
CPAC - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 02:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

only to be there for Canadians, but for the opportunity to be even expanded upon, Madam Speaker. We all should be concerned about that. I would love to see an election based on the confederation on the Canadian flag, Madam Speaker -- >> The Speaker: The honourable parliamentary secretary will have twelve minutes to conclude his speech after oral questions. Statements by members. [Speaking French] >> The honourable member for Richmond Hill. >> I rise today to recognize May as lupus awareness month perform lupus is a chronic disease, inflammation that can affect anyone at any point in their lives. Over one in every 1,000 Canadians have been diagnosis -- Diagnosed. Treating lupus includes a plan that often includes medicine indication and consistent healthcare supervision. While considering the costs and barrier associated with care. As our government remains committed to ensuring access to equitable care and treatment within our healthcare system for all Canadians, it is important to raise awareness and drive change during lupus awareness month and beyond. I thank Lupus Canada for the work they do as we strive to continue improving health outcomes for all Canadians. Thank you, Madam Speaker. >> The Speaker: The honourable member for Medicine Hat Cardston warner. >> After nine years of this Prime Minister life has become more expensive more and more Canadians are having difficulty feeding themselves and their families. Medicine Hat and area root cell canular food and wellness hub, which is our food bank seen 170% increase in clients since 2019. 36% growth in the last year alone. Over 2700 individuals per month require emergency food in my community. 63% are new food bank users. Overwhelmingly these clients state reason for needing to access emergency food inflationary rise in the cost of living. It is having difficulty securing enough food to meet their increased needs. Many of the previous middle class donors fallen into poverty and scores of businesses who were once donors are now unable to support in the same capacity all due to the economic crisis. These are real life consequences to failed economic policies that the NDP/liberal coalition government has inflicted on Canadians. Life wasn't like this before this Prime Minister, Mr. Speaker and won't be like this after Conservatives fix the mess. >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Brampton North. [Speaking French] >> (Voice of Interpreter): The honourable member. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, at the end of the month of may university of Moncton honour degree to Virginia born in James Bay. An EU multidisciplinary artist and has been for more than 40 years. Exhibited her paintings in vibrant colours in Quebec, Canada, Europe and Mexico. the author of three novels. Three collections of poetry. A children's book, correspondence and short stories. She is no strange to honours. I don't have enough time to list all the awards she has won but in 2020 awarded the prize for artist of the year. In 2021 awarded the medal of the Quebec national assembly for her body of work. And in 2023, another award. She continues to it paint, sculpt and of course write. Congratulations on this new and well deserved honour. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Honourable member for nickel Belt. >> Recent federation of northern Ontario municipality conference leaders came together to it ewe night on how to continue unlocking the potential. Includes expanding the north prosperous mining sector major leader of the green energy transition. Last week the federal government announced 11 million for EV battery operated vehicles at the underground mine in nickel belt. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Mining, pulp or paper or other sectors northern Ontario continues to offer solutions. At the conference at cam Brian

college experts will explore the challenges of a complete battery supply chain for electric vehicles. The member of Sudbury and I will both be in attendance. We invite everyone to be there as well. Thank you. [End of Interpretation] >> The honourable member from Saskatoon West. >> After nine years of this NDP/Liberal government crime chaos and disorder are getting much worse in Saskatoon. The opioid fuelled crime spree is hurting every day common sense Canadians. Liberal funded drug consumption site created a chaotic and dangerous situation for residents. The local dentist who cleans up garbage and human feces on a daily basis was assaulted and delays appointments because clients can't get into the building. Canada Post stopped deliveries to this area because of the rampant drug use and crime. In another area shelter caused chaos and disorder. Mayor acknowledged tent encamp canments tripled making residents fearful to go outside even during the day. Saskatoon after nine years of the NDP/Liberal so-called harm reduction. Only way out for a new Conservative government that will end the drugs and stop the crime. >> The Speaker: Before I recognize the member, I ask members to take their seats. The honourable member. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Last Saturday night Ukrainian boxer defeated much bigger fighter to become the undisputed heavy weight champion of the world. The first in 24 years. Ironically furey became a champion beating another Ukrainian fighter, the brother of current mayor of Ukraine. As Russia continues to defend itself against much larger Russian invader, it has been struggling to hold a front line in recent weeks largely due to shortage of ammunition, thankfully starting to arrive from the United States. Saturday was a great victory for him, boxing, most of all a great victory for Ukraine. As he showed the world how with sufficient heart, strength and intelligence, a smaller fighter can always defeat a larger one. >> Mr. Speaker, when it comes to materials anything that isn't grown is mined. Canada's rich critical minerals resources are a generational economic opportunity. These minerals are the building blocks of clean technologies, from lithium and EV batteries to copper transmission lines and so much more that the world needs to build a prosperous and stainsable future. Our $100 billion mining industry supports 700,000 direct and indirect jobs including in my riding of Sudbury. This is an industry with many well-paying union jobs of which we are proud of. We are unlocking our critical minerals future through 3.8 billion strategy including an infrastructure fund, RND program, tax credit and indigenous partnership programs. Mr. Speaker, we owe it to our mining businesses, innovators and most of all to the upcoming generations of workers to make sure that Canadian economy will thrive in a changing world and that is exactly what we are do doing. >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Fundy Royal. >> A thank you, Mr. Speaker. This Prime Minister's soft on crime agenda led to a crime wave of motor vehicle theft, and Canadians are paying the cost. The cost of insurance claims for auto theft has skyrocketed to 1.5 billion, smashing the previous record. Not only are Canadians having their vehicles stolen, but also facing higher insurance premiums thanks to this Liberal government's refusal to crack down on auto theft. In Ontario alone, the insurance bureau of Canada estimated that auto thefts added an extra $130 to insurance payments last year. And that number is set to go up again. Conservatives will hit the brakes on auto theft. We'll end the Liberal's catch and release justice system that gives bail to repeat offenders within hours of their arrest. We'll repeal Bill C-5 to take away house arrest for auto theft so criminals can no longer walk out their front door to steal another car can. Common sense plan will protect your property and bring home safe streets. >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Brampton North. >> Great pleasure to rise today to recognize an organization in my community that takes environmental conservation to heart. The heart lake turtle troopers named Brampton's 2024 green environmental award winners.

Mr. Speaker, not only do they actually save injured turtles and build and maintain nest protectors to keep them safe, they also collect data and run education campaigns to secure the future of conservation for these turtles. This is a grass-roots organization that started out with only two members and now has a community of volunteers. Protecting our planet is all of our responsibility and this organization is proof that small actions can have a big impact. Congratulations to the Heart Lake Turtle Troopers and thank you for all the work you do for conservation in our community. >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Humber River Black Creek. >> I rise in support of Taiwan's participation in the world health assembly. Taiwan's exclusion from global health initiatives is a significant gap in global health security that must be addressed. Despite Taiwan's significant contributions to global health worldwide through providing aid and assistance to many countries, it has faced obstacles in fully participating in W.H.O. initiatives it. Taiwan's inclusion into the world health assembly not only benefit its citizens but also the global community. Considering the upcoming WHA meeting from May 27th to June 1st, I urge the World Health Organization and members to recognize Taiwan's efforts and contribution to global health and to grant it full participation in the world health assembly. Let Taiwan help. It has lots to offer. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. >> The Speaker: Honourable member from Foothills. >> After nine years this Liberal/NDP government not worth the cost to Canadian farmers. Cutting funding to one of our most successful organizations. For it 111 years 4H Canada teaching Canadian youth about community, farming and leadership. But in one of his first moves the Liberal agriculture minister celebrated this incredible milestone to slashing funding to 4-H by 30% force iting to restructure and put critical programs at risk. 4-Hs learn by doing, working hard to promote sustainable agriculture and teaching Canadians about where their food comes from. Conservatives understand the importance of Canadian agriculture and being a champion for Canadian youth driving innovation and future economic growth. That's why a future Conservative government will reverse the Liberal funding cuts by diverting millions of dollars from agriculture Canada because our priority is not going to be useless consultants. Our priority Canadian youth programs like 4-H. >> The Speaker: The honourable member from Hastings Lennox Addington. >> After nine years of this Liberal/NDP Prime Minister more are hungry and homeless. According to his report failing to meet ending homelessness. In fact, it's getting worse. Increasing 88% between 2018 and 2022 with nearly 80% purely based on affordability reasons. Since then, Mr. Speaker, with the help of their NDP enablers and grocery store connections food inflation is at a 40-year high. Direct result of a government refused to take responsibility for its actions. Response always the same on their failures. It's not our fault but don't worry we'll fix it... Later. The alarming stats on homelessness are outright insulting. These are not just numbers, Mr. Speaker. These are people. After nearly a decade in power, Canada is not recognizable, looking more like it did in 1934. Not like it should in 2024, nor like it will under a commonsense Conservative government. >> The Speaker: Before we move to the next speaker, might ask the assistant sergeant of arms to ask the people in the lobbies to please keep their voices down. It carries can over into the House. >> (Voice of Interpreter): The honourable member for Sherbrooke. >> (Voice of Interpreter): Thank you. What can be more unifying than a public market. Place where the community comes together. Showcase for it local producers and artisans and become a place where magic simply happens. As coordinator, she has over the past few years created a cohesive group of local players to offer Sherbrooke residents incredible amazing events. A visit to the Christmas market for example has become a tradition for many Sherbrooke families. Always livens up her events. Even plays Mrs. Claus herself

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