
CKY - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #5

weather situation can change in an instant thats why its so important for us to give our viewers current temperatures and the most up to date outlooks for the week a new episode of grey's anatomy on ctv [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Ambient Sounds] [Silence] This is his why. What's yours? Discover the science behind managing weight at (Upbeat music) I've been around cows for as long as I can remember. You work with cows long enough, you see they have personalities. There's Ember, she's the prettiest by far... and she knows it. Halo is so sweet. And everybody gets a kick out of Valina. She's so small but she has the biggest attitude. [cow moo] ( ) They're the reason everything I do is all from a good place. ( ) Captain, the Cable Emperor has established contact. Put him through. May the lag be with you. Both: May the lag be with you. What's the status? Their ship has escaped, Your Eminence. They're just too fast. I see. Well don't worry, good things come to those who... (Static) Who what? "...who wait," captain. He's frozen again. Of course he is. Classic Cable Empire. ( ) [shower running] [upbeat music] Not happy with what you‘ve got? Woman: “Honey, what are you doing?” Man: “Sorry, just really enjoying these new floors.” Don‘t imagine it. Upload a photo and visualize it at Closed captioning of this program is brought to you in part by PetSmart. Book grooming, training, PetsHotel & doggy day camp at >> Merella: we got an update from police today about the arrest of pro golfer scottie scheffler. He was detained outside the pga championship and charged with assaulting an officer. CTV's andrew johnson now with a look at the new video from the scene. >> Reporter: in video newly released by louisville police, our first look at the moments before a bizarre early morning arrest. The world's top golfer scottie scheffler slowly turns left toward valhalla golf club, arriving for round two of the pga championship. A police officer can be seen running alongside scheffler's suv. He appears to smack the windshield and the car comes to a stop. A couple of minutes later, scheffler was in handcuffs. >> He's going to jail and it ain't nothing you can do about it. >> Reporter: police allege scheffler dragged the officer from his car before the arrest. There's no sign of that in the new video, nor is there body cam footage. >> Detective gillis should have turned on his body-worn camera but did not. >> We are not aware at this time of any video footage which captures the initial interaction between lnpd and Mr. Scheffler. >> Reporter: louisville police say the officer who didn't turn on his body cam has been disciplined. That morning, shortly before scheffler arrived, a tournament worker had been hit and killed by a shuttle bus. >> That tragic death led to a series of very unfortunate events in dark, rainy, and tense conditions. >> Reporter: police say the golf superstar refused to stop at the scene and instead accelerated forward. He was hauled off to jail. >> I was never, you know, angry, I was just in shock and I think my body was just -- I was shaking the whole time. >> Reporter: scheffler was released a few hours later and returned to the course in time to tee off. Scheffler has called the arrest a misunderstanding, but he's still facing four charges including second-degree felony assault of a police officer. He's scheduled to appear in court june 3rd. Merella? >> Merella: got it, andrew, thank you.

>>> Canadian music superstar celine dion is opening up about her health issues in a new documentary. >> I miss it so much, the people. I miss that. If I can't run, I'll walk. If I can't walk, I'll crawl. >> Merella: the film offers a behind the scenes look at stiff persons syndrome. It's a rare neurological condition. Dion calls the doc a love letter to fans. >>> After the break, more canadian national treasures. Rolling back the years, a rare look inside canada's archives. (Opening Mnemonic) (music throughout) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Santa Lucia Pizza is adapting. Of course, you can still enjoy all of your usual favorites. But now Santa Lucia has added new options. Gluten free, vegetarian, keto and fully vegan options are all available on their extensive plant based menu. They say the only constant is change and Santa Lucia is keeping pace. But one thing that never changes the quality you've come to expect Santa Lucia Pizza. Making great food even better. From flavoredsoda to bubbly water.More Manitobans are creatingtheir own carb So when it's time to replaceyour co2 canisters and tanks drop on by abc Fire and Safety,they carry beverage grade co2 for soda machines, kegerators,indoor gardens and paintball full-service co2 at pricesLower than the competition. Enjoy new tanks, easy refillsand soda cylinder exchanges, abc Fire and SafetyReady to fill your co2 needs. I'm Kurt Siemens. I am a third generation egg farmer. I farm together with my son, Harley. I always say it's not my job, it's my lifestyle. I live a couple of hundred metres from the barn, so I have lunch, get to go home, see my two little girls, my wife. It's great to have him here with me on the farm. It makes a dad and a mom very proud to have one of our children carry on with the farm that was established way back in 1963. We're egg farmers. We love what we do. ( ) >> Merella: for the first time, members of the public will get a chance to go inside a building designed to hold critical pieces of canadian history. Library and archives canada is giving rare access this weekend, but CTV's annie bergeron-oliver was able to get an inside look today. >> Reporter: inside these massive buildings are indispensable treasures that each tell a story about canada's history. >> We have a map that has the first time the word "canada" waugh was put on it, and we have a paper dress that was part of the 1968 campaign for pierre elliott trudeau. >> Reporter: those artifacts, just a few of the tens of millions carefully catalogued and stored by library and archives canada that may be on display this weekend when the public gets a rare look inside. >> There are many histories of canada and at library and archives canada, we want to reflect everyone's stories. >> Reporter: the precious collection largely housed in gatineau contains 425,000 works of art, 22 million books, the two original constitutions... >> This is a photo album from 1879, 1880. >> Reporter: and millions of photographs, films and government records. Many of the items stored inside the brand new net zero facility are all digitally catalogued and accessible by robots that move around the six identical seven-storey vaults. Each of the vaults is temperature and humidity controlled. It's also fireproof and designed to keep a single piece of paper in perfect condition for up to 500 years. >> It's going to be important for my grandkids, my grand grandkids eventually, and I think I'm really proud that they're going to be able to come and, you know, see the facility that's still going to be standing tall and proud in a hundred years. >> Reporter: a state-of-the-art facility housing items... >> This is an otto -- autobahn print. >> We have the fifth largest collections in the world.

>> Reporter: a collection built by canadians for canadians. Annie bergeron-oliver, ctv news, gatineau. >> Merella: some interesting stuff. That's our newscast for this thursday. Thanks for sharing your time with us and be sure to join todd van der hayden later tonight. For ongoing coverage of canada's top stories, tune in to ctv news channel. I'm merella fernandez. Your local ctv news begins right now. ( ) >> Announcer: >> Tonight told to tear it down. These are good people in these houses. And the city says going after everybody why the city says a homeowner can keep his garage is also tonight ready to find their forever I think the moment the white

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