
CKY - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #9

heritage winnipeg is doing this doors open in such a big way. We'll have details for you. And then at 8.27, we'll tell you about arbor day, which is coming up june, the first we're going to tell you about that deep, the ways that you can ensure that your trees in your own yard are healthy and stay healthy, but also how to protect the tree canopy in our city will have those details for you and more. But first, your headlines. No talk of drought today, which areas are under a provincial flood watch as heavy rain continues. Retail data sensitive information hits the web, which group is considered at greatest risk. And it certainly looks fast. But this supercar stood still long enough to pose for a painter. >> Freeman that katherine. Now we're going to be spending a lot of time indoors over the next 24 hours and that's for sure. We are dealing with the remnants of a very strong low pressure system. >> Causing all those raindrops on our traffic camera, portage and main, it's 5 degrees out there. The windsor of the north-northeast at 32 clicks. Pressure is falling humidity at 98%. So there's the system I'm talking as you can see, enveloping much of southern manitoba likely bringing upwards of 30 to 40 millimetres worth to us here in south central. Even more 40 to 50 millimetres worth, maybe even mixed precipitation in a the southwest. As you can see, it's triggered a fair number of rainfall warnings here in manitoba and to the east in ontario. Here's the system will give us a better sense of how it will unfold. So as you can see, it's kind of wrapped around the south as the day progresses. That's when you see that mix precipitation coming to play that sos like blue while the rest of us here just dealing with the rainfall, it pushes up north and it really swirls around us overnight tonight to that rainfall will last overnight and then into tomorrow as well. We'll deal with periods of rain and then snow. It starts to push out and lose a little bit of its there, if you will. So likely will get a break from the rain drops into the late afternoon and then sunday, gorgeous sunday. We start off with some clouds, but into the afternoon, nice and clear terms of the temperatures still quite sluggish, 8 degrees both today and tomorrow considering 21 is what's normal, we're not getting near that 18 degrees a little better on sunday and then we start to push up on 19 get the rainfall back, but it's short lived tuesday, wednesday and thursday. Lots of sunshine and look at those beautiful plus 20 degree temperatures. Thank you, catherine. Heavy rain expected today has prompted the province to issue an overland flood warning for parts of southern manitoba. >> The interlake, the whiteshell lakes area and the city of winnipeg. This is what it looks like on the streets of winnipeg this morning. The rainfall warning from environment and climate change. Canada says between 50 and 60 millimetres of precipitation is expected for these areas today. The red and assiniboine rivers are expected to stay within their banks. The province is warning people that high wind gusts may raise water levels by up to 5 feet along the south basin of lake manitoba as well as shorelines near gimli victoria beach and the east side of lake winnipeg. Winnipeg homeowner is appealing an order to tear down or scale back for garages. >> Because they were constructed without permits and they total close to 4 times the allowable size. The homeowner on fraser road south of the perimeter is asking for a variance to keep the detached buildings as it is. They have a combined floor area of more than 3400 square feet. The city's planning department is rejecting the request. The owner has filed an appeal. The report says the applicant built multiple structures on the property prior to the spring of this year without an approved development permits or building permit application. It came to the attention of the planning department following a complaint from a resident. The report also says the former or the owner has the support of his immediate neighbours. The truck driver who caused the tragic humboldt broncos bus crash is facing a deportation hearing in calgary. Jazz keir, every just cure at sing. Sidhu was sentenced to 8 years in prison after pleading guilty in 2019 16. People were killed and 13 were injured from the crash in 2018. Last year, a judge rejected sidhu's request to remain in canada with his wife. Sidhu's lawyer michael greene said the deportation order will likely be granted. London drugs says hackers have started releasing some stolen data after the company refused to pay a 25 million dollar ransom. A cyber security expert thinks the data could contain sensitive information. It can information. >> Disciplinary proceedings, protests and in some keying a group called lockbit claimed responsibility for the april 28 cyber attack. London drugs says more than 300 gigabytes of data was stolen, including employee information. The retailer says it doesn't believe any customer information was stolen. This luxury car is the canvas for some incredible are check out the bmw art car for the last 50 years, artists have been picked by the automaker to turn one of its cars into art.

this time artist jully the red too casa transformed the vehicle. She's an abstract painter and adopted one of her popular piece is titled every went on to the car. You can actually go check out the original piece in new york city's museum of modern art. And taking a look outside at the wet streets out here at osborne street appears overall traffic is moving quite well in this area. >> If you have any updates to share with us, please send them at rx page @ctvmorningwpg. >> Ctv morning live traffic brought to you by palsy. Connell muffler, auto centers, complete auto repair. >> Going back now to in the make fail, we're talking about the ranch and bike month and the ranch has a brand new location. >> I thought for sure going to speak about that location and why the forks is pretty ideal for winnipeggers. Stewart joins us now. He's the executive director here at the rent. If you're looking for a refurbished bike, the force this summer is the perfect spot for all we have. We have a plethora well, price bikes, many styles, many options. You'll you'll find lots of lots of options between 3 $500. >> It's also really great place come. Check your biking with checking back in with us and have the brakes adjusted or the shifting looked at or a flat tire or a flat tire repaired. Leave your bike with us and go and enjoy the go. Enjoy the forks and come get your bike when you're I think I'd be in the opposite camp because I would want to come in and leave with a bike. >> And you have the option, even for renters to say someone's from another part of manitoba visiting, they can come and enjoy our city. Absolutely. >> We have we have many bikes for rent on a deal on a same day or multi-day basis. And it's a great option for folks who are travelling or for if you are, if you have a friend or if you just have a friend who's meeting for its any like to go for a bike ride together. It's great option. You wanted to mention a specific location because it's changed rate. We're in a new spot at the we're located in the U.S. southernmost loop near the southern entrance to the farc's off of which is it, which is a new it's closed to cars actually. And is a just a lovely place for for biking to happen. We're talking about my bike lanes today. And I mean for you, it's it's bike to every day because you're utilizing these of these pieces of equipment. >> What are the benefits, both health and financial? I will tell you that in my household. I'm because I'm because I'm comfortable biking because I got comfortable biking we avoided a second car. And in our household. I don't know about you, but I feel car ownership is 600 60 bucks a month. Pretty easy. That's after tax. And I will tell you that that is equivalent to about $4 an hour raise. And on the last time I was able to keep myself or dollar an hour raise, that's a big deal on top of that. I will tell you that I think personally feel 10% better. Yeah, every day I ride. Oh my goodness, who wouldn't want that? We've got more of a 38. Thank you. Ainsley. >> Preparations are underway in france, return the body of a soldier back home to newfoundland and labrador. He fought in the first world war at the time. Newfoundland was a british territory, not part of canada. But today canadian officials are on the ground ahead of what will be an historic repatriation ceremony. Ctv's gareth barry is with him. >> Soldiers from the royal newfoundland regiment are back in france this week, this time taking up the fallen and sister at a ceremony in beaumont hamel on saturday. These hills still feel the wrath of artillery scars from wbal that never really see you here. 4 at home. It was just >> Purity. Catastrophic has only one I can. I can think of it in the morning. July first, 1960 newfoundlanders were ordered over the top. >> The battle quickly became the deadliest in the royal newfoundland regiment's history. Battlefield was wide open. The german machine guns were set on the few holes in the barbed wire. The new flanders had to run through within mere minutes. 24 were killed, another 386 were wounded. Some historians believe that these lenders never fired the single shot soon. It said by soldiers. I seen it said by stories. >> And I still don't its hard to believe, but yet the massacre, I was just as hard to believe the generation of men in a small country dead or wounded in total, more than 1700 newfoundlanders died in the first world war. Sean goodyear, his descendant of >> 5 brothers went to fight only 2 came back. Each one of

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