
CPAC - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 02:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> The inflation caused by nine years of Marv liberal deficits and the ineffective carbon tax has led to us this place. At a minimum, the Liberals must cancel the carbon tax, the federal fuel tax and the GST on gasoline and diesel between now and Labour Day. This would save the average Canadian family $670 this summer, and could mean the ditches between keeping their beloved Furey family member or cruelly having to abandon it. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member from Red Deer-Mountain View. >> After nine years Liberals are jeopardizing all Canadians held dear. The family vacation was one indication to see the sites and sounds of this great nation. Now a simple road trip is unaffordable. A summer vacation is no longer an option for Canadian families. Families have to pay seven dollars00 more for food than 2023. Last year food banks had to handle a record $2 million visits in a single month with one million more monthly visits expected in 2024. In the middle of this historic cost of living crisis, this NDP-Liberal coalition guided to hike the carbon tax by 23%, just one step in their plan to quadruple the carbon tax over the next six years making everything more expensive at the worst possible time. This has to stop. Our common sense Conservatives can be trusted to axe the tax and give the Canadian families the break they so desperately deserve. [ Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member. >> Mr. Speaker, this week is national accessibility week. >> Voice of Interpreter: I rise to speak to the remarkable contributions of people living with a disability and the organizations that represent them. [ End of Interpretation ] Persons with disabilities advocates and organizations work tirelessly to remove barriers. They ensure the full participation of more than 8 million Canadians with disabilities. It's by working together with the disability community that we have made progress. >> Voice of Interpreter: Together, let's move towards accessibility and inclusion for everyone. That's this year's theme. [ End of Interpretation ] -- efforts are needed from all sectors of society. We need this to reach a barrier free Canada by 2040. I invite my colleagues and Saul Canadians to celebrate the exceptional work being done by so many. Let's continue to work towards a more accessible and inclusive Canada. >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member from Skeena-Bulkley Valley. >> If you can work, if you can pay tax, if you can serve in your armed forces, then you ought to be able to vote. Those are the words of U.K. labour leader Kear stormer just last week. I mention his statement because this week, here in Ottawa, young people from across the country are gathering for the first ever national vote 16 summit. The vote 16 movement around the world is growing because the issues being discussed in places like this have a profound impact on the lives much young people. It's growing because the evidence shows that when young people are empowered to vote, the voter turnout rate rises, the hallmark of a strong democracy. That's why the Northwest Territories chief electoral officer has recommended that the voting age be changed to 16 in that Ottawa. Mr. Speaker, I want to wish all those gathering a productive session.

>>> Thank you very much. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: >> Voice of Interpreter: The Honourable Member... >> Mr. Speaker, the riding has lost one of its most noted leaders. Yvon Pico, a teacher, a principal, a journalist and worked hard in the community. He became the MNA in the riding and sat on the national assembly of Québec for 21 years. He was minister of tourism, municipal affairs, agriculture, fisheries and nutrition. When he retired from politics, he became the director of an addiction centre. And he was also the leader of a group that Hearst people living with doctor hires people living with functional disability and president of the Louisville buckwheat crepes festival. >>> Thank you, we will remember you. [ Applause ] [ End of Interpretation ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member... >> Mr. Speaker, Canadians are experiencing pain and anxiety as rent and mortgage payments have troubled after nine years of this Prime Minister -- doubled after nine years. >>> Housing is a need not a want and 76% of Canadians are going to face trouble paying their mortgages, 34 million Canadians who have a mortgage, who live with a mortgage holder, who rent from a mortgage holder. >>> Trust is a powerful word. It is an experience more than a statement. And Canadians are facing anxiety and pain and losing trust over this liberal Prime Minister who can't containing care of even the -- take care of the basic needs, housing, low taxes and affordable hostage of living. Trust doesn't require billions, it requires action. To make Canada right we need change. We need a new Prime Minister who's going to restore trust, who's going to build homes for Canadians and who's going to bring it home. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It's with a heavy heart I announce my resignation Maz a Member of Parliament effective May 31. I've had no greater honour than to serve for almost 7 of the past 9 years. During this time I've work with incredible MPs on numerous priorities. I worked closely with colleagues with the provincial and municipal levels because many issues require collaboration. I'm Froude see our community south of the Fraser has grown but I've Gyaned a deeper appreciation of family.

>>> I'm so grateful to my wife and children for their love and support over the past decade as I pursued politics in Ottawa and of course my condo cuties. As my time here ends I'm thankful for everyone 0 supported me over these past 7 years my staff and volunteers but mostly thank you to the at this time of Cloverdale Langley city for allowing me to serve you. [ Applause ] >> The Speaker: Oral questions. >> Voice of Interpreter: The honourable leader of the opposition. >> After nine years of this Prime Minister, he's not worth the cost. Of mortgages, 76% of mortgages will go up over the next three years, according to the federal office that keeps an eye on banking in Canada. That's after the Prime Minister promised that interest rates would stay low for Canadians. All this while the Bloc is voting in favour of 5dollars of bureaucratic inflationist centralizing spending which increases interest rates. When will the Prime Minister cut waste and lower interest rates. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The honourable Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance. >> Mr. Speaker, the Conservatives don't really care about Canadians who are having a hard time paying their mortgages. We know this because the Conservatives have refused to support our Canadian charter for mortgages, which is really something that will help Canadians. They oppose 30 year mortgages for first time home buyers. The only things the Conservatives are in favour of is cut, cut, cut. >> The Speaker: The honourable leader of the opposition. >> Cutting taxes absolutely, Mr. Speaker. According to the journal de Montréal, Québec's taxpayers are being bled dry. Obviously, it's not a surprise to see that 75% of respondents to a Leger poll said that they're not getting their money's worth. The liberal Bloc meanwhile wants to increase taxes. So why not at least accept my common sense plan to suspend gas taxes for the summer. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The honourable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. >> Mr. Speaker, the reality is that the Conservatives don't have a plan. The only thing that the Conservatives understand is austerity. The only thing that they can do is cut, cut, and cut some more. They want to cut our plan -- our dental care plan very popular in Québec, they want to cut our school food program, once against very popular in Québec and obviously they're not going to support our plan for young children. Very important for Quebecers as well. [ End of Interpretation ] >> The Speaker: Leader of the opposition. >> After nine years this Prime Minister this NDP-Liberal Prime Minister is not worth the cost of mortgages, 76% of which will become more expensive over the next three years according to the federal banking regulator, after the Prime Minister said rates would stay low for long. We know that his massive government deficits have driven rates up 2 percentage points higher than they otherwise would be according to Scotiabank.

>>> Would he accept my common sense dollar for dollar plan to cap spending and cut waste to bring down interest rates so Canadians keep their homes. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The honourable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. >> Mr. Speaker, we know the Conservatives don't actually care about Canadians who are struggling to pay their mortgages. And we know that because when we have put forward something very concrete to support those Canadians, to strengthening Canadian mortgage charter, they refused to support it P When we put forward a plan to help first time home buyers with 30 year mortgage amortizations, the Conservatives voted against it. The fact is, the only thing these Conservatives know how to do is cut, cut, cut and the only Canadians they care about are themselves. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The honourable leader of the opposition. >> Mr. Speaker, we have To to send one quarter of all young Canadians to the food banks, skipping meals and 38% increase in homelessness, 50 new homeless encampments in Toronto, 256 now in the biggest city in the country. >>> Why is it the more they spend, the more Canadians hurt. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. >> Mr. Speaker, we will take lessons from the Conservatives -- [ Interjections ] When it comes to supporting the most vulnerable Canadians. The fact is, when we formed government and when they left government, the poverty rate in Canada was 14.5%. It is now 9.9%. The Canada Child Benefit has lifted hundreds of thousands of times, Mr. Speaker. >> The Speaker: The honourable leader of the opposition. >> We know how to cut taxes, Mr. Speaker. And that is why we reduce poverty and had affordable homes 8 years -- 9 years ago, when common sense Conservatives were in government. Since that time, housing costs have downed, mortgage payments have doubled. Rent has doubled. The number of homeless encampments is up in Canada by hundreds of%. We now have one in four Canadians skipping meal because they can't afford the cost of food. Will the government finally stop the policies that make Canadians poor, get off the backs of the working people and let Canadians keep their homes. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: The honourable the Conservatives really believe we know what Conservatives do. [ Interjections ] To programs that support the most vulnerable. Cut, cut, cut. We have put forward a national school food program, a dental care program, national early learning and child care. They want to cut those programs. We won't let them, Mr. Speaker. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: >> Voice of Interpreter: The Honourable Member for la prairie. >> On May 10, the minister of immigration met with his provincial counterparts. They announced a working group to deal with asylum seekers. Last Thursday, minister Frechette wrote to the minister because nothing has happened since then. I would remind the minister he said the status quo was no longer acceptable but it's now the status quo.

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