
CPAC - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 02:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

>>> Canada continues to increase gas production particularly with Trans Mountain. Increasing gas production is being responsible for climate change. >>> When will the Liberals stop it. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of environment change. >> Thank you, I would like to Thank my colleague for her question and announce the climate score card gave us a mark of 70% in 2024 for our fight against climate change and our greenhouse gases emissions went down by over 50 million tonnes, Mr. Speaker. That's the equivalent of taking 15 million cars off our streets. So we're getting there, we need to keep working to fight climate change and every sector of the economy, all regions need to contribute to this fight. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for... Avignon... >> I'll remind the minister that Canadians are per capita the most responsible for climate change since 1850 according to carbon brief. Meanwhile, there's concern about the increase in infection should diseases linked to climate change in Canada. >>> For example 1000% increase in lyme disease cases in Canada over 10 years and public health is also worry ied that mosquitoes responsible for SaskatchewanE or many Laryea. >> The Honourable Minister of Environment and Climate Change. >>> I would like to remind my honourable colleague in recently years we've put in place clean gas standards and the Conservatives voted against that. We'll continue with our price on cash on, something the Conservatives promised they would do but they've changed their mind. We've had standards for zero emission cars in Canada. By 2035 and we will continue to protect Canadians from climate change. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member... >> Canadians are per capita historically the most responsible for climate change around the world, according to government brief but it's not the same for Quebecers. The average Canadian emits 21 tonnes of greenhouse gases, the Quebecers are responsible for 9.8, less than half why? Because we don't create dirty oil in Québec but we're paying for dirty oil like with Trans Mountain. So and a is making us complicit -- Ottawa is making us complicit in climate change. Why will the government not change its tone. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister. >> I would like to remind my honourable colleague that over half of the oil consumed in Québec is Canadian. 360 million barrels of oil go to Québec everyday, Mr. Speaker. Yes, we do better than the rest of the country but there's efforts to be made in Québec as well. Nobody isn't affected by climate change. There's nobody who can do better than everyone else. We all need to fight together to fight climate change. >> After nine years this NDP-Liberal Prime Minister is not worth the hunger or the homelessness. The Calgary herald reports of a single mother's struggling to Fiedler family. She said I pay all the for things first, mortgage, I'm sorry, insurance, condo fees and then feed the kids. If I have anything left over they can do activities. She's resorted to feed her family at the community kitchen. Far too many Canadians are in ha this sad reality.

>>> When will this government axe the carbon tax, give Canadians a break and allow families like Edith to actually feed their families. [ Some Applause ] >> The Honourable Minister of housing, infrastructure and communities. >> I thank my colleague for the question and I take his concerns as being sincere but it's ironic he puts this question on the floor of the House of Commons hours after a debate on his leader's bill which proposes to cut many of the supports that will help people like Edith. They put forward measures that are going to increase taxes on home construction, their plan includes billions of dollars in cuts to support communities dealing with homelessness. They plan to cut the very funds that build affordable housing opportunities for families in need. The government will continue to make the investments that will support vulnerable people in their time of need. I invite the Conservatives to join us. >> The Honourable Member from Edmonton-Mill Woods. >> Actually this NDP-Liberal P. Is not worth the cost. 27% of Canadians are skipping are reducing meals because theycapture afford to buy groceries. One in four skipping meals to afford for their children to have food. >>> Out of control spending and carbon tax are driving Canadians into poverty. When will they put the carbon tax and give Canadians a break. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister for housing, communities and infrastructure. >> Mr. Speaker, it is disingenuous in the extreme for the honourable colleague to argue the very measures that put more money in the pockets of vulnerable people are driving the concerns they're experiencing now. Tame he's putting forward a plan standing behind his leader who wants to make sure we cut programs building affordable housing, to cut funds that's going to affordable child care, dental care and essential medicines. It takes investments to support those vulnerable living in our communities. We're going to make them. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member from Niagara Falls. >> After nine years of this NDP-Liberal government Canadians are hungry and homeless. 2 million Canadians are now visiting food banks each month and Salvation Army just reported one in four Canadians have skipped or reduced the size of at least one meal because they cannot afford to buy groceries. In Niagara Falls project share served more than 13,000 people last year or one in seven residents. Instead of piling on more taxes and making life more expensive, who will this NDP-Liberal government axe the tax to provide the relief struggling Canadians so badly need. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of Health. >> First 10 years ago, when the party opposite was in power, there were CEOs are rubbing their hands and money keeps pouring in and they're laughing because they know the Liberals won't make them pay their fair share and Conservatives, forget it, they would never touch their donors profits. Will the Liberals admit what everyone Knowles, as long as they're around there won't be a break for people who can't afford to buy groceries. >> The Speaker: The honourable Deputy Prime Minister Minister of Speaker, our government has an economic plan for fairness for all generations. We have a plan for fairness. With respect to taxes. And that is why our government is showing with their plan that the wealthiest have to pay their fair share. With this revenue, our government will help Quebecers in terms of dental care and help children across the country. [ End of Interpretation ] >> The Speaker: ed Honourable Member from Victoria. >> Mr. Speaker, a recent report outlines the devastating impacts of the climate crisis over the next decades. We can expect ecosystems collapses, [Unclear] Overwhelmed and scarcity of vital resources. In the face of this -- >> The Honourable Member from

Victoria her microphones were not working. >> I recent report outlines the devastating impacts of the climate crisis over the next decade. We can expect ecosystems collapsing, our emergency responses overwhelmed agree, more needs to be done, working with provinces, territory, end nations, municipalities to ensure that we are beer prepared to help Canadians and communities. [ Interjections ] of climate change, something unfortunately the Conservative Party of Canada can't even come to mention. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member from Don valley east. >> Thank you. Our government presented Canadians with a housing plan that will increase the House ing supply across the country. The removal of GST off new houses, student housing housing and cooperatives. Earlier the House debatessed Bill C-356. Actually putting the tax back on the construction of middle class apartments. Can the minister of housing tell Canadians where the government stands on the conservative leader's plan to reimpose a rent tax on the middle class apartments.

>>> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister for housing. >> Mr. Speaker, I thank my honourable colleague for the question. I can just imagine the setting when the leader of the Conservatives sat down with the napkin he wrote his housing plan upon and said what ing crisis. >>> Idea 1 raise taxes on housing construction. >>> They also plan to cut funds for affordable housing and cut funding for cities that build more housing and they plan to cut the measures that are going to make it easy for young people to buy their first bill. >>> When you look at their platform, you won't find a housing plan, you will find a disaster. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member from Kenora. >> After nine years this NDP-Liberal Prime Minister is not worth the hunger and homelessness, Mr. Speaker. A recent CBC report highlighted the reality for people living in Thunder Bay. There neighbours have willing to share groceries and other essentials just to be able to get by. Now, realizing that Canadians are struggling and that their plan has received a failing grade from the poverty report card, will this Prime Minister finally axe the carbon tax and stop his inflationary spending to bring home lower prices for all Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister. >> I I have a hard time accepting this question from a member who I respect and believe is here for the right reasons whether he puts the question in a frame of homelessness but willing to stand behind his leader. [ Interjections ] When he proposes to cut funding that serves homeless Canadians across this country. [ Interjections ] [ Inaudible ] I ner hear ideas that will result in more homes being built, it's cut, cut, cut every step of the way. They do not want measures in place to help vulnerable Canadians. We absolutely will. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: I invite all members please, it's been a really good Question Period to listen to the questions and answers and to lend their attention to the honour member from Kenora. >> Mr. Speaker, the minister can try to deflect and deny as much as he wants but the facts of the matter is after nine years it's his government's policies that have caused hunger and homelessness to rise. Now struggling to put food on table. People are spending over 30% of incomes on housing. This is the NDP-Liberal plan in action. How can they possibly believe their plan is working. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister for housing, infrastructure and communities. >> He wants to talk about our policies on affordability. How about the Canada Child Benefit that puts more money in the pockets of 9 out of 10 Canadian families and stop sending child care cheques to millionaires yet his party voted against it.

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