
CKY - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

>> Looking >> At the early markets, the dow jones is down. 21 points early on. The nasdaq has decreased by quarter of a point. The s&p 500 has dropped one point. The canadian dollar seeing a dip, their hands saying is rising 218 and the nikkei is up 253 good morning to 6.45 parishioners at a historic church in downtown winnipeg are praying for a monetary miracle. Holy trinity anglican church across from the millennium library is 140 years old. And with his crumbling foundation, it could collapse at any moment, given the fact that we're within a kilometre of each river here. It's kind of a miracle that it hasn't fallen down yet. >> But it will. >> The building's foundation was erected around 18 83 and it's believed it could fall down anywhere between 6 months and 3 years from now. Holy trinity has been designated as a national historic site. And while the congregation hopes demolition isn't in the cards, restoring the building comes with a hefty price tag and could take years. >> Our main hope is that someone with a lot more money than we have. We'll come and fix the building to the tune of 70 for 2 million dollars. But it is kind of prime real estate and it could we have a lot of cool other uses, but our hope and our director from our bishop is to find a buyer that will allow us to maintain a dozen worship space at this point. Holy trinity said it's not looking for any buyers or rental spaces. >> The congregation is interested in partnering with community organizations and corporate entities to salvage the community space. Canada's public safety minister says the federal government is doing everything it can to crackdown on auto thefts. Speaking on ctv's question, period dominik of mass as ottawa hopes to see a significant reduction following the announcement of a national action plan. >> Obviously, we want to reduce massively the number of vehicles being stolen. We want to reduce the number of violent incidents that canadians are, are potentially facing as people attempt to steal the vehicle. So we're leaning in with partners in every jurisdiction to do that and will continue will add more resources if we need to vassy to do what we can to really bring the number everybody would like to 0 vehicles stolen so we're doing everything we can to bring that number down. >> The government's national action plan includes increased collaboration with international law enforcement amendments to the criminal code and new penalties for theft. Interpol has ranks canada as one of the top 10 sources of stolen vehicles globally. One said to be a thing of the past. Syphilis cases are on the rise across canada. Now the risk of transmission to some of the youngest patients is a major concern. Ctv's allison bamford reports. >> Inside this regina clinic nurses are screening patients for sexually transmitted infections and a simple blood test can catch one of saskatchewan's most rampant st eyes. It's like a really bad car crash that we're all just watching. And knowing that we can prevent it. >> Syphilis now a growing problem across north and south america. New data from the world health organization shows the continent's make up 42% of new cases globally here in canada. Saskatchewan posts the highest case rate among the provinces. It's not like we don't know how to identify or treat syphilis. >> It's that we're having trouble controlling those numbers, whether it's through not enough testing barriers to access to testing or to care. Researchers say a rise in substance use lack of awareness and stigma also play a role in transmission. The most devastating effect of syphilis in adults is congenital syphilis, which is the transmission. >> From the mother to the fetus transmission that could result in miscarriage or developmental problems for the baby. Canada's congenital syphilis cases jumped nearly 600% from 2018 to 2022 and alarming surge considering provinces like manitoba went decades without recording a single case. We didn't really see system was for decades. And so there's a lot owns homes. >> Health care providers to really know what can you know, surface looks like. And so it's important to educate them. >> Known as the great imitator syphilis can look like other infections and sometimes show no symptoms at all. Which is why experts say prenatal care and routine testing should be a top priority because if caught early, typically a simple penicillin treatment can clear it right up. Allison bamford, ctv news, regina. >> As the weather improves and canadians venture out into the wilderness the summer. There is a new warning from researchers about an increase in cases of lyme disease in this country. They say cases of the disease in canada have increased by more than 1000% in

the last decade. And it's not just ticks that canadians have to be on the lookout for populations of an exotic mosquito species that could also potentially carry the illness have become established in parts of ontario. >> All right, taking a look outside at the traffic situation on mcphillips street looks like a pretty smooth drive here. If you see anything, let us know. Go to our x ph. >> @ctvmorningwpg. >> Taking a look on our live eye. It's currently pretty overcast out there. 9 degrees winds are fairly light out of the north. The pressure is on the rise. The humidity at 88%. We will be dealing with some sunshine in due time, but we're kind of dogged by a chance of rainfall, maybe some thunderstorm activity through much of southern manitoba. You can see that system really concentrating end to the southeast. However, there's a much stronger chance of some rainfall to the northeast. Likely it's going to be overcast and rainy day, particularly in thompson, in gillam and island lake and much less in the way of sunshine for you folks in island lake. Meantime, churchill mix of sun and cloud. You're sitting pretty though much cooler at 2 degrees highs in thompson at 11 gillam and island lake at 10. There is also a chance, although much less chance of seeing that rainfall in the northwest say smaller chances, the better a sentence for that grammatically correct, if you will. Overcast skies is what's more likely the pas in the past. We have cree nation at 11 degrees. 13 in flin flon nor right way house. Meantime, you're likely to see raindrops fall in your neck of the woods. Meantime to the southwest at 0% chance of rainfall and thunderstorm activity for you. Mix of sun and cloud across the board to start off cloudy like you're seeing now and then you'll get that sunshine into the afternoon for us here again, that chance as well of rainfall and thunderstorm but a stronger one in berens river pinawa and sprague steinbach morden-winkler. Meantime, the rest, this little sliver here that winnipeg is in likely. We're just going to be dealing with that mix of sun and cloud and northwestern ontario mix of sun and clouds, slightly warmer temperatures. 15 in kenora, 16 in dryden. 18 in fort frances overnight tonight, temperatures dipping down to 7 degrees. Still that chance of rainfall overnight tomorrow, we start off cloudy those break up into the afternoon, leaving a mix of sun and cloud high of 17 degrees. And by mid week, we're finally back to what's more normal for this time of year with a high of 24 degrees. Thank you, catherine. >> Let's check in now on the crew at 1, 0, 3, one virgin radio. Hi guys. Happy monday. >> Happy monday rate gillis weekend. We are at the pride flag raising kendra's walk ride for dad all marked alzheimer society memory walk it. Unbelievable weekend. Nothing that we had like to attend, got cancelled. And I was, I was awesome. Yeah, at. Yeah, I was so good. And this wednesday, not tomorrow, but wednesday massive the day on 1, 0, 3, one virgin radio. It is the ymca ywca, strong kids radiothon were looking to hook up as many kids as possible with a wide membership in winnipeg. So that's the goal wednesday. We're going hard. It is the ymca ywca, strong kids radiothon join us on 1, 0, 3, one virgin radio or online. Why winnipeg dot ca while winnipeg dot ca. Now let me shift to crime. >> That's >> So like here, politicians talk about all the time. Our last civic election, people talk about crime. We're going to crack down on crime. Yeah, right. The last provincial election. What about crime? We're always talking of a crime. Yet here we are. 2024. Lilac theft at an all-time high. You tell me how that's possible. Put. >> I was promised lie like theft. Well, people just snip and run and run around would lie while I like to barely a private property. Yeah. No. And no one reports on this, unbelievable. Those current you are probably watching this right now. Next to a criminal lilac that all-time high. And so I like it. I get I learned from these lie like these, I learned from them, the, their, my, I guess. My role models not like I do this. That's a nice coffee it's like a lilac. Oh, I like that everyone these are the stats. 73.1% year over year. The sir, these are my findings. I I encourage you strongly to ask. >> That's a good point. All right. Thanks, guys. Well, now to a story about a fund that's worth its salt. A british columbia man reunited with in the unlikely time capsule once thought to be lost to the sea.

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