
CKY - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

Santa Lucia Pizza is adapting. Of course, you can still enjoy all of your usual favorites. But now Santa Lucia has added new options. Gluten free, vegetarian, keto and fully vegan options are all available on their extensive plant based menu. They say the only constant is change and Santa Lucia is keeping pace. But one thing that never changes the quality you've come to expect Santa Lucia Pizza. Making great food even better. Announcer: Pure Country 101, Brandon's country music station. Maybe next time he'll think Announcer: Pure access to the biggest stars and the hottest songs. Soon as I get out here Announcer: Download the free iHeartRadio app to listen to Pure Country everywhere. Don't pay to haul awayyour old working fridge or freezer. Efficiency Manitoba will pick up recycle, and pay you 30 dollars for it. Book your pick up at today >> Women's clothing provided by our w in company. So on services provided by essentique spa salon. >> Ctv sky watch weather brought to you by shell beach casino and resort where membership has its part. >> Alright, taylor brooks back now with your skywatch evening forecast. A lot of cloud hanging out tonight. Are we in for any more rain? No, we aren't maralee. And we actually could start to see those clouds, at least here in winnipeg. Clear out overnight. >> Although I'll caution you that will return. And speaking of the rain, we are still going to be seeing quite a bit fall in ontario. We actually just see this rainfall where rainfall warning has ended for dryden. Earlier, we were expecting anywhere from 50 to 70 millimetres of rain falling. While that warning has ended, we are still expecting showers overnight throughout this particular area. Now taking a look over on thursday, there's potential for some scattered showers tomorrow throughout the southern portion of manitoba, although that is a very low chance of that now, although let's keep an eye on the south because as you can see very early friday morning, we're going to see here in the red river valley potential for some very heavy rain start just a little more to the side. As you can see, it is going to push even further north, further north and even intensify as the day goes on. So really friday, I would make sure that you've got your lawn furniture already packed away because this is going to be a very wet start to the weekend. Taking a look at current temperatures will move to the side here. So folks can check that out. It is currently 8 degrees in kenora, 15 degrees in winnipeg, 7 in swan river, 10 in lynn lake churchill is 0 degrees right now for this area. Overnight. Taking a look 5 degrees is the coldest will get as that sky clears a little windy overnight tomorrow morning, we'll start off with some gusts of up to 40 kilometres an hour with some and cloud all well as the day goes on rocks in the sea lesson taking a look at our long-range forecast. As mentioned friday, a lot of rain we are expecting as we saw on the map earlier, heavy rain will fall throughout the day. That's going continue on saturday as well, with some cloud hanging around really to start off next week, although temperatures will warm up on tuesday with 20 2 degrees. Taking a look at our skywatch pick of the day. This first one comes to us. Thanks to bill of well, what if you keys and tying the weather here in winnipeg and this one that karen sanitizes up her dog. Bob taking a stroll around portage la prairie. You can send your weather photos to >> Ctv skywatch pick of the day is brought to you by truck time and capital ford. Lincoln. >> A toronto blue jays fan is getting her own custom baseball card after a scary looking injury. Take a look. Liz mcguire posted this picture of herself with a massive welt on her forehead and a black eye. She was hit by 110 mile per hour foul ball at last friday's game. And somehow she managed to. Hang in there. Keep watching that game right to the end. The jays also rewarded her with a signed baseball and tickets to a future ball game. >> The real question is, is she going to go back like oh, well, she stay to the end of the game. So yeah, I think she's she's a real fact, she's she's going to back, may be paying closer attention to that where the ball as bad maybe, you know, those foul.

alright ctv national with sandie rinaldo starts right now that we hope to see you back here for ctv [ ] >>> Thanks for joining us. Here are some of the stories we have for you right now. >>> New support for a palestinian state. >>> I'm confident that further countries will join us in taking this important step. >> Merella: but no change yet from canada. >>> They're criminals. You cannot trust them. >> Merella: london drugs says no to paying a ransom demanded by hackers. >>> I don't necessarily think he would like it. I think that he -- I think he would be surprised, you know? >> Merella: and the legal threats made over the movie about donald trump. >>> That's me, my face. They got the headband. >> Merella: plus a new dahl designed for soccer star christine sinclair. >> Announcer: "ctv national news" with sandie rinaldo. >> Merella: I'm merella fernandez in for sandie. >>> Three european countries announced today they will recognize a palestinian state. The move by ireland, norway, and spain seen as dim bollic. But it sends another message to israel -- symbolic. The israeli foreign minister responded saying the message is that terrorism pays. It may also put pressure on canada which abstained from an earlier U.N. vote to allow a state of palestine to join the united nations. Ctv's annie bergeron-oliver tonight with an update on the diplomacy and the conflict. >>> Humanitarian aid groups in gaza are issuing a dire warning. Supplies and personnel are running so low the U.N. agency for palestinian refugees has suspended food aid operations in rafah. >> The situation is absolutely catastrophic. Children who are at the very brink of famine are now closer than they've probably ever been so this catastrophic situation. >> Reporter: the worsening humanitarian crisis in gaza comes more than seven months since the war began after hamas attacked israel taking more than 200 hostages. Today a heart breaking new video shows the moments after five young women were taken hostage. This woman's 19-year-old daughter daniela is one of them. >> It's not a very easy thing to see -- to see your daughter and this terrified look. >> Reporter: the ongoing conflict and the devastation it's caused has prompted spain, norway, and ireland to recognize a palestinian state. >> Our decision to recognize palestine should not have to wait indefinitely. Especially when it is the right thing to do. >> Reporter: already, though, the decision has sparked swift condemnation from israel which has ordered the immediate recall of its ambassadors from those three countries. >> Israel claims that this is a reward to hamas. And I suggest that it is not a reward to hamas who has no interest in two states, has no interest in the continuation of israel's existence. It's a reward to moderates in the palestinian authority. >> Reporter: the move comes after 143 countries voted in support of palestinian membership at the united nations, something only states are granted. Canada abstained from that vote. >> [ Shouting ] >> Reporter: canada has maintained its support for a two-state solution where the palestinian state is only recognized as part of a long-term political solution. >> Canada's long-standing position has been to support, to call for a two-state solution. That's the pass TOst laking peace in the middle east -- pass to lasting peace. >> Reporter: the recognition by the three european countries is historic, but largely symbolic. Their formal declarations, merella, will happen next tuesday. >> Merella: ctv's annie bergeron-oliver in ottawa.

>>> So in the past four days there have been five homicides in montreal. Just last night, three people killed in a brawl and one of them was only 15 years old. Ctv's genevieve beauchemin joins us now. Gen, are these incidents connected at all? What more are police saying about the violence? >> Reporter: yes, merella, and what's so startling to police is so many of these murders are unrelated to gang violence, including the one is that happened right here, the triple murder that unfolded in front of so many people in their apartments -- one that happened. >> Reporter: on tuesday night, around 15 people were involved in a violent brawl in the alley. When it was over, three people had been stabbed to death, including a 15-year-old boy. A classmate said the school principal broke the news to students. >> [ Speaking French ] >> Reporter: "he told us he'd been killed in a fight," she says. "many of us burst into stares." police suspect a -- tears -- a personal conflict escalated into devastating violence. >> [ Speaking French ] >> Reporter: the father of one of the victims says he can't understand how this could have led to three families losing a son. In the past 10 days, montreal police have responded to seven homicides. One victim was killed with a firearm, five of the others stabbed. >> It's very difficult to say something about the knife. That's more teenager or person. The organized crime take more firearms. That's where we are. >> Reporter: montreal has a low murder rate compared to other big cities throughout canada and north america. For instance, in 2022, montreal had fewer murders per 100,000 inhabitants than winnipeg, vancouver, halifax, and toronto. And past spikes of violence here were most often related to turf wars over the control of the drug trade. Since last year, montreal police have cracked down on gun crimes, but several of the recent murders seem to be based on personal conflict including a fight between neighbours over music and last night's ball. Now, police are trying to pinpoint exactly what happened. They have a lot of surveillance videos, good quality ones to go through to determine exactly who was here at the time. Merella. >> Merella: ctv's genevieve beauchemin.

>>> So interpol investigators say hundreds of vehicles stolen from canadians are being found around the world. The international police agency says more than 1500 vehicles have been discovered since february and that's when rcmp began sharing data with the agency. Interpol collects information from 137 countries and now ranks canada among the 10 ward places in the would recall for car theft. 10 worst -- they say they are often shipped to africa and the middle east. >> Reporter: we are hearing from the passengers on board the singapore flight that hit some terrible turbulence. One person was killed in the incident. The travellers describe a scene of sheer terror in the cabin when the plane took a sudden dive. >> People flung across the aisle just like -- like, going completely horizontal hitting the ceiling and landing back down in, like, really awkward positions. People, like, getting massive gashes in their head. >> Merella: the london to singapore flight was carrying more than 200 passengers including two canadians. It was diverted to a bangkok airport. >>> London drugs confirmed cyber criminals are after a ransom after hacking into their system. They're demanding $25 million, which the company says it can't pay. Ctv's bc bureau chief andrew johnson is on the story. Andrew, the company says it can't pay, so how is it going to deal with this? >> Reporter: well, merella, the company is bracing for whatever was accessed to be released and offering to help employees protect themselves. As shoppers come and go from the department stores today, all is not well behind the scenes. London drugs is confirming a scenario it calls deeply distressing. The company is being held ransom by what it calls a sophisticated group of global cyber criminals. The retailer says in a statement, "we acknowledge these criminals may leak stolen london drugs corporate files, some of which may contain employee information on the dark web." experts are identifying the criminal group as lock bit. >> This retailer in canada, which is not the biggest organization in the planet, was up against one of the most sophisticated criminal gangs ever basing out of russia. >> Reporter: in a post, lock bit says it will release data stolen from london drugs in 48 hours. If the company does not pay $25 million. The leaked data is not believed to include patient or customer information. >> They have posted stuff before. They have also lied through their teeth about what day at that they have. They're criminals. You cannot trust them. They've tried to bluff their way through like some evil bond villain in a poker gang. >> Reporter: the original attack forced london drugs to close all 79 stores for about 10 days, among the longest retail outages due to a sighter attack in canadian history. Lock bit is believed to have extorted more than $100 million from thousands of victims including hospitals, schools, and global companies. London drugs is offering employees two years of identity theft protection in the case this is no bluff. Merella. >> Merella: all right. Ctv's andrew johnson.

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