
CPAC - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 10:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #6

full crowds and vibrant, local venues. Our government has strengthened the powers of the comp Tigs, invested in arts and culture, including the Canada music funds and supported live event for the boosted Canada arts presentation funds. Mr. Speaker, let's even the playing field so that the working recording artists and musicians that create the music can thrive rather than monopolies who squeeze our hard working musicians. >> The Speaker: The honourable member. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On May 26, 1944 shortly after the Hitler line was breached the Perth regiment moved into the valley where they were heavily shelled by the enemy. But the brave fighters moved forward. Over the next several days they liberated the nearby town and moved forward. Several Canadian heros made the honourable sacrifice. Among them corporal John McGrab of St. Mary's and private Simpson and Daley both of Stafford. Private Scott serving with the Hastings and Prince Edward regiment also lost his life. We must never forget the courage of those who fought and those who fell in the Italian campaign. Mr. Speaker, we will remember them. [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable member for Yukon. >> It was a defiance. A paper served the Yukon for 124 years. First published from a tent, the Whitehorse Star is a living record of the history. FLOOLDZ, disasters, royal visits, funerals, elections at all levels, First Nations signing of modern treaties, plane crashes, even the own dramatic events on September 11, 2021. The Dawson city nuggets and their journey to Ottawa in 1905 to challenge for the Stanley cup. In more modern times not a single event has occurred where the star was not there to capture the scene. The Star connected Yukoners from the local to national and international events and percentages. This star has set, but local news must go on. Thank you to the many dedicated staff who made the Whitehorse Star come alive day after day. Don't let them grind you down, Mr. Speaker. >> The Speaker: The honourable member. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Canada came to oakville last week when the junior A championship was hosted at 16 mile arena by the town of Oakville and the Oakville Blades. Fans came out to seal their favorite teams battle it out for the 2024 centennial cup. The tournament significantly benefitted oak Ville's driving economy. I attended the thrilling final game when the Callingwood blues meat the Melfort mustangs 1-0 to win the 2024 centennial cup. Congratulations to Callingwood on their national championship win and to the Calgary Canucks Jillian Gervais who won the most valuable player. 16 mile arena is the only venue in Canada that's hosted major national events for hockey Canada, skate Canada and curling Canada. Huge thanks to Todd Carey, manager of the 16 mile sports complex, Jamie Angus and the team for another successful event. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable member. >> After nine years of this NDP-Liberal Government, more Canadians are hungry and homeless. The latest Salvation Army report reveals 68% Canadians now rely on discounted food and 44% have to cut their grocery bills just the make end meet. 40% are forced to buy less nutritious food due to costs while 26% can't afford GROESH reels. That same report now says that one in four young adults are relying on food banks. The Calgary food bank report says 44% of their users are feeling worse off than they did last year. With so many empty stomachs and families continuing to struggle to get affordable food on to their tables, what is the NDP-Liberal Government's solution? Government greed. More tax on tax. Now, the residents of Calgary-Sheppard know this Prime Minister is just not worth the cost and what they want is a common sense Conservative government and they want it now. A government that will axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget and stop the crime. Let's bring it home, Mr. Speaker. [Some Applause] [Speaking French] voice voice. >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable member. [End of Interpretation] >> Minimum riding provides the resting space for military service memberses and their immediate families. It's also a valued space for the community to regularly gather to honour those that have served and fought for Canada.

[Speaking French] >> (Voice of the Interpreter): On Sunday, veterans' families and many others will gather in the company of the French ambassador to Canada. Together they'll celebrate the 80th anniversary of D day, which was a decisive turning point in the Second World War made possible by the courageous participation of Canadian soldiers. [End of Interpretation] I invite anyone in the area to attend the ceremony. It is my hope that the government will soon be able to assume ownership of the field of honour and aconsidered it official status as a national military cemetery. [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable member. >> Mr. Speaker, after nine years of this Liberal-NDP Prime Minister, more Canadians than ever are hungry and homeless T government recently promised to end chronic homelessness in Canada by 2030. But according to the parliamentary budget officer, chronic homelessness is up 38% under the Liberals watch and 80% of homeless individuals in this country are homeless purely because of affordability reasons. The parliamentary budget officer's findings may come as a surprise to this out of touch government, but they come as no surprise to ordinary Canadians. More and more young people are unable to move out of their parents basements, and those who do often finds themselves turning to food banks just to make ends meet. This is the reality of nine years of the Liberalses and their NDP coalition partners. Everything is broken and we need a new Conservative government to clean up the mess. [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable member for King Vaughan. >> Mr. Speaker, a D-. That's what the NDP-Liberal Government scored in the 2024 food bank Canada report card. A D-. A failing grade. A failing government. Poverty and food insecurity continues to climb. The food bank that services 26 municipalities in the GTA reported an increase of 36% visits by seniors. In the month of April they serviced 60,000 families. A jump from 29,000 in February. This is shameful. Seniors need help. Canadians need help. But this Prime Minister is not listening. If your children came home with a D-any parent would hold them accountable. This NDP-Liberal Government needs to be held account canable. This Prime Minister is just not worth the cost. Listen to Canadians. Get out of the way and let Conservatives fix what you have broken! [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: Just a reminder -- I need to remind honourable members to run that through the chair. I feel ashamed. The honourable member. >> Yesterday the U.N. voted to establish the U.N. national day of reflection and commemoration of the 1995 genocide. 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boils were taken from CERB forces from a safe zone, shot and buried in mass graves. After years of pain staking documentation in 2004 and 2007, it was ruled as genocide. 25 years ago I was working and every morning I passed the mothers holding photos of their lost sons, begging us for justice. Like one mother who searched all of the mass graves for the red rubber BOOLTS her little boy was wearing on that day. Those faces haunt medical still. I hope that by commemorating these atrocities it will bring some peace and some healing. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. [Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable member for Winnipeg Centre. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Many youth in Winnipeg Centre face unimaginable hurdles to success. We have among the highest rate of child poverty in the country. At almost 40%. But Winnipeg's front line organizations are leading the way and rising to this challenge. This includes resource assistance for youth incorporated, otherwise known as RAY that provides support services and training programs to youth who are most marginalized by systems. Such as the level up and work placement program that's empowered 775 youth to join labour markets or post secondary education. But funding delays by the Liberal Government are putting this program at risk, forcing layoffs for 12 staff members and eliminating services for 80 youth at-risk. Lives are on the line. If we fail to get this funding

in our community. All young people deserve opportunities to thrive. And the Liberals must end funding delays and give RAY the resources it needs to empower Winnipeg's youth. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. [Speaking French] >> (Voice of the Interpreter): The honourable member for Drummond. Mr. Speaker, Drummond has been on cloud 9 ever since we won the Quebec major junior hockey league's president's cup in four games in front of ecstatic fans at a packed stadium. We were treated to some truly brilliant performances. First there was the unstoppable goalie, Riley Mercer, who frustrated opponents with his incredible performances throughout the playoffs. Then in the running for the Canadian hockey league defenceman of the year. And then there's Ethan Gauthier, a young player from drum NLDZ, the third member of his family to wear the rouge uniform after his father and will brother. Ethan was the team's top scorer and second in the entire league. He kept us on the edge of our seats all season and we'll continue to be on the edge of our seats thanks to him for a long time I'm sure. 2024 will go down in Drummondville history forever. They'll be playing in the memorial cup this weekend and this time all of Quebec stands behind them. We're ready to win two trophies in a row! [Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable member. >> Food inflation has resist reason to 40-year high and food banks across the country are seeing record demand. Canadians that once donated to their local food banks are now standing in line for help. People are skipping meals because they can't afford three meals per day. It's a sad, sad story. But this is the record of the sell out NDP leader. Since he joined the Liberal Government, life has gotten more expensive. Maybe it because his brother is a top lobbyist for metro. Maybe it because he sold out our farmers and working class Canadians by repeatedly raising taxes on them. Either way, we know he the only thing that the NDP leader is looking out for is his own pension. Canadians in southern and northern Ontario, Hamilton, Edmonton and British Columbia are turning their backs on the NDP and turning towards common sense conservatives in record numbers. Conservatives represent a return to normal where hard work is rewarded and not just for those that drive a BMW or wear a Rolex. Conservatives are going to bring it home. [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: The honourable member for Brampton East. >> Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise today in honour of nurses week to recognize and honour the incredible contribution of nurses who are true heros of our medical system. The theme of this year's nurses week was changing lives and shaping tomorrow. And this statement is certainly true. Nurses play a critical role in our health care system and in the future of our health. They are often the first point for contact for patients, providing compassionate care, emotional support and expert medical treatment directly impacting their lives. I would like to especially celebrate the incredible nurses of my riding of Brampton east who are part of the team at BRAFRPT P civic hospital and medical offices across Brampton and acknowledge all their hard work and dedication. To all the nurses and health care heros across the country, thank you for your unwavering commitment and service. Your efforts do not go unnoticed and we're deeply grateful for everything you do to keep our community healthy. [Some Applause] >> The Speaker: Oral questions. The honourable member for Halderman-Norfolk. [Some Applause] >> After nine years, this NDP-Liberal Government is just not worth the cost of homelessness and hunger that Canadians are facing. Even Canadians who own their own homes are worried that they will become homeless when they have to renew their mortgages at much higher interest rates. Some payments will even triple according to a new report. When will this government reign in their inflationary spending so more Canadians don't have to worry about homelessness? >> The Speaker: The honourable parliamentary secretary. >> It certainly well known groceries are a problem people are facing around the world. Price inflation in Canada, there's some good news that just came in with a report that shows food price inflation is in fact coming down in Canada. It's down from the month before. That's certainly encouraging news for Canadians, but it's cold comfort for sure. We're actually addressing the root causes of the issue by increasing competition in the marketplace and investing in a school food program. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. >> Grocery prices have actually gone up under this NDP-Liberal Government and now Canadians are facing hunger and homelessness

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