
CKY - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 12:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

is giving back. Acknowledging what you have been given and then in return making other people happy. >> Reporter: adam sawatsky, ctv news, nanaimo. >> Heather: that is our newscast for this saturday night. I'm heather butts. Thank you for watching. Goodnight, and I'll see you again tomorrow. This summer on ctv champions will rise dreams will come true for these canadians it's a once in a lifetime event

IT'S The Amazing Race Canada What else? Coming this summer to CTV >> The old-fashioned barber shop is, unfortunately, becoming a thing of the past. Now, what went wrong? Well, first of all, it is a $20,000 chair to make a $3 tip. (Audience laughter) I say cut back on the chair, update the magazines. (Audience laughter) Why do barbers always display that licence? There's no laws in haircutting, except show every customer the back of their head. That's the one law. I don't want to see the back of my head. Why do I want to see something that I'm never going to see at any other time? When I buy pants, two salesmen don't lift me up by the legs and go how do you like the crotch? If I wanted to see everything, I would have been a fly. You're simply the best Bounce 99.9 has the music you just can't quit. If it makes you happy Winnipeg's Bounce 99.9. Don't you... Listen weekdays for your chnce at $25,000 with Name That Bounce Tune. From flavoredsoda to bubbly water.More Manitobans are creatingtheir own carb So when it's time to replaceyour CO2 canisters and tanks drop on by ABC Fire and Safety,they carry beverage grade CO2 for soda machines, kegerators,indoor gardens and paintball full-service CO2 at pricesLower than the competition. Enjoy new tanks, easy refillsand soda cylinder exchanges, ABC Fire and SafetyReady to fill your CO2 needs. - [Narrator] Eggs. - Hey, thanks Harley. See you next week. - Thanks, bud, have a good one. - [Narrator] Lots and lots of eggs. I eat them scrambled, poached, over easy. It doesn't matter. I choose to eat eggs. I eat eggs because they contain protein which helps build strong muscles. I chase, I tackle, I win. I'm Adam Bighill and during football season I eat eggs anytime. Since 2009, Winnipeg Gold Buyer has put cash into the hands of tens of thousands of satisfied Manitobans. With the price of gold at or near all-time highs, there has never been a better time to cash in old gold jewelry, sterling silver items, coins, and bars at competitive market prices. Visit any of our four convenient locations in Winnipeg and Brandon, where our knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist you in a safe and comfortable environment. Winnipeg Gold Buyer. Secure, private, professional. ( ) Some people say there are doers, and there are dreamers. But what's wrong with a little dreaming? Especially when it's shared. With hard work, little dreams grow into big ones. At Kubota, we know that your work never stops. And we're inspired by those who dream - But our equipment is built for dreamers and doers, like you. Kubota, built for those who do. Meet Dave. He's feeling the burn of summer. His AC has called it quits, leaving him in a sweaty predicament. Oh my goodness, Dave. What is going on here? Oh, hey babe. Just trying to stay cool. Have you called the AC guys? That's where Abundant Air steps in. They're the heroes Dave needs to beat the heat. With their expertise and speedy service, they'll have him chilling in no time. Here. Pants are back in style now, thanks to Abundant Air. Are you working out? Eating right, but not seeing results you want? Meet Emsulpt Neo. The only technology in the world to use the patented duo of radio frequency and high fem to contour the body. Resulting in 30 percent loss of fat and 25 percent in muscle growth in the treated area. Sculpt your abdomen, buttocks, arms and legs. No needles and no surgery required. Get the edge at Body Measure. You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) At Cantor's, you'll always find great savings on all your favourite products, including meat packs. Plus, save even more with your Cantor's loyalty card Still the home of quality meats. . IT IS A STUNNING MOMENT AND THE WAIT IS ALMOST OVER (Funky instrumental music) >> Well, George, we here at Sanalac like to think of ourselves as a fairly progressive company. We have a small but prestigious group of clients. >> Well, a lot of people consider me small and prestigious. (Chuckling) >> That's funny, George. You're very quick.

>> Oh, well. >> I feel like I don't, I don't have to explain every little thing to you. You understand everything immediately. >> I enjoy understanding. (Audience laughter) >> I want you to have this job. Of course-- >> Mr. Zimmer's on line 2. >> Great, thanks. I've got to take this call. Listen, I'm really glad that you came in. >> "I want you to have this job. Of course..." >> Yeah? >> That's it. >> What do you mean that's it? >> He never finished the sentence. He got a call, that was the end of the interview. >> "Of course" was the last thing he said? >> Maybe he was going to say "Of course I have to check with my associates." >> "I want you to have this job, of course the Board of Directors is under indictment and will be serving time." >> "I want you to have this job, of course sodomy is a prerequisite." >> Alright. >> Why don't you go ahead and call him? >> Because he made a big deal about how I understand everything immediately. That's what impressed him. >> So if you call to ask if you have the job, you might lose the job. >> And if I don't call-- >> You might have the job but you'll never know it. What kind of company is it? >> Rest stop supplies. >> Oh. Good for you. (Audience laughter) >> Yeah, yeah, yeah. >> Hey. >> Hey. >> Hey. >> Shower? >> Haircut. I'm very happy with this. >> Who'd you use? Gino? >> Oh course. I wouldn't let that other butcher cut my hair. >> What butcher? >> The uncle, Enzo. That's the guy Jerry uses. >> I've been going with him for 12 years. I can't switch. I'd hurt his feelings. >> You never get good haircuts. >> You can get a good one today. It's Enzo's day off. Gino's there all by himself. >> Really? >> Yeah. You know what? You should go over there and get one to look good for my bachelor auction. >> What bachelor auction? >> It's this thing where they auction off dates with bachelors for charity. >> And you didn't ask me to do it? I could raise enough money to cure polio. >> I believe they've had a cure for polio for quite some time. >> Polio? (Audience laughter) >> Will you go ahead? You need a haircut. >> Okay. >> Yeah. What are you all dressed up for? >> I had a job interview. >> Yeah. How'd it go? >> Good. Of course... (Audience laughter) (Gentle symphonic music) (Door creaking) >> Ah, Jerry. >> Oh, hi, Enzo. >> Oh, you've come for the haircut. >> No, actually I was just-- >> It's my day off but I take care of you anyway because you're my favourite customer. You've been with me for so long. You're so loyal. >> Well, if it's your day off, I really-- >> Eh, what's the difference? It takes 10 minutes. (Audience laughter) Jerry, today I'm going to do something special for you. >> I don't want to take too much off. >> Hey, who's your barber, eh? You tell the joke, I cut the hair. (Audience laughter) >> Gino, you've outdone yourself this time. This is the best haircut I've ever had. (Audience laughter) (Audience laughter) >> He massacred you. >> I know. >> You look like you're 5 years old. (Audience laughter) >> What if I shampoo? Sometimes a shampoo helps. >> You've got to start seeing somebody else. Get out of this relationship. >> I can't. He loves me. He says I'm his most loyal customer. Plus he's right there on the corner. I'd have to pass him every day when I go by. >> You got to do it. >> I can't, I can't. I'd break his heart. (Shuddering) (Audience laughter) >> No way my Gino did that. It's an Enzo. >> He was in the shop. I thought you told me he wasn't going to be there. >> So what? >> I didn't want to hurt his feelings. >>Hisfeelings? You can't continue seeing him! You're destroying yourself! >> Yeah, but-- >> Ah!! I'm not going to let you. Now, if you don't call him, I will. >> No, Kramer. I don't want you to do that. You can't do that. >> I'm going to call Gino, you're going to see him and we're going to get that haircut fixed up. >> I don't want you to call him. >> Alright. Gee. You're crazy. (Audience laughter) >> So I still haven't heard about that job. >> Yeah, that's a tough one. What are you going to do about that? >> I have an idea. >> Yeah? >> I show up. (Audience laughter) >> What do you mean you show up? >> I show up. I pretend I have the job. The guy's on vacation. If I have the job, it's fine. If I don't have the job, by the time he comes back, I'm ensconced. (Audience laughter) >> Hmm. Not bad. >> What's the worst thing that could happen? >> Well, you'd be embarrassed and humiliated in front of a large group of people and have to walk out in shame with your tail between your legs. >> Yeah, so? (Audience laughter) >> Yeah, see what you mean. I forgot who I was dealing with for a second. (Audience laughter) >> Geroge: Good morning. >> Man: Morning. >> Good morning. (Audience laughter) Morning. Hi, nice to see you. How are you? Good morning.

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