
CPAC - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 03:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #9

Petitpas Taylor. Has there been any one experience, any one story that resonates,and you remember the most? All of my experiences that I've had with these types of delegations have left me just a different person. I return to Canada and justappreciate that much more, the freedoms that we have today. And thanking these great Canadians is the least that we can do. [announcer] Profile with Michael Serapio. See it on CPAC. On the next Outburst, should AI be included as an educational tool in schools? Under some circumstances, yes. You're going to have to be able to disclose how much of your thesis was produced by AI. [Glen] Outburst. See it on CPAC. [voiceover] CPAC presents "Wings of Honour", a Canadian Geographic Films documentary celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force. One out of every five aces in World War II from all the countries was a Canadian. I always figured the ones that never came home were the heroes. [voiceover] Featuringrarely seen archival footage and the compelling stories ofpast and present RCAF members from across Canada. You are being asked to do something, on behalf of the other 35million or 40 million people, that is very difficult andhas extremely high stakes. [voiceover] Learn how Canada's Air Force shaped history. My first trip into enemy territory left me like a man standing outside naked. I am just astounded at these young men, what they did. It's been an incredible amountof work to get to this point, more than I could have imagined. [voiceover] "Wings of Honour", an exclusive documentary premiere. See it on CPAC. - My opinion... - my opinion. - And yours... - yours. - And that's okay. - Discourse makes Canada... - ...a great place to be. - So...- ...if I want an opinion, - I'll turn to you. - If I want unbiased coverage...- ...of Canadian politics, I'll turn to CPAC. - I'll turn to CPAC. - I'll turn to CPAC. - Unembellished, unconditionally neutral. - The Cable Public Affairs Channel. 24/7 coverage of Canadian politics. CPAC. Watch for democracy. [Voice over] No matter where they take place, world events can affect us. CPAC takes you insidethe parliaments of various countries to learn about the international issues that shape our world. Watch "World Showcase,"a look inside parliamentary democracies around the world. See it on CPAC. [ ] [music playing] The year 2024 marks howmany years Newfoundland and Labrador joined Canada? Is it 75, 100, or 125? 75? No idea, so I would say 100. 75. 100. 75. 75? 75. 75. 75? Absolutely right. Okay, good. Good for you. I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure. [music plays] [Music playing]

[Music playing] [ ] >> Andrew: hello. I'm andrew thomson and welcome to headline "politics." we begin with canadian reaction to today's court ruling on the israel-hamas war. The international court of justice is ordering israel to immediately halt its rafah offensive in gaza to keep the rafah border crossing open to allow humanitarian aid and to allow unimpeded access to gaza for investigating allegations of genocide. Prime minister justin trudeau says the ruling is binding and that international law needs to be followed and that those icj measures align with what canada wants to see happen. Trudeau also accusing the netanyahu government of creating barriers to a two-state solution. Here's an extended look at the prime minister getting questions in nova scotia... >> Question: as canada has indeed said it would support international justice institutions like icj, are you asking that israel should withdraw from rafah? >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: canada's position has been clear for many, many weeks now. We need an immediate ceasefire. Hamas meads to lay down its arms, release all hostages, but there also must be no more military operations in rafah by israel, and certainly not -- no escalation of military operations in rafah, we need to be getting humanitarian aid into gaza at much greater amounts than are right now. The humanitarian catastrophe is horrific. The dangers of starvation and famine are real. We need to be helping on the ground. We need to get more aid in. The icj's latest proposed measures go exactly in that -- in that direction, and the icj's proposals are binding, and we expect everyone to follow them as a matter of international law. [ Speaking French ] >> (Voice of Interpreter): for weeks now, canada has been calling for a ceasefire to put an end to the violence in the middle east. We need for hamas to lay down its arms. We need for the hostages to be freed, and also we need an end to military operations in rafah. And no extra military operations in rafah. We need to be able to send increased humanitarian aid into the region in order to help people in the gaza strip. We are seeing huge humanitarian challenges, including the threat of a widespread famine. We need to see more aid arrive for palestinians in the gaza strip. The recommendations and the requests made by the icj align exactly with what canada and other countries have been requesting for weeks now. We are saying that everyone must follow international law. And the measures and the requests made by the international court of justice are now a question of international law. >> Question: also in accomplish and frenchenglish andfrench please for my colleagues. Israel says there's no other way of getting rid of hamas other than this incursion. What is your response to that? >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: canada's position has always been that the solution to the extraordinarily difficult challenges in the middle east are a two-state solution, a peaceful, secure, democratic israel, alongside a peaceful, secure, democratic palestinian state. That is what canada has been working on for decades. That continues to be our path forward, along with many other countries. Unfortunately, the netanyahu government is creating barriers and blockages to ever an able to create or even imagine that two-state solution. That is where we fundamentally disagree with the netanyahu government. Even as we continue to support the rights of the -- of the state of israel and also the aspirations of the palestinian people. We need an end to the violence. We need humanitarian aid for those impacted in the region, and we need a path forward towards a true two-state solution. [ Speaking French ] (Voice of Interpreter):

canada has always been clear on this. The only solution for the middle east is a two-state solution. We need a peaceful, safe and democratic state of israel, and we also need a peaceful, democratic state for the palestinians. Unfortunately, the netanyahu government, the current government in israel, has not only refused the two-state solution, but is actively trying to prevent it. That is not what israelis need. That is not what people in the region need. And that is why canada will continue to call for a ceasefire. We'll call on increased humanitarian assistance, and we'll work with partners throughout the world seeking a two-state solution in order to create a safe israeli state and a safe palestinian state. >> Question: (Voice of Interpreter): radio-canada. It's been a difficult week for the lobster fishers in the acadian peninsula. We're trying to get answers from the minister of the dfo. Should she apologize? And do you still have confidence in Ms. Bout earlier? >> I think your information is out of date. This was removed by the minister. It was resolved by the minister of dfo and she committed to resolving this directly with the fishers. Everyone understands to what extent it's important to protect the whales. We also have to do this in a way that we're not penalizing or pushing fishers who count on the fishery for their income and to meet the needs of their community. That's why we've had discussions up until the very last minute, and we were able to reach an agreement. We will always be there to defend science and conservation, but also fishers who do important work. >> Question: (Voice of Interpreter): you're back from the U.S. you tried to create allies before the american election, but yesterday, you received a letter and most democratic senators have written a letter to say that canada has not reached its 2% military spending target of nato. What's your response? >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: (Voice of Interpreter): well, we have to remember that the former conservative government of stephen harper, where pierre poilievre was a minister, and they reduced military investment to under 1% of our gdp. So, when we were elected in -- this was in 2014. In 2015, we were elected, and we doubled our defence investments, and now we are targeting 1.76% of gdp. And while we'll continue to increase our investments in consequence, we are going to be purchasing fighter planes. 88 F-35s. We're investing massively in order to protect the arctic, to modernize norad, and we are present throughout the world. And so, yes, we're going to continue to do more. But we have put canada back on a responsible track. Not only when it comes to defending our country, but protecting our allies during these times of uncertainty. >> Question: I'm actually -- I'm believing asking the same question in english about the letter from U.S. senators. I mean, we're talking about that 2% and the commitment to get there. I mean, most of the U.N. members are expected to meet that target this year. Canada won't. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: sorry, I think you mean nato members. >> Question: nato, yes, thank you. So how can your government say that not meeting the target isn't affecting our relationship with the u.s.? >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: first of all, it's important to remember where canada was. In 2015, under the harper conservatives, in which pierre poilievre was a minister in that government, defence spending dropped for the first time to below 1% of our spending. When we got elected in 2015, not only did we reopen the veterans affairs offices that harper had shuttered. Not only did we start investing in our military. We actually doubled military investments over the past years. We're now on track to reaching over 1.76% of gdp, which is a record high for canada, and we're not done yet. There is more to do. I will say in the conversations

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