
CKY - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #7

We need to stop the fire from wipping out the entire city. ((sirens)) We're entering the belly of the beast! ((roaring fire)) This is...huge. Lead them We're 19.. Family forever. *radio* Captain..The fire is over the bridge. Only 1 episode left until the series finale cathc up on and the ctv app Life's got a way of showing you what your next move is going to be. As long as you're open to seeing it. Sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv Closed Captioning is brought to you in part by Non-Drowsy Claritin. Get fast 24-hour relief from symptoms caused by indoor and outdoor allergens. >> Take a look at the markets now crude oil is down $0.70 a barrel. The canadian dollar fell slightly trading just below $0.73. U.S. gold dropped $55 and the tsx lost 145 point. The dow plummeted 605 points and the nasdaq closed down. 65 points. The trudeau government has tabled legislation that would provide citizenship rights to some children born abroad. >> The proposed legislation will extend citizenship by descent the on the first generation in a way that is inclusive and upholds the value. >> For citizenship. If passed, the bill extends automatic citizenship to anyone who was born outside the country to canadian parent before the legislation comes into force. We also introduced amendments to respond issues raised at parliamentary committees as well as in the courts. They will restore citizenship to those we call last canadians, that could be someone who was never able to become a citizen or law citizenship because a previous and outdated legislative provisions. >> Parents born outside canada will need to have spent at least 3 years here prior to the birth or adoption of their child to pass on their canadian citizenship. Last year, the ontario superior court found the current system creates 2 classes of canadians, U.K. votto until june 19th to fix the problem. The body of a soldier from newfoundland will be coming home from france. The soldier died in battle during the first world war. His identity is unknown, but he will represent all the soldiers from that province who never made it home. Ctv's gareth barry has joined a group of canadians in france for the start of that journey. >> Preparations and practices are well underway here in beaumont hamel in the northeastern part of france for this one of a kind ceremony. Honouring, newfoundland and labrador's contribution to the first world soldiers from the royal newfoundland regiment are back in france this week. This time picking up a fallen and sister at a ceremony on saturday. These hills still hold the holes. Artillery blasts. >> Stars from a battle that never really sealed at home either. On july first, 1916 newfoundlanders were ordered over the top. He was part of the british big push and the battle of the sum. But newfoundland and labrador fought separately. It was a dominion of the british empire. Not yes, part of canada. This battle was the deadliest. The royal newfoundland regiment's history. The field was wide open and german machine guns were set on the holes in the barbed wire. The newfoundlanders had to run through within mere minutes. 324 were killed, another 386 were wounded. Some historians believe the newfoundlanders never fired a single shot. The unknown soldier is meant to represent all of newfoundland's war effort. So officials won't say where exactly he died. Whether that's in beaumont, hamel or other battlefields in the area because he's not been identified and no family has been found. These little amber premier andrew furey will serve as next can. Emotions are overwhelming. The event is overwhelming and the responsibility of being next of kin is. >> Definitively the most honourable thing that I've done as premier of this province after the remains are handed over on saturday, kenyan forces will move immediately to head back to canada and bring that soldier home for the first time in more than 100 years. Kerry ctv news in beaumont, hamel, france. >> The rcmp has made a move to symbolize its commitment to reconciliation and inclusion canada's national police force has added a traditional indigenous ribbon skirt to its classic red serge officers have also been allowed to incorporate eagle feathers and the metis sash into their uniforms. The rcmp has worked to build bridges with indigenous communities for the role it played in colonialism. In the gaza strip. Palestinian officials allege israeli forces killed at least 50 people in

attacks across the territory today. Close combat was also reported in areas of rafah. Residents say israeli tanks advanced in the city's southeast, edging towards the western district of you been a which is densely populated. They also continue to operate in 3 eastern suburbs. Israel says it has no choice but to attack attack rafah to root out the last battalions of hamas it believes are sheltering there. In ukraine. 6 civilians were killed when missile strick kharkiv today. At least 16 people were injured in the attack on the country's second largest city. Ukrainian president volodmyr zelenskyy called the attack extremely cool and expressed renewed frustration at not getting enough air defence systems from western partners. Ukrainian army is facing a difficult challenge as it tries to hold off a russian offensive. A bipartisan group of U.S. senators is urging the trudeau government to live up to canada's commitment to nato. The 23 lawmakers want to see 2% of our gdp spent on defence. The senators say if canada falls short of his commitment, it will hurt the military alliance. Their letter comes about 2 months before nato's next annual summit in washington. The event will mark its 75th anniversary. Ticketmaster and its parent company are being sued by the U.S. government. And nearly 30 states and anti-trust lawsuit was filed today. >> Our complaint makes clear what happens when a monopolist dedicates its resources. 2 entrenching its monopoly power and insulating itself from competition rather than investing in better products and services. We allege that live nation has a legally monopolize markets across the live concert industry in the united states for far too long. It is time to break it up. >> The justice department accuses live nation of using a number of tactics. This includes alleged threats in retaliation to stifle the competition by controlling virtually every aspect of the industry. The company says it will defend itself against what it calls baseless allegations. Well, it's official toronto will be home to a new w nba franchise beginning in 2026. The team will be the first outside of the U.S. as the league looks to expand its footprint. Ctv's mike walker has the details. Toronto. Welcome to the debate. >> After much anticipation, it's official. The wnba is coming to toronto. This team is canada's team kilmer sports ventures led by larry tanenbaum has been awarded the week's 14th franchise. 10. A mom who's also the chairman and minority owner, maple leaf sports and entertainment paid 115 million dollars us for the team. >> Our team will complete the pathway for women in this country. >> They can see that the sport they play as girls. And as women, it's just as important and worth investing in. >> Toronto has been on the wnba is radar since the raptors. 2019 championship run last year. The week sold-out scotiabank arena for a pre-season game by attended our toronto game >> Lots of people coming up to me and saying thank you for making my dreams come true by bringing in wnba king here. That's when I knew this is the right place as we're thinking about expansions starting in 2026. The team's home court will be at the 8700 see coca cola coliseum with occasional games played at scotiabank arena and in montreal and vancouver. We want to use this team to elevate tree suresh, who has spent a decade with the raptors serving as vice president of operations and player development named the team's president >> Women sports are gaining momentum. The pwhl inaugural season saw huge success with canadian teams. The wnba is now tipping off its 28th season. Think it's amazing that like now like female athletes are actually being recognized and be like so many young girls in athletes can also relate and like feel inspired. A sentiment echoed by 2 time canadian olympian temerity them, who also coaches national youth basketball team's young athletes are going >> It's something and it's something >> Up next, a reminder to get your documents in order before you book your flight. >> It's my passport was in my maiden ni and my itinerary was booked in my married name. >> A mother was left behind on a family trip when the name on her ticket didn't match the name on her passport. >> Most of southern manitoba is currently under a rainfall warning because of rain

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