
CKY - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

let me step in and assure you that my research will go on uninterrupted and that social relationships will continue to baffle and repulse me. Thank you. [crowd applauding] - He's back. - Yeah. Mission accomplished. Forget the mission. How did that little yutz get a girl on his own? I guess times have changed since we were young. Smart is the new sexy. Then why do we go home alone every night? We're still smart. Maybe we're too smart. So smart it's off-putting. Yeah, let's go with that. Every morning is a chance to start fresh... With Wendy's new Sausage Bacon Deluxe And our fan favorite crispy seasoned potatoes Get both for just five dollars. Made fresh to order. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Did you know most dish soaps don't remove all the grease, even with scrubbing? Not mine. These are clean. How 'bout we take a closer look... Whaaat? I just cleaned those! Switch to Dawn Platinum. It powers through and removes 99% of grease and food residue. Including stubborn, invisible grease other dish soaps can leave behind. Now, that's... clean! That's why only Dawn is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. Dawn Platinum cleans to the squeak. I find it hard to believe you don't know I've gotta go, okay? Bye. The beauty you are Mom? ( ) -Thanks. -Yeah. ( ) 'Cause I see you ( ) I'll be your mirror You were made to dream about it for years. We were made to help you book it in minutes. Your mouth, yourteeth and your gumsare amongyour most valuable assets, helping you chew and digestfood, talk and speak clearly. And of course, providing a healthy smile when taken care of, they can last you a lifetime. So doesn't your mouth deserve the best possible care? The Manitoba Dental Association is the regulatory body for Manitoba dentists and registered dental assistants. We care aboutyou and your oral health. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at Dig safe! Building a fence, planting trees, adding a sprinkler system? Click before you dig to have underground natural gas and electrical lines located. Safety, it's in your hands. TOMORROW: FROM RESEARCH TO RESCUE.THE GROUP PLACING DOGS IN HOME AFTER STUDY. AND WE'LL LEARN MORE ABOUT KENDRA'S WALK AND THE SUPPORT IT PROVIDES TO TEENS WITH CANCER. PLUS NEWS WEATHER AND TRAFFIC IT'S EVERYTHING YOU NEED CTV MORNING LIVE TOMORROW Closed captioning of this program is brought to you in part by Chip reverse mortgage from Home Equity bank. Learn more at and retire in the home you love. Unbelievable. Components I built are on the International Space Station and I get a ticket for launching a model rocket in the park. I don't know if the ticket was so much for the launch as it was for you telling the policewoman "You have to frisk me. I have another rocket in my pants." Hey, look at that. [guitar music] (Raj) 'It's Dennis Kim.' Oh, I almost didn't recognize him. You know, I kind of feel bad about what we did to him. Yeah, we really ruined his life. Screw him. He was weak. [theme music]

>> I merrily caruso. It's wednesday may 22nd today and inner city nonprofit faces tough decisions with a lack of federal funds. This potential loss will have a significant impact on the youth. We serve what's on the chopping block as a youth organization faces an uncertain financial future. Also today, a winnipeg killers, jailhouse letters introduced to court. I look at jeremy skibicki's hand writing notes to an inmate on the coast and taking care of business, which iconic winnipeg band could get a bridge named after them. Good afternoon and thanks for joining us. >> A resource centre aimed at lifting young people in winnipeg score out of poverty is in limbo today for months. Resource assistance for youth, also known as ray has been waiting to hear if the federal funding it has come to rely on will come through again. And that uncertainty means the organization is facing layoffs and a reduction in services. Standing by live in studio with the details is ctv's katherine dow catherine, just how dire is this financial situation? >> Well, maralee the organization says its previous funding ran out at the end of march as a result, one of its programs is on the chopping block. That program is level up, which provides job training for inner city youth. Since 2018 re received millions in federal dollars through the federal youth employment and skills strategy fund. The non-profit submitted an application to review that funding in november. 20 to 23 months later. It is still not heard back. >> This potential loss will have a significant impact on the youth we serve as many of their next steps in their own personal goals being financial independence and being a part of winnipeg's labour market. In addition to this, the level up program is successfully working with over 100 employers who may experience significant losses within their own businesses, if they can no longer higher rate use with the support of this program. >> And if that funding doesn't come through a dozen staff members could also be laid off. Katherine, do we know what's behind this delay in funding? We'll raise interim executive director says the organization has been in regular contact with the feds over this funding and have been told the delays due to a high volume of applicants. Ctv's daniel halmarson is working on this story. He'll have more on what the federal government has to say about this delay. That's just ahead at 6 o'clock. All right, thanks for this katherine. You're welcome. Crown prosecutors have finished calling evidence in the trial of admitted serial killer jeremy scott its game. >> They presented 9 letters between skip its key and an inmate in nova scotia. But their content was not read in court in the midst of its key describe spending time in segregation. The fact he would be mounting a not criminally responsible defence and his perception, he would not be able to get a fair trial by jury. He was also pursuing a romantic relationship with the woman and discussed getting married to her. The trial is to resume june 3rd with defence lawyers calling an expert to testify about skip its key state of mind at the time of the killings. Ctv's alexander hollick continues our coverage of the trial today and we'll take a closer look at those letters introduced tonight at 6 o'clock. A retired rcmp officer convicted twice of sexually assaulting a 9 year-old girl in 2014 has lost his chance for a 3rd trial on the charges. Robert dowd was charged following an incident at a september 2014 bonfire in the interlake. A girl who was 9 at the time of the incident and cannot be identified. Claims he touched her inappropriately. Dowd was tried and convicted in 2017 and sentenced to one year in custody, but appealed in 2019. A new trial was ordered in 2021, where he was convicted for a second time. He and he appealed that decision once again. Now, according to a decision issued may 16th doubts appeal for a 3rd trial was dismissed, keeping his sentence of 12 months in custody intact. Ctv news winnipeg has reached out to doubts lawyer to see if he will appeal this ruling. And 18 year-old who was shot at the red river ex 2 years ago, has filed a lawsuit. The man who was 16 at the time of the shooting in june of 2022 is suing the red river exhibition association, north american midway entertainment, canada co and to employers who operated a booth at the fair. The lawsuit says he was taking a break from the booth as he was working at what he was approached by a gang and believed one of them had a gun. The man says he told his employer but was told not to worry about it. And to go back to the station. He was shot above the hip while walking back to the booth. The lawsuit says the man has not been able to work since then in a suffered a loss of

income. The plaintiff is suing for damages and health care costs. Ctv news has reached out to red river ex for comment. North american midway says it is aware of the lawsuit, but wouldn't comment as it's before the courts. Mpi is opening a hail damage estimating centre following a surge of spring storms more than 1150 claims have been made in the last week. That's in addition to 15,000 claims made last year, followed by late august storm in winnipeg. The new temporary centre will open at mp ice physical damage centre in winnipeg next week. It will be open monday to friday and have 70 appointments available each day. Mpi will reach out to customers who have open to hail claim, but haven't yet had an estimate appointment customers have been waiting the longest will be contacted first. Winnipeg city councillors have voted to remove a member of the police board for what is being characterized as an ethics breach. But kyle mason tells ctv news he resigned weeks ago. And the move is a formality. The city's executive policy committee voted in favour of removing mason in appointing colleen mayer in his spot. Neither the mayor or police board chair markus chambers would elaborate on what the alleged ethics breach was. However, mason tells ctv news he was ticketed over the winter for inadvertently driving without insurance. He says it was technically an ethics code violation after some consideration decided to resign a few weeks ago on the city's website. Mason is described as an award-winning indigenous leader, consultant and speaker and the founder of the north end family centre. The public service is recommending the city trim several parking spots along burrows avenue over safety concerns despite an outcry from residents. The city has been trying to figure out how to cut down on a disproportionate number of t-bone collisions on the road between main street and mcphillips street. The public service concluded crossing burrows would be safer if cars weren't allowed to park within 50 metres of the on signalled intersections, giving people a clearer view of oncoming traffic after a review. It's now recommending the city cut 33 parking spots along the street. The public service says 110 right angle collisions happened on that stretch of burrows between 2016 2020. About two-thirds of which resulted in injury councillors will discuss the proposal next week. You could soon be letting it roll. It happened on the disraeli overpass, but our ski ward councillor ross eadie has put forward a motion to give a portion of the freeway. The honorary title. Bachman turner overdrive, 80's motion says randy bachman and bto of help put winnipeg on the map and this move would pay tribute to that legacy. If it's approved, the city would organize an official renaming ceremony. Pothole problems and alligator cracking are just some of the reasons of brandon street has been named manitoba's worst road. Caa, manitoba released its 2024 worst roads list today. And brandon's 18th street takes top spot. The road first made it onto the list in 2022 and has climbed its way all the with to the top coming in second was another repeat offender winnipeg's leila avenue. Caa says the street is notorious for its hard to miss potholes, which have damaged many vehicles and cost drivers thousands of dollars in repairs. What's happened some repairs from from the city had been done, although that's the stretch is that we're not repaired it all kind of hours. >> And obviously the folks you know, who depend upon lila got involved in our campaign and let their voices be heard. >> The whiteshell provincial road 307 rounded out the top 3. Caa is campaign received 486 road nominations from thousands of voters across 71 municipalities. You can read the full list on our website. Just go to All right, let's bring in taylor brock now get a first look at your skyevening forecast. What we're tracking for a side today. Taylor. >> Well, maralee as we mentioned yesterday in on the parts of ontario. We're getting quite a bit of rain. Now we're taking a look into kenora showers, although the rainfall warning has ended to the side here. Just you can see where it is still stretching. No, it includes dryden, where we're night card throughout the day today and throughout the evening, we are still expected to get quite a bit of rain that 50 to 80 millimetres is expected to continue to fall along with some very strong winds up to 70 kilometres an hour, although we aren't expecting the hail that we were earlier. So things are low starting to move a little bit out of this edge of the province, but we could be in store for quite a bit rainy here in winnipeg as the week goes on, more about that later. Right now we are seeing a cloudy sky downtown in winnipeg. 15 degrees pressure is rising in humidity is currently at 64%. >> Ctv live, I brought to you by bath fitter, bringing

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