
CKY - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

question of how much screen time is acceptable. >> Experts consistently recommend at last is best for the youngest children. Ctv's christina tenaglia on the digital impact of a child's development. >> Kids and screens. These days. The 2 go hand in hand, literally. Research on the topic is mostly consistent across north america. >> With the canadian paediatric society recommending no screen time for children under the age of 2. With the exception of video calls with close adults. Experts caution screen time can hinder kids, language and emotional development. Children benefit more from the face to face interaction that when it comes to grown-up, I probably should be a little bit more mindful. Experts say parents need to log off just as much as their kids. I see most of the time some parents are using the film. The kids are running, sometimes running into trouble in the last decade. Researchers report that perry's at the playground could spend up to 30% of their time looking at their phones while their kids are played. And those kids were more likely to engage in risky behaviours, like jumping off moving swings, leading to injuries. In a 2020 study close to 7 in 10 parents say they are at least sometimes distracted by their smartphones with 17% saying this happens often when the parent is distracted, they're not having an engagement. This researcher points to how damaging parental screen time can be. This is how their language develops, the cognitive abilities develop and it doesn't mean that you always have to be paying attention to your child every single second of the day, but you need periods of time where you have well, you're giving your child quality attention. This uncle acknowledges he uses his phone a lot when I'm around a much up and down and try to get them to down to, which is why would he takes the kids to the course. >> He collects their phones too. And one researcher I spoke with recommends being mindful with a designated time away from your phone. >> Storing it in a drawer, for example, or mindful meals when everyone's at the dinner table, the phones our way. Cristina tenaglia, ctv news, toronto. It's time to let celebrate. Let's use having a celebration today. Happy 17th anniversary, irene and billy. >> Lots of love from all your family and friends. Happy 10th birthday, madison with love from family and friends. Happy 7th birthday, elliott. Your family says they're proud of your spirit and perseverance. And I happy 10th birthday to killian love mom, dad and kalin. If someone you care about is having a birthday anniversary retire and or graduation, let's celebrate to submit your celebration. Visit our website, And follow the farm at least 2 days in advance. It will also enter you into our monthly contest for a chance to win $100 gift certificate to party stuff. And the wait is almost over a wonderful story is going to continue at this european championship it is a stunning moment what drama they have lift off fairy tales and dreams it's that man again [shower running] [upbeat music] Not happy with what you‘ve got? Woman: “Honey, what are you doing?” Man: “Sorry, just really enjoying these new floors.” Don‘t imagine it. Upload a photo and visualize it at [music on tv] Even if it's one or two[music on tv] you know what to do...plan a safe ride home. Who writes this stuff?? [singing under breath] Plan a safe ride home.. [singing] Even if its one or two [singing] you know what to do, plan a safe ride home! Girls night! I'll be late. [singing] Well, even if it's one or two, you know what to do... Plan a safe ride home. I have a ride home planned. Don't you worry. I'll text you later. Have fun. [music] Plan a safe ride home. Greener Shingles uses an environmentally safe product that helps to slow the aging process. And you can extend the life of your shingles by five to 15 years. It softens the asphalt, thus holding the granular in place. This method not only makes shingles look new again, but also reduces the effects of oxidation. Rejuvenating your shingles close to their original durability and flexibility. Preserve your roof with greener shingles today. Saturday night is home to Manitoba's biggest game night. Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo! It's the most fun you can have watching tv. Get your game cards for only five dollars in-store or online at Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo dot com. You could win this week's jackpot. Plus, every game played helps

the Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg support great causes in Manitoba. Tune in to play Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo Saturday at five thirty. Join us at the Manitoba Airshow on August 3rd and 4th where a World War two icon will take center stage. The Avro Lancaster. A Piece of History is one of only two still commissioned to fly. Experience the excitement at the Manitoba Airshow in Southport, Manitoba. >> Weather brought to you by blinds are beautiful at 900 lorimer boulevard featuring 100 the blue shades. >> White overcast here in downtown winnipeg. We will be getting a taste of the sunshine in good time. However, we do have a risk of some rainfall to kick us off. Currently is 9 degrees light winds out of the the barometric pressure is on the rise and the humidity sits at 87%. So yes, much of the south that eastern portion of the province has a chance of rainfall, maybe some thunderstorms set to kick off your work week here in winnipeg. It's only about 30% chance, but areas to the south and to the east of us. I have a good chance of a burning stormy monday ahead to the west and the opp are clarets starting out of the parkland's. What's your sense of direction gathered to the west in areas like brandon neepawa dauphin you to have a slight chance of some rainfall just like us, though, you're likely dealing with some clouds to kick off the day. And then a mix of sun and cloud into the afternoon. Meantime, a totally separate system to the northeast is bringing rainfall off and on throughout the day today. These and temperatures in the low teens here in winnipeg are looking at a high of 15 degrees, which is still below seasonal. But in good time by midweek, I should say, will be getting back above that with some gorgeous sunshine ahead. >> Thank you, catherine. Teen years can be some of the most difficult with challenges ranging from school stress to social pressures. Managing one's health may feel impossible to some. However, this doesn't have to be the case. Huddle youth hubs offer free trauma informed and culturally safe health services in a youth friendly atmosphere in this month's commitment to community ctv's. And some mcphail explains how united way is supporting the agency. And the new paris, numerous hubs across manitoba. >> There are 6 huddle locations across the province. Currently, we are out south central police. Oliver joins us now with huddles team with the united way. Thank you for being on our show this morning. Alicia, tell us about the umbrella approach and how holistically you're helping. So many youths across the province. Absolutely. So huddle is an initiative that's for youth ages. 12 to 29. We offer trauma informed culturally safe health and wellness services. They're offered in a really youth friendly format. And so any use who comes to any of our 6 huddle sites across the province are going to have access to mental health supports primary care like nursing and and physical sexual health supports support for their a substance use challenges that they might be experiencing as well as indigenous wellness programming, peer support, things like employment and housing supports. And it's going to be all under one roof with a team that really works together to support them. And speaking of support, the united way is integral. Tell us about that team and how without those generous donations, it could happen. Absolutely. So we consider huddle to be the systems transformation initiative and what that means. We have a backbone function that is part of united way that supports all of the different huddle sites across the province. So each huddle say it has a lead agency and a network of partners that they work with. But back on team was able to support all of these networks together and really drive the transformation forward. So we're bringing together clinical experts, youth and families. Indigenous elders, community leaders, individuals from government who make decisions all sitting around one table together to really these hubs. You support the mental health and wellness of youth in a really transformed into a huddle has seen a 3 time increase in the number of youths who have visited the site in the last year. They opened their doors in 2022 and its impact is evident. We're currently in the sensory room at huddle and one of the youths joins me now and m. >> You've been in this room many times before. Tell us about how it works. Sure. So >> There's tons >> Stress, toys and fidget toys to calm down with and keep your hands moving. I come in us time because a lot more quiet, usually during busier hours of the drop-in. I find that just the background noise and the lights are they? They helped to calm me down when I'm having a panic attack or just needs in space or 2, we're quietly it's just really nice to have a

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