
CKY - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 01:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #4

...but this road, it's very rough. [narrator]: dylan and steve make it to the wreck... Turn to the left? Yeah, keep coming. [narrator]: ...and line up their tow trucks. There, that's good, bud. There she is. [narrator]: the pickup truck is 40 feet down the bank. [dylan]: somebody's ended up grabbing the soft shoulder of the road, and it slid off, and then rolled down the embankment. That tree's the last thing holding it, other than a bunch of twigs. He caught the only tree that was actually in the area. [narrator]: yesterday... Unforgiving road. [narrator]: ...dylan scouted the wreck... Getting held up by this tree. [narrator]: ...and discovered it clinging to a single trunk. Gotta be about 1,000 feet down. He's lucky. [narrator]: the driver walked away... He's, uh, got a banged-up shoulder, and that's it. [narrator]: ...but the wreck could let go any time. [dylan]: as soon as we pull on it, and we move it off the tree, it's sort of just free hanging. [narrator]: to make sure his own truck doesn't go over the edge... So this tree right here... Okay. [narrator]: ...dylan runs a line to a tree above the road. These wreckers are not designed to pull over the side. Throwing an anchor line up to a strong tree will give me that anchor that I need. Only thing worse than a truck in the ditch is a tree on top of the truck in the ditch. [narrator]: once secured, dylan climbs down to rig onto the pickup. There's, uh, not much stopping this thing once it starts getting momentum. [narrator]: with one line holding on to dylan's truck, the two wreckers will flip the truck onto its wheels, then slide it up to the road. As dawn breaks... Yeah, we're getting some better light. Yeah. [narrator]: ...dylan and steve start to winch. Yeah, go ahead, steve. You do your best to do the least amount of damage. We're hoping that dylan can winch it forward, and I can winch the truck off its side and onto its tires. Keep coming, keep coming. Nope! [narrator]: but the wreck... [narrator]: rolling the wrong way. Whoa! Hold on, hold on! [banging] Lightning Lotto! Hey, what's that? Oh that's Lightning Lotto, it's our newest instant win game. Hmmm... Jackpot starts at $100k, grows with every ticket sold. Get me one of them. - Yeah? - Yeah Alright. [thunder and lighting] ( ) Next! Whoa, I'm rich! Lightning Lotto! (Song in French) ( ) ( ) Oh ( ) ( ) Get a head start with Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra and Canada's fastest 5g+ network. Greener Shingles uses an environmentally safe product that helps to slow the aging process. And you can extend the life of your shingles by five to 15 years. It softens the asphalt, thus holding the granular in place. This method not only makes shingles look new again, but also reduces the effects of oxidation. Rejuvenating your shingles close to their original durability and flexibility. Preserve your roof with greener shingles today. Your mouth, yourteeth and your gumsare amongyour most valuable assets, helping you chew and digestfood, talk and speak clearly. And of course, providing a healthy smile when taken care of, they can last you a lifetime. So doesn't your mouth deserve the best possible care? The Manitoba Dental Association is the regulatory body for Manitoba dentists and registered dental assistants. We care aboutyou and your oral health. Its said the past is a

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and drag it up off the highway. Because if this baby's parked in the middle of the coquihalla, that whole highway is shut down. All righty. Let's light 'er up. [al]: it's just another day in B.C. here. [narrator]: the convoy, led by al... [narrator]: ...starts the slow and steady climb... [narrator]: ...guided by the one man who knows every hazard of the highway. We're just gonna be pulling out of here. They're going to have to stop a couple times to hook the push trucks up and stuff. Huge amount of pressure. This piece of equipment has got to be there tonight. [narrator]: so far... [narrator]: ...the weather is holding, but any change, and al will be facing a nightmare. [al]: that truck happens to break traction for half a tire rotation... [snaps fingers] ...there goes the rear end like that. Now we got half a million pounds stuck in the middle of the coquihalla highway. Goin' up the hill... We're coming up on the steepest part. [al]: as we're going up the high mountain pass, the weather changes... [al]: now it's starting to snow. What if mother mountain is really going to fire up? That can be a real problem for us. Hopefully it's just a little squall, and isn't going to, uh, turn into the normal coquihalla disaster up here. A new password on a new day on ctv The weather forecast is always a big story here in Manitoba. We have severe thunderstorm watches and some warnings in effect. Here on the prairies, the weather situation can change in an instant. Thats why its so important for us to give our viewers the current temperatures and the most up to date outlooks for the week. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! Since 2009, Winnipeg Gold Buyer has put cash into the hands of tens of thousands of satisfied Manitobans. With the price of gold at or near all-time highs, there has never been a better time to cash in old gold jewelry, sterling silver items, coins, and bars at competitive market prices. Visit any of our four convenient locations in Winnipeg and Brandon, where our knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist you in a safe and comfortable environment. Winnipeg Gold Buyer. Secure, private, professional. - [Narrator] I love the versatility of eggs. They're breakfast, lunch, supper, and it's so nice to be able to go to our own barn and get a product that we've produced. Our birds get a diet that is high in calcium, to make a really hard shell, and in protein, so that they can form a bigger yolk. As soon as the eggs are picked up, they're taken to a grading station where they're put into cartons and sent to Manitoba Supermarkets. We're egg farmers, we love what we do. (gentle music) Saturday night is home to Manitoba's biggest game night. Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo! It's the most fun you can have watching tv. Get your game cards for only five dollars in-store or online at Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo dot com. You could win this week's jackpot. Plus, every game played helps the Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg support great causes in Manitoba. Tune in to play Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo Saturday at five thirty. Female ANNOUNCER:Jamie Oliver returnswith the first partof his seasonal cook Might just put a little bitof spring in your step. ANNOUNCER:Jamie Oliver Seasons. Spring starts Monday June 3rdon ctv Life. [narrator]: on the coq... [narrator]: quiring is escorting a half-million-pound load up the mountain pass. [al]: we're going to make the final charge up through the snowshed corridor, and up over zopkios. Hopefully we can get the rest of the way

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