
CKY - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #12

1991. It couldn't just go online to replace it all. It was slick a kick in the summer. The mic tried not to think about it over the next 3 years. Until this 14 year-old was fishing off the same break water. A friend asked him to help look for something he dropped in the rocks. And jamie lee uncovered an old wallet. Instead, it was like custody and super hard. I was super surprised not only to contain id that expired in the previous century. There were old fashioned video store cards as well. Yeah, super old before may come on. What are the chances jamie's dad bill lays started searching for the owner online before finding a lead and sending a message which nick thought was a scam. At first. I don't even know to be touching my until he was sent a picture of his younger self smiling back at I was blown away when bill didn't waste time, he immediately drove to the nearby town. Wernick was living. I just saw it as a nice gesture that I would do for my fellow neighbour and reunited neck with what's been transformed into a time machine of sorts, remembering how I thought and saw things, which is why despite being very thankful that jamie and bill went to the effort to return his old things may cause even more grateful to be forming new friendships. Something like this that's totally out of the blue can reconnect it here past and build new connections to people in the community. Adam sawatsky, ctv news, comox. They have flippers stiller and they make a lot of noise and to pinball players. >> That sound is music to their ears. Winnipeg pinball wizard is taking his arcade skills to the world stage for the world's pinball championships. Joining us now is pinball player drew 6. Good morning good morning. Thank you so much for being with U.S. inc here, this is super exciting, but also very different than anything that I've ever heard about before. So tell me about your passion from pinball machines, how it all I started playing when I was about 19 years old at a convenience store in the maples. >> And I used to go after work and I go play with a friend from work and I just fell in love with it. The convenience store closed my parents had a pinball machine since I was a little kid. Never work. It got fixed when I was about 22 23, I started playing again and I was like man, this is far and like I forgot how from this and I googled on winnipeg and I found them in a manitoba pinball league and it blew up from there. It was so much fun. Your own a bow. 40 pinball machines. >> Yourself. Yes, sir. Tell me about that of I started collecting. Yeah. When I got into the my parents had that game and then I'm like man, I'm going to buy my own game. And so I met a collector and he sold me a game. >> And then it just went crazy from there ya. It's like an addiction almost a year looking for deals on kijiji and you're trying to cheapen your fix a mop. And that's the that's one of my favourite part. I love working on their pinball machine. Okay in your strength to your very good at knowing the rules of pinball machines and pinball games. Tell me how that strength is helping you in this yeah, I'm, I'm one of those people when I get into something I get obsessed. I look at videos, I read everything on the internet. I can, I read rules. So every game has its own set of rules. It's like a video game or a board game. And so I've, there's site you can go to and they've got streams of games that have been competitions and no talk about the rules of the games. So I've watched a ton of those videos. So when I'm in a competition with my friends, they're usually the go-to. What do I do in this game? And you know, I'm like a chute this and that lights the shot and then you shoot this in, it blows up the game or something like that. That's and that's going to be part of your strategy when, you know, yes, that's right about this world's competition. So this competition, it's called I of pa 19, it's the world championships. They take the top 2 players from every country that participates in I of pa the top 2 players that won their provincial or states for their country. So I won manitoba and I was one of the higher ranked player. So I got invited how and it's in myriad of california at operators residents and he's got a giant warehouse with 100 pinball machines and some pretty rare runs. So it's going to be very different and it's about the players invited from across the world. Is there another manitoban going as not manitoban, but another canadian jacket admin who's actually originally from winnipeg. He wants toronto. Oh my goodness. Ok, so what's your strategy going I'm going to try and learn the rules to all the games I can. I'm going to practice, I'm going to try and work on my accuracy, work in my control you know, just play

the best they can hopefully minimize missing shots, which saying causes that randomness, which can cause you to drain. So I'm going to try and be as accurate as I are rooting for you all the best of luck and hopefully bring that trophy home. You also get a chance to win another pinball machine. Absolutely that be awesome. Yes, it would be good luck and keep us posted comeback if you're when or even if you're not a winner. Talk a little bit about the experience that would be thank you so much is nice to major, nice meeting you as well. And got to know the weather shaping about visa pinball with you know, it's, I'm not singing happy tunes right now that we're not seeing the sunshine, but I will be time 10 degrees currently overcast as mentioned, some very light northerly winds. The barometric pressure is rising. The humidity at 84%. >> So yes, we will hopefully be getting a taste of that sunshine, but we've got a little bit of the system, if you will, a little bit of the system to contend with first, you can see it there on our radar, really hovering on the southeast corner of our province, bringing the possibility of not only rain, but thunderstorm activity to this region. >> Meantime for us here we go to 30% shot of getting a taste of that likely will be overcast to start and a mix of sun and cloud into the afternoon. A high of 15 degrees winds. Meantime out of the northwest at 20 gusting at times to 40 kilometres per hour overnight, temperatures dipping down to 7 that rain and thunderstorm risk does a hangover overnight as well. Winds out of the north at 20 kilometres per hour tomorrow, we're going to start off overcast, much like today and into the afternoon. A mix of sun and cloud, a high of 17 degrees with those winds out of the north at 20 kilometres per hour from there, we have some really warm finally above seasonal on our way. 24 degrees on wednesday with clear sunny skies and then on thursday, likely another rainy day ahead with a high of 23. But then friday, a mix of sun and cloud and look at this weekend. 24 on saturday with a mix of sun and cloud. We keep that trend going on sunday with a gorgeous high of 27 degrees. We will be getting above seasonal. We just got to wait till mid week. All right, we're going sullivan's crossing new episode on ctv (Dramatic music) So you ready to go? Go until you can't go anymore. Lets go. Let's play hockey. Set the tone! We'll give 'em the lumber. You hurt? No excuses. They look ready to me. Bulldog hockey, baby. (Cheering) Light 'em up, light 'em up Light 'em up, light 'em up, light 'em up woman: Name two continents. Man: Mustard and relish. Oh my God. . It's spring time in paris and the kings and queens of clay have come out to play roland garros on tsn and tsn+ Planning a wedding or event. Glendales newly renovated banquet and clubhouse facilities offer the ultimate experience. We have multiple all inclusive packages available and a menu that second to none. Glendale Golf and Country Club. Your style, Your vision, Your Day. Everybody gets the best at js Furniture. Save on mattresses, appliancess, quality furniture and more. Js Furniture has what you need in stock with quick delivery too. We've been proudly serving Manitoba since 1974. Pay less at js. Lightning Lotto! Hey, what's that? Oh that's Lightning Lotto, it's our newest instant win game. Hmmm... Jackpot starts at $100k, grows with every ticket sold. Get me one of them. - Yeah? - Yeah Alright. [thunder and lighting] ( ) Next! Whoa, I'm rich! Lightning Lotto! the you before dentures? Having confidence in your smile and being able to eat what you enjoy. Dentures can give that back to you. Denturists are highly trained professionals who make customized dentures specifically for you. They involve you throughout the entire process, like choosing the perfect shade and selecting the size of teeth. Getting your stamp of approval before taking them home. For a tailor made smile that looks as good as it feels and functions. Visit your local Manitoba Denturist. Selling your house is like selling a car. You'll aquire a lot more customers if your house is in showroom condition. [metal clanging] Let Expert Electric help you make the move. Treat your car, truck or van to a full service wash at the Chamois Car Wash in Detail Center Today, our industry leading ultra soft washing system is gentle on your vehicle and the environment, using only earth ready soaps and waxes. 15 minutes door to door is all it takes to get your vehicle looking its best. This Father's Day Give dad something he really wants Full service car wash certificates from the Chamois three pack started to $78, and five packs for 126.

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