
CKY - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 01:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

we'll see if that bumper lasts till the top of the hill. Oh, yeah. All it takes is for one mis-shift, one good shock load, and that bumper's coming off of there. [narrator]: lucky for gord... And the trucker... [gord]: well, the bumper held up. [narrator]: ...the bumper holds... But as the driver gets ready to leave... Buddy! Why are you taking your chains off? [narrator]: ...gord spots a bad decision. But leave your chains on, man. Look, look what you're driving on. [gord]: I told him "leave your chains on, you've still got some snow to get through." [narrator]: the driver ignores gord's words of warning... [gord]: this guy didn't listen very well. [narrator]: ...and just two minutes up the road... Oh, it's my guy. That figures. [narrator]: ...gord discovers the driver who ignored his advice. Yup. [gord]: if he'd have left his chains on, none of this would have happened. Bloody hell. [narrator]: this time, the trucker has the entire road blocked. [gord]: I got traffic stacking up on the hill. I gotta get this guy out of the way. [narrator]: once again, gord has no choice but to pull on the rabbit bumper. [gord]: I don't really wanna grab ahold of this thing a second time, but I'm running out of options here. [gord]: what's the worst that could happen? Whoa. Really? That took his bumper right off. I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehe ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. [music on tv] Even if it's one or two[music on tv] you know what to do...plan a safe ride home. Who writes this stuff?? [singing under breath] Plan a safe ride home.. [singing] Even if its one or two [singing] you know what to do, plan a safe ride home! Girls night! I'll be late. [singing] Well, even if it's one or two, you know what to do... Plan a safe ride home. I have a ride home planned. Don't you worry. I'll text you later. Have fun. [music] Plan a safe ride home. We're rolling up our sleeves and digging up tips to help keep your garden and yard looking fresh and healthy. Get Growing, Monday on ctv Morning Live. Brought to you by St. Mary's Nursery and Garden Centre. Selling your house is like selling a car. You'll aquire a lot more customers if your house is in showroom condition. [metal clanging] Let Expert Electric help you make the move. - If you want to get into real estate, Allan Asplin is who I would work with. Allan has a dedicated training team, a high compensation model, and marketing that brings business to you. Partner with the leader I trust. Go to and talk to my friend, Allan. Since 2009, Winnipeg Gold Buyer has put cash into the hands of tens of thousands of satisfied Manitobans. With the price of gold at or near all-time highs, there has never been a better time to cash in old gold jewelry, sterling silver items, coins, and bars at competitive market prices. Visit any of our four convenient locations in Winnipeg and Brandon, where our knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist you in a safe and comfortable environment. Winnipeg Gold Buyer. Secure, private, professional. She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. It chooses us. [narrator]: on the coq... [gord]: bloody hell. [narrator]: ...a repeat customer with a flimsy bumper... Let's see if this works. [narrator]: ...forces gord to take a gamble. [gord]: I'm grabbing what I got. I gotta get this highway open,

and I've gotta do it now. Away we go. [gord]: whoa... Come on! That's what I thought. [narrator]: gord's back to square one. That took his bumper right off. [narrator]: the weak bumper is costing time... Put it in your trailer. [narrator]: ...and the semi is still tying up traffic. [gord]: I know the owner's not going to be happy about it, but I don't have time for his feelings right now. [trucker radio]: we're stopped. It's all backed up. [gord]: really startin' to burn my cookies. [narrator]: but gord catches a break. [gord]: now I can get a tow pin in here. Okay, you ready? Put the proper tow pins in there... [starts engine] this time, it's holding on good. Just about. Nice. Okay, let's go. Oh, and here he goes. [gord]: winter is here. People are going to get in trouble. Yeah, traffic is moving. [gord]: we're in a position to help these guys out, so that's what we're gonna do. We take care of these guys. [narrator]: the next morning... [narrator]: ...falling temperatures and a fresh layer of snow has the town waking up to a heavy problem. [narrator]: responding to the call... Let's give 'er a go. [narrator]: jamie's 40-ton wrecker mighty mo and an operator rarely seen behind its wheel... One of the local truck stops has been jammed up. [narrator]: ...colin mclean. They haven't been able to get a plow or a loader in there. [jamie]: mighty mo and the general, they're very similar design. They're heavy duty. They're both beautiful trucks. [narrator]: but jamie's classic... [narrator]: not exactly colin's favourite truck. It's nice to run the old equipment, but there was a place for that, back in 1974. [narrator]: but today... Hey, you just need a push to get going? [narrator]: the job may be perfectly suited... Well, I can push you, too, from the back. [narrator]: the vintage holmes 850. Okay? [narrator]: it's also colin's first chance... [beeping horn] try out mighty mo's custom push bumper, a modification jamie dreamed up... Mwa-ha-ha! [narrator]: ...and tested. It's something that can push from behind instead of pulling from the front. Come on, buddy. [narrator]: ...but last winter... ...jamie struggled with the push bumper on a steep section of the coq. This ain't working. -[narrator]: this morning... -okay, let's go. [narrator]: ...colin may have better luck with the bumper on flat ground. If it's not going to work here, then it's probably not going to work anywhere. [narrator]: colin lines up his target... [groans] [narrator]: ...and gets the trucker on his way. Perfect. [colin]: a little nudge, and away you go. Easy-peasy. Yee-haw! Come on! [narrator]: mighty mo is turning things around. [laughs] I've never been pushed like that before, ever. That old truck is pretty cool. I could stay in this parking lot all day. [narrator]: but just west of town on highway 1... [narrator]: ...another rig is trapped. A couple of these trucks went into some rest areas, or pull-outs, that weren't plowed.

look at the snow in there. Hang on, hang on. [narrator]: colin spots a semi in a pull-out stuck in the deep powder. [colin]: if I pull him out, we're gonna be pulling him out into a live lane, and there's only one lane open. Hey, boss! Can you move at all? This guy is pretty much buried. There was probably two feet of snow that had fallen. What I need you to do, brakes off, in low gear, okay, and we're gonna try and go. [narrator]: once again, colin will use the mo's push bumper to try to get the semi back into the live lane. [colin]: if I can push him, he'll be on his way, and he can just carry on and go, as opposed to having to stop out there. [narrator]: with an opening in traffic... ...colin makes contact. Aw, come on. Come on, baby, come on. [narrator]: ...but heavy snow... Won't release its grip on the truck. Wow, really? We tried a couple of really hard pushes. Son of a bitch. Then we tried a couple of big smashes. Come on, you... [colin]: it's not working at all. Unreal. Aah! Looks like y'all got a lot of stuff here in your water. This'll clean up your water. It's all about cleaner drinking water eh. Dude, that's good water. No matter where you live, there's a Culligan water expert nearby. At Culligan we think about your water so you don't have to. It's your last chance to scratch, save, and win, at the brick! Get up to forty percent offfurniture and mattresses! This sofa,available in two colours, is only eight ninety nine! Then scratch and saveeven more, up to an additionalforty percent off! Rustic dining tablejust four seventy nine! Matching chairs,only one nineteen each! Then scratch and save even more!plus! Scratch and win! Over one hundred and fortythousand dollars in prizes! Including one of fourtenthousand dollar shopping sprees! The brick! Saving you more. At Cantor's, you'll always find great savings on all your favourite products, including meat packs. Plus, save even more with your Cantor's loyalty card Cantor's, the original home of quality meats. Oh, hi. How can I help you? He needs a phone so I can have mine back. Merr! Well, we have a lot of great options. What do you use your phone for? Merrrr... Merrrr... Gaming? (Laughs) Streaming! Whoosh! Sharing! Yeah, pretty much all that. Sounds like you need a phone on Canada's fastest 5g+ network. Let's get you set up ( ) Fact versus fiction with Bathfitter. Fiction, some bath remodels just cover up water damage. Fact Bathfitter cleans and repairs your tub before installation to ensure a watertight fit. Bathfitter, it just fits! Go to to book your free consultation. [Suspenseful music] (Son) Dad, the side of your face is drooping. (Mother) Raise your arms up in the air for me? (Mother) Why are you slurring- [Father responds incomprehensively] (Mother) Honey?! (Son) Dad! (Mother) Call 9-1-1. Hello? I think hes having a stroke! [Music continues] (Upbeat music) I've been around cows for as long as I can remember. You work with cows long enough, you see they have personalities. There's Ember, she's the prettiest by far... and she knows it. Halo is so sweet. And everybody gets a kick out of Valina. She's so small but she has the biggest attitude. [cow moo] ( ) They're the reason everything I do is all from a good place. ( ) It's truck time and Capital Ford in Winnipeg. For a limited time get rates as low as 0% O.A.C. on a huge selection of Ford F-150s Including the all-new lightning. At Capital Ford in Winnipeg. Closed captioning is brought toyou by lotto MAX.The next lotto max jackpot i plus an estimated 14 maxmillions. With draws Tuesdays andFridays, you can dream to the max.

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