
CPAC - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

whole episode devoted to the making of the movie, I said I would love to be cast as an extra who gets blown up. Because I feel like that the perfect fate for an author in an abdication of his own teary debit tv series is to be murdered. I deserve that. [ Laughter ] >> They do not agreeing, and I do have a cameo much less spectacular. And I do get a few words, and that was not scripted. And it takes place in a chinese restaurant where a photographer, and I guess -- I get to say can we turn on the mirror ball, please? [ Laughter ] >> That wasn't in the script, and immediately after the shooting of the scene, one of the production assistant say we have to sign a contract because you said something. And now you get a contract. And then they gain -- beginning a great complement, in -- and his cameo, he took forever. Even when it took three takes, so that was my experience. And then I was in the mountains a -- of los angeles when they were shooting the making of the movie and it was really disconcerting because here we are on a tv set with [ Inaudible ] and all the actors in the crew, literally dozens of people all gathered around another set with a bunch of actors playing moviemakers and that. And even the cast and crew of the sympathizer tv series was getting to confused as to who was who and this home moment so it felt like it was the perfect moment for me and I was actually present during the moment. If you read the novel, during the moment were the captain gets blown up, the big climax of the whole scene is when the old tour gets to realize ambitious -- ambition and blow up the entire set with bombs. And that is actually re-created and so here is the moviemaking magic. When you see it -- I think when you sit, I'm not sure because the effects have not been put in. You will see a number of huge explosions that take place but in actuality they only set off one explosion. The rest of it is digit will digital. Literally the entire crew, dozens of people gathered on the hillside overlooking the moment when the special effects crew set up that one tiny bomb. It was such a big deal. And it was sort of deflating to see this one little bomb, I really wanted them to destroy the whole landscape but no it's all going to be digital, special-effects. So I ruin some me -- will be making magic for you when you see it. But what can I say? It's a haul of mirrors, it's a haul of mirrors. Which is why in the en end I agree to having the novel converted into a tv series because that would simply complete the illusion that led to the riding of the novel in the first place. >> Thank you chris. >> Thank you. >> I really want to thank you for coming and for your courage, your creativity and inspiration. Thank you very much. [ Applause ] [ Cheering and Applause ] [ ] [Music playing] [Music playing] [voiceover] cpac presents "Wings of Honour", a Canadian Geographic Films documentary celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force. One out of every five aces in World War ii from all the countries was a Canadian. I always figured the ones that never came home were the heroes. [voiceover] Featuringrarely seen archival footage and the compelling stories ofpast and present rcaf members from across Canada. You are being asked to do something, on behalf of the other 35million or 40 million people, that is very difficult andhas extremely high stakes. [voiceover] Learn how Canada's Air Force shaped history. My first trip into enemy territory left me like a man standing outside naked. I am just astounded at these young men, what they did. It's been an incredible amountof work to get to this point, more than I could have imagined. [voiceover] "Wings of Honour", an exclusive documentary premiere. See it on cpac. [upbeat music plays] I think the humanitariancatastrophe that's unfolding is absolutely horrid. Eventually the two sides Ithink have to stop fighting and develop a two

state solution, but what I find is also horrible here is seeing our Jewish neighbours fearingfor their for their own safety in our country becauseit's something that's going on somewhere else. These are Canadians, they should feel just as safe as we do. Well I am following that,yeah I went to a couple of-- do you say demonstration? [interviewer] Yeah. So I went to a couple of demonstrations. I-- you know, my heart is breaking for what's happening both inUkraine and in Middle East. It's not good, war is not good for any anyone. No one benefits from it for sure. And well, I just feel sorry for people. I feel sorry for my people as well as I feel sorry for people of other countries who are suffering. [interviewer] Because you are from Ukraine? No, not only because ofthat, because I'm a human. Yeah. Well we're following it. Not much we can do about it from over here, just probably watching,listening, thinking about it. Yeah just really feeling for those people in the Middle East, like what's going on, yeah. I mean I think it's an issue with not only regional butinternational implications. It's something that people clearly have strong opinions on. I try to follow it just as a concerned citizen, and clearly as I say, it generates strong opinions and there are people here who have opinions one way or another, either becausethey're directly connected to people in the Middle East or members of diaspora communities. So it's simply somethingyou're going to encounter, I don't see how you canavoid it unless you're going to lock yourself in your room. I can see where Israel hadthe right to defend themselves, but I'm starting to think it's a little bit of overkill on their part. You got to get Hamas, but you can't be killing all theseinnocent people and children. I used to watch it a lot, and I try and stay away from it now. It just stressed me out way too much. [interviewer] Do you think it's important to know what's on the other side of the world or--? I think it's important but I think sometimes it's overwhelming, so I think sometimes we need to take a break. Not a lot. Not really. [interviewer] Is there a reason why we're not? No, there's no real reason why. We don't watch a lot of news on the TV, so anything that I'mfollowing is just whatever I'm reading in the newspaper. Well, like people dyingis-either side is terrible, wish it could just stop, but I don't know what the answer to ending theviolence on both sides is. Snippets and stuff,discussions here and there with-amongst friends and family and such, but typically I know it's a very sensitive topic. Not extremely closely. I've looked into it a little bit but have between school and stuff I haven't been reallypaying attention too much, but I see what's going on. A lot more of my friends are following it. I'm trying to stay as neutral as I can really. I'd say every day, or at least yeah, as much as I can handle emotionally to follow it. [interviewer] Do you want to expand on that? [inaudible] It's in every one of my social media feeds, and I know a lot of people who are really heavily affected by it, and so those people are on my social media. And-so I see it every time I open it, and then that has aneffect on whether I'm going to open the social media. I'm moderately I'd say, but it's not intentional following, it's a little bit of unavoidable exposure I'd say. Pretty closely, yeah I keep up with it like I don't know about every day, but like a couple of times a week at least I'll listen to like a video or something or follow the stories and stuff yeah. Try to keep up with it. Not terribly closely, probably as close as anybody else. I wouldn't say that I'm up to date on it and checking it every minute, but you know I'm following it enough to know what's going on. [upbeat music plays] [Music playing] [Music playing] [ ]

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