
CKY - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> Canada is notorious for very high priced plane tickets. A lot of geography, smaller population doesn't help. But the airlines themselves are often criticized as well. Now westjet is calling on the federal government to cut the fees that it imposes on airlines. Ctv's kathy lee has more from calgary. >> Reporter: the high cost of flying in canada isn't sitting well with passengers. >> Insane. >> Westjet says trying to make it more affordable announcing future plans to add more seats in the back of some of its bigger planes. >> 174 seats, so we take this to 180. Actually have the space so that you can take a little bit of leg room away, similar seats and add nor. >> I'm a big guy. Anything about smaller seats is not very appealing to me. >> For me wouldn't be much of a problem. >> Westjet claims more seats means cheaper airfare. >> Want cheap flight it comes at sacrifice of some comfort. >> One of the measures to address high airline tickets. The company is also asking the federal government to review the way maintenance and projects are paid for which is by the passengers through fees, then tacked on to airfares. Westjet wants a freeze to the fees until the review is complete. >> The fees that are being charged to the passengers ultimately through the tickets that are not just paying the infrastructure, but they are also funding the federal budget. >> Reporter: while this aviation expert believes the user pay model should be overhauled. >> Somebody has to pay for the airports, somebody's got to pay for the runways, somebody's got to pay for parking lots. Who pays for that? >> Canadian airports also pay about half a billion dollars in rent to transport canada every year. A bill westjet says should stop and be redirected. >> Get under control, sustainability, quality improvements, the list goes on and on. >> As to how to change the user pay model westjet says many options but doesn't have concrete ideas yet but says it has to work for canadians. Kathy lee, "ctv news," calgary. >> Todd: some new numbers on poverty in canada come with a stark warning. If more isn't done the food bank system nationwide could collapse. For some a local food bank is a critical part of their safety net. Ctv's heather wright reports. >> Reporter: this is just part of the line outside a toronto food bank today. Where thousands of clients will shop this week, a number that keeps going up. >> As a single mother of four kids, it's not easy for me. >> Reporter: according to food banks canada one in four canadians are experiencing food insecurity. While nearly half of those surveyed feel they are doing worse financially than they were a year ago. These are statistics sees every day. >> There are people that are working fully employed and having to access the food bank. We have seniors, we have newcomers, we have students. >> Reporter: today food banks canada released its annual poverty report card. A look at challenges facing canadians and how well government are responding to them. >> We are not doing enough as a country to make sure people are able to make ends meet right now. >> Reporter: most provincial governments received grades in the d range, while seven out of ten got a d minus for what the report called insufficient approach to poverty reduction. A lack of affordable housing and stubbornly high food prices have created a perfect storm of need in many parts of the country and there are concerns the system simply can't keep up. >> They cannot continue to meet the growing demands with the amount of food and donations that are coming through the doors, and even then no system is designed for you know growth like we have seen. >> Reporter: the report includes a number of policy recommendations, among them rent control and increasing social assistance. Building more houses is also needed, something the provinces and the federal government have promised but which will take years. The report also found more young people are turning to food banks. Between february and april of this year, a quarter of those aged 18 to 24 went to a charity because they didn't have enough money to buy food. Heather wright, "ctv news," toronto. >> Todd: a big british gamble today. The conservative prime minister of the U.K. calling a surprise election. Rishi sunak and his party deeply unpopular 20 points behind the labour party in the polls and the optics arguably not great for the announcement today with sunak drenched in the pouring rain. >> Earlier today I spoke with his majesty the king to request illusion of parliament. The king granted this request and we'll have a general election on the 4th of july. >> Sunak says the vote comes at a time of great uncertainty in the world. Russia's invasion of ukraine, fighting in the middle east but the conservative party has been in power for 14 years under five different prime ministers, including three in just the past

two years. And has lurched through crisis and scandal leading to a sense of chaos. >>> Confirmation tonight that five people were killed, at least 35 others injured in the state of iowa after a massive tornado ripping through the american midwest. The tornado was at least an ef-3 with winds up to 260 kilometres an hour. It left a wide swath of destroyed homes and cars in the town of greenfield. This has been a very active tornado season in the united states. More than 860 tornadoes reported across 37 states. >>> Coming up, the apprentice film creating a stir. >> I don't necessarily think he would like it. I think he would be surprised. >> Rave reviews from critics but a legal threat from the former president. >>> Plus, barbie, honours a canadian soccer star. I heard it wanders the streets at night in search of food. I hear it can carry two kayaks right on its back. You know how nobody can find parking on gameday? It found a way. The new Subaru Crosstrek. The true Urban Legend. Sometimes the difference between a summer road trip and the road trip of the summer is an ice cold drink from McDonald's. Like a Small McCafe Iced Coffee or a refreshing Coca Cola for $1 plus tax. Step up your summer today. "Thousands of Canadians like Glenn test our products for quality Over and over and over again." So, you know they're built to last. ( ) Only the best earn the badge. ( ) When you live with diabetes,confidence comes from knowing your glucose levels and where they're headed. Manage your diabeteswith confidence with Dexcom g7. ( ) Make room for more fresh ingredients. Say to goodbye to less-than-fresh take out. Say hello to home made and delicious. HelloFresh, home cooking made easy. Nivea q10 Targeted Wrinkle Filler. ( ) With Pure q10 coenzyme and Bioxifill peptides. Visibly reduces the look of fine lines in 5 minutes and moisturizes to help reduce the look of deeper wrinkles over time. For every expression of you. Nivea. In 1993 locally owned Garage Masters built their first garge. Now nearly 30 years later, Garage Masters has built and renovated thousands of garages. Planning and permits, floor to roof top Garage Masters can get the job done. Garage Masters your complete Garage Specialists. Leon's Spring it on event ends Wednesday! Get incredible deals on furniture. Save up to 50% on select clearance mattresses. Save up to $1,000 on select Appliance and tv packages. Last chance to spring into savings. >> Todd: she once wanted to be U.S. president and called donald trump unfit for office but now nikki haley says she will vote for him in november. >> I will be voting for trump. >> Haley served as governor of south carolina later trump's ambassador at the united nations. She was seen as last hope of the anti-trump wing of the republican party. Haley did not call on her supporters to vote for trump.

>>> Speaking of trump real life rise to real estate mogul has been written about many times now a new movie about trump back in the 1980s, it's called apprentice recently premiered at the cannes film festival in france. As washington bureau chief joy malbon reports, the trump campaign isn't happy at all. >> At its world premiere apprentice caused quite the buzz at the cannes film festival following donald trump's years as a new york real estate tycoon. Starring the succession's jeremy and delete s. The movie made headlines for some disturbing scenes including the future president sexually assaulting his first identify ivana who died in 2022. There are references to pill popping, lyposuction, and surgery to remove a bald spot, hardly flattering. >> I don't think he would necessarily like it. I think he would be surprised. >> Reporter: the movie's director says it's inspired by true events. The trump campaign says it's anything but. And wants to sue. This garbage is pure fiction which sensationalized lies long debunked, it belongs in a dumpster fire. >> Everybody talks about him suing a lot of people. They don't talk about his success rate though. You know. >> Reporter: defending, the director invited trump to a private screening to see for himself. A movie filmed partly in ontario and timing critics say is everything. >> As all the controversy generated over on the south of france, it will generate much more here in america when they will anticipate releasing it in september right in the closing weeks of the presidential election. >> Reporter: while the movie received a standing ovation, the director had this to say about his famous subject. >> There is no nice way to deal with this. >> The apprentice isn't the first movie about donald trump and he has got enough legal trouble to worry about facing 88 criminal charges while campaigning to win back the white house. Todd. >> Todd: ctv's joy malbon.

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