
CKY - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #5

>>> THE FINALS ARE ON TSN TONIGHT. >>> AFTER THE BREAK, BILLIONS OF BUZZING CICADAS BREAK OUT ACROSS THE UNITED STATES. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ( ) Ever wonder what's around the next corner? ( ) ( ) Past the trees. ( ) Over the mountains? ( ) That's where adventure lives... ( ) Take a Nissan SUV and go find it. ( ) - Hi, I'm Mel Dueck from Windeck. We've been designing and building quality decks for over 30 years. We're more than one of Canada's finest deck builders. When you work with us, you have access to our internationally recognized award-winning team, a wealth of experience using the most innovative products on the market, and the trusted integrity that goes hand-in-hand with our family-run business. Come visit our showroom, and discover the incredible products Windeck has to offer. Windeck. Do it once, do it right. (Upbeat music) I've been around cows for as long as I can remember. You work with cows long enough, you see they have personalities. There's Ember, she's the prettiest by far... and she knows it. Halo is so sweet. And everybody gets a kick out of Valina. She's so small but she has the biggest attitude. [cow moo] ( ) They're the reason everything I do is all from a good place. ( ) Huron has been serving Manitoba for over 40 years with quality locally made products, with showrooms in Morden and Winnipeg and retail dealers around the province. You'll always find Huron Windows in your neighborhood Huron Windows, you'll love the view. >> Heather: MOVE OVER FREQUENT FLYERS. THERE'S A NEW BREED IN FIRST CLASS. BARK AIR, A LUXURY DOG AIRLINE, TOOK ITS FIRST FLIGHT YESTERDAY FROM NEW YORK TO LOS ANGELES. PAMPERED POOCHES WERE SERVED SHOES ON SILVER PLATTERS, BARK-CHINO'S WITH ACCESS TO ON BOARD SPA BUT THE SERVICE DOES NOT COME CHEAP.

>>> One way flights range from 6 to $8,000 for one dog and one human companion. >>> And you may have heard about the historic invasion of two broods of cicadas emerging in the midwest and southern states. The natural wonder has already begun. As ctv's joy malbon reports, the cicada palooza is getting loud. >> Reporter: hear that. That's the sound of millions, no trillions of squiggly red-eyed bugs buzzing all over the southern U.S. they have taken over sarah's backyard in georgia. >> No, I really wasn't prepared, I haven't seen this before, this is my first invasion. >> Reporter: emerging this year, two broods hatching at the same time, in states like illinois, missouri and iowa, some are calling it a cicadapalooza. >> If I see one -- I'm not going outside. >> Reporter: last time this happened thomas jefferson was president and in the swarm of red eyes they've even spotted a rare blue-eyed cicada, one in a million. >> So your new neighbours and you can't pound on their wall and tell them to shut up, it's okay. >> Reporter: in the carolinas, they're calling 911 to complain. >> We had a leap year, we had eclipse, you know, had all these different moon phases now we've got cicadas everywhere. >> Reporter: scientists will tell you that high pitched sound... Like the roar of a jack hammer are the males just looking for love. So, yeah, it gets loud. >> Males sing to attract the females, they mate, the males pretty much then die, the females find a tree limb they can lay their eggs in. >> Reporter: while the chicago zoo animals find them tasty, even humans like to fry up a little crunchy cicada cuisine. >> I like to tell people if it's coming from a new orleans kitchen even if it's bizarre it's going to be tasty. >> Reporter: so enjoy the spectacle, the bug's life isn't long and the two broods won't reemerge until 2037. Joy malbon, ctv news, washington. >> Heather: quite the sound and the event.

>>> That is our newscast for this friday. Thank you for joining us. I'll be back later tonight with ctv national news at 11. For ongoing coverage tune to "ctv news channel." >>> I'm heather butts. Your local ctv news starts right now. [ ] [ ] [ ] ctv's national news, canada's number one newscast. [ ] [ ] [ ] >> Tonight, shot and killed by police mounties in the life of a man who was allegedly assaulting a woman near la broquerie. Also tonight. >> It's a tough project. This is a this is a heavy heavy project to downtown bay project gets a lot of cash from the

federal government. How much money on it will spend and where it will go. >> Plus, a cool criminal. >> The brazen bandit who broke into a with a business and stole only ice >> Ctv news. Live from downtown when with maralee caruso. >> Good evening, thank you for joining us. I'm jon hendricks. Maralee is away. Rcmp have shot and killed a man in southern manitoba. Police say officers were patrolling highway 52 near la broquerie after receiving reports of a suspicious man in the area. They saw a stopped vehicle and a man standing by the driver's side door rcmp say the man was reaching in the vehicle and assaulting a woman while holding an edged weapon. Officers ordered the man to step away and drop the weapon. But he began to approach the officers and one fired a gun. The 51 year-old man from the scene, an area was pronounced dead at the scene. The female sustained minor injuries. The independent investigation unit of manitoba is investigating. The plan to transform the former bay building downtown is getting more federal funding. Ottawa's putting another 31 million dollars into the 200 million dollars venture by the southern chiefs organization. This after cause estimates went to up last year. Ctv's jeff keele joins us now live. Jeff, how much extra money will be used and how abused? >> To make the building more energy efficient for upgrades and to help hire 400 indigenous workers. Plus, there's a whole new floor of housing added to the plans. >> Ottawa is putting more money into the downtown bay building project because we believe in this project. We believe in the importance of this project in downtown winnipeg. Cost estimates went up late last year from 130 million dollars to 200 million. Now the federal government is giving the southern chiefs organization another 31 million dollars for the revitalization of the former department store. 25 million for repairs and upgrades, which include a public space on the main floor as well as 6 million dollars for prep work. And the development of a first nation's workforce app to hire 400 people that it's a tough project. This this is a this is a heavy heavy project. The federal money is on top of 65 million dollars previously announced by prime minister justin trudeau. The southern chiefs organization wants the building says the extra funding is needed to help make it more energy efficient. Plus plans have changed. There will be another floor dedicated to housing, increasing the number of units from around 200 to 50, which include affordable and assisted living suites. It's much needed. We know that the cost is going higher and higher. >> You know, and and our elders, lot of our elders, they need that extra support. The project known as way when a bag on and on. >> Already has 35 million dollars from the province and 10 million from the city in the form of tax breaks. >> The social housing they'll be created here. I can already envision it. This will change so many lives right here memorial. This this building kind of seems to see signal the gate of the downtown inside the building remediation is ongoing. A show now with some reminders of the past like these escalators >> But the empty spaces will also transform into a health and healing centre. A daycare restaurants and a museum. >> Projects like this serves as a beacon, though beacons of hope. >> The southern chiefs organization expects to borrow money to make up the rest of the costs. >> Jeff, it's been more than a year since as took ownership, when could actual construction began in the southern chiefs organization says the remediation of the building is expected to be complete in a few weeks. So construction could start sometime after that. Grand chief jerry daniels says. >> They hope to have a soft opening in 2026, the 100 year anniversary. All right. Thank you, jeff. >> Hundreds of manitobans had their personal health information breached over an 8 month span. Shared health says it's learned that an unauthorized staff member at hsc access the records of 360 patients between august of 2023 and march of 2020 for the person is no longer employed and letters have been sent to anyone affected. Shared health says all employees complete training on accessing information appropriately and staff are also audited on their activity in the health record system. Manitoba's ombudsman has been made aware of the breach. Thick black smoke filled downtown stonewall this morning. Photos and video sent to ctv news shows plumes of smoke crossing main street firefighters could also be seen dousing doctor dekel, a business located at 3.30 main street. A view of the back of the building appears to show it was left blackened and gutted. Rcmp say the fire was reported at 6:30am no injuries were

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