
CPAC - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 02:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

comments. It is now time for statements by members. [ Speaking French ] The Honourable Member from Nepean. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As buy January achieved its independent -- May 28th, 2018. I had the pressure of hosting an individuals Day celebration on Parliament Hill last Friday, and on Saturday, I participated in the event raising the As Azerbaijan is one of the first nations in the world to grant women the right to vote, the religious minorities including Jews and Hindus have equal rights to practice their faith in this Muslim majority country and enjoy state support. There's great strategic porches as an energy producer and transit HUB. I would like to recognize the contributions of Azerbaijani Canadians contributing towards their Canada country. >>> The Honourable Member... >> This weekend we celebrated 8 members of Vernon search and retching for decades of service and community safety in the North Okanagan and across Canada Canada. At the ceremony we recognized Robert cross, Jeff Vic, ... Don Blakey and Lee Pearson 37 years, James veil, 50 years and Pete Wise 60 years, the longest serving search and rescue volunteer in Canada. These volunteers committed their time to assist and often lead in the search and rec of many Canadians no matter the time of day or weather conditions. They also assist emergency services during evacuations and disaster response. Their families make sacrifices and contributions supporting them. Employers give them time away from work while sponsors provide resources. Thank you to these volunteers and thousands more from across Canada who embody the professionalism, sacrifice and courage to search and rescue of Canadians across the country.

>>> Thank you. [ Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member from Whitby. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As we approach World Ocean Day on June 8 it is time to reflect on the ocean's profound contribution to our economy, climate, way of life and to Canada's prosperity as a whole. The ocean sector contributed close to $52 billion towards Canada's GDP in 2022 and supports hundreds of thousands of jobs nationwide. And the opportunity to create many more in fisheries, aquaculture, shipping, tourism and emerge ing industries. This evening representatives of Canada's ocean supercluster will be hosting a session at the Shaw centre to discuss ambition 2035 it's vision for five-fold growth in the ocean economy. I encourage all members to attend and learn more about how wick enable this vital sector. >>> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. [ Some Applause ] >> The Speaker: >> Voice of Interpreter: Honourable Member... >> Mr. Speaker, I was very sad to learn that the community organization was. [ Speaking French ] Was closing, it played a crucial role in the lives of families since 1995. I would like to thank [Unclear] Who led the organization for 17 years with great passion and madam Sophie abare who contributed with unfailing loyalty. The organization was in a neighbourhood where there were many daily challenges. But everything that it did made a real difference in the lives of many people. I would like to express our gratitude to all of the volunteers, community partners and others who supported the cause over the years. We hope that the legacy of. [ Speaking French ] Will continue to inspire other community initiatives in future.

>>> Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. We want to help the most impoverished among us to live with dignity. [ Applause ] >> The Speaker: [ End of Interpretation ] The Honourable Member from Winnipeg North. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker,. >>> Did you know that the heart of Canada's Filipino community is located in Winnipeg North and that June is Filipino heritage month in Canada. No matter where it is you go in Canada, members will be encouraged to be able to participate in a wide spectrum of Filipino hospitality. One. Things that you will notice, Mr. Speaker, is that it doesn't matter what kind of event you go to, you will experience hospitality, kindness, love, hard-working, these are the type of things that you will see that's embedded in our Filipino heritage community. Today, over 1 million people today in Canada are of Filipino Canadian heritage, Mr. Speaker. That is something in which all of us should be very proud of. You would I would encourage all members to get out and promote Filipino heritage no matter where you live in Canada in the month of June. [ Applause ] >> The Speaker: >> Voice of Interpreter: The Honourable Member... >> Today, it is an honour to rise to talk about everything that Roger Barbeau has done, he was -- he lived in my riding Charle, accomplished businessman and founded a credit union in 1959, spent a great deal of his life serving his community and promoting values he cared about along with his spouse and two sons. He was an eminent member of the knights of Columbus for more than 55 years and embodied the spirit of fraternity that under pinned that organization. He showed great commitment to charity and kindness, ad minister of he will for us all. He inspired those and him thanks to his kindness, wisdom and ability to help those in need.

>>> Thank you for everything you did for us and all that you are. Your legally will remain --less si will remain in our hearts forever. [ End of Interpretation ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Filipino heritage month is just days away and Filipinos from coast-to-coast-to-coast are ready to celebrate Filipino art, culture and food. The Philippines fiesta extravaganza started in Scarborough under the leadership of Vaughan Canton and Phillip Barisal and this year is expanding to cities across Canada with fiestas this summer in Toronto, Surrey, Yuan, Brampton, Lethbridge, Hamilton, Niagara Falls, Miramichi and Montréal. I encourage my colleagues in these communities and all Canadians to come to their local fiesta events and other events to experience Filipino food, music and art as we celebrate Filipino culture and 75 years of diplomatic relations between Canada and the Philippines. I was proud to sponsor the motion that made June Filipino heritage month in Canada and I thank everyone that has taken Parliament's declaration and made it a month-long celebration celebration. [Speaking Alternate Language] >> The Honourable Member from Winnipeg south centre. >> Mr. Speaker, Dr. Ian CP Smith was a Tyler and public servants for 40 years. We lost this Khera rushed member recently. He received numerous accolades for his hard work including the Manitoba order of the buffalo hunt, the outstanding achievement award of public service of Canada and both the queens gold and diamond Jubilee medals. He was an internationally respected biophysicist, having contributed to Canada's reputation as a leader in state of the art medical diagnostic devices. Under his leadership the national research council's institute of biodiagnosis particulars has grown at a reputation for world class research. It has generated and commercialized new tools using human and veterinary medicine and continues his cutting edge researchott early diagnosis of cancer continue the doctor was accomplished both professionally and personally. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him and his work in the field of biophysics will continue to have a lasting impact. We wish his family the best during this difficult time and thank Dr. Smith for his lasting contributions to our country. >> The Honourable Member from Kootenay Columbia. >> Mr. Speaker, after 9 years this NDP liberal Prime Minister's not worth the hunger and homelessness. Salvation Army reports showed 75% of Canadians face challenges managing limited financial resources, poverty and food insecurity worse in every corner of the country. 25% of Canadians eat less so their child and children and other family members can eat. 26% of Canadians skip or reduce the size of a meal because they can't afford groceries.

>>> I was a at a food bank in Cranbrook, talking to regular contributors. They were embraced as they were there to pick up groceries. >>> The cost of food, gas, heating and hard hitting in rural Canada. Mr. Speaker, only moon sense Conservatives will cap spending, axe carbon tax, bring home after streets and powerful paycheques for Canadians. >> The Honourable Member. >> Thank you, I would like to invite all my colleagues to join me tomorrow and others as we celebrate national seal products day which is normally May 16. >>> Inuit and coastal communities across Nunavut, Atlantic Canada and Québec have relied on seal and seal products for subsistence and survival for millennia and we continue to use seal for food, clothing and historical result California cultural community day. >>> It's a day we can recognize and counters narratives about the seal that seek to legitimatize as these have devastating impacts on Indigenous and coastal communities. I support the industry and it is a strong industry that has sustained people for many generations. We must continue to working together to ensure the economic viability of seal for all Canadians. [ Applause ] >> The Speaker: The Honourable Member from Calgary-Nosehill. >> After nine years of this Liberal Government it's a cruel summer for Canadian pet owners. Life in Canada's now so unaffordable that the Calgary herald just reported the following. Calgary animal advocates say the increased costs of living combined with the housing crisis are forcing pet owners to have to make tough decisions between their needs and those of their pets. Animal shelters are overflowing and the founder of parachutes for pets said that her organization is taking nearly 100 calls a day on average from people whose entire support network is their pet but are considering heartbreaking decisions, like abandoning their pet because inflation means they can't afford them anymore.

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