
CPAC - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 10:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

their homes. >> The Speaker: The honourable government house leader. >> Mr. Speaker, Canada is it proud of having one of the most stable and flexal financial institutions and financial markets in the world. It is also true that Canada's fiscal position is a particularly strong one. What would put that all at risk, Mr. Speaker? The Banana republicRepublic promise of the leader of the opposition to fire the governor of the bank POF Canada, sending shock waves to global markets and ex posing home owners, mortgage holders to intense interest rate risk. [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable member. >> After nine years of this NDP-Liberal Prime Minister more Canadians are now going hungry and homeless and the latest annual risk outlook highlights 76% of mortgages will come up for renewal by the end of 2026. This is creating misery for Canadian home owners. Again, the Liberal Government's own bank regulator is flashing red stop signs. The Bank of Canada governor said out of control federal spend something not helpful. How much more mortgage payment pain will Canadian families have to face and endure to satisfy this NDP-Liberal Government's big government spending? [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable government house leader. >> That member should know better than to stand up and talk about financial markets when his own leader is the person That is that has promised to send tremors into the international financial system bill taking over like some dictateor the operations of the Bank of Canada and arbitrarily firing the governor. The governor, who, of course, is watching inflation very carefully. And I know he will have in the noticed that inflation for the fourth straight month is down to the bank POF Canada's target range. We want to to continue getting that number down. [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable member. >> Well, that over the top rhetoric is cold comfort to home owners who are facing hundreds of dollars per month of increased mortgage costs because of their decisions during the pandemic. They doubled the national debt. They celled spending by $600 billion over that time period. That led to higher mortgage interest costs. At the same time that the Prime Minister was saying interest rates would never go up. They're so low they could continue. And mortgage holders listened to him. They will took out more mortgages and now they're facing higher mortgage rates. So punishing. So my question is when is the NDP-Liberal Government going to learn their lesson and is the Prime Minister going to give home owners a break on mortgage rates? >> The Speaker: The honourable parliamentary secretary to the minister of housing, infrastructure and communities. >> I would take the member seriously, Mr. Speaker, were it not for the conservative record. Those same mortgage holders in years past benefitted from a tax cut to the middle class that this government introduced. They benefitted from the Canada Child Benefit. They're benefitting now from the child care program this government has introduced. Dental care where they are eligible. Pharmacare, Mr. Speaker. All those measures that benefit middle income Canadians and lower income Canadians working hard to join the middle class are measures that they did not support at all. And they want to fire the governor of the Bank of Canada. That's irresponsible. They never answered the question with on that. >> The Speaker: The honourable member. [Speaking French] >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Climate change is threatening the St. Lawrence privilege. That's what Federal Government scientists revealed on Wednesday. Water temperatures have reached record levels. Up to 5 degrees above average. Water is completed of oxygen. And as a result, species such as shrimp are in serious decline. Biodiversity and the economy of our regions are at risk. Yet while federal scientists are sounding the alarm, the Federal Government is opening a new pipeline in the west to encourage dependence on dirty oil. Frankly, right in the middle of a climate crimesis. When will the Liberals listen to science? >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable parliamentary secretary. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. When we came to government Canada was even protecting 1% of its territorial waters. And we have now lifted this to 15%. And we plan to protect 30% by 2030. This is an objective that we agreed to at cop 15 in Montreal. We are investing record amounts in partnership with indigenous peoples across the country to protect a greater portion of our territory. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable member. Voice voice the St. Lawrence river is the beating heart of Quebec. It's the cradle of the Quebec nation. Which has developed along IT bay for four centuries. And today we see he that LIEMENT change is attacking -- that climate change is attacking these shores, jeopardizing the survival of species that have

been fished for generations. Meanwhile the Federal Government is investing $34 billion in a dirty oil pipeline, the primary cause of global warming. Ottawa is literally making Quebecers pay for damaging their own ecosystems. How much longer will we accept entrusting our money to this irresponsible country? >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable government house leader. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): Mr. Speaker, the Bloc can't be serious. There's a government taking care of IT oceans and fighting against plastics with a series of measures that will ensure that Canada will reach IT Paris targets. [End of Interpretation] >> The Speaker: The honourable member. >> The number of people lining up at the food banks has grown to over 2 million and continues to climb. 26% of Canadians are skipping or reducing meals. This Prime Minister is not worth the cost. When will estop his inflation spending, that's forcing Canadians to go hungry? >> The Speaker: The honourable parliamentary secretary to the minister of housing. >> Mr. Speaker, in that constituency of the member, where individuals might find themselves homeless, she can go back and show the leader of the opposition's housing plan. That unfortunately already says nothing about homelessness. Zero, Mr. Speaker. The leader of the opposition purport to present a vision to this country. It is hollow, Mr. Speaker. There is nothing there on so many issues, but specifically on homelessness. He's never cared about these issues. When it could comes to supporting Canadians on a range of matters from homelessness to child care to pharmacare to dental care. They have been silent. They don't care. >> The Speaker: The honourable member. >> Here are the facts. After nine years of this NDP-Liberal Prime Minister, more Canadians are losing their homes and going hungry. The number of Canadians reported food security challengeses has increased. And 26% are skipping meals. Costs continue to rise, and this government's plan to raise taxes will only make it worse. Canadians are losing hope. This Prime Minister is not worth the cost. When will he finally admit his inflationary policies are hurting Canadians? [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable minister of innovation. >> Mr. Speaker, our government has a track record of leading with compassion and addressing and leading programs, initiating programs that address the needs of the most vulnerable. Emergency food programs are certainly part of that support system that people need who have immediate needs and are struggling to put food on the table. But let's just review. Food banks Canada said that the national school food program was a vital initiative. If the Conservatives are aligning themselves with food banks Canada, then why would they oh oppose a vital initiative of a national school food program that's going to feed over 400,000 children? >> The Speaker: The honourable member for Cumberland Colchester. >> After nine years of this NDP-Liberal Prime Minister, Mr. Speaker, more Canadians are hungry are and homeless. The Salvation Army is reporting 26% of Canadians have been forced to skip meals because they can't afford to buy groceries. Our country is suffering under this government, its Prime Minister who is not worth the cost. When will this Prime Minister axe the tax so that Canadians can afford to eat again? Some stop. >> The Speaker: The honourable parliamentary secretary to the minister of environment and climate change. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Food banks across this country do essential work and they do important research. And I want to thank them for that. Them actually make some recommendations in this report, which the conservatives have clearly not read. They recommend more supports for the working poor, like our Canada workers benefit. They recommend improved social security, which Conservatives gutted when in power. We've Mr. Speaker, while the Conservatives continue to put words in the mouths of poverty elimination experts and food banks Canada, we'll continue to put food on the table with the national school food program, improve the national Canada Child Benefit. >> The Speaker: The honourable member for Cumberland Colchester. >> It was shocking to hear how many Canadians were actually hungry. Even though they're continuing to announce programs to fix the problems they've created, we need a significant change in government. Once again, speaker, according to the salvationy army, parents are skipping meals so that I recall children and other family members can eat. Canadians should not have to

live like this. After nine years, of course, this Liberal coalition government is not worth the cost. Again, I'll ask when will the Prime Minister axe the tax so that Canadians can afford to eat again? >> The Speaker: The honourable government house leader. >> Mr. Speaker, that member's from Atlantic Canada and I've never heard anyone from Atlantic Canada suggest that we cut the Canada Child Benefit. That well cut and vote against the school nutrition program. That well cut an entire program designed to remedy the housing problems in Atlantic Canada. That member should stand up for once to that leader who has an austerity agenda and wants to cut the very supports that are keeping the constituents and helping his constituents beat the current cost of living issue. >> The Speaker: The honourable member for Victoria. >> Mr. Speaker, people in Victoria want to know our coast and endangered southern resident killer whales are protected. New reports show that cruise ships docking in Vancouver are jeopardizing these orcas by dumping billions of liters of polluted waste water into the ocean. The states have stricter laws, so under the Liberals watch cruise ships wait and dutch in Canadian waters. They're even dumping in marine protected areas. The Liberals regulations are woefully inaccurate. And with the Conservatives there would be even less rules. Will the Liberals stop making the B.C. coast a dumping grounds for polluted cruise waste? [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable parliamentary secretary to the minister of environment and climate change. >> Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. And I'd like to thank the member from Victoria for her consistent advocacy for a cleaner requirement and a greener future for all of Canada. Indeed it's refreshing to stand up and talk about how we can protect this planet and how we can fight climate change can, rather than if we might climate change. Mr. Speaker, her concerns with respect to the coast and the dangers to whale species and water-born mammals are important to us and our government and I'd like to sit down and talk about local issues in Victoria, and I'm sure this government is supporting all those vital endangered species. Thank you. >> The Speaker: The honourable. >> Mr. Speaker, CKUA is a source of music, arts and community as one of Edmonton's most beloved public broadcasters. But they're facing a perfect storm with the inflation and cost of living crisis. They he need our help during these tough times. While other Canadian broadcasters receive federal help in similar circumstances, CKUA is being left behind. CKUA supports local, Canadian artists and brings Edmontonians together. Will the Liberals stand up for Edmonton and our local media and help out CKUA in their time of need or will they continue to ignore them? >> The Speaker: The honourable parliamentary secretary to the minister of Canadian heritage. >> I thank the honourable member for his question and for his advocacy on this important issue. Our government has been there to SFOR media from coast to coast. From small community to large ones. Much of the support for small community would have been flowing had Conservatives not chosen to obstruct, obstruct, obstruct the passing of legislation that had money flowing to small Canadian broadcasters across the country can. We'll keep working hard for hem and won't stop until Canadians have that voice from coast to coast to coast. [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable member for Kitchener South has the floor. >> Mr. Speaker, the government revealed a national action MRAP on combatting auto theft. This plan will work with in conjunction with budget 2024 to keep community safe from auto theft crime. It's already been called a turning point for auto theft in Canada. Can the minister of justice please highlight one of the concrete steps in this national plan that will make communities safer? >> The Speaker: The honourable minister of justice and attorney general of Canada. >> Mr. Speaker, the rise in auto theft in our country is not caused by one off incidents of teenagers taking a joyride. It perpetrated by networks of organize ed criminals. That's why we're cracking down on organized crime. They prey on teenagers to do their dirty work, so we're adding amendments to the Criminal Code to add a new aggravating factor to make for tougher sentences for those that use young persons in an obviouslies. We're also raising the the maximum penalty for those that would use violence during a daylight carjacking. We're going to stop auto THFT and stop organize ed criminals who are taking advantage of our kids. Mr. Speaker, enough is enough. >> The Speaker: The honourable member. >> Mr. Speaker, nine years of this NDP-Liberal Government more Canadians are hungry and homeless than ever before. One in four Manitobans don't have enough money to buy groceries and feed their families. Home prices are out of control and rent has skyrocketed to the point where people can't afford to put a roof over their head. How can this Prime Minister keep a straight face and try to tell 40% of Manitobans who now pay more than 30% of their income on housing that everything in this country is, in fact, fine.

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