
CKY - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #6

>> It suggests provinces may poverty reduction a priority, invest in housing in look at disability in social assistance rates. >> Something harvest manitoba also believes would go a long way towards fixing the problem. There's a whole range of policy options out there. >> That are going to improve people's lives, including getting more income into their pockets. >> Housing, homelessness and addictions minister bernadette smith says her government is committed to raising people out of poverty. She points to the extreme heat million dollars that her government has added to rent assistance and says that her government is very focused on making housing affordable and adding wraparound supports that will help people raise themselves out of poverty. All right, thanks for this john. >> A retired rcmp officer convicted twice of sexually assaulting a 9 year-old girl in 2014 has lost his chance for a 3rd trial on the charges. Robert dowd was charged following an incident at a september 2014 bonfire in the interlake. A girl who was 9 at the time of the incident and cannot be identified claimed he touched her inappropriately. Dowd was tried and convicted in 2017 and sentenced to one year in custody. But he appealed in 2019. A new trial was ordered in 2021, where he was convicted for a second time and he appealed the decision again. According to a decision issued may, 16,000 people for a 3rd trial was dismissed, keeping his sentence of 12 months in custody intact. Ctv news winnipeg has reached out to douse lawyer to see if he will appeal this ruling. A non-profit organization working with inner city youth is at risk tonight, resource assistance for youth also known as ray says the delay in federal funding could be a death blow for one of its programs as well as some staff live tonight to explain ctv's daniel halmarson daniel will program is at risk. >> Maralee the level up program helps a youth looking to enter the workforce and it seemed plenty of success since 2018. More than 775 young people have completed the program. That does come at a cost the race as it applied for a multi-million dollar grant through the federal government back in november. But it still hasn't gotten a response. >> Jobs in programming at west broadway's resource assistance for youth are at risk of getting caught. We want to make sure that our participants, that access rate. >> Has the ability to continue with this program. They're asking about when we can reopen every day. The program is called re provides paid training to inner city youth and prepares them to enter the workforce level up include 7 weeks of in-class education and a 16 week work placement. It also helps young people learn valuable life skills to support people to have a positive community around them. >> So that not only are they good employees, but they're also excellent community members. However, lengthy delay in federal funding means to non profit organization may be forced to lay off a dozen staff members and potentially acts the program. Originally, we were told he would be hearing back at the end of april, early which we plan for financially as an organization. >> So now we are at months. Evan bray's interim executive director says they've received millions of dollars through the federal youth employment and skills strategy grant since 2018. However, funding for the current grant ended on march 31st. The organization has been pulling money from other areas. We have made the choice to tighten our belts with that, so we can keep the staffing, keep programming reading for all for all of our departments. Karen berg says they've been in contact with federal partners have learned the delays due to more organizations applying for the grants this time around. But winnipeg centre mp leah goods and says young people in this neighbourhood can't afford to lose these types of services. Used dot come to race for stability. >> Are now in a position where their sense of sir build stability is being impacted. >> Because of the failure of the federal government to provide timely responses about funding for these critical programs. >> Rays karen burgess says all this uncertainty is taking its toll on staff and the youth to access these programs. But she does say everyone is working hard to keep things afloat. The next level up program is expected to start or supposed to start on june 1st. >> Daniel, any word from the feds about this delay? >> Maralee, a spokesperson employment and social development. Canada says it received more than 1000 proposals this year. It is still assessing those with funding decision is expected soon, however, because that high volume, it says that not all eligible projects will receive funding. >> All right, thanks to this daniel. The manitoba government has partially walked back a

funding cut to a program which fun summer jobs for teens and young adults. Municipal relations minister ian bushie says the province will add $300,000 to the green team program, which helps nonprofit municipalities hire young people over the summer. She says the decision was made after hearing directly from some of the affected organizations. The ndp government is facing criticism for reducing green team funding this year by 4 million dollars. And pei is opening a hail damage estimating centre following a surge in claims more than 1150 claims have been made over the last week. The new temporary centre will open at mpi's physical damage centre in winnipeg next week. It will be open monday to friday and have 70 appointments available each day. Mpi will reach out to customers who've opened to hail claim, but haven't yet had an estimate appointment customers who have been waiting the longest will be contacted first. All right, let's check in with taylor brock. Now get a first look at your skywatch evening forecast when he tracking for us tonight. Taylor. >> Well, here in winnipeg and a whole lot overnight. We will be seeing our sky low clouds returning tomorrow, a cooler week as well, although by the end of the week, we will be getting some heavy rain here in winnipeg and the red river valley. We'll chat more about that later. Coming up in your skywatch forecast. And we did have a rainfall warning in store for ontario today. Now that just ended, including in dryden, where was hanging along. We are seeing the overnight showers will continue again. We'll chat more about this coming up in your skywatch forecast. Along with that, the rain expected here in winnipeg. Speaking of winnipeg downtown. It is cloudy right now. 15 degrees pressure is rising in humidity is at 63%. >> After years of drought, moisture levels are looking good and in some cases, even excessive for manitoba farmers. That is according to the province's latest crop report, which says seeding is a poll. 47% complete, which is slightly behind the five-year average. Notably, the interlake region is only at 30% due to recent rains and other regions had to slow or pause seating in the past week because of all the rain and hail. For livestock. The report says creeks goats are mostly filled to capacity and grasses and 4 inches are coming in nicely. A plan to modernize part of never bills water system has been flushed impacted residents currently using well, water overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to install and connect a new water mains. The town says it would have improved water quality and fire response. But as ctv's jeff keele shows you council decided not to move ahead as homeowners felt they were being soaked for thousands of dollars. >> Trevor lori says there is nothing wrong with the water he gets from as well, which flows into his niverville home while one, it's the I have a lot of filters on there. So you can't even tell that its well water, it's, it's case fine. Now he and other homeowners are sending a plan to switch to town water down the drain. I've talked to a few the neighbours and I was like. >> What do you guys to your late for? Yeah, I don't think that all of that should be on the homeowner. >> 3 million dollar grant from the province would cover half the price to put water mains in the older area of niverville where people rely on well, water now the town says the rest of the costs would be on those homeowners between 500 and $12,000 over 10 years, depending on lot sizes. And if those residents want to then hook up to the water main, another bill ranging from 3500 to $25,000. The town says the average property cost for both is around $19,000. Plus, there would be a quarterly waterville reasoning behind it. I'm not too sure. >> The reason why. I think it's more about a cash grab that offer. >> That came through, it's just. Highly expensive. >> Because of the price tag, the survey was done. And of the 700 impacted homeowners half responded and nearly 80% of them said no. So the town council is not moving ahead with the water mains. Sta. >> Proper thing to do and so it it was a the singer is process to come to come up and saying we're not going to do this project at this time. But the town says there are benefits to installing and connecting to a water main. >> Safe drinking water improve quality end. The addition of fire hydrants in this neighbourhood has actually a real benefit when it comes to firefighting in this community. And there is that 3 million dollars from the province that won't be there forever. >> The town has it until 2026, if it wants to dive into this again. >> Jeff keele, ctv news. Niverville. >> Niverville deputy mayor chris wiebe says council likely won't revisit the water main issue until next year. What a big city councillors have voted to remove a member of the police board for what's being characterized as and ethics breach. But kyle mason tells ctv he resigned weeks ago and

the move is a formality. The city's executive policy committee voted in favour of removing mason and appointing calling mayor in his spot. Neither the mayor or police board chair markus chambers would elaborate on what the alleged ethics breach was. However, mason says he was ticketed over the winter for inadvertently driving without insurance. He says it was technically an ethics code violation. After some consideration, he decided to resign a few weeks ago on the city's website, mason is described as an award-winning indigenous later consultant and speaker and the founder of the north end family centre. The public service is recommending the city trim several parking spots along burrows avenue over safety concerns, despite an outcry from residents. The city has been trying to figure out how to cut down on a disproportionate number of t-bone collisions on the road between main street and mcphillips street. The public service concluded crossing burrows would be safer if cars were not allowed to park within 50 metres of the and signalled intersections, giving people a clear view of oncoming traffic after a review. It's now recommending the city cut 33 parking spots along the street. The public service says 110 right angle collisions happened on that stretch of girls between 2016 2020, about two-thirds of which has resulted in injury. Councillors will discuss the proposal next week. You could soon be letting it roll down the disraeli overpass. Mynarski ward councillor ross eadie has put forward a motion to give a portion of the freeway. The honorary title. Bachman turner overdrive, 80's motion says randy backman and bto of helped winnipeg on the map and the move. We'll pay tribute to that legacy if it's approved, the city would organize an official renaming ceremony. Still to come tonight, manitoba's worst roads reveal. >> What we're seeing is a bit of a trend for these, a usual suspect. >> We've got your top 10 worst roads list who took the dubious honour of top spot this year, both inside and outside the city of winnipeg. Plus, a taste of home in texas. We take you on a tour of the houston restaurant dishi Now with draws Tuesdays andFridays. Watch out! Contact with overhead powerlines and poles is a safety hazard. know the height, and width of your equipment and choose a safe route. Safety it's in your hands. Beautiful!Minnesota gold right there!Nice Katie! Love it. We're from the Carolinas and always wanted tocome to Minnesota. I'm so hungry and readyfor some good food. It's kind of build yourown adventure here. Wow! 10/10 recommend. Your mouth, yourteeth and your gumsare amongyour most valuable assets, helping you chew and digestfood, talk and speak clearly. And of course, providing a healthy smile when taken care of, they can last you a lifetime. So doesn't your mouth deserve the best possible care? The Manitoba Dental Association is the regulatory body for Manitoba dentists and registered dental assistants. We care aboutyou and your oral health. She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. You see what I see. It's just so bold and exciting. Everybody wants to talk about it. A new episode of grey's anatomy on ctv. . Messi magic once again Oh Canada!! their time has come The stage is set And it is spectacular!! Taking a look at the markets tonight, crude oil dropped a $1.9 a barrel. The canadian dollar fell slightly, but still trading for $0.73. U.S. gold lost $33. The tsx fell 121 points. The dow dropped 201 points while the nasdaq closed down. 31 points. Pothole problems and alligator cracking are just some of the reasons I'm brandon street has been named manitoba's worst road. Caa, manitoba released its 2024 worst roads list today. And brandon's 18th street takes top spot. The road first made it onto the list in 2022 and has since climbed its way right to the top spot. Coming in second was another repeat offender winnipeg's leila avenue. Caa says the street is notorious for its hard to miss potholes, which have damaged many vehicles and cost drivers thousands of

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