
CKY - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

Some people say there are doers, and there are dreamers. But what's wrong with a little dreaming? Especially when it's shared. With hard work, little dreams grow into big ones. At Kubota, we know that your work never stops. And we're inspired by those who dream - But our equipment is built for dreamers and doers, like you. Kubota, built for those who do. Announcer: Pure Country 101, Brandon's country music station. Maybe next time he'll think Announcer: Pure access to the biggest stars and the hottest songs. Soon as I get out here Announcer: Download the free iHeartRadio app to listen to Pure Country everywhere. (Upbeat instrumental music) >> Women's clothing provided by rw in company. So on services provided by essentique spa salon. >> Ctv sky watch weather brought to you by shell beach casino and resort where membership has its part. >> Manitoba will be getting a lot of rain, even snow in some parts. Let's take a look at what's going on. So we are actually seeing a rainfall warning, I'm going to coach just to the side over here. So you can see how far the stretches it does cover all the way to the ontario border, although we aren't getting that rainfall warning for them. But again, quite a bit of rain anywhere from 50 to 60 millimetres of rain is expected to fall starting tonight and all for out saturday as well. Taking a look at where that's coming from so further south to north and south dakota. This particular system is going to be pushing its way further north. It's going to reach here in winnipeg overnight, probably around midnight is when we'll start to see that rain. Now tonight here in much of southern manitoba and ontario, like nor in fort frances, about 10 to 15 millimetres is expected to fall, but much of the rain will actually be coming through that day. So as you can see, there's even a potential for some snow to the west because of some cooler temperatures expected now along with out throughout the day, that heavy rain is going to really cover most of southern manitoba north will remain free of that precipitation. But because of all this heavy rain, there's actually an overland flood warning for southern manitoba. And as you can see in ontario, including kenora, that rain is expected to continue friday night and into saturday along with here, we will see that continue to fall saturday night as well as potentially very early sunday morning, just really depending on how far this particular system wants to hang around here right now is currently 15 degrees in winnipeg. 16 in portage taking a look further north. It is currently 9 degrees in the pile of onion lake. And churchill is currently sitting at 0 degrees. Taking a look tonight, spot. Well, 5 degrees is our anticipated low tay and without rain possibly continue starting around midnight, maybe even a little earlier. This skywatch pick of the day comes to us thanks to rosalie here in winnipeg. And this next one is from pat. This one is of a winnipeg beach provincial park of the sunrise this morning. You can send your weather photos to >> Ctv skywatch pick of the day is brought to you by truck time and capital ford. Lincoln. >> You can live in an island paradise right here in canada, but it will cost you. Check out this private island in nova scotia's south shore. It's currently listed for 15.8 million dollars. It's called the law jet stream island. And it's it's an almost 10 acres of land near the town of mahone bay. The 3 story home features a rustic bar fireplaces, large dining room and kitchen. The lodges 9500 square feet. The listing says the island is designed with security seclusion and sustainability in mind. And definitely the security, I think would be important if you're spending that kind of money on that island on one. I wonder who would live there working. A celebrity wants to come. >> Live on the spread of it. I I do, I'm there we ctv

national sandie rinaldo starts now. See you back at 6. ( ) >> Merella: thanks for joining us. Here are some of the stories we have for you right now... She the north, a wnba team is coming to canada. >> We're so excited for the girls and women of canada. >> Merella: women's basketball takes centre court in toronto. >> That conduct is anti-competitive and illegal. >> Merella: the U.S. sues ticketmaster, accused of running a monopoly. >> The downside is really coming into focus. >> Merella: diet and dementia, how ultra-processed foods may affect the brain. >> We're not replacing the doctors. We're kind of helping them with some of these digital tools. >> Merella: and a medical breakthrough, how ai helped diagnose a rare disease. >> Announcer: "ctv national news" with sandie rinaldo. >> Merella: sandie is off. I'm merella fernandez. The wnba is coming to canada. Toronto will get the first professional women's basketball team north of the U.S. the team doesn't have a name yet, but we know when the women are expected to hit the hard court. CTV's mike walker has more on all of the hoopla. Mike? >> Reporter: toronto's wnba team will tip off in 2026, the league and team looking to grow the sport in canada and inspire the next generation. >> Toronto, welcome to the w. >> Reporter: after much anticipation, it's official. The wnba is coming to toronto. >> This team is canada's team. >> Reporter: kilmer sports ventures led by larry tanenbaum has been awarded the league's 14th franchise. Tanenbaum, the chairman and minority owner of maple leaf sports and entertainment, paid $115 million U.S. for the team. >> Our team will complete the pathway for women in this country. They will see heroes that look like them, they can see that the sport they play as girls and as women is just as important and worth investing in. >> Reporter: toronto has been on the wnba's radar since the raptors' 2019 championship run. Last year, the league sold out scotiabank arena for a pre-season game. >> I'll never forget last year at scotiabank arena when I attended our toronto game and lots of people coming up to me and saying, thank you for making my dreams come true by bringing a wnba game here. That's when I knew this is the right place as we're thinking about expansion. >> Reporter: the team's home court will be at the 8700-seat coca-cola coliseum with occasional games played in montreal and vancouver. >> We want to use this team to elevate basketball in canada. >> Reporter: teresa resch who has spent a decade with the raptors serving as vice president of operations and player development, named the team's president today. >> The wnba has never had a team internationally and that comes along with a lot of very difficult details to work through that there is no precedent for. So it's not easy, but it's worth it. >> Reporter: women's sports are gaining momentum. The pwhl inaugural season saw huge success with three canadian teams, the wnba is now tipping off its 28th season. >> I think it's amazing that like now like female athletes are actually being recognized. >> I feel like so many young girls and athletes can relate and feel inspired. >> Reporter: a sentiment echoed by this two-time canadian olympian who also coaches national youth basketball teams. >> Young athletes are going to have role models in your country. I mean, we haven't had that in so long. It's something that we dream of and it's something that's finally coming true. >> Reporter: as for the team's name and colours, that work is just starting with the team planning to seek input from canadians in the near future. >> Merella: all right, so exciting, mike walker, thanks for that.

>>> The U.S. says there aren't enough players in the live event industry, accusing ticketmaster and its parent company live nation of squeezing out the competition. The department of justice has launched an anti-trust lawsuit against the entertainment giant. Canada's competition bureau says it's aware of the lawsuit but won't confirm whether it's investigating. CTV's joy malbon in washington, joy, there have been gripes about live nation for years. >> Reporter: hey, merella, get ready for an epic legal battle as the U.S. justice department and 30 states take on the largest ticket seller in north america. Call it the taylor swift effect. If it weren't for the eras tour ticket meltdown in 2022 leaving customers fuming over botched ticket sales, perhaps the U.S. government never would have investigated. Two years later, the U.S. justice department is now suing the company that owns ticketmaster, accusing live nation of illegally abusing its monopoly power and leaving fans frustrated. >> We allege that live nation has illegally monopolized markets across the live concert industry in the united states for far too long. It is time to break it up. >> Reporter: it won't be easy. Live nation is a ticketing giant with a lock on artists and music venues, and says the attorney general, an endless list of fees. >> Ticketing fees, service fees, convenience fees. >> Reporter: and that, he says, translates in to higher prices for fans. Just ask teresa caldwell, a swifty. >> Toronto prices are insane. >> Reporter: so she and her friends flew to sweden to see her idol because it was cheaper. >> The ticket for the show in toronto in the nosebleeds was 3 grand. In sweden, we got tickets, we got floor seats for $500 canadian. >> Reporter: fans and politicians have been calling for a crackdown for years. Congress grilled live nation's president just last year. >> This is all a definition of monopoly. >> If you care about the consumer, cap the price! >> Part of this action is, you know, by the doj is to really force the industry to show its cards, shine a light on how they operate. >> Reporter: live nation in a statement pushed back calling the accusations absurd and nothing more than a pr win for the justice department, and they intend to fight back. Merella? >> Merella: all right, joy malbon in washington.

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