
CKY - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #12

country. Donna lugar spent years battling lyme disease symptoms before she was properly diagnosed. As I had a light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, cent sensitivity. >> Digestive issues, hearing issues. Liu gar urges people to check their bodies closely after being outdoors. We need to be and are taking preventative measures daily. There are basic steps to stay, take free sprays, not a bad idea. When you come inside, either che right away if you're in a high-risk area, toss your clothes into a drier concerns about certain ticks spreading lyme disease have increased in recent years, like to take is very much a big all around canada. The lone star tick is also dangerous on the whole, there are more ticks, they're moving further northward. According to recent data from the government of canada, there are 40 different types of ticks in our country, but not all of these tax will make you sick. Some scientists say avoiding all ticks is the safest approach. Every chickens infected. But every type of tick hand have something nasty. It's a growing and alarming concern, especially with canadians enjoying outdoor activities during the warm weather season. Paul hollingsworth, ctv news, >> And new not-for-profit community theatre company called hood and dagger productions is made up entirely of volunteer cast and crew members and the theatre is getting ready to launch its new season at the end of this month. Joining us now from hood and dagger productions, our brian and crystal hood. Good morning to both of you. Thank you so much for having you're a married couple. That's right. That's where the hood part comes. Tell us the rest of the name and and what inspired well, yeah, couldn't dagger is a sort of a play on words of cloak and dagger, but I like to do thrilling theatre. You spy stories, film noir, mystery adventure and suspense. So we took that and ran like yeah, a little bit of a legacy. Yeah, it works. Well, you just launched this theatre company in january. So that is really your inaugural season. Tell us a little bit about. >> Why you wanted to start this production well, we've wanted to do theatre for for quite a bit of time on hearing that we're still in particular, it's really the mental health benefits of by and I were both involved in a holy hams and selkirk production community theatre in fall. 2022. >> And it was my first actual acting experience. Brian has lots of experience. But my my first acting experience and it was just transformational after pandemic at very low self esteem and poor mental health. And that just can't the castle like a second family. And I my faith in humanity was or is likely to be by and I want to, I want to bottle that and give that to every winnipeg or not is awesome. Okay, this is entirely made up of volunteers. The cast the tell us about the other people who are involved with all of this. >> We many community partners. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, westminster united church has been a huge help for us. They provided the venue, the concert hall space, which is amazing for us to use. We also have the silicones, which is a scandinavian full command of the scam, even cultural centre. If you've ever seen that folklorama, they're probably the band is playing there, they're going to do in opening 20 minutes set before every show. Our mary kay is going to be doing the make up for the long 2 years for a show as well as canada life has generously granted us permission to use their parking lot for all the patrons for our shows. >> And these local business whodunit books, it's going have a boost to our mandate is to build community 2 community theatre. >> So involving the commuting every way we can. It sounds like you're on the right path to doing that. And it's incredible that so many people want to take part in it's really and truly a love for the theatre. >> Absolutely, absolutely. Want to be more than just theatre as well. We want to bring people together in these other parts of their lives to so that when you're seeing them up on stage, it's your neighbour, it's the it's your doctor is here. You know, somebody was bagging your groceries earlier that day. We want we want to be recognizable that it's so fine. Okay. So tell us about your first show that you're launching real yes, journey to the centre of the earth. That's the classic sci-fi tale from jules bernard from the 18. 100's has been adopted by john the land sea who played to on star trek for any of those and and it's a live radio play. So that means that he was the audience member are are like the studio audience to a radio drama. You could to see the fully artists up there on stage, making the live sound effects with all sorts of crazy, different implements and whatnot as life ems lighter. Yeah, just doing live music during the show. >> It's going to be a and transformative set. So you'll start in the 1950's radio station, but who knows where you'll end up owing to the mystery. It's, it's exciting to hear about this. And you have a

big season coming up as well. Absolutely. We've got to 3 show season coming up. So we're going to be doing auditions very soon for agatha christie play. And then there were none, which will be featured at the saint boniface, a university theatre, marshall curl and then a gas station arts centre. We're going to also be doing another show, they're in a march. 2025, that's gossip. >> By george f congratulations to both of you and good luck with your regulate with your brand new production. That's coming up next to go. If you want details on tickets are in mind those tickets. We have a link on our website. Thank you. Thank you very much. Welcome. Yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun and you to look and has >> All right, let's fantastic about our sky is looking like out there. That's just a few clouds off to the west. The eastern view is a lot brighter 7 degrees right now, east-northeast winds, 14 clicks, the pressure rising, the humidity sitting at 64%. We do have just a few extra clouds looking off to the west to the south to and more than just clouds even. We've been keeping our eye on some precipitation is going to move just south of winnipeg today, parts of southwestern manitoba, a you could be getting some of that may be a little bit longer. Northern manitoba, you might also see some precipitation today with cool below seasonal temperatures and in fact, below the freezing mark temperatures, you might see it starting out as flurries and then changing to showers as it warms up, but it's really not going to be warming up much mid-single digits. That's pretty much as good as you can expect across most of northern manitoba may be some high single digits, but normal daytime highs across northern manitoba would be about in the mid teens this time of year here in the south, normal daytime highs will be in the low 20's. We're not going to be making those numbers either. We just saw on the satellite image, the bitter precipitation through southwestern manitoba. We're likely to remain a little more clear today, unless you're just south of winnipeg. And you might get clipped to some showers, but is more than showers. We've got rain on the way. Environment canada has issued rainfall warnings for much of southeastern manitoba. It all has to do with what will begin tonight and last over the next several days. So rain tonight, but the heaviest rain will be falling throughout friday. You can see we've got cooler temperatures expected as well. That will take us right into saturday up to 60 millimetres is possible. We will eventually get the sunshine back in next week. That heat will the memorial cup, presented by dow only.on tsn She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. You have to be tough. Here we go 19, buckle up! A new episode of station 19 tonight 10, 8 mountain on ctv At Cantor's, you'll always find great savings on all your favourite products, including meat packs. Plus, save even more with your Cantor's loyalty card Cantor's, the original home of quality meats. averly Heights. Retirement living full of fun friends and great food. Light-filled, beautiful suites, and amazing amenity spaces all for you to enjoy whenever you choose. At The Melody, the entire community is your home. Call us to reserve your suite today. We can't wait to meet you. (Upbeat music) I've been around cows for as long as I can remember. You work with cows long enough, you see they have personalities. There's Ember, she's the prettiest by far... and she knows it. Halo is so sweet. And everybody gets a kick out of Valina. She's so small but she has the biggest attitude. [cow moo] ( ) They're the reason everything I do is all from a good place. ( ) Bathfitter does showers? Thats right. We offer a wide selection of beautiful and functional showers. We can even convert your bath into a shower. Get yours today. Bathfitter, it just fits. Go to to book your free consultation. Everybody gets the best at js Furniture. Save on mattresses, appliancess, quality furniture and more. Js Furniture has what you need in stock with quick delivery too. We've been proudly serving Manitoba since 1974. Pay less at js. Are you working out? Eating right, but not seeing results you want? Meet Emsulpt Neo. The only technology in the world to use the patented duo of radio frequency and high fem to contour the body. Resulting in 30 percent loss of fat and 25 percent in muscle growth in the treated area. Sculpt your abdomen, buttocks, arms and legs. No needles and no surgery required.

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