
CKY - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 01:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

oh, wow. It's a big one, eh? It's in down. It is, yeah. [narrator]: a car carrier has gone off the road. [jamie]: this car carrier is really in there. I'm amazed it didn't flip over. Holy, man. Huh. This is gonna be difficult. [narrator]: the car carrier was headed south when the driver was cut off, swerved into the ditch, launching one of its vehicles off the top deck. [jamie]: it gets deeper and deeper as you go ahead, so we don't wanna... Lift it out that way. There's a lot of moving parts to a car carrier. A ramp could move, a car could shift. It adds another component to the whole recovery. We'll have to pull this car carrier out, back the way it came in. This is gonna be a challenge. I'm pretty confident we're gonna need three trucks to pull this out. We'll rally the troops and get on it. [narrator]: as jamie returns to assemble his team... Look at that. [narrator]: ...a familiar face is there to greet him. Oh, colin's here! Nice! Look at this, the chosen one's here! What the...? What's going on here? [laughing] Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses. Save up to $1,000 on select Appliance and tv packages. Last chance to spring into savings. Captain, the Cable Emperor has established contact. Put him through. May the lag be with you. Both: May the lag be with you. What's the status? Their ship has escaped, Your Eminence. They're just too fast. I see. Well don't worry, good things come to those who... (Static) Who what? "...who wait," captain. He's frozen again. Of course he is. Classic Cable Empire. ( ) We are person centered. We want the people that live here to decide basically everything about how they live, the choices that they get to make, the programs they want to see. Were a place where, you know, if you live here, you're running it. We didn't want to be over calendared. We wanted really to, to connect with what the community wants. Now you get to say how you want to be cared for. At McMunn and Yates, we've always believed that good neighbours make for better communities. So if you can't come to McMunn and Yates, McMunn and Yates can come to you. Just go to Browse, order and click and we'll deliver right to your door So whether it's a whole new look for your home or you're just making a few fixes, McMunn and Yates will always be there, ready to help. McMunn and Yates, make it better. What's behind the Blue Cow Logo? High Canadian Standards. Which means we meet strict requirements. ...Working with a team of experts and working towards a sustainable future. That's what this logo certifies. We're behind the Blue Cow logo. 14 top food entrepreneurs are fighting for a 250 thousand dollar prize gordon ramsay's food stars is back! Buckle up, big boy and this time it's team ramsay They need to be on their game versus team vanderpump We want to see that you can take your business to the next level I am Vanderpumped up! I'm the founder of hot drops Square Eight You are Team Vanderpump Don't I'd also like you on Team Ramsey Oh my gosh on ctv [narrator]: in hope, b.c... Look at that. [narrator]: ...jamie has a drop-in visitor... Oh, colin's here! Nice! [narrator]: ...old friend and former operator colin mclean. [colin]: I didn't have to work today, so I figured I'd run up to hope and give jamie a little bit of a surprise. [rick]: come on, colin, it's got your name on it. [narrator]: it's his first look at the brand-new peterbilt... She is a nice one, eh? [narrator]: ...jamie bought to lure him back. Pretty fancy truck here, jame. Oh, it's a nice truck. I've definitely pictured myself burning across an interstate, going down south in that truck. This was a colin truck.

it was in my heart to get you a brand-new truck. I know, I know, I know. [jamie]: he's doing a local job, driving a cement truck, and I'm confident he'll flip one over, get fired, and then I'll be able to rehire him again. [narrator]: today, to sweeten the pot... He's gonna come with us to the wreck. He could be your swamper on 126. [narrator]: ...jamie has a proposal. Really? [colin]: instead of sitting around the house, let's go up and pull this thing out of the ditch. [narrator]: for the first time in seven months... Okay, I'll grab my gear. [narrator]: ...colin agrees to put on the red coveralls. [jamie]: you can take the boy out of towing, but you can't take towing out of the boy. [narrator]: back behind the wheel of his old wrecker... [narrator]: ...colin follows jamie in hr-126... -[sighing] -[rick laughing] [narrator]: ...alongside the operator... You miss that noise, do you? [narrator]: ...who took over his truck, rick wood. [rick]: I let him drive hr-126 out to the scene. Really excited to work with colin. [narrator]: as traffic control mobilizes, three jamie davis heavies roll up to the crash site in formation. [jamie]: those are our three best trucks... But we're dealing with 25-ton wreckers here. These aren't 50-ton machines, so I think we're just evenly matched with the three trucks. [narrator]: on scene... Oh, that's not good. [narrator]: ...colin sizes up the car carrier. [colin]: well, she's in there pretty good. It's going to be pretty difficult to get this thing back up on the road. There's a lot of [bleep] money there. [rick]: it's a very expensive load. The stakes are very high with this. [narrator]: standing by... [narrator]: the carrier's driver... Jamie, yep. Oh, not too bad. [narrator]: ...unhurt, but concerned over the condition of his freight... Okay so, one, two, three, four, no damage. [jamie]: we're looking at a bunch of cars that are very high-end. Customer wants us to do whatever we can to... Don't do any more damage. This is a million-dollar load. [narrator]: ...but before they can tackle the carrier... That car there... Yeah? We're going to flip it up, and then leave it there for a minute. [narrator]: ...they need to move the only flipped car. We're gonna reverse roll it, and actually use a nylon strap around the tree as our anchor. Nice to have you out on a wreck, colin! It's nice to be out on one! Good to go? Okay. Just leave them there for now. The car we'll figure out later. [narrator]: with the car out of the way... Yeah, there's some damage to this. [narrator]: ...jamie inspects the compromised rig. The body's been damaged here, too. It's actually buckled the carrier, right here. [jamie]: I'm becoming worried about the structural integrity of the trailer. Is it possible to recover this without the trailer breaking in half? Yeah, this is a very tricky job. It's gonna be a tough one. [narrator]: back north, on the shores of carpenter lake... [narrator]: and gord have the first piece of the logging truck on its wheels. I think you're hanging up down there. Yeah, just keep pullin'. [narrator]: now the 15-ton tractor must be winched up a 60-degree slope. [al]: I'm gonna let the side puller loose. I'm just lettin' it turn, so just pull on it. [al]: gordie's pulling on the front, and I'm pulling on the back, which gives the ability to control and steer that truck up and around some of the obstacles. [gord]: here we go. [narrator]: to reach the wreck 130 feet below... Just easy on there. [narrator]: is using a thinner cable on his side puller. [al]: you gotta pay attention. I don't want to break my long winch line, and then not be able to recover the rest of the load. [narrator]: slow and steady, the tractor makes it to the top... We'll snuggle up, and we'll get it right up till we're kissing paint here.

[narrator]: ...and all lines are holding. [al]: feel your truck. Oop... [narrator]: now cresting the bank, there's no turning back. [gord]: once we get it up to the road bed, we're committed. We've gotta keep going. Lean on 'er some more. Pull on it. Okay, that's it. No more, no more. -yep. -no more. [narrator]: to make room for the wreck... How about if I pull ahead, and you bring the back end up a little bit? [al]: yup. [narrator]: ...gord needs to reposition... You got it? I think so. [narrator]: ...and al's truck must take the full weight of the tractor. [al]: there's a potential the cable could break. Snap, bang, [crunching]. [reverse alerts beeping] [al]: it would be a bad scenario. We're good. [narrator]: with gord's wrecker out of the way... We'll go with a low line, and then the tickler. Yep. [narrator]: and gord work fast... We're on. [narrator]: reset the rigging... Take a good bite. Yep. [crunching] [narrator]: ...and add a high line to force the cab the final steps onto the road. If we're pulling off the top of the boom, it's gonna give us a lifting advantage. Let's go. [narrator]: al and gord start to pull... ...but as the tractor carves through the snow, winch lines begin to slice through the icy bank. [al]: anything chafing the steel wire rope, there's a potential for cutting strands, so you don't wanna take a razor blade to a violin string. Hold it, gord! . - [Narrator] I love the versatility of eggs. They're breakfast, lunch, supper, and it's so nice to be able to go to our own barn and get a product that we've produced. Our birds get a diet that is high in calcium, to make a really hard shell, and in protein, so that they can form a bigger yolk. As soon as the eggs are picked up, they're taken to a grading station where they're put into cartons and sent to Manitoba Supermarkets. We're egg farmers, we love what we do. (gentle music) phone plans with lots of data, Virgin Plus is the obvious choice. So, is it necessary to use the selling power of adorably fluffy kittens? Is getting discounts on food, fashion and entertainment more enticing when they're in tiny costumes? Or is it cuter from them? (Cat meowing) Do we need all this to convince you? ( ) We don't. Because when you're choosing an affordable phone plan, the obvious choice is Virgin Plus. Obviously. (gentle music) - Mom! (gentle music builds) (children cheering) (gentle music) Sometimes we use the word culture and that's applicable, but it is a way of life that was taken from us and it's about bringing it back, but it's also about ensuring that our ways of traditional healing are brought into the workplace and into the lives of people and that that understanding gets embedded within everybody. That is part of it. I think that that's a huge thing when it comes to change and when it comes to the healing of people. Ram Power Days are here.The power to choose fromthe most awarded truck brand over the last five years. Like Ram Classic.As versatile as it is capable. Ram 1500, voted bestlarge pickup in Canada. Or Ram Heavy Dutywith a no-charge Cummins. And you don't pay for 90 days. The power is yours.The time is now. Get 20% off msrp on Ram Classic for up to $14,200 in discounts. Plus get 4.99% financing. From flavoredsoda to bubbly water.More Manitobans are creatingtheir own carb So when it's time to replaceyour co2 canisters and tanks

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