
CKY - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #12

house in gatineau contains 425,000 works of art 22 million books. The 2 original constitutions. >> There's a photo album from 18 79 18 and millions of photographs, films and government records. >> Any of the items stored inside their brand new net-zero facility. World digitally cataloged inaccessible by robots that move around 6 identical seven-storey boats. Each of these gold is temperature and humidity controlled. It's also fireproof and designed to keep a single piece of paper in perfect condition for up to 500 years is not on a state of the art facility, causing items. >> Whose acts as is usually tightly controlled. This friday and saturday, though, they'll be open to the public. So they're going to get a chance to see some of the treasures in our collections because we do have the 5th largest collections in the world. A collection built by canadians for canadians, annie bergeron-oliver, ctv news gatineau. It's warming up outside and when it's hot. Salads are a nice fresh and light meal to enjoy. Joining us now with ideas on seasonal salads is home economist getty stewart. Good morning. Getting good morning. Thanks for being with us. I'm so excited. To warm weather. And we need to salads because the more different the salads are, the more interested I am in eating them because it's just exciting. Absolutely. And now's a great time too. >> Just do things a little bit different, lighten up a little bit. And you some of those seasonal ingredients like the radishes and asparagus and fresh herbs right then and you've already whipped up a beautiful salad. Yeah, it's all about texture when it comes to solace. We've got a lot of different ingredients, a lot of different things going on there. Yeah. So we start with our base of lettuce and then >> We add some of the seasonal ingredients. We've got some peas, we've got some radishes and those fresh herbs. And we're going to add some asparagus on top. Oh, yes. And of course, you can cut them smaller or you can just do like a little pinwheel. But it you name it, you've got it now I've blanche that a little bit just to give it that beautiful, bright, vibrant colour. >> And a great texture. Don't forget those herbs. We've got a simple dressings. Nice toasted hazelnut also good. You want that crunch. >> The p z also of peas in their those were frozen peas because but they're not quite in season. Yeah, so we're working on a couple of months, maybe a month. >> Before our own fresh peas. So until that time you can use frozen peas just keep them ever so slightly like one minute or just saw them and you're good to go into a solid, okay. And you're dressing as simple as well. Beautiful honey dijon we've got some canola oil and out by wine vinegar. Dijon. >> A little bit of honey poor that over all. So they still looks amazing already. I also you have this solid again, let's talk about tax or because we it to keep it interesting. We, we need to change the texture for salads, really need to change things up a little. And this is based on an inspired maros a lot greek salad that is called a lettuce. Alex. Okay, super simple ingredients. But check out the texture of this letter as we have to cut it in to find bin ribbons. And now we're going to add tiny little cubes of cucumbers. Yeah, normally we have like big lie and just and we're going to add the herbs. Dale meant. And chives fresh at we're just going to add and seriously, this is so refreshing and so light and beautiful, you're going want this with every barbecue, every meal, perfect side dish and so good. I could just describe the smell is just incredible. There's lots going on here and you can add some flowers that will allow us. These are edible flowers from your lawn or how regard. Yeah, these are little while as our little johnny jump ups. This is from an area, those are all edible. And you could just, you know, that some colour. Yes, indeed. And of course, the fellows on slot stand simple dressing, extra virginal, olive oil and a little bit of a lemon juice. I added a little bit of a regular one there and that's a beautiful night refresh so nice. And what makes the last longer. If you do grow your own herbs, what can you do to ensure they stay? >> You know, fresh and tasty for longer. Yeah. So herbs like this where we have a long stem and put them in water. Obviously, you would put the water a little >> Yeah, if you want, you can also put a cover on top like a plastic bag. Okay, here's what I do because I don't like these open jars and a fridge. So actually time or sleet. And is. >> Is nice and hearty. And then I put a lid on it and it's fine. I don't want any leaves in the bottom. Just this just

the stems in the water. And then aikins do that if you don't want to have open containers in your fridge and a pretty you can roll your herbs in a damp, not sopping wet paper towel. Roll it up. And you have a beautiful little a funeral and saying here you can use paper towel or you can use your favourite cotton, tell that and roll up your herbs. That answers just a little down all along. Thank you. Getting this is great advice. Yeah, check out my her book. And as we get easter dot com, thank you. Getting. Well, those plants are getting a nice during today, 4 degrees raining out there. If you can tell from our traffic camera. >> Winds out of the northeast at 29 gusting at times to 45 kilometres per hour. Gusts is our live eye right katherine pressure is falling humidity at 99%. So yes, we're it. Look at that, some of rainfall a warning. So I thought smith disappeared. Doesn't look like it. We're still under rainfall warnings here in much of southern manitoba. And that's because of this low pressure system that has pushed in overnight, bringing rainfall off and on throughout the day. Likely the north, though, you'll just be dealing with overcast skies and decent temperatures still below seasonal. But this is compared to what we're dealing with in the south. So we'll take a 10 and thompson 12 in gillam, 7 in churchill with little bit more in the way of sunshine further to the west. And you're seeing overcast skies as well. Double digit temperatures, slight chance of some rainfall in norway, house cree nation, southwestern manitoba. A you could be getting about 40 to 50 millimetres worth of rainfall today and maybe some flurries mixed in with that. I don't like to say the especially at this time of year highs of 8 degrees in brandon and neepawa, a little bit cooler in dauphin here in winnipeg. We too, will be getting a good chunk of that system to the tune of 30 to 40 millimetres worth of rain today, temperatures at 8 degrees for much of this part portion of the province, 10 in pinawa and sprague, 7 in berens river, northwestern ontario, likely some rainfall for you, not quite as heavy as we're seeing here. Warmer temperatures, 13 degrees in kenora, 14 in dryden overnight, that rainfall continues likely another 10 millimetres worth 4 degrees overnight and tomorrow, much the same 8 degrees periods of rain will taper off a late afternoon and sunday. Look at that 18 degrees with lots of sunshine. All righ a new password on a new day on ctv She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra, and for your children. (Dramatic music) Otto: It is your great privilege to witness this, a new day for our realm! (Cheering) (Roar) Rhaenyra: We don't choose our destiny. Four eligible farmers search for real life romance with a new crop of daters farming for love on ctv You work hard to get rid of stubborn fat. You exercise, you eat healthy. But sometimes life gets in the way. Coolsculpting takes you further by targeting fat cells to eliminate them for good. It's health Canada approved and the number one nonsurgical fat reduction treatment in the world. Book your complimentary consultation with Sculptology. Manitoba's number one Coolsculpting clinic. Don't just imagine results. See them. Galina is Manitoba's first and only master's Coolsculpting technician. If your feet are sore, you may need wider shoes. The regular width you find at most stores may not be wide enough for your feet. At Canadian Footwear, our staff measure for length and width to help you find the perfect fit, and we carry a huge inventory of sizes, widths and styles for every season. Shop online or visit our stores in Calgary and Winnipeg. From sandals to winter boots and everything in between. At Canadian Footwear, we fit you. We are person centered. We want the people that live here to decide basically everything about how they live, the choices that they get to make, the programs they want to see. Were a place where, you know, if you live here, you're running it. We didn't want to be over calendared. We wanted really to, to connect with what the community wants. Now you get to say how you want to be cared for. Selling your house is like selling a car. You'll aquire a lot more customers if your house is in showroom condition. [metal clanging] Let Expert Electric help you make the move. Sometimes we use the word culture and that's applicable, but it is a way of life that was taken from us and it's about bringing it back, but it's also about ensuring that our ways of traditional healing are brought into the workplace

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