
CKY - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #7

more than 114,000. >> From an estimated $333,000 worth of stolen goods. >> From from the the person was arrested this jacket, you never know. >> And initiative, they say he's made a dent. We have noticed a decrease here and into district of police say this is a nationwide problem was stolen goods still making their way to and from the gta. Janice golding, ctv news. >> Katherine dow now. And for a look at our weather and will it's a soaker today, as that sure is, make sure you a bundle up, get the necessary protective good because it is going to be quite the rainy day ahead. And in fact, raining next couple of days ahead. >> Look at some raindrops on our weather camera 5 degrees currently have no idea what we're looking at their winds out of the north-northeast at 2 kilometres per hour. Pressure is falling humidity at 98%. So you can pretty much see the for all those rainfall. This is a very large, very strong low pressure system that's pushed in from the dakotas, bringing rainfall that will likely last off and on into tomorrrow. For us here, we're looking at about 30 to 40 millimetres worth today. That's just a day 8 degrees will be our high well below for a seasonal 21. It was typical and we're not getting close to that for the next couple of days to come. Meantime, the winds will be also strong. I really impacting that heavy rain out of the northeast at 40 gusting at times to 60 kilometres per hour, another 10 millimetres could come overnight as well. Temperatures not moving too much to 4 degrees winds out of the northwest at 40 gusting to 60 kilometres per hour into tomorrow, much the same, but with maybe a little less rain, 8 degrees periods of rain off and on likely tapering off into the afternoon and very strong north wind westerly winds at 40 gusting at times to 60 kilometres per hour sunday. I'm looking forward to this lots of sunshine, a high of 18 degrees. And while we I maintain the heat into monday, we get the rainfall back, likely not as hard and heavy as we're seeing today, but will be 19 degrees. And then that sunshine returns on tuesday. Thank you, catherine. Ran go now to ainsley mcphail who's live this morning at the ranch. We know that thousands of bikes are stolen every year. >> There are ways to protect our bikes. >> And we're learning about that now rachel. 2000 bikes reported stolen. That's not accounting for the folks that aren't letting the winnipeg police know. Stuart joins us now to tell us all about the best way to protect yourself. Lucas were at the ranch this morning in the executive director. What is the best way to do so? >> Thanks for having having me on things like let's talk about just some of the things to keep in mind when you're securing your bike in general. First of all, you want to have a really starting block. We really recommend these things call you locks. They're made of a very durable metal to get through these. You really do need an angle grinder. So these are very sturdy. When you are locking your bike, you want to you want to make sure that you're catching. You're catching your bike within this big triangle here. This is the sturdy as part of the bike and you want to lock it. To something that is also really sturdy be cautious of whatever you're locking it too, that it is itself sturdy and not going to come out on its own. The the other big consideration to make is where you leave your bike. I we would always advise that you leave your bike, you know, in a place that has a lot of traffic, right? And lots of eyes on your bike. And that is, that where we park our is the is, I would say the biggest determination of it's going to be there when you get so from an observer. >> Hypothetically, am this even the situation? Wow, are they doing this? The tools you need to get through something like this is an angle grinder. So that is today that would be like a portable handheld. And a grander. And I don't really want to go into explaining exactly how to how to do but clinical trial for the time. But yeah, that's why we need a proper location and also a good message to register your bike too. We got more soon you, ainsley. >> Rcmp are seeking the public's help to find a man missing from the nice way. A shake cremation mounties from the nelson house detachments. A 32 year-old christopher travis macdonald has been missing since the morning of may. 16th, mcdonald's had been camping in the bush with a group of people. The camp was on highway 3.91 west of nice shake cree nation mcdonald has not been seen since he reportedly left the camp on foot search. Efforts by rcmp have so far not reproduced any sign of mcdonald's. Macdonald is described as 6 feet tall. 143 pounds with black hair and brown eyes. He was last seen wearing a black and white echo sweater and black pants. If you have information, you are asked to call nelson house rcmp at 2 a 4, 4, 8, 4, 2, 8, 3, 7, or contact crime

stoppers by phone or online. It's a pivotal day for pro-palestinian protesters at the university of toronto. The school has delivered an ultimatum. >> Should an agreement not be reached. We will issue a notice of trespass and pursue any subsequent legal steps. >> The trespass notice lies and they spread about us about hate speech. They continue to talk about lay the groundwork for a violence clearing. >> The ft says the students have 24 hours to respond to its offer when they made public thursday as they try to end the protests among demands from the students that the school disclose financial ties to israel and divest from any investments. There's developing news around the war in ukraine with a report suggesting russian president vladimir putin is ready to talk ceasefire. A reuters report is quoting for russian sources who say putin is willing to negotiate a cease-fire that would keep battle lines as they stand right now. The same sources also say russia is willing to keep fighting if ukraine and the west do not engage. When asked for comment, a kremlin spokesperson said russia does not want to turn a war. Ukraine has not responded to the report, but its president has said piece on putin's terms is a nonstarter and its goal is to retake territory lost to russia, including crimea. The federal ndp has chosen the executive director of the trans going biz to run in the upcoming elmwood-transcona by-election. All lila dance won the nomination wednesday and election day has not yet been set, but it must be announced by september 29th. The new democrats. A leader, jagmeet singh will be in winnipeg this weekend for the official launch of the campaign. The riding was left vacant when ndp mp daniel blaikie resigned to take a job as an adviser for premier wab kinew. And taking a look at the current traffic situation. Now on kenaston boulevard, things are moving slow, but overall quite well, there's probably lots of puddles out there to be mindful of. >> If you have any traffic tips, please go to our expeced @ctvmorningwpg. Taking a look at your gas prices. Now the canadian average stands at a $1.64 while the provincial average a slightly lower at a $1.41. In winnipeg, the average is a $1.40, the lowest price in the city's a $1.24. At 204 fuels on sergeant. All this information is on gasbuddy dot com. >> Pressure the pump brought to you by kitten card dot ca get a free tow on a tax receipt for value of your car. >> It is a soaker this friday morning. We're sitting at 5 degrees and or rain. We'll be back after this with more news, weather and traffic. Roland garros on tsn and tsn+ Male Announcer: Mary's brightening up daytime with good friends and good times. Give me a high five! Do you love it? Oh my gosh, I love this. Announcer: The Good Stuff with Mary Berg, weekdays on ctv. There's always something thrilling happening at Sandhills Casino With 300 slots, weekend table games, free live music and more. The fun happens seven days a week. It's all as close as Carberry. Sandhills casino. You should be here. Sandhills Casino dot com. It's about starting my day out right. Waking up each morning and heading to the pitch. It's about putting in the hard work, but not letting the hard work do me in. ( ) Sacrifice all... to get here. ( ) Well, almost all. I don't sacrifice taste for a healthy snack while training. I'm Desiree Scott and eggs are my protein of choice any time. ( Let's go ) ( ) (upbeat music) Start your morning right Start your morning right Make it outta sight Make it outta sight When you find your flow Then you know it's gonna be a good day So it's time to start your morning right Start your morning right Start your morning right Start your morning right Start your morning right In 1993 locally owned Garage Masters built their first garge. Now nearly 30 years later, they don't just build garages they offer floor coatings, garage cabinets and storage solutions to make your garage a true part of your living space. Garage Masters your complete Garage Specialists. You could be a click away from making your dreams come true. Just by buying tickets for the Tri-Hospital Dream Lottery. Check out all six amazing grand prize choices like this elegant Fox Bridge home in Oak Bluff. Or the all cash payout of one and a quarter million dollars. Plus the fifty-fifty draw could hit 3 million dollars. Go to tri-hospital dream dot com and get your tickets today. The tri-hospital dream lottery. Lets all win together. [shower running] [upbeat music]

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