetent critical because the Conservative party is talking about homelessness but in their program and plans this word doesn't even exist. I find it hypocritical of a party that voted in this house against all the measures that could have given homes to Canadians, and I think that, Mr. Speaker, the Conservative party needs to look at what the real intentions of the Conservative party are with respect to the fight against homelessness. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The honourable Leader of the Opposition. >> The Prime Minister doubled the national debt, rose taxes and said all this money would fund generous programs to eliminate homelessness. Since then, since then homelessness has risen by 38% and 25% of Canadians skip meals because they don't have enough money. It's not because with the support of the Bloc the government it's spending all money of Canadians. Why is the bloc/liberal coalition forcing Canadians to feed this obese government rather than them allowing them to feed Canadian families. >> Economic Minister of Economic Development. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, it's so hypocritical, this party voted against the school food program. When we are talking about feeding Canadians, let's start with children and they are voting against it. When they say yes people are asking for money, we are giving them help. There is the child benefit. They are voting against it. When say going to help Canadians to have roofs over their head and pay their rent they vote against it. Mr. Speaker, do you want to help Canadians or cut their services. [End of Interpretation] >> The Speaker: The honourable Leader of the Opposition. >> After nine years this NDP/Liberal Prime Minister is not worth the homelessness and hunger. He doubled the debt, increased taxes, and caused inflation but said it was all to fund generous programs that would end homelessness. Homelessness is now up 38%, 1/4 of Canadians are skipping meals because they can't afford them. That's because his greedy government is consuming everything Canadians earn. Why is the NDP and Liberals forcing Canadians to feed this morbidly obese government instead of feeding their families? >> The honourable president of the Treasury Board. >> Mr. Speaker, we'll take no it lesson from the Conservatives who (Inaudible) to care about poverty and Canadians when every single time they vote against those supports, 10 a day child care, not supporting our budgetary measures to put food in school lunchboxes for 400,000 children, Mr. Speaker. It's unbelievable that they will at one hand say they support Canadians and on the other hand vote against those supports every single time. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. >> The Speaker: Honourable Leader of the Opposition. >> Grateful that the member points out we voted against every single policy that has caused homelessness to rise by 38%. We voted against every single inflationary policy that has forced one-quarter of Canadians to skip meals because they can't afford a meal on their table. Mr. Speaker, the government has doubled the debt, increased inflation, and blocked home building. Why is it that they force Canadians to feed this morbidly obese government rather than feeding their families.

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