
CPAC - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 02:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>>> Our public service is having a hard time there's a working group that isn't working. Is there a working group and when will they meet and when will they deliver results. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of refugees, immigration and citizenship. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to say to the House that the working group will be meeting in the upcoming week but that doesn't mean that work hasn't been done upstream to get ready for those meetings. I spoke with minister Frechette this morning and I'm looking forward to seeing the work move ahead. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member. >> Since 2017, Québec has welcomed more than 50% of asylum seekers in Canada, even though we're only 22% of the population. I'll remind the minister that he denied this imbalance for months. He even suggested that the idea of having a welcoming capacity was not necessarily a clear idea. He has since seen the light and it's only fools who don't change ideas. >>> Is he going to stop demonizing Québec, stop trying to buy time and finally make sure that this situation is fixed. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister. >> It's true, Mr. Speaker, we know that the Bloc Quebecois doesn't understand the capacity and -- difference between capacity and decipher to welcome but we're going to work to ensure they're welcomed across the country, several provinces are taking on a higher number and that needs to be fixed. (end of translation). >> The Speaker: From Burnaby South. >> It's difficult to find the words to describe the horror of what is going on in Rafah. >>> Women and children were burned alive in tents. They were told they were in a safe zone in a refugee encampment, yet they were burned alive. What will it take for this Liberal Government to send a message to Netanyahu that what has happened is inexcusable. What will it take for this government to take actions to prevent this genocide from happening. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister for foreign affairs. >> Even. >> Even in times of war there are rules. The images are horrific, heartbreaking. Our position has been clear on Rafah and we've been saying 2 it now for years. Palestinian civilians don't have any safe space to go. The killing of innocent civilians is completely unacceptable and the decisions of the international court of justice are binding. The level of human suffering is catastrophic and that's why, Mr. Speaker, we need an immediate ceasefire. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member for Burnaby South. >> Voice of Interpreter: The images from Rafah are horrific. Women and children have been burned alive. What will it take for this government to send a clear message to Netanyahu that what he's doing is inexcusable. What is it going to take for this government to finally act to prevent this genocide. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of Global Affairs. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker, even in a time of war there are rules and the images out of Rafah are horrible, heartbreaking. Our position on Rafah is clear and we've been clear now for weeks. Palestinian civilians don't have anywhere no go. And killing innocent civilians is completely unacceptable. The decisions of the international court of justice are binding. The level of suffering for civilians is catastrophic and that's why there must be a ceasefire immediately. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: [ End of Interpretation ] The Honourable Member... >> After nine years of this liberal NDP Prime Minister, the carbon tax scam leaves Canadians with less money in pockets, food in bellies and fuel in cars. This Prime Minister and this carbon tax scam are not worth the cost. Conservatives are calling for all federal fuel taxes to be axed this summer so Canadian families can save an average of $670. Will this road raging finance minister stop the road trip wrecking and implement this common sense conservative ask. Yes or no. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of finance and Deputy Prime Minister. >> Mr. Speaker, the only thing Conservatives believe this is austerity and the only thing they know how to do is cut, cut, cut. [ Interjections ] That's why it is no surprise that they would like to cut the carbon rebates that are putting more money back in the pockets

of 8 out of 10 Canadians. It is no surprise that they want to cut a national school food program. It's no surprise they want to cut our national early learning and child care plan. Mr. Speaker, they have no real plan. But they're letting the country burn. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member from Calgary forest lawn. >> No doubt we will cut the carbon tax scam that will leave more money in Canadians pockets. >>> If she wants to talk about a food program, that food program has no food. The only thing these guys have been feeding over the last Knight Street Bridge years is the already obese government. We're going to angst the tax. Call a carbon tax election so we can show them how it's done anyways. [ Some Applause ] [ Interjections ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister for natural resources and energy. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It is incredibly points to to see the misleading information the Honourable Member puts forward is very clear. [ Interjections ] 300 economists, parliamentary urge r officer said -- [ Interjections ] [ Inaudible ] Our approach is one that actually addresses the existential threat of climate change, does so in a manner that's affordable for Canadians and his constituents should be asking him, I'm sure they are, why he campaigned in putting in place a price for pollution on the last election and now he's taking such a hypocritical position. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member... >> Thank you, speaker. I'll be sure and tell the people in my community that are suffering under this NDP-Liberal government that a bunch of well to do economists and tenured professors saying life has never been so good. I'll make sure I tell him that. >>> Common sense Conservatives are asking the government to axe all federal taxes on gasoline from today until Labour Day, meaning that the average Ontarian could save about $600 this summer. When will the Prime Minister adopt our common sense plan, axe the carbon tax this summer so families can take their kids on vacation. [ Interjections ] [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of natural resources and energy. >> While I'm glad folks in this House are finally being honest, he's saying just ignore the facts, ignore the facts, make it all up. At the end of the day, 8 out of 10 families get more money back. Every reputable authority says that. It's only the Conservatives who campaigned on the basis of putting a price on pollution who have now changed their minds have no plan except to let the planet burn would take a position like that. [ Interjections ] [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member... >> Speaker, the facts are food bank usage is at the highest level it's ever been because of policies by this NDP-Liberal government. This summer my community that relies on tourism is being punished because the Liberals refuse to reduce their carbon tax. Canadians can save money in Ontario, approximately $600 from today until Labour Day could be saved if the Liberals reduce the tax on all gasoline.

>>> Speaker, when will Liberals accept this and give Ontarians a break who just want a vacation this summer. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of Health. >> In the pandemic, the Conservatives wouldn't have been there for small businesses, people that were suffering. [ Interjections ] Their response to the challenges that are around the globe is to say to people who are suffering, let's pretend those issues are not happening in our country and we can help you out by your rebate cheque, we can help you out by taking away a diabetic's medication. Mr. Speaker, you don't help vulnerable people at a time of global turmoil by cutting their essential supports. You help them by standing up and standing behind them and that's what our government does everyday. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: >> Voice of Interpreter: The Honourable Member... >> After niners of this Liberal Government Quebecers are in a cost of living crisis and need a break. That's why we're asking for federal gas tax holiday to make gas cheaper. For the holidays, you need a car to get around. Instead of supporting us, the Bloc prefers to follow the platform of the [Unclear] Montréal and thinks everybody should get around on the bus. >>> Will the government accept our request and give Canadians a gas tax hospital. >> I would invite my colleague to me with economists at the University of Laval to understand something simple, 8 families out of 10 when the price applies get more back in their pockets than they pay for the carbon tax. The money from the carbon tax goes back to Canadians, richer Canadians pay more. And medium -- middle class Canadians get more back than they pay. 8 families out of 10 get more back from the carbon tax price and that's true across the country where the price applies. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member... >> Mr. Speaker, we know that, you know, the minister seems to be getting ready for another university job after the election. But there's nobody in Québec who gets a cheque in compensation and the tax we're asking them to cut, those are taxes that Quebecers pay and they don't get money back from this. Will the minister accept a gas tax holiday for the summer to help Quebecers who go on holiday holiday. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Minister of public services and procurement. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. If my colleague doesn't appreciate economists from the university of Laval there are economists across the country who will explain it to him, 300 across the country signed a letter that Canadians get more back into their pockets. Richer Canadians pay more. Canadians from middle class and lower income Canadians get more back in their pockets and obviously it reduces pollution. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member... >> Some think that Canada is too small to have an influence on climate change. On Thursday, [Unclear] Reminded everyone that since 1850, Canada is in the top 10 of countries that have contributed to climate change. And we're certainly not the most populous of those 10 countries. That makes Canadians most responsible for global warning per capita.

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