
CKY - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #8

and southern barbecue is also home to winnipeg chef, dishing out dozens of pro. If you pass through houston's montrose neighbourhood, you'll find real. Riley shane is on the restaurant for several years after the culinary arts graduate to the texas city in 2001 after playing and coaching in the manitoba junior hockey league in the 90's, she never dreamed of owning a restaurant, let alone serving the ukrainian food he grew up making with his grandmother. You told me >> 50 years in this sprawling metropolis machine serves a mix of manitoba favourites like vatican fro. He's as well as gulf coast inspired cuisine. He worked all over the united states, but now he settled here with work for and his customers love the fusion of the 2 cuisines you street he's been every time I come here, I want to try something new. While houston may not experience a winnipeg winter when the temperature drops, beau chene has a few more ukrainian favourites ready to serve when it or what roles. >> Despite being only one amongst thousands of restaurants here in houston. Shane says he's canadian dishes of helped carve out a niche as real. A celebrated more than 7 years since opening in 2017. He's looking forward to continuing to serve those winnipeg dishes going forward here for many houstonians. Joseph bernacki, ctv news, houston, texas. >> Also tonight, a potential new treatment for ms. >> That's why the trial is being run. Young patients to prevent further damage. >> How a diabetes drug is being re purpose, offering 14 top food entrepreneurs are fighting for a 250 thousand dollar prize gordon ramsay's food stars is back! Buckle up, big boy and this time it's team ramsay They need to be on their game versus team vanderpump We want to see that you can take your business to the next level I am Vanderpumped up! I'm the founder of hot drops Square Eight You are Team Vanderpump Don't I'd also like you on Team Ramsey Oh my gosh on ctv ( ) ( ) ( ) (Clock ticking)TYLENOL Rapid ReleaseGelcaps are scientifically designedto quickly release medicine and effectively relieve pain. Tylenol. Rapid Release. Rapid relief. It's your best chance to become a millionaire with the Tri-Hospital Dream Lottery. There's millions in prizes to win. Plus a fifty-fifty that keeps growing. Ticket deadline is midnight tomorrow. - [Narrator] At Windeck, we help you do it yourself. With a huge inventory of products ready for pickup or delivery, we can guide you in transforming your dream backyard. Visit our showroom and learn how you can do it once, do it right with Windeck. I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehe ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. Go to tri-hospital dream dot com now and take a look. So much to see and amazing odds of winning one and a quarter million dollars. So get your tickets now. You have to be tough. Here we go 19, buckle up! A new episode of station 19 thursday 10, 8 mountain on ctv >> Winnipeg's top stories, breaking news alerts and watch live download the ctv news app. >> It's what makes us human at some point, grief affects all of us. And now thanks to the largest cree survey ever conducted in canada with a better understanding of it and how to respond to it. The canadian grief alliance conducted the survey and jennifer gerke with palliative manitoba joins me now to share those findings. Jennifer, thanks for joining us. >> Well, thank you for having me this afternoon. >> First, give us an idea of what some of the most common

causes of grief are. >> Will actually the most common cause. I think that we all anticipate winds crease. It is when we have the death of someone significant in our lives. Some things that are maybe more blue. I meant less common. Excuse me, we'd be those non desk kind of losses over example, the loss of a job. The loss of the relationship, the I think, you lose or other types of losses and people will experience and need help went as as they're grieving those losses. >> So you know, my next question then is how can we respond at what is the main thing. Those dealing with greece say they want. >> People want to be heard, they want to be listens to anything they duly, they just want to be able to talk about their losses and express. The grief said they're experiencing. >> Based on your findings, is there a enough support available for those who need it? >> The storm were to based on what we're hearing and no, there actually isn't. And that's important. And it's really, you know, challenging to find both formal and informal supports. And we'd saying that despite him, the facts that ad queen all know then talking about our grief is really helpful in really beneficial. We don't often ask about another person's loss because it's uncomfortable. >> So how important is that to someone's, you process cool stuff going through the grief process. >> We grieve processing going through mean that process and that journey is, is incredibly important and being able to express the you're experiencing after the loss can be significantly helpful in. Resolving 9 for you for making that greece greece become less over time. >> I at the top of this, that this survey was the largest cree survey conducted in canada today. Can you give us an idea of the scope of just, you know, how large this is and how maybe these findings can be used moving forward. >> Yeah, absolutely. So there are approximately 40,000 people who responded to the survey, an additional 500 people who completed the survey said they wanted to be engaged in some way, shape or form moving forward with the canadian result alliance. So what this survey is going to do is it's going to inform and national action plan on implementing greece important across the country. >> All right, jennifer, thanks so much for your insight and your time. It was great speaking with you. Thank you. A new study finds daily over-the-counter fish oil supplements may increase th risk of stroke and heart issues. The U.K. biobank study analyzed data from more than 415,000 people ages 40 to 69 over an average 12 year period. Those without heart issues who regularly used fish oil supplements, sot 13% higher risk of developing atrial fibrillation and a 5% heightened risk of having a stroke. The study also noted over-the-counter fish oil suffers from a lack of purity and consistency. And old standard in the treatment of type 2 diabetes is being re purpose as a possible new treatment for multiple sclerosis. We get the details from ctv's pauline chan >> The foreman was develop some 60 years ago to treat type 2 diabetes and it's been proven to be safe. But scientists noticed another effect of the drug. If you expose neural stem cells to metformin. >> They would start making new cells, they would make you oligodendrocytes, which are the mylan dating cells of the brain. >> Making neurons and that's the premise that started. Professor city moore said thinking about metformin to treat multiple sclerosis. Ms is considered an autoimmune disease. So the exact mechanism is really just the loss of the maya lin that surrounds the axons in the brain. >> And in the spinal cord. And so then the cells can't conduct their signals. Mylan is the fatty sheath around the arms of nerve cells. Without it, the neurons to generate with ms. It affects people so differently. It's not a one size fits all type of disease. >> So many people on various symptoms for me and started initially in my legs and I was having trouble walking. Markin solace was diagnosed with ms 2 years ago and is on a medication that stops is immune system from attacking his body. And only consequence of that, though, is that without be sounds, it's very easy to get sick and you don't have that defence system. The researchers hope that early use of metformin will protect neural cells. That's why the trial is being run on patients to prevent further damage. So far through sickkids hospital. They've recruited about 15 of the 30 young adults needed. >> To test metformin for ms in clinical trials. And gonzales says he'll be watching their results with interest and hope. Pauline chan, ctv

news. >> Medical watch is brought to you a new can cost or denture clinic. >> The countdown to pride is on and a number of events are planned for this weekend. We've got your Serve a little joy in every bite. Beneful gives them big taste just for small dogs. With real veggies and chicken, salmon or lamb. It's variety your small dog is going to love. Joyful. Healthful. Beneful. Voltaren Emulgel Extra Strength contains an anti-inflammatory... ...that has the power to relieve your muscle and joint pain. It penetrates deep to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. And you can go 12 hours between applications. Voltaren. The joy of movement. The tri-hospital dream lottery summer bonus could make your dreams come true. Besides six incredible grand prize choices. The summer bonus brings you a chance to win one of two electric luxury vehicles Or 65 thousand dollars cash. Plus, the fifty-fifty draw just keeps growing. The summer bonus ticket deadline is midnight tomorrow. Go to try hospital dream dot com now in order your tickets. Don't miss out your dream of becoming a millionaire could come true. Let's all win together (lively upbeat music) - I am a proud descendant of the founders of Manitoba. - [Narrator] I am Otipemisiwak. - I come from the flower bead work people. - [Narrator] I am Bois Brules. We are the Red River Metis of the historic Northwest, who wrote the Laws of the Prairie. Only the Red River Metis have both, a historic treaty with the crown, and a modern day self-government treaty with Canada. We have come so far through adversity. We are bound together and stronger by our shared history across the Red River Metis Homeland. We are resilient. We are proud. We are strong. We are Red River Metis. (lively upbeat music) I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehe ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. Get more choice with Furniture Villa Brandsource. Top named brands including Palliser, Decor-Rest and Canadian made furniture from Handstone. Appliances by Samsung, Maytag and Whirlpool. Plus take 60 monts to pay storewide. Shop online or in person. Furniture Villa Brandsource. (Dramatic music) You hurt? No excuses. (Cheering) Light 'em up, light 'em up Light 'em up, light 'em up, light 'em up woman: Name two continents. Man: Mustard and relish. (Upbeat instrumental music) >> Spotlight sponsored by the casinos of winnipeg, presenting the incline sweet dreams of patsy cline. >> Some pride events are getting underway soon. It all gets started this friday on osborne, queer bookstore willow press will unveil a new mural and hosts a silkscreen printing workshop beginning at 5. That will be followed by a pop-up drag performances and noon sunday. You can head over to the common at the forks for a drag brunch and at the forks the following friday, you can take in a clear event and catwalk contest between the 7.11 tickets for the event and more information can be found at synonym art consultation dot com. And there is a full weekend of pride themed activities happening at assiniboine park this weekend on saturday at the zoo and sunday and belief you can take part and face painting, souvenir making or rock decorating, among other events. There's also going to be a family friendly drag performance at the least between 5 and 6:00pm sunday. The portion off a weekend admissions will be donated to sunshine house and rainbow resource centre. Graceland. The former home of elvis presley will not be hitting the auction block tomorrow. After all, a tennessee judge adjourned the sale this morning during a hearing that only lasted a few minutes. The company claimed presley's estate failed to repay a loan that listed the property as collateral presley's granddaughter riley keough inherit a the trust and ownership of the home after the death of her mother of lisa marie presley keogh filed a lawsuit alleging a deal with the company was fraudulent and her mother signature was forged. Police are probing deeper into

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