
CKY - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

you tonight. It's been a wet day in manitoba and it's still coming down. We'll have the latest on that system, which is bringing snow to some areas and the ongoing hydro outages. And update on the progress of an overhaul of the former bay building downtown. The latest on the revitalization and why it's getting another funding boost from the feds. A local ice cream shop is robbed again as a thief makes off with armfuls of the chilly treats. What it says about crime in our city. All these stories and more coming up tonight at 6 o'clock. >> Ctv sky watch weather brought to you by showed up to see when resort where membership has its part. >> Ctv's taylor brock has your skywatch evening forecast. And taylor, I think winnipeg kind of got off easy when it came to this system. >> That is fair to say, here in winnipeg. We got anywhere from 20 to 25 millimetres of rain falling will so far throughout the day, which is much less than the possibly even 50 millimetres that we are expected at this point again. But that doesn't mean other parts of the province didn't get well, let's the soaking is probably the right word for this one. Now in morden and ear would in that area. They got 69 to 70 millimetres of that rain falling carmen slightly less with 58 millimetres. And we did see actually some snow running mount got 10 centimetres shy away brennan to although that was a bit of a mix of snow and rain. But we do actually still have some mornings going on for manitoba. I miss coach to the side here. As you can see, we have a snowfall warning still in effect from dauphin all the way to killarney in that western portion of manitoba, anywhere from 10 to 15 centimetres could fall with a mix of rain. And that is going to continue throughout the night. Looking at that rainfall warning as you can see, still good chunk of southern manitoba included, including swan, lake winkler, winnipeg, an eriksdale. Now we could be seeing some more rainfall at about a total of 50 millimetres will fall and getting a better look at how much is going to fall over the next 24 hours. Keeping in mind, much of the rain has already fallen now here in winnipeg over the next 24 hours, we could be seeing about 17 more millimetres 10 in brandon, although that could be snow and a little bit more in dauphin with 18 millimetres and moving to look at what temperatures are like right now. 9 degrees in kenora, 3 in roblin, 4 in swan river, little cooler in churchill with 8 degrees. And taking a look on tonight, 4 degrees without rain falling tomorrow, periods of rain will continue until the afternoon with some winds 8 degrees as the high. And taking a look at the long-range forecast, we could see some clouds on monday, possibly even a slight chance of some rain early in the morning. Sunny for the rest of the week. So and even hearts, 27 degrees on thursday, taking a look at these weather photos. No near none at wendy and ernest sent this one in of the snowfall. They got, I guess they're somewhat happy camper is being able to have the humour to sent in this photo. And taking a look at our next one over and often that snow falling. Thanks to teresa for sending down in. Send your weather photos to >> Ctv skywatch pick of the day is brought to you by truck time and capital ford. Lincoln. >> It may not have been speedy, but spectators turned out for racing event at the indianapolis zoo this week. All the same. And that is where the 45th annual zoo plus 500 got underway wednesday, dubbed the greatest spectacle in tortoise racing. 5 contestants made their way down the track towards a grand prize of a platter of fruit. The winner by more than a hair was a tortoise named helio who shared his shell of ration with other competitors. The loop military happy with that prize. Sweet

victory. Yeah, that >> Ctv national sandie rinaldo starts now. We'll see you back here for ctv news at 6:00. [ ] >> Heather: hello, everyone. And welcome. Here are some of the stories we have for you right now. >>> Grocery giants under investigation. >> Something serious is happening because they don't get involved all that often. >> Heather: canada's competition bureau probing allegations of anticompetitive conduct. >> Members work really hard to keep canadians safe. It's disconcerting to see some of what is being planned. >> Heather: bracing for border disruptions as workers give the go-ahead for strike action. >> The double quarter pounder with cheese meal. Would you like that super size? >> I think I'm going to have to go super size. >> Heather: marking morgan spurlock's legacy. The super size me filmmaker dead at 53. >>> Checking in on the pwhl finals after a successful first season. [ ] [ ] [ ] >> Announcer: ctv national news with sandie rinaldo. >> Heather: good evening. I'm heather butts in for sandie. >>> A summer of disruption at airports and land crossings could be on the horizon. Workers with canada border services have handed their union a strike mandate. Those representing roughly 9,000 members say they could be on the picket line next month. >>> Québec's bureau chief genevieve beauchemin has more. What could this mean for travellers? >> Reporter: well, heather, the union says a strike could throw the travel plans of many into disarray this summer. It could also slow the flow of goods across these borders and spend any time here at the lacolle border crossing for instance and you can see just how many trucks are flowing back and forth here. >>> The cbsa has employees at land border crossings, at airports, marine ports, there's also intelligence officers. What the union says it wants is among other things better wages, they say they want wages more in line with other law enforcement agencies like the rcmp. >> We're looking for greater parity regarding salary, protections around excessive discipline and protections contracting out and of course equitable retirement benefits. >> Reporter: what the federal government is saying to the employer is that this is still in negotiations that this potential strike is unnecessary. The prime minister justine trudeau said today the better deals are hammered out at the negotiation table. And that's still an option here.

>>> They're also saying they want to remind canadians 90% of the workers who have just handled their union a strike mandate are actually designated as essential, so they have to provide services in the event of a strike. But the union is saying that may be so but as of 2021 when there was work-to-rule action, it slowed down traffic, there were motorists and truckers idling at the border for 9 to 10 hours at the time. So they say this could happen again. They're saying the window is closing to hammer out a deal here before a june strike. >>> Heather? >> Heather: just days away, thanks. >>> Facing discontent from shoppers over soaring grocery prices, the parent companies of loblaws and sobeys are under investigation by canada's competition bureau for alleged anticompetitive conduct. >>> Ctv's paul hollingsworth joins us. What type of impact could this probe have? >> Reporter: no shortage of reaction to this case already and it touches on a very sensitive issue: the price of food in our country. >>> Canada's grocery giants sobeys and loblaws already facing scrutiny over rising food prices are now on the receiving end of an investigation launched by the competition bureau of canada. >> Any time you're being investigated by the competition bureau, something serious is happening because they don't get involved all that often. In fact, I think this is a fairly novel case. >> Reporter: both grocery chains are accused of using property controls to limit competition in the retail grocery sector. A lack of competition is directly linked to the high price of food. >> When you try to control geography, as a retailer, well, and you're suppressing competition access, access to food, affordable food becomes an issue for a lot of people. >> Reporter: sobeys owner empire called the investigation unlawful. >>> This law professor says this case will resonate with millions of canadians who are struggling with the high cost of groceries. >> That's one of the things the competition bureau has to look at. They have to come to it independently. They're not to be overly influenced by political or public opinion but at the end of the day they can decide is this or is this not proper competitive activity. >> Reporter: wayne McKAY thinks the competition bureau has enough of a case to pursue this in the short term and the long-term. He says it's possible this could go down a path that results in increased competition and more affordable food prices.

>>> Heather. >> Heather: ctv's paul hollingsworth, thank you. >>> The truck driver who caused the deadly humboldt broncos bus crash six years ago is set to be deported. The decision came at an immigration and refugee board hearing in calgary. >>> Ctv's annie bergeron oliver joins us with the details. >> Reporter: sidhu is a canadian permanent resident but the indian citizen does not have a canadian passport. For that reason his lawyer has said the decision was essentially a foregone conclusion. Sidhu is currently out on parole after being sentenced to 8 years for dangerous driving in the 2018 humboldt broncos bus crash that killed 16 people and injured 13 others. Two years ago, the canada border services agency recommended his deportation. His lawyer has been fighting it ever since. Today the father of logan boulet who died in the crash told ctv news: bernadine and I are thankful for the decision today as we continue to believe that Mr. Sidhu should be deported from canada. We're prepared to remain diligent in this belief even as Mr. Sidhu may launch further appeals. But while several families members of those killed agree, one of those injured doesn't appear to feel the same way. >> Obviously, you want the best for someone and best for human and best for a human and you know, there's no -- there's no negative emotions towards him and his family. >> Reporter: sidhu's lawyer said the deportation process could take months or even years. >> Heather: thank you. >>> Crown prosecutors say a deadly shooting at a mississauga ontario restaurant was the result of a plot from a group who had pledged allegiance to the terrorist group islamic state. Five people were shot at chickenland in may of 2021 and a 25-year-old was killed. In the opening address in brampton this week, the crown attorney said the man was planning to turn others in the group in, so they decided to kill him and his family. Three people are charged with one count of murder and five counts of attempted murder.

>>> A major ruling today from the international court of justice. The united nations top court has ordered israel to halt its military operation in rafah. Although israel is unlikely to comply, it will rachet up the pressure on the increasingly isolated country. Ctv's jeremie charron is following the story. >> Reporter: inside this courtroom in the netherlands today, a landmark emergency ruling in a case brought forward by south africa, accusing israel of genocide. >> Israel has not sufficiently addressed and dispelled the concern raised. >> Reporter: in a strict order from the world court. >> Israel must halt its military offence and any other action in the rafah [Unclear] which may inflict on the palestinian group in gaza, conditions that could bring about its physical destruction. >> Reporter: the president of the court also ordered israel to open the rafah border crossing to allow humanitarian aid in, calling the situation in gaza catastrophic. >> Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau: canada's position has been clear for many weeks now. We need an immediate ceasefire. Hamas needs to lay down its arms, release all hostages but there also must be no more military operations in rafah. >> Reporter: the court also called for the release of all remaining hostages. While its order is legally binding, the icj lacks the power to enforce it. >> The international court of justice doesn't have its own army or police. It depends upon the security council to implement its orders. >> Reporter: this is the third time the court has issued orders for israel to pull back and address the humanitarian suffering in gaza. But israel has been accused of ignoring their orders in the past. >> Israeli spokesmen have already announced that essentially israel will not comply with the order, that they will continue their operation. >> Reporter: israel has repeatedly dismissed accusations of genocide insisting it has the right to defend itself from hamas.

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