
CKY - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #6

Participate with a team or by yourself. Walk 20k, 5k or work it. Take the challenge in person or virtually. Visit Challenge for life dot ca to register. Our community brought to you by Mr. Rooter Plumbing. Born to be a hero. Trained to be a plumber. Bathfitter does showers? Thats right. We offer a wide selection of beautiful and functional showers. We can even convert your bath into a shower. Get yours today. Bathfitter, it just fits. Go to to book your free consultation. >> Warning coming up to 7.16 winnipeg. Police are investigating after a person was hit by a vehicle in broad daylight. The incident happened saturday afternoon in the city's for care neighbourhood on pembina highway near mcgilvery. Police say the pedestrian was taken to hospital in unstable condition while the driver remained on scene to speak to investigators. A stretch of pembina highway was closed to traffic for several hours. New brunswick premier blaine higgs has banned a quebec sexual education organization from making presentations at any school in the province. The group called thursday for the talk. Let a series of discussions at for new brunswick high schools. Higgs calls a number of questions they touched on clearly inappropriate department of education officials say the presentation was supposed to be on hpv. Premier higgs wrote this on social media. Quote to say I'm serious would be a gross understatement. The group shared materials well beyond the scope of an hpv presentation. A number of concerned parents of shared with me photos and screenshots. The group that made the presentation has not responded. Nearly 700 people are feared dead following a devastating land landslide in papa new guinea. Villagers are using shovels and sticks to search through debris spending 200 square kilometres. Their efforts to recover bodies more than 48 hours after the disaster are hampered by difficult terrain, further landslides and shifting ground. Despite saturday's soggy weather is celebration of culture and diversity took place in winnipeg's north end as the neighbourhood held its first culture festival at the ukrainian labour temple some of the festivities were forced to move indoors, dancing, music and food from a number of different cultural groups were still on display. Organizers say the event pays tribute to the north and diversity, while also reflecting multiculturalism in winnipeg as a whole. Winnipeg is multicultural in general. So I think I you know, it's always good to celebrate that. And the north end is, is an example of that's I come from a, you know, eastern european background, a lot of eastern european folks are from have roots in the and there's also a huge indigenous community in the north end and many other communities here. So celebrating all of that. >> The festival was hosted by the association of united ukrainian canadians winnipeg branch, but also featured other community groups. >> Including the canadian palestinian association of manitoba, united jewish people's order and mount carmel clinic. Taking a look at the current traffic situation now on notre dame avenue. You can see there are some barricades there, but overall traffic volumes are moving quite well in this area. If you have any traffic tips to share with us, please go to our x ph @ctvmorningwpg. >> Ctv morning live traffic brought to you by mister lube tires plus maintenance. It's time now for some entertainment news. Diamonds really are forever. >> This is the top lot of our collection lovely diamond necklace that has an estimate of 270 just 320,000. You're us. >> Shirley bassey jewelry will be exhibited at southern's be in london before being auctioned for charity in paris. It includes items like a 19 0, 5 diamond brooch and emerald necklace. But the big ticket item is a ring. She was gifted from elton john bassey famously saying about diamonds in the 1971 james bond shell. Steven spielberg is already on to his next big project. The filmmaker is reuniting with the screenwriter of jurassic park and war of the worlds for a new film due out in 2026. It's expected to open in it's still too early to know the film will be, but the studio has described it as an original events film. And although we do know it's already sure to be a blockbuster hit with the amount of talent behind the camera. Spielberg most recently directed the fablemans for universal. The memorial day long weekend wraps up today in the u.s.. And so far looks like it's been a historically slow one at the box office. >> If your ios I'm mad go was projected to bring in and around 40 million dollars over the four-day stretch deadline

reports that will be closer to 31 to 33 million across north america right around what garfield's might bring in and setting up a fight for number one, if is on track for 3rd with a bit under 21 million dollars in ticket sales. Kick off the week with some great entertainment starting at 7 with american ninja warrior at a and w couples championship and the weakest link follows at 9. It's all right here tonight on ctv. >> Ctv live, I brought to you by beth finnair bringing bathroom during so life. >> A bit of a cloudier start to our monday into our work week. That's a lovely shot on our live eye currently of 9 degrees winds are out of the north pretty like this hour. The pressure is on the rise in the humidity sits at 87%. So we've got a number of systems that we're keeping an eye on today, bringing the possibility of some rainfall. You can see on this one really a predominantly over the southeast corner of our province, bringing a strong possibility of rainfall and maybe some thunderstorm activity for us in here in winnipeg and further to the west. We have a slimmer chance of seeing that a pass, but seeing that rainfall excuse me about a 30% shot, but areas to the east of us likely it's going to be pretty soggy. One meantime, northeast you are dealing with a different system likely to bring bring rain, likely not some thunderstorm activity off and on throughout the day. Meantime, on the way to school, it's not going to to warm today, but it's also not going to the coolest day either. We're still kind of telling that line below seasonal, but not terribly warm for this time of year. 9 degrees is the kids head out. Not much in the way of sunshine winds out of the northeast at 15 kilometres per hour on the way home or into the double digits. 14 degrees, a mix of sun and cloud winds ramping up out of the northwest at 20 gusting at times to 40 kilometres per hour overnight. We start to see our skies fill up with clouds, temperatures dipping down to 7 degrees, winds staying fairly strong out of the north and then into tomorrow, we start off overcast, much like today. And then the skies clear out with a mix of sun and cloud and a high of 17 wednesday looks to be pretty gorgeous. And finally above seasonal 24 degrees with lots of sunshine ahead. >> Ctv morning live school day forecast is brought to you by rainbow stage soaring into our 70th season. >> And they just love this weather picture taken in notre dame, the lord by diane of the combine there with that lovely rainbow in the background. Thanks for submitting guy. And if you want to send us yours, you can do so by email at >> Ctv skywatch pick of the day is brought to you by truck time and capital for lincoln. >> Thank you, catherine. The science of sound is involving white noise has long been used to drown out disruptions. But now researchers are finding that a lesser known alternative might be easier on the ears and better for the brain. Ctv's allison bamford explains. >> A common sleep tactic, thousands using the soothing sounds of static for white noise to drown out everything else. >> Most of these applications and programs and devices use continuous sounds, which are helpful to mask external noises. And a lot of people too, you know, sleep better by not being disturbed by sounds around them. >> There's actually a rainbow of sounds that can impact sleep and concentration. Green noise. Browne noise and the latest colour to make waves pink. Sound is made up of waves, much like a light on lower light. We have more red frequency in and higher wavelengths. We have 4 bluish and violent frequencies. The science is new, but research suggests different colours can treat different symptoms. White noise has been used to alleviate tinnitus. A ringing in your ears. >> And a study out of portland shows both white and pink noise could benefit people with adhd. These are some will be called slow waves at this northwestern university campus. More research is underway, specifically looking at the perks of pink and pink noise frequencies mirror a person's brain waves when they are in a certain type of deep sleep. And if you hear the sound at the right time. >> You can see a boost in rest. Relaxation and even memory to do that. We give short pulses, I've pink noise at specific times. >> During the slow waves is one of the few small studies that could eventually change the way sound in a big way. Allison bamford, ctv news, regina. >> Welcome inside the sportscentre newsroom. Niki russ with your must-see moment from sunday for it. We're heading to sunrise florida game 3 between range. It. >> And to beat sergei bobrovsky, a brilliant individual effort from the 20

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