
CKY - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 12:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

The Elmo Craze in ‘96. Your endless wait for dial-up. Sfx: Iconic dial up ‘trying to connect' sound Those wide, shapeless jeans... that hair thing with the uh teeth. In the 2000s, you were all doing this. So we did this. In 2020, the race for toilet paper was won here. Whatever was happening, we made it happen - for less. 30 years later, we still are. ( ) Introducing Madri Excepcional, inspired by the soul of Madrid. ( ) a new crisp, and smooth, Spanish style lager, now available in Canada. Dearest reader, we have been apart for far too long. (Intense violin playing) I must take a husband. It is time. Let me help you. Are we not friends? ( ) Friends. ( ) She's not seeking a husband in you? ( ) You believe the best foundation for love, is friendship? You must follow your heart. (Intense sound playing) ( ) ( ) to find a food star gordon faces his biggest rival ever. Who wants to be on team Vanderpump? It's team lisa vs team gordon She can Vanderpump off. We're done on ctv (Song in French) ( ) ( ) Oh ( ) ( ) Get a head start with Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra and Canada's fastest 5g+ network. Make your first move with battery power made by stihl. Find steel tools starting at two 29-99. Shop Local. Buy Steel. Fact versus fiction with Bathfitter. Fiction, some bath remodels just cover up water damage. Fact Bathfitter cleans and repairs your tub before installation to ensure a watertight fit. Bathfitter, it just fits! Go to to book your free consultation. Time to get growing. We have your spring planting supplies. Shop hundreds of varieties of flowers, herbs and vegetables in our greenhouse. Tackle your landscape projects with Barkman products. Choose from pavers and slabs, wall systems and fire pits. We are Western Manitoba's largest block and bulkyard. And the wait is almost over a wonderful story is going to continue at this european championship it is a stunning moment what drama they have lift off fairy tales and dreams it's that man again >> All right. Before we let you go, we want to let you know what we have on deck for next week. Starting with our new sit down with benedict cumberbatch who tells us all about his new thriller eric. >> We're catching up with madison beer ahead of her tour stop in vancouver. >> We leave you with music from one of my faves new jeans. Their single how sweet wracked up more than -- and see if you can spot the canadian easter egg in the video. Goodnight. >> Yours to discover. [ ] [ ] Red hot summer four farmers one mission true love I'm super excited to find the love of my life. A new crop of daters plunge into rural life I'm not a farm girl yet, but I'm farm-curious. On the show with real life romance I feel really special. Real connections I'm all in. Real heartbreak who will find their happily ever after? I did fall in love. You're a person I can see a future with.

I choose you. Farming for love on ctv [ ] [ ] >> Heather: tonight, bracing for delays. Border workers vote in favour of a strike. [ ] the looming threat to summer travel. >> I can see people being frustrated, inconvenienced, upset. We're not asking for anything outrageous. >> Heather: with talks at an impasse. >> The best labour agreements happening at the bargaining table. >> Heather: fit for deportation. The driver behind the humbolt broncos crash ordered to leave. >> He has a family, a wife and child both canadian citizens. >> Senseless. Really is, just senseless. >> Heather: the alleged terror ties to a fatal restaurant shooting. >>> Plus a fallen soldier's return more than a century later. >> A big honour. Sucha a weight on the shoulders to perform to your highest standards. >> Heather: and the insect infestation. >> It comes once every 17 years. I hope I'll be here for the next one. >> Heather: the rare sound of the cicadas as trillions take flight. [ ] [ ] >> Announcer: "ctv national news" with heather butts. >> Heather: good evening. We begin tonight with the threat of significant disruptions at the border heading into the busy summer season. Canadian airports and land crossings could see long lines as border workers have voted in favour of a strike mandate. Unions representing roughly 9,000 members say they could be on the picket lines next month. Ctv's quebec bureau chief genevieve beauchmin reports from near l'ecole border crossing. >> Reporter: canadians plans for a summer trip abroad could hit a roadblock. Canada border service agency workers handed their unions a strike mandate. A move supported by 96% of members who voted. >> Absolutely I can see people being frustrated, inconvenienced, upset. Annoyed. All of those things. It's not something that we want either. >> Reporter: cbsa employees are posted at land crossings, airports, marine ports, but also work as intelligence officers investigators. They want work conditions in line with those of other law enforcement agencies like the rcmp. >> We're looking for greater parity regarding salaries, protections around excessive discipline, protections around contracting out and equitable retirement benefits. >> Reporter: they also want telework options for those who can work at home when the public sector has threatened a summer of discontent over the government mandating more days in the office. But where the union sees an impasse, the employer, the federal government says a strike is unnecessary. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: we recognize the hard work that they do every day keeping canadians safe at our borders. But we also know that the best labour agreements happen at the bargaining table. And that's exactly where the ministers are focused. >> Reporter: and the government says 90% of union members are designated as essential. They must provide services in the event of a strike. Still, the unions say their job action could lead motorists idling at international crossings for hours, like in 2021 when they brought in work to rule measures. It could also slow the flow of goods across these borders and spend any time here at the border crossing and you can see how trucks are flowing back and forth here. The unions say the window to avert disruptions is closing. Strike measures could come by mid-june. Genevieve beauchmin at the lacolle border crossing in québec. >> Heather: the rookie truck driver behind one of canada's worst tragedies will be deported to india. In 2018 he barreled through a stop sign and into the path of a bus carrying the humbolt broncos junior hockey team. 16 people were killed, 13 injured. Ctv's stacey hein on what's next. >> Reporter: jaskirat singh sidhu is set to be deported to india following a decision from an immigration and refugee board hearing. >> So at a hearing like this, a really limited discussion. They have to determine if the person is a citizen or not. And if they've been convicted of a serious crime. >> Reporter: sidhu became a permanent resident a month before the humbolt broncos bus crash that left 16 dead and 13 others. He was a rookie truck driver who drove through a stop sign and into the path of the junior hockey bus in april of 2018. While some family members did not want to comment on sidhu's deportation, the father of logan boulet says, quote, bernadine and I are thankful for the decision today as we continue to believe that Mr. Sidhu should be deported from canada. We are prepared to remain

diligent in this belief even as Mr. Sidhu may launch further appeals. Crash victim ryan straschnitzki says he wishes sidhu happiness. >> Obviously you want the best for someone and best for humans and a human and you know there's no -- there's no negative emotions towards him and his family. >> Reporter: in 2019, sidhu pleaded guilty to dangerous driving offences and was sentenced to eight years in prison. He got full parole last year. Since sidhu was a permanent resident and not yet a canadian citizen, the canada border service agency agency recommended deportation. >> He has a family, a wife and child who are canadian citizens would probably cannot go back to india. So it would be extremely destructive to his life. >> Reporter: his lawyer says he won't be taken into custody immediately and can reapply for permanent resident status on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. He says that process could take a few months or a few years. Stacey hein, ctv news, saskatoon. >> Heather: canadians struggling under the soaring cost of groceries will be eagerly awaiting the results of a probe by canada's competition bureau. It's launched an investigation into the parent companies of grocery chains loblaws and sobeys for alleged anti-competitive conduct. Ctv's paul hollingsworth explains. >> Reporter: sobeys and loblaws already facing intense scrutiny over rising food prices find themselves on the receiving end of an investigation launched by the competition bureau of canada. >> Any time you're being investigated by the competition bureau, something serious is happening because they don't get involved all that often and I think it's a fairly novel case. >> Reporter: both grocery giants are accused of implementing restrictive covenants on their properties to limit competition in the retail grocery sector. A lack of competition is directly linked to the high price of food. >> When you try to control geography as a retailer, and you're suppressing competition, access, access to food, affordable food becomes an issue. >> Reporter: sobeys owner empire called the investigation unlawful. >> One of the allegations sobeys are making against this process is that it presents the competition bureau in a biased way. >> Reporter: millions of canadian shoppers are struggling with skyrocketing grocery prices. >> Terrible. Like I said, our pensions don't match up to what we're paying out I'll tell you that much. >> It doesn't surprise me, no, but some competition would be great. >> Reporter: dalhousie university law professor wayne McKAY says the competition bureau will be challenged to tune out public emotion. >> They have to come to it independently. They're not the overly influenced by political or public opinion. >> Reporter: he does think the competition bureau has enough to pursue the case going forward which means, he says, it's possible this case could lead to more competition and more affordable groceries. Paul hollingsworth, ctv news, halifax. >> Heather: the university of toronto has issued a trespass notice to pro-palestinian protesters. >> It's a notice of trespass, okay? >> Heather: special constables issued the order to people at the encampment on the school's downtown campus set up for more than three weeks. Demonstrators have until monday morning to clear out. If they do not leave, the university is vowing to pursue other legal steps. Both sides have agreed to meet again on sunday.

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